KNOX HOTEL iinw:k m;v mayii;mi;nt C4 riHinn all mMIi Hut and ('old Walrr, Slmurr lit KXl'IXIX.Vr ItlMNO ItOOM Yuu will llkr llirKnnt. IUIr: 7.V. 4 $. American or Eurojwn Plm I'll I. AltMOl U rroprlrlor CANADA ON EVE OF GRIeAT PROSPERITY PEPdOD BENNETT One Out of Twelve in Canada Working Now, Prime Minister Says Hennett told the annual banquet of the Canadian Manu The marriage was quietly solem-June nif-d last evening at the home of! Miss Jetle Roihwell. Fifth Avenue i fWfoTirn tonHc in IMldWd UUUlUb 1 U of Ml Sarah Jane De-Vine I RN and William Wesley Rogers, both of whom recently arrived rum V nfouvcr The ceremony was per- j f irmed by Rev Dr F W. Daioc.i pn-tor of First Baptist Church, and only Intimate friends of the containing couple were present. Mr Rogers, who lived here in the rally days as a boy bill has for Ku-M'iuil will! uic nuiuinii ("ti- men s Co-operative cold storage plant lie and Mrs. Rogers will have the hearty congratulations and be! wishes of their friends. They will reside In the home of Miss Rothwell until she returns to the city TWO YEAR SENTENCE William Calrnle Ones To Penitentiary For Killing of Sid Westbrook KAMLOOrs, June 9 (Canadian Press) -William Calrnle was sen tenced to two years' Imprisonment in penitentiary yesterday by Mr Justice Denis Murphy after a Jury at the session of the Supreme Court Assizes had found Calrnle frulltv nf manslauuhter with a Profit in Big Way France and Italy facturers Association here last night that at least one out of every twelve Canadian men, women and children were on a payroll on May l and mat. af . ...... the rate revenues were Inc reasing In jx f r I 1 the iMt two month, the budget r rogram oi r ublic would be balanced at the end of the year. Quietly Wedded Here Last Eve1 Works Not Being Announced Now OTTAWA, June 9: Premier Ben nctt announces Uiat details of the ... Sara" . 'lne , . .... , ' W" , federal public works relief program will not be made public until af- " t0UV m",? ! frrWd!falto-WW Saskatchewan u William i Hojers , , , , ,. ... provincial elections are held on Taking Over Gold OTTAWA. June 9: It Is estima ted that the federal government stands to profit by $33,000,000 In liking over gold in connection with many years made his home In Van- r. uvcr. returned rccenUv to take a "ie "cw "' UJ" To Follow British Lead in War Debts WASHINGTON, DC. June 9: War debt answers from France and Italy are expected to follow the lead of the British note which this week announced Britain's intention of paying no portion of the instal ment due on June IS. Police Boat Finds No Trace at All mmln OTTAWA. June 9: (CP) The special Senate committee on scaling and fisheries Is expected to recommend next week that the existing pelagic sealing and halibut treaties with United States be abrogated and that the Dominion make representations that there should be negotiated a single treaty covering salmon, sealing and halibut, It is learned. ' The committee's report Is now being prepared and it is understood that it will be unanimous. Of Missing BoatSenate Opposed To The provincial police power cruiser P. M. L. 8 is returning 10 port strong recommendation for mercy this afternoon after a vain searcn In connection with the slaying if 0f over a week in waters contlgu-Sid Westbrook, Pacific ureal East-1 ous to the south end of Queen ern Railway section foreman at 1 charlotte Islands for trace of the Clinton, on March 20, Westbrook Seattle halibut schooner Katalla, was shot four times. t wltti Capt. Nellson and crew of Mrs. Calrnle testified that West- flv on hoard, which has been Dropping of Log Royalties Would Expand Industry VANCOUVER, June 9.-Should the government decide to drop the imposition of royalties on cedar logs, logging operators on the coast would probably expand operations extensively. It Is Intimated here. League Withdrawal Mrtda' Move of Senator Mrllae is Solidly Defeated by Red Chamber CHICAGO. June 9: Henry P. Fletcher has been chosen national chairman of the Republican party In succession to Everett Sanders. The party has launched Its campaign against the Democratic administration by announcing a nine-point program. ! j Anti-Foreigners Active in Mexico Terrorists Busy In Capital City German Store Blown up With Mortal Toll MEXICO CITY, June 9:- Antl-forclgn terrorists are continuing their activities here. A lew days ago a large German-owned hardware store in a densely populated section of the city was blown up as a result of which incident four persons were killed and heavy property damage done. Stock Market Is Irregular Tomorrow's Tides High 12:35 p.m. 17.8rt Low .. 