flraa.Two THS DAILY NEWS STEVE KING NEXT TO ORMf.S DRUG STORK Spring Light Suits an Coats Call and Look Over ROYAL YORK Clothing Samples for Spring, Suit (to measure) W. n. JOHNSTON. Make "Suit (to measure), S22.50 to fiood Fit Guaranteed SPUING LIGHT COATS, New Iklted Hacks, up from i?Anin mxiMicemv d $27.50 $30.00 $15.50 Third Avenue Phone Green 5 ' 1 THE DAILY NEWS. rKINCK KDPEKT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. r. PULLEN Manaflnj-Edltor Edhor and Reporters Telephone DAILY EDITION Member ot Audit Bureau of Circulations KB Monday, March 12, 1934 perience, While this is true, they continue their efforts which can have but one end.. Hrltn)n set the pace in reducing urmaments but could not induce the others to follow so has been forced to start again on a line of petjoh that must prove disastrous to the jyjioie woruu. CHURCH NOTICES ANNUNCIATION CHURCH MISSION purjng tills week masses will be at 7 and C a.m. and evening service at 7:30. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday special service for chijdj-en at 3:45 pjn. One of the features of the Mission will be the Question Box at the evening service The Missionary will be glad to answer any questions concerning Catholic teaching Non-Catholics cordially invited For Your Health Chiropractic Ultm Violet Kj Intra Re4 Rays Maaisce All at Reasonable Prices W. C, ASPINALL D.C. C.htrppractor) flreen 241 Phones Green 541 Exchange Block The AUCTIONEER PacklngCratlnt rapping f. General Furniture Repair List your oodt with m rbone Black HI CEO. J. DAWES I Elks SPORT1 LOCAL HOOP TEAMS BOTH WIN WEEK-END MATCHES i OVER ANYOX OPPONENTS Canadian National Hecreation Association Turns Tables On Anyox Vandals Rupert Girls Go Ahead on ; Aggregate Count The second game of the Northern RritiSh Columbia so-' nior hoop play-offs went to the Canadian National Re-1 creation Association cage squad Saturday night when they defeated the Smelter Town crew 56-21 before a capacity house. In fact the "standing room only" sign was hung out fifteen minutes before the games started. The i Hocal elf Is again won 21 to 7. j READY FOR PLAY-OFFS game at last Thursday evening's 8 8339 Billiard Averages O. Ttl. Aye I.Sutherland (Em) 7 1389 199 C. Baplie CL 15 2934. 190 Roy Forg E) 2 386 193 D. Brown IGi .15 2881 1S2 L, Raabe Em 4 7C6 192 P. Prltchard E.mi 15 23C2 191 CP. Baiagno (Elks) 15 2872 191 E. Batt IQi 14 2009 101 J. Judge CL) 9 1075 ljBC F. Aldfidge (Em) JO 1850 185 J. May. (O) 15 2757 184 W. yyilHsproft (Em) 13 2397 1B4 0, P. Tinker (CD 12 2187 182 C. Youngman (CL) 10 1816 102 J, Doherty (Elks) 12 2151 179 1. Bulger (Elks) 1,9 2301 177 W. Stuart (Elks) 14 2475 177 A. Murray (CD ... H 2480 177 5. J). Macdonald (O) 6 1002 177 0. Howe (O) 14 2447 175 M. E. Young (Em) 15 2030 175 MM. Lamb (CD .13 2279 175 0. Morgan (G) 14 2433 173 W. E. Hutson (G) .7 1209 173 W. Ranee (CD 1 172 172 J. Saunders (Elks) 8 1371 17J A. Donald (Em) 15 2555 170 A. Harvey (CD 14 2300 169 E. Morris (Elks) 7 1182 169 M, McLachlan (Em) 9 1453 181 H. Menzie (Elks) 15 2359 157 S. Jurrnain (E) 1 157 157 A. Beale (CD ... 2 305 153 W. Lambie (Elkr) r2 28.7 144 A. Zadarnskl (G) 1 138 138 rmm:wrjB!iiiaiiBm'az.ixKr. c or Q RC5ULK Tne local train crew, making var-' lous substitutions during the first halt, found a combination that clicked and sank Ornnby's hope of winning the game. This comblna-l tion, which consisted of Lambie. j Stiles and Santcrbane on the for-' Canadian Legion and Grotto to ward une anrt tne Morrison bro-i Settle Billiard League Honors ; thers in the back court, was hard! ' to beat. ! , W. E. Willlscroft. Empress, defeated Alex Harvey, Canadian Le-filnn nt. the upplr-rnri hv n saore of The fjrst hall was played carefully with the visitors on the small end of a 12-1? score. In tne secona Qll'y Sant 200 ta 172 in' the final deferred! bane, the modest student from, Oaai1 A..i.h kl. Ilt i Billiard League fixture which the m. Legion won by an aggregate score !'rar ln f,nior company, started for of 1092 to 998. The