,lirdav June 9. 1934 NOW IS - - - Kodak Time Hawk Eye .'$1.75 Brownie Cameras, No. 020 $3.00 Bronie Cameras, No. GIG $3.75 Vest Tocket Kodak $5.00 ClG Kodak, Doublet lens $16.00 C20 Jiffy Kodak $8.00 C16 Jiffy Kodak $9.00 G20 Kodak CI fens $17.50 ClG Kodak C8 Jens . . $20.00 Model 20 Cine Kodak 8 $39.50 Model 2o Kodascope for above $45.00 Cmc Kodak lG tn.Tn.iith carrying case 15 lens $75.00 Model D Kodascope for 'above $76.00 Developing & Printing of Kodak work, Daily Service Ormes Ltd. 3fir. Pioneer Drur&iats The Iter 11 SUr NEW ROYAL HOTEL 3, Zarclll, Ptoprletor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Kates 11.00 op '0 Rooms. Hot & Cold Water Princa Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box ll Phones: II ft ti Panic Prevention ss necessary nd as vital to evfry Car Owner, as 1t ts to anyone it dsTids upon a storage battery to provide an unfailing and , ait wwree of electricity Sl-PROX AUTOMOBILE UAT-rvRIES will posltlvelv prevent panic with their amazing storage .j.-i-i-'.les. Let us give you tt demon.stratlon. Mivvctt, B.C. JAMES MARTIN 'THE BON" After the style ol my TormT "THE HIC. FURNITURE STORK" proving used furniture for tale or for storage F.W.HartSr P.O. Hot 77, Prince Rupert, B.C. Van's Bakery Opposite Boston YVe Quality Breads 4 for 25c At All Grocers labelled on Bottom Por Your Protection Phone 190 The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepred DUy By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PUINCE RUPERT, B.C. The Weslholme Rooms Close to Depot And' Harbor View. Single and Double Rooms, by Day, Week or Month. Located at C14 Second Ave. ' Prince Rupert UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sttimni lHTt Prince Unpen tor "Vancouver; T8.8. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:80 lM ,., Vis OflMii Falls and Waypotnts. arriving Vanommr Timrsdsj afternoon. .S.S. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT Arriving Vancouver, Monday AAi. Weekly MUlnc. to Port Simpson, AUoe Aim. Anyox, 8tewart and lass Hlver point. Leave Prlnee nPrt flund.y, P- . farther Information regarding all sailing and tickets at PHlNCr ItHir.HT AOkNCTl Third Avenue, rtiont M If you lose anytlilnif, try a classified ad. SUNDAY DINNER Why cook at home in hot weather when you can tet a first class Chicken Dinner 50c at the Commodore Cafe The cabaret has been converted into a modern up-to-date dining room. The banding has been vedeeorated throughout with improved service Incorporating the very latest res-tanrant Ideas. The new Silex method of aenring coffee Insures fresh made coffee all the time, thus retaining all the coffee aroma and flavor. Try the modern method of eating Sunday dinner away from home. John Clones Tetumed to the city on the Prince Oeorge yesterday af ter making the round trip to Ketchikan, Anyox and Stewart on S. C. Thomson returned to the city on the Prince George yester day after making the round trip to Ketchikan, Anyox and Stewart on business. Father J. Byrne Grant O. M. I.. parish priest of the Church of the Annunciation here. Tetumed to the city on the Prince George yesterday from a trip to Stewart on ecclesias tlcal duties. The report of the finance com mlttee for the month of May. pre sented at last night's meeting of the hospital board by the chairman of the committee, S. D. Mac-Donald, showed that there had been 1431 hospital days during the month at a cost of $2.82 per hospi tal day. Expenditure for the month amounted to $4031.67. The regular monthly meeting of the board of directors of the Prince Rupert OeneTal Hospital was held last night at the hospital. The ses sion was not a long one and busi ness was largely of a routine nature. O. V. Wilkinson, chairman of the board, presided and those present were W. M, Brown, Frank Dlbb and S. D, MacDonald, dir ectors; Miss Jean Harrison R. N.. lady superintendent, and H. W Birch, managing secretary. Announcements Alberto Guerrero, master pianist, recital, June 13. , Presbyterian Tea, June 20. Anglican tea, Mrs. node's June 21. Presbyterian Picnic June 23. Canadian Legion, U. E. S. picnic, June 24, Dlgby Island, MOOSE HALL Bridge and Dance 9 P.M., Tuesday, June 12 Mrs. Black's Orchestra Admission 25c Includes Refreshnjents L. THE DAILY NEWS PAOE THREE J -- U. -eg LOCAL NEWS NOTES We are still baying old gold,, Bulger's. (tfj "Philip Edgcumbe returned "to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday from a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. We pay a premium for gold tolns and old scrap gold. We ask out of town customers to give us a trial. Phone Black 324. B. C. Clothiers Ltd. Box 477. (tf) T. J. McQuillan, Alaskan fur dealer, after spending a couple of days m the -rtty on business, sailed by the Princess Adelaide last even ing for Ketchikan. Have Sunday's turkey dinner at j The Knox. YouH rnjoy It. 1S4 j You can rent a Car at Walker's' as low as $1 a day plus 7c. a mile , tf Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to noon of June 21st for twelve Hospital Spring-Air Mattresses. Specifications