6:25 a.m. 3.oflts ' 18:20 pan. 8.5 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER "a vct Lt " PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 1934 . price: five cents 3jny - r- n-i- SEATTLE SHIPPING IS STILL TIED UP At Rate Revenues arc Increasing Now, Budget Should lc Balanced by End of Year, Government Head Declares MONTREAL, June 9: (CP) Expressing the belief that Canada was standing on the threshold of a prosperity greater than she had ever known, Prime Minister R. B. Camera Clicks As Officer Clubbed to Death In Riot Here are remarkable photos of the dubbin; to dath of C. Arthur Lyman, prominent civic worker of Minneapolis, Minn., who was acting as a spcclalt-deputy sheriff in an efofrt to fight the rioters. The photo at left shows a rioter who appears to jhave taken a mwhty swing and felled the deputy. At the right the photo shows rr-sn rushing up to ad the fallen mm. This was the only fatality of the truck-drivers rioting, though 45 were injured, many heaas and laws being cracked Jh the fierce hand-to-hand fighting It was only a few minutes after this tnat a truce was declared. ABROGATE TREATIES Senate Committee to Recommend New Deal on Pacific Sealing And Halibut Agreements (New ChairmaiLOf 1 5. E.ACIU Grand Old Party Named in Chicago NOT USED Conditions Hare Changed Since Emergency Legislation Was Passed, Premier Says VICTORIA, June 9: The goT-ernment had not yet been called upon to use the Special Powers Act, which was passed at the recent session of the Legislature, and he did not know whether it would be used, Premier T. D. Pat-tullo said on Friday in an address to a joint meeting of the Victoria Chamber of Commerce and a number of other Victoria bodies. Conditions had changed since the Special Powers Act had been passed, the Premier said. PIONEER IS DEAD William Shrubsall, Identified With Fishing Industry Since Early Days, Passes Away One of the best known of Prince Rupert's real pioneers passed away at the Prince Rupert General Hospital this morning, where he had been a patient for some time, In the person of William Shrubsall, who had been Identified with the fish erles of the port In various capacl ties since the earliest days here For some time he was in the retail fresh fish business but was better known for his association with the , smoking and curing 'Industry In NEW YORK. June 9: Ths stock ' connection with which he was an market was Irregular yesterday In cxDcrt. News of his nassln will OTTAWA, June 9:-The Senate Spltc 0f demands for metals and 'come with regret to his numerous nas voicn soncuy against me rcso- 0n shares. Steels inclined towards friends who will extend their svm lutlon of Senator A. D. McRae of heaviness. Vancouver favoring Canada's with- s and Oils in Demand Yester day But Steels are Inclined Towards Heaviness brook had attempted to assault her!mlssmg for over three weeks. The drawal from the League of Nations, t D 1 twice but that her husband hnd,Pi m. L. 8 made an exhaustive! AnCICnt I OllllCB.1 Intervened both times aitcr ncr, search In the vicinity of Gander screams had attracted him. iulnnri but found no wreckage or - - other trace. P Mondial and E. S, Ulcharaon i . of Tlcll, 8. Andrews of Port Cle-' mcnts and Wesley 81ngcr ana Joe Dunn of Massett. after having. cmnc to the city to appear before the board of pensions medical examiners, 'sailed last night by the Prince John, on their return to the Queen Charlotte Islands. Mr. Andrews was accompanied by his Wife. Todays Weather TerraceCloudy, calm, 49. Anyox Raining, calm, 48. Stewart-Cloudy, calm. 49. Hazelton Cloudy, calm. 53. Smlthcrs Cloudy, calm. 57. Burns Lake Cloudy, calm. 54. Halibut Arrivals Summary Canadian 22,000 pounds, and 4.5c to 5.9c and be. American None. Canadian Capella, 16,000, to Butcdale 5.5c, Rivals in Africa Burying Hatchet CAPETOWN. South Africa, June 0. Ending a twenty-five year old political warfare, Premier Hertzog, Kalen, 13.000, Cold Storage. 5.9c Nationalist partv lender, nnd 0n and 5c. ernl Jan Smuts, head of theJSouth Johanna, 9,000,'Cold Storage. 