Legion, having itown' takin& Sonny Stiles along as won the second half of the season ' Pny. and, when the final eong went these two lads had 21 honors, will meet Orotto, winners nf the first hnlf nn Tnesrf.iv nnrl' and 10 point chalked Up Oil til. sheets while sank nine m: Anyox only Thursday evenings of this week , M.w.x,w..t..Jw home and home.games for the sea- We do not agree with our local member in his wholesale: son's title, opposition to the Canadian Radio Commission. It may! a swn as the tean champion- oosMuiy ue iuo expensive in us oniciai meinous ana mere r K "- u 1: i- re will start in the individual cltv may oe in connection wun its conduct oi aitairs some championships, ciiuiuuioxiMuus, both ooin senior senior and ana in- things ji of r which i i we are not i aware i here i. but, on the . whole,' termediate. Charlie Baiagno is the1 in-. tllilW hfic Yman Ctlpll Q m 1 vl.'nt imnfnl'bmnnf in fKrt Pnnn I - a l-ij t - v..vov. "iit.il Him nn. iitijji j ciiiciii. in mu vujiti- j jjicji-jii. ;iuiui-i ui wie sfiuor cup dian broadcasting since it has had charge that we feel it!wnlle Jimmy miiman is the dc- shouid be allowed to continue as a permanent organization jfendlng tampion fn the interme- sn hipfr. to anv fnrrpprivp mpasnrpe that mnr ha iwmnwl u J - " '-J - ' " - '""J injuiim. We have been informed that plans are on foot to improve the broadcasting in British Columbia., This should be done, but it should be controlled as has been done during the past few years. It should be remembered that the cost of the commission is borne by the users of radio. Thev nav the bill and should be given service such as thev have been arotto Legion W LL 1 i .i ll i Ml t 5 . i getting put who improvements mat win mane it as vaiu-1 Empress able in this province as m others, ARMAMENTS RACE While individuals of the various nations today consider themselves civilized no one can claim that the governments have yet emerged from the status of the savage. Their ideals seem to be the same as those which influenced the men and women of the stone age; Most of the nations of the world are preparing for war, yet they all know that war is a horrible tiling to contemplate much more to ex The team standing for the second half of the season, with three games from last Tuesday evening's fixture between Grotto and Elks still to be played, is as fojlows: G. Ttl.. , Ave. 0 9932 1104 8 8C93 1087 .9 9700 1078 iu mane me score il as against 30 for the-locals The conflict will be continued at measure ot their Anyox visitors by a score' 6f 217, winning the four- game series by 60. to 47. Rupert girls won both games here while Anyox won both their games on their home floor by small margins. The local grjrtlr agaii) led by LU Lowe, were ahead from, tho start-The visitors were again hampered by the low. celling even with free throws, converting but three out of 14 while the Rupert team made three out of their four shots count. Mildred Dresser and Mrs. Philips tn,,j played well for the Smelter girls. Anyox (7) K. Eve L. L. Dresser, Mrs, Philips, M. Dresser 3). T. 1ordon J. Plnchney. P. Louden '3). l. Salmon. Prince Rupert (21) L. Lowe (9). Sue Boddie lit. E. Smith (4). Ir ylne (4). Slecn, Blaine (1), Stone (2). Men's Storing Anyox Vandals (21) T. Caldcr- -me (2), F. Calderone (JO), FrFnl- :6ner, E. Woodman, Steele (2), B Glllls (3). Swanson (2), DocUworth 2). Currle. Rupert C. N. R. A. (50) Johnson (2), Santcrbane (21). Stiles '10) amble il,0). Smith (3). D. Morrl- son (6), C Smith, J. Morrison, Wingham. Anyox Hoop Teams Home Last Night Basketball Party of Twenty-Five Persons Sails by Catala on Return to Smelter Town The Anyox basketball party con sisting of fourteen men and eleven ladies, which'spent the latter part of last week In Prince Ruuert to play a scries of championship games with the locals, sailed by the Catala last evening on its return to (.he smejter town. The visitors were unanimous in declaring that the visit here had been a most enjoyable one and all were appreciative