pa6x roux YOU CAN'T BUY NEW EYES But you can get satisfactory glasses from UEO. F. DAVEY, Registered Optometrist, who, for the past six years, has been giving a real personal service In the Optical Department of Max Heilbroner Thc piZ26Jtewc,cr mmi rnxmiui miwzwzmmz mi sts u;i mrsttivxmi ui ax usu t iir SHINGLE STAIN Preserve and beautify your shingles with Linseed Oil Shingle g Stain, guaranteed to last. Mixed in, any shade desired. g Greens and Greys, gallon $1.1)0 I Black, Browns and Beds, gallon $1.75-1 For best paint values and sound advice consult 3 GORDON'S HARDWARE JXJ MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Meat Safes, from $2.50 Ice Boxes $6.50 Grass Bugs, 3 feet by 6 feet, each $1.25 PLEASE NOTE SIZE AND rillCE Phone 75 327 Third Ave. rrince Rupert, IJ.C. ROSE, COWAN & LATTA Ltd. Printers and Stationers Typewriter Paper Typewriters Typewriter Ribbons Typing Pads Wax Paper Writing Pads Account Books Account Paper Account Fasteners Adding Machine Rolls Letter and Paper Clips Shannon Cases Blotting Pads Blotting Paper Shannon Files Bill Books Carbon Paper Cash Register Rolls Letter Baskets Waste Baskets Bull Dqg Clips Besner Block, Third St., Phone 234 When in Need of Lumber and Shingles . Phone G18 PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. We Carry a Stock of Spruce and Cedar The AUCTIONEER .Packing Crating Wrapping & General Furniture Hepalri LUt your goods with me rbone Blsek UI GEO. J. DAWES Hot Weather In Southern Interior Snow Melting Rapidly In Mountains And Water is High HEVELSTOKE, June 0:-Hot weather Is continuing In the, southern interior and snow Is melting rapidly on the mountains. The Columbia River here Is higher than In six years. p. E. Oullck, local manager of the Bwift-Canadlan Co., and Mrs. du-ll;k returned to thc city on thc Prince George yesterday aftcr'ma Icing ' the? round trip to Ketchikan, Anyox and.Btewart. k' For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra .Violet Rays Intra Red Rays Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green 211 Phones Green 541 Exchange Block ! imencing and all indications point to a very active season. At least an average run of sockeye is antlcl- ! pated this year and a good demand for this variety is assured. It is pos sible that there will be more activity also this year in the packing of fall varieUes following the sockeye season. Halibut boats arriving at Prince Rupert during the week have re-! Ing good catches while conditions on the Skeena River are reported to be fair. Halibut landings at the port of Prince Rupert for the present sea son up to and Including yesterday had reached , a total of 6.212.065 vounds, consisting of 2.953,065 Ca j 600 pounds at a similar date last year macd up of 2503 .300 pound Canadian and 3.256.300 pounds American fish. For the week ending l yesterday landings totalled 372.500 pounds of which 111300 pounds !was from Canadian boats and 2C1.-,000 pounds from American. Prices .during the week were little chan-I ged, the top bid for Canadian fish being 5.7c and 5c which the Pair of Jacks received for 10,000 pounds while the low was 5.2c and 4.7c paid "TILLIE THE TOILER" stopping. THE DAILY N2W3. WATERFRONT WHIFFS All in Keadiness For Opening of Salmon Canning Season Halibut Not so Plentiful Just Now . HiRh Tides Affect Trolling Operations Early June sees canning plants in Prince Rupert district all in readiness for the 1934 season's salmon packing operations which are due to start on June 20 with the legal opening o( the season for fishing with sockeye nets. Reconditioning and other preparatory operations at the I ii.. ii iii n it canneries are now preuy wen completed as well as ail organization and preliminary ar- - rangements. There are also def In-1 Franklin and Ilrlsk for catches of uc signs oi me socxeye run com- 27,000. 40,000 and 30,000 pound re spcctlvcly. David McCullough. wealthy New Yorker, and' party are on their way south from a big game hunting trip to the St. James Bay region of Alaska on account of McCullough j having been accidentally shot 1m the arm. They are travelling in McCullough's big steam yacht, the Hussar. ported fish not nearly so plentiful' Two halibut boats sold catches on the banks as they were earlier In ; totalling 16.000 pounds at 6.9c and the season. It has been taking! 4.7c at Ketchikan Wednesday, longer to catch the fish and poun- i dase averages are not so high. Inspecting Charle Weather has been sUll favorable w. A. Wallace and John F. Mat-for fishing operations but thc be- thews, underwriters rpnrpwnbi. lief Is expressed by some that cx- tlvcs from Vancouver were heie ceptlonally high tides might have this week to make an inspec- been at least partially responsible lion of the steamer Prince Charles, for the apparent scarcity of fish, which la now on the pontoons at the local dry dock for overhaul Due In a measure at least to cx- preparatory to being recommls-j ceptlonally high tides, spring sal- sioned In service this year. They' mon trolling in the Dundas Island sailed by the Cardena this morning J and Warke Canal areas of Prince