5.5c African party, have decided to un and 4.5c. He forces pathy to surviving relatives. Mr. Shrubsall was a native of England. Funeral arrangements are In the hands of the B. C. Undertakers. CANADIAN GOLD PRICE MONTREAL. June 9 (Canadian Pressi The Canadian gold price was up eight cents at $34.60 per ounce today. n.Mt SILVER Waterfront of Paget ?: Sound Port Is Still In Chaotic Condition Firemen and Watertenders Refuse to Man Ships IJecause They W ere Left Out of Agreement and Prevent Loading of Alaska Cargo SEATTLE, June 9: (CP) The waterfront here was in haos again today as crews on ships scheduled to sail for Alaska refused to serve, declaring that they had been left out of the agreement signed yesterday with the longshore men. Pickets from firemen s and watertenders unions stopped truckloads of freight in front of the docks and union officials said that no cargo; would be allowed to leave until! their demands were granted. Meantime Alaska is still awaiting the arrival of much-needed food and fishing equipment which It had been thought would start moving immediately following settlement of the Alaska phase of the dispute between longshoremen and ship ping interests. At San Francisco SAN FRANCISCO,. June 9: Vfonj was being awaited here yesterday confirming settlement of the dispute between the shipping com panies and longshoremen. Adirondack Fire Is Under Control Considerable Damage Done by Confiagaration on Rockefeller , Estate i SARANAC LAKE, New York. June , 9 One thousand fire fighters have j supposedly for New York. Is Third Child Of Belgian Monarchs NF.W YORK. J'-" 0 (Canadian .-iwtprdsv to hold WANT HELP CONTINUED Provinces Protest At Decision ,;ot Ottawa to Withdraw Relief Aid' OTTAWA, June 9 Jlepresenta tiorrr eontfnne to poat ' :nnJ the , federal government here protesting at the decision of the federal government to withdraw its contributions to the -iproviclal governments, on account of direct relief as from June 15. Premiers of the most of the provinces, lncludinj those of the west who are parttu-arly worried, are seeking to have fhe decision reconsidered. paroleTs" - HEADED OFF been successful In bringing under Wo Who Kidnappfd Willia.n: coniroi a aisasirous iorest lire, ... . i "c rtiw rate Viiarccs oi ,.,. . . . . "vhich haa swept over ten thou-1 ... ., ., , . : " "s lu " -uu sand acres on the Rockefeller es- tate in the Adlrondacks near here.i AXT,Z0 . ... . .j.t. . T0 LOS ANGELES. June 9: THAI lomg consiaeraoie aamage. , ,,, , . ... . ;of James F. Kirk, Larry Kerrigan and Roy Williams, confessed MW. A rLrtv. J nappers of William F. Gettle, weal.. iCIOr IS margeU thy Beverley Hills oil magnate, on i it n cnarges oi using me mans lo .tta... W llh JN0n-OUPP0rt'rraud ls Procelmg. These charts rr were laid against the trio In oirfe&- Authorities , ,. ... Are , SeekinK , to e 'to forestall any move they mjjuT Smeimake to secure ,e ttomhim Papers Upon Richard Rennett ,Quentln Penitentiary where "ffiey .m.i, , Jhave started the serving 8 of life . ux:L HOLLYWOOD. June 9:-Court fn t. , authorities have been seeking to '.. serve papers upon Richard Bennett. , w-t . e . . father of Costance and Joan Ben-1 f UnCral Ol IVuS nett and himself a famous actor, i 9 charging him with non-support. I MrPrnn ic Mnlil Bennett left Hollywood last week.i lULVICcl 10 AltlU Interment in Fain lew Cemetrry Follows Rites In R. C. Under-;:, takers Chapel With friends of deceased and her family gathering to attend the rites, funeral service for the late KIiir Leopold and queen Astrid:Mrs. Nellie Cathcllne McCrea took Now Have Two Sons and olane at 2 o'clock this afterrjnpn,,. Daughter from the chapel of the B. C. Umlerj takers to Falrvlew Cemetery. BRUSSELS. Belgium. June 9 j Rev. Canon W. F. Rushbrook, The son which was born this week - rector of St. Peter's Anglican to Kmg Leopold and Queen Astrid j Church, officiated and hymns were ;. Of Belgium ls the third child of t "O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go" their majesties who already nave i and "Rock of Ages." cne son and one daughter. Dr. E. Sheffield. Dr. O. A. Mln- prgan and O. A. Wallace of the pensions examining board arlrved In the city on the Princess Adelaide sessions here. Pallbearers were Carl Halvarson, Louis Richardson, K. McPhall. M! Colussl, J. o. Vlereck and J.-Mo Klnley. There were a number of Ilpral ofv ferlngs. Prr1-"Rir silver closed nt 45tfcc. 'T1iey will proceed next week to Tonight's train, duo from the" ner ounce on the local metal mar- Anyox and Stewart and w. - also "ist at 10 o'clock, was reported tfVw- ket toau Sit elsewhere In the dUnict .morn ,k be fony minutes I51E 1 i t i 6h2 14 4 , II 9