fir y$t .h-rl8. 1934 SIOP THAT COLD !! " i ORMES SPECIAL COUGH MIXTURE in excellent remedy -for coughs, colds and bronchial ;tllkllllVWQ. Price 50 cents Orroes 'Bronchitis Remedy , . ti f - i i fl'e giiananu'e wis pnyiarauon 10 ne equal in jnecli-ttbiaiue to any -preparation qf its kind onthe.mar-it,to(la;v Takothome a bottle, it is an eCfective remedy. Regular 75c; Special .at ,50 cents Ke personally recommend these preparations. Thev j cojnpQtindwl from the -highest .quality drugs and cnemicais (Ooiainauie. Ormes ltd. "3w. Pioneer Druqtt'ats The Kexall HUn TbeiMa: II It M CALIFORNIA WRITE, -US TODAY FOR ILLUSTRATED UTERATUREJND DETAILED INFORMATION Mirbr a winter vxation to ih Mttbio com much leu thin you .thick. Sleeping car (hirirt on w train are ,ibinl ,le than .Uxvwuuf rnmpltie ,ou dtoinit tr cum t. at little a iWf Hiii Imtjrcjuw. CALIFORNIA ' Aftlei i Ooly.a day and two 'iwi by inia front Seattle, ti pll of the low frc tlo ilxi AdtrUt; FROM VANCOUVER, ., 24.40 t3o 4 oud in rnrhe on our fitirtt u'ttV i,w unt ilcfpiof ( from Seattle (uprer berth rum StiuU to Lot Anjtelet $4. r ). Through tmiri.l lper jenrlu from Seattle w fniKitcu. New type (in ita Ucih liu. pluth Kiti, ip. clout wath roomt, porter rke. Low (mi "hUiU Select" on all Southern Pacttcdiniajc cut. A A lor btxAUn: "Nmthfrn California Detcrt Koru" ,arl "Gueii Kabi." MEXICO Mrtko Gty i only three day (root Lot Angel ua our Wttl C4ii Rtuit U Maiatlta hkI Guadalajara. Ii't ikt place to go (hit year. Roundtrip from Seanle to Meiiro City ii.oolr It 16 CO. on wle -every, day until Noveav ber 30. ,Lnw tir ithit wittier, too. AtL (or.bvuUet Tt .Been to Mciiro." WRITE TODAY AJJff 11 inquirifl to C G. AltM. Rogtri FWjildinjL -474 Gtuill Sirnt, Vnvuyr,,rVC or J. A. OrauoJv, 70S Pi6c UilJin. PotilioJ, Orcgutk Southtrn Pacific Canadian Pacific 'MNCESS STKAMKltS for Kftchlkan, Wrangell, Juneau nd tkagway, Oct. mil, 21st. 29U. lor Vancouver direct Oct. 5th, 16th, 25th, Nov. 2nd. r Vanroiiver Yla ocenn Falls and Way PorU, "Prince as Ade- iaide every Friday 10 pjn. PoriHeserrotions W. L.,COATF.S, (5e,n. Agent. Prince ltupett,ll.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave Prince .Rupert for Vancouver T 8 ? CATALA EVJUtY TESJ)AY, tl'.SO ,P.M arriving Vancouver Thursday T-8S. CAKDENA EVERY FRIDAY MI UN I OUT Arriving Vancouver, .Monday , AM. ' 1 . wwi'r fUltg to Pert 8ttnioa. Alic Ann, Anyoi, ptwrt d M... Nm run,. .'7 Po'nU. Um Prince Bupert BundeJ. 8 k. . 'ttiv llnformatlon regarding .all sailings And ticket At HtlWCK fhOM 4J tRUHKT AOKNCtl Third Bauic It doesn't pay to advertise poor products, H dots pay to buy thuit adrertii td. TOT DAttT NsTWB PAQE THREX . .X '- LOCAL NEWS OTES Vou cannt.a Carjit AValKftr'si M Jow a ;$i rflay .plya Jc.-a piUe. itfl Cash waiting tf or .old, gold ieeth. 1 (coin, chln, yyatcheji, t. al- , Scotch npd Canadian -dance '- Mall .Iiail. iFriday. JTlflav. V. C D!20.nm Arim.' 35c. RefreahmenU. Laundry, per pkg. FRESH COCQANUTS 3 for .I.(oi I22)! William Stone sailed yesterday ! uk