on their return to Vancouver. Rupert district has been slack re-j ! cently. However, an early Improve-' The flying boat from Shelton. i ment Is expected if favorable wea- Wash., with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. ; ther conditions, such as have been Graham on board, which spent prevailing" for weeks, continue. A Wednesday night here left early satisfactory run of springs is repor- Thursday afternoon In continuation ted to be continuing at North Isl- of Its northbound Ilteht, pasting and although reports from thc over Ketehlkan at 3 pjn. without trolling grounds at Rennell Sound. Quten Charlotte Islands, have not been so good, very few springs be ing caught there. Olllnetters on the Union steamer Cardena. Cap. I Ernest Oeorgeeon, arrived "in port south and sailed an hour later on her return to Vancouver and way-points. Thc vessel had been delayed by having heavy freights to discharge at cannery points en-route north. C. P. R steamer Princess Adelaide. Capt S. K Gray, rrived here nadlan fish and 3.259.000 pounds " 15 iUiW aftcnw.r from; American, AmPriMn Q as rfmr compared fori nHtVt with 5.764. K TCI j the south and sailed tir 8 30 n.m. AmPrin n.H th.w.ui. '.Jul rrom ow We Offer These Three lScW to t,,e sh' Childien week week was b. 8c and .nH 5c paid ,m the . Sum e..- mlt for 16.000 pounds and the low 65c and 5c received by the Arrow. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilders and Engineer. Iron and BrmM Catling. IlKtri' and Aretylen Wrldln. SpoctalUu on Sawmill nil Mining Machinery. AM Typra of Cat Knlrwa Repaired and Orrrhauled. ' wecu's -riLME I GOTTA. SCHOOL CHILDREN'S BARGAINS! (Including High ICE CREAM SODAS Any flavor HOT DOO it COFFEE FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS, 2 lbs. School I'upih) 10c 15c 25c Out of town orders receive prompt and careful attention MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store 'Where Dollars Have More Cents' 317-319 Third Avenue West P. 0. Box 575 Phone 18 JOE BROWN FILM HERE "Son of a Sailor" Is Hilarious Comedy I "Son of .a Sailor," the newest screen comedy for Joe E. Drown, at the Capitol Theatre tonight, is said to be the most laugh-provoking vehicle ever assigned to this star. It is a comedy of navy life which carries Its hero from his sailor's hammock aboard thc aircraft carrier of the Pacific fleet to misadventures in a wealthy home ashore and back again to the decks of the warship. Quite by accident "Handsome" Callahan, played by Joe E. Brown, wins not only personal triumphs during his brief and eventful leave ashore but saves from alien conspirators the plans; of an epochal aircraft Invention.! Tit. ,kn.. IaAua WAm I !... i. 1 ltu ainnc CliUB til II1UIII1I1 lur this humble gob, even though he is convinced that he It headed lbr the brig and a bread and water diet. The starts supporting cast ln- eludes such scrten notables as' Johnny Mack Drown. Thetma Todd, Jean Mulr. Frank Mcllugh and Sheila Terry. Financiers From Britain Arrive Pally Headed by Um Sontlibor-vugti Reaches This Coast VANCOUVER. June 9: -Headed by Lord South borough, a party or important British financiers has arrived on the British Columbia coast where they will spend some timet The party landed at Quebec last week. f on a special voyage to Ketchikan and Juneau whence ah la scheduled to return here Monday Naas River are reported to be mak-1 at 1:15 this morning from the brought north 233 paft-"wn In-' eluding 110 Filipino Tannery woik ers for Alaska There were 11 pas senatrs for here aboard Starts Monday I el JCAPITOL Saturd finishes Tonljht at 7 17 L 9 it joi: k. imow.N in "son or a sahok ly JuselJ i..r ,...uurcni wno uncovered and brought K.ih. . to triumphant stardom have given the scree.? , ne ntw me M,i. urn tUt, Francis Lederer "Man of Two Worlds" The story of a nun from the earth's far place, iln u . society's drawing rooms hi, primitive Uw of liU Elissa Landi Showing at 7:28 and 0:31 CRUISE WORLD for only $89jg I 13 UY a round-trip Uriel lo niroK bf mdin (idsy and know that )iu mil ijirn Id llie r4iiuliiif trn-lfnmTit of owminml North AmerKsa liirt-wavelroad(-ats by oViWij.'. tiro wiljiout numlr. Tim new Vk t wi'h its hrl ami long-mie on one dial. i an amsinV receiver and l.lsy'i outstanding value. Eaiy tertni. SlgMggB j' RUBBER SPECIALTIES .... I Drip Mat 11x40 brgwO' j Toilet Mau biuo or green - l. saasaaaaairraii isaaaausMBM Drip Mats 16x40. blue or wen IW 117 I P 1 ! pain Board MaLs blue green or white Week-hnH Corrupted Rubber Door Mat. 18x30 " ni.wiunu Garden Hose in convenient 50-foot lengths or nn :r CAM '"f to ny length 50 feet complete with coupiu Otu QprriAI THOMPSON HARDWARE Co. Lid. J 1 JLj j 1 il Li 253 Third Avenue Thone Hl "aaBMa aWSBSal BBaSkBaal BSJSaWS SSbBSSMS1b SlrT,!!res -Queen Charlotte Island Cream Qff TW T, Q Saturday nnd Sunday T,e )esl mnic on lhc C()ast iNot K1n Dried Domi!irCTDairy HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 Mac is Generous -By Westover CQMg m, mac- Vou'g-g rcv' ME Byg. -te. VAtAiiul Uir tou uhu -iiA Z6 UlsVLL, J"l ITOXT IM TIME POa TEA V V rv VaU li-VA OMMK MIMCT