obtainable at Secretary's office. H. W. Birch, Secretary. J. E. Berg, well known Ketchikan banker and fish 'dealer, was a passenger aboard the Prince George yesterday going through on a business trip to Seattle. Capt. Jennings, manager of the Alaska Salvage Co., was a passenger aboard the Princess Adelaide last evening returning to Ketctl-kan after a business trip to Seattle. . R. E. Moore, local manager of P. Burns Co. Ltd.. returned to the city on the Prince George yesterday after making the round trip to Ketchikan, Anyox and Stewart on R. E. Hardcastle, well known Ketchikan fish broker, was a passenger aboard the Princess Ad-1 elalde last evening returning to the Alaska city after a business trip to Seattle. Miss Jean Harrison R. N., lady I superlntendant. in her report for (the month of 'May, presented at last night's meeting of the hospital board, stated that the institution was quite busy at this time There were a number of fracture cases and several patients who were quite 111, requiring a good deal of attention. There were at present forty-seven patients In the institution. A letter from the Junior Section of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce seeking for further In formation In regard to the steps taken by the board In connection with a contemplated order for new mattresses was read at last night's hospital board meeting. A reply has been sent to the Junior Cham ber stating that tenders had not been called at the time a letter was written to the press recently on the subject Tenders had since however, been publicly invited. NOW OPEN Palm Coffee Shop Meals 11:30 to 2 and 5 to 8 Pleasant surroundings and Service with a Smile Call and see us Across from the Power Co., Third Avenue The hospital board, at its regular monthly meeting last night dec! ded to defer until a later meet ing further action In regard to the proposed equlplng of the operating room ot the Institution with a gas oxygen anaesthesia plant. Reports were received from other hospitals in the province In regard to th. extent of use of gas oxygen and the charges made for same. Reporting for the house commit tee last evening at the regular monthly meeting of the board of directors of the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital, W. M. Brown stated that reshlngllng of the roof of the Connaught wing of the hos pltal was well under way, the work being carried out by George Ketsey and Sons. Certain minor repairs had also been made to eave troughs. REGAL SHOP WEEK-END SPECIALS Monarch Yarns Thrush, 8 for ....$1.00 Dove & Butterfly 7 for $1.00 Andaliisian, Fairy, Tweed, Silvertwist 5 for $1.00 Down, 4 for .... .$1.00 Many other bargains to make room for Tfresh stock arriving LECKIE'S DRESS SHOES Men's Highest Grade Dress "Boots and Oxfords, Kid &Oalf Leathers. Men's Smart Oxforls In JO QC blackbrown, up from Men's Romeo Slippers, finest quality, black and brown kid and calf, regular $3.50 04 QC Vl'J up from See Our Special Arch Master Shoes in the finest kid, built in steel arches for comfort and wear We have a large assortmetn of Women's, Misses ti Children's High Grade Shoes, specially priced for these hard times. Tough, hard-wearing Scuffers, just the thing for Summer Wear 42 -f OQ vX.aSU up from certificate or improvements otice River Fractional Mineral Claim, sit uate tn the AUln Mining Division of CVKlar DxtrtrJ Located on left Txmk ot the Tulw- quah River. TAKE NOTICE that H. McN. TrawT aetlrx as tt for Tiku Mines Cam- Mr ting as Azeat for Taku Mines Companr Limited. Free Miners ceruiicate no. is-40M. intend. 60 Bsts from aatenereot. to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certlllcate oi improvements iot im purpoM of rtrtal&mg a Crovn Oram Ot tbe above claim. And further take notice that action. under section 85. must be commenced berore the lwuance of such Certificate of improvements. Dated this ZQU oar or Apnt, mj. H. McN. Fnuwr. Agwvt. District of "Ranse four Coast District, and situate about five miles "from tne mouth of the Khutze River on the Eart fork. Take netlee that l. Frederick sneirj: of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation mine operator. Intends to aaply tor permis-mtmlon to purchase the following described lands: Ccrnmenctmc at a post planted one foalt dlmance from the -wttnen post ot the West side of Lot 172. thence West erly 60 chains: thence Southerly 23 chains; thence Easterly 90 chains: hence Northerly 20 chains and con taining 100 acres, more or less. Dated 10th day of May. 1934. Notice Auction Sale OF EVERYTHING TN STORE I have been advised to handle only Goods ly Auction so in future 1 will have weekly Sale Days, and -will sell every article in store on SATURDAY, EVENING, commencing at :1S p.m., June 9th. Consisting of beds, dressers, showcases, electrical goods, 2 buffets; folding touch, kitchen, tables, fire grate, chairs, cnina cabinet, linen closet, linoleum, rugs and linoleum, 2 steamer trunks, library table, cash register, sewing machine, etc. NOTE If you have anything In your home you want to dispose of send It to the store before Saturday Noon of this week, or Phone and we will call Under no obligation unless goods are sold. G. J. Dawes THE AUCTIONEER Black 120; Red 633. FRESn MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Men's n H Fine G ILLNETTING Boat for sale. Cheap for cash. Apply Seal Cove Post Office. tf FOR SALE Electric light futures, counters, showcase, shelving, tables, etc. Apply Jabour's Ltd. 135 FOR SALE 15 h.p. Union Dekel with Shaft propeller, all complete. Price $950.00 cash, terms can be, arranged. Harold Simon-sen, Box 681. tf FOR RENT CLEAN furnished apartments. Phone Red 444. 