of the hospitality and courtesy which had been extended them while ln the city. Many local riends were at the wharf as the steamer pulled out to farewell them. The Anyox boys staged a novelty onterUlnment M the boat pulled out, donning pajamas and bowler haU for the occasion and engaging : In all sorts of stunU. Yesterday afternoon the visitors were taken out in cars for sightseeing tours. On Saturday afternoon Mrs. Jack Woods (Annette Stone) vas a tea hostess In honor of the visiting glrl at her store. Save Poker Hands to get Better Cigarette Papers FREE E?eryboiif tjcreei liul Vonue'ind'Unntetlcr" are the bcu ppcn-you can net ) Urge hooki of either brand free for only tit complete tet i( Poker Kindt, from your nearest I'okerllanJ Pre mium Store or by mail from P.O. Hoi 13N0, Montreal, P.Q. SMOKER IS ENJOYABLE Anyox on March 23 and 24. . Ladies'. fiame Jolly Affair Held Saturday Evening The Rupert girls again took thci By Fish Packer Union in A very enjoyable smoker waa held by the Fish Packers' Union at the Euglcs' Hall Saturday night. The evening's proceedings Included an interesting talk on Unionism by S. D. Macdonald, president of the Princo Rupert Trades and Labor Council, card tricks by Capt. Fo- garty, songs by Louis Leroux. reci tations by Joe Davidson, dancing by Billy Hunter, and one man band selections by Joe Slaggard. Re freshments were served. Jock Watson presided and Robert Murray was chairman of the com mittee in charge. WALES KEATS IRELAND IN. UL'GGEIt SATURDAY SWANSEA, Walea. March 12: (CP- Wules defeated Ireland 13 to nil in an international rugger match on Saturday. City championship fjimja will be played follows: 7 p.m. Ladles' singles badminton tonlttnt ft C. Mitchell vs. Miss B. Thompson. . 7:30 Mixed doubles. "B." Mtw M. McKay and T Bustanlch vs. Miss Y. Tcrrlen and L. Murdock. 8:00 Men's singles' "A,. W. To-by vs. J. Norrinqton. 8:30 Ladies' double. "A.! Mry Morton and Miss M. McKay vs. Miss C. Mitchell and Miss F. Cross. i 9;00-Mcn' single. "B," L. Mur-I dock vs. W. Murray. 9:30 Men's doubles. "A," Oi Mttchejl and J. Horton vs. W, Cross, , and W. Bryant. ; 10:00 Men's doubles, n.M P. Mcintosh and P. Peterson vs. Wj Murray and T. Dumnlch. 10:3O-Mixed doubles, "A," Mri. Ho;U)n and W. Bryant vs, MLv B. Tliompson and V Tobey. Advertise In the Dally Nwi Monday Mar ft j2 1M4 and Poker Hands, too, with TURRET FINE CUT You benefit hi three ways when you. smoke Turret Fine Cut your money buys more tobacco, you enjoy greater pleasure from the milder, cooler cigarettes you roll and you get Poker Hands, too. Tlie Poker 1 lands in every package add to the value. For them you can obtain; fret gifts worth many dollars. Pay less and get' better smokei with Turret Fine Cut. Start today! It pays to "Roll Your Own" with TURRET FINE CUT CICAKKTTE TOBACCO SAVE THE POKER HANDS Badminton Finals Tonight For City Championships. laM"! Tk( ? cl Caa. SEA CADETS STAGE SHOOT Port Watch Defeated 230 to 21S Startxiird 1 Local Sa Cadets held a sua ' effmnetttiou on Rioturdiiy fnt '"if PrhKe Ruiiert Sea Cadet Ml; ...it -a n",e TroPny- Prt h ' 1 ' mi A, AIU. ,L. the ...I.,.,.,. winners of Ik. the K 15 r. cup by p Scores were: Port Watrh G. O. Dybhavn C.P.O. 49 R. Flktns 39 J. Manson U J. Landry P.O. J' A.'Kergln . 35 E. Anslow 35 Total Starburtl Watch C. Berpcr ll. Monkley 3 'M. SmIUi . St (F. WlUUcroft V T. Grimble 33 M. Phlllljisoii 32 Total 21 Chief Petly Officer Dybluvn mdc a fine score of 49 out of u possible 50. Join the Family GOLD RUSH Sell Your Gold to a Smelting Company Everybody is doing it now The present lii!i price of koIiI malum the smallest piece valuable. Our representative will call at your homo personally in a day or ho and will he lad to value any article of gold such as: Jewellery, Nuggets, Gold Dust, Teeth, Coin, etc. If you desire to sell lie will pay you in cash without delay. Our prices of course are always tjic holiest. PACIFIC GOLD SMELTING & REFINING CO. Huyoi'8 of Gold, Platinum and Silver Vancouver mid Victoria, H.C.