138 FOR RENT Small clean "Well-fur nlshed modern apartment with el ectrlc washer. Phone Blue 195. PERSONAL PAINTERS LECKIE'S WORK BOOTS Leckie's Solid Leather hard wearing Boots for men and 42 S ABJ boys, up from We cany a great assortment of work boots, made by Canada's Leckie leadlnS makers. ; Solid Work M"1"8 'Light Work Boots QQ J" . Panro soles, un from tJJAUfcllP KAAto ' " Boy's Boots, Panco soles, reg. $2.75 135 FURNISHED Apartment for Rent for summer, central location. Box 208, Daily News or Phone Blue 637. 139 PRIVATE home Kindergartens pay. We start you. The Canadian Kindergarten Institute. Winnipeg. HELP WANTED HOW to get a Government Job. Free Booklet. The, M.C.C Ltd, Winnipeg. -V A -'.'.& PAINTING and ffaperhanglng Moller. Phone Red 802. USD ACT Notice of Intention To apply to I.eae Land ' In Prince Rupert Lend Recordlns District ot Prince Rupert. B.C. and sit uate In Qlawdwet Bay located at the N.W. end of Stephens Island. Range S, coast District. Take notice that John Clausen of Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation Fish Packer, Intends to apply for a lease ot the following described lands' Commencing at a pent planted at the S. W. corner of a small Island about 8 chains S. K, ot Avery Island thence thence westerly, southerly and easterly, following high water mark to paint or commencement, and containing 2 acres more or less, and Including the entire area of the said Ills rid. Dated Ami! IS. 18S4 JOHN CLAUSEN, COAL! COAL! Our Famous Ed son, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oata and Barley. . Prince Rupert Feed Co. 8 Phonos (II S1.95 We Accept . City Scrip SPECIAL CLEARANCE PRICES ON ALL TENNIS & "RUNNING SHOES BUY NOW! CUT RATE SHOE STORE MINERAL ACT ACT Notice f Intention to apply to rwrcnse !-anl In Prince Rupert Land Recording Classified Ads . FOR SALE HELP WANTED YOUNG woman for housework out of town. Apply Daily News. Box 209. TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177. Birch, Jackplne. Cedar. tf HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING t Ouster Curl; Latest Styles NELSON'S BEAUTY 8HOPPB "OOVERVMKNT LlQl'OR ACT NOTICE or APPLICATION' FOR A CU B LICENCE NOTICE la hereby given on the expiration of this advertisement the undersigned Fraser Social Club Intends to apply to tbe Liquor Control Board tor a.-CJUD licence in respect oi premise situate on the east side of KlnAway, Ryder, B.C.. upon lands described as Lot 40, Block 6, Plan 1251. .Subdivision of District Lot 4044. Casstar District; Prince Rupert Land Registration District In the Province of British Columbia, to entiOe each member of tbe said club to keep on the premises a erason- able Quantity of liquor lor personal consumption on the premises In ac cordance With The provisions oi tne "Government Liquor Act" and the regulations promulgated thereunder. DATED at Hyder, British, Columbia, this 28th day of May. 1934. FRASER SOCIAL CLUB,. V By A. A. Frar. 4w Secretary and Manager I . tASIl ACT Notice of Intention to apply to ' Lease Ijind V In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, B.C. and actuate tn Qtawdzeet Bay located at the N.W. end of Stephens Island. Range S, Coaat District. ' Take notice that John Clausen ot Prince Rupert. B.C.. occupation Fish Packer, Intends to apply for a lease ot the fallowing described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted at the 3. W. corner oi a small Island about 8 chains S. E. of Avery Island thence S.W.I. Chain; thence Westerly 8 chains; thence NX. 8 chains more or less to high water mark on the N.C. point of the Island: thence S. E. direction 8 chains more or less following high water mark to point ot commencement. JOHN CLAUSEN, Dated Apm 18. 1934. in rnonATB IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and in tue Matter of the estate op michael j. o "kelly, deceased, intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of MM Honor W E. Fisher, the 14th day olMay. AD. 1934, t seas appointed Administrator of the estate of Michael J, O Kel ly, -who died on the 29th day tf De cember, a.m. 1833, and all paroea nar ing claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly yeWled, to me on or before tM 21st day ot June, AD. 1934, and all part Irs Indebted to the estate ar required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith, NORMAN A. WATT, Official Admlnlatrstor, Prince Rupert, B OY Dated th, iita day of May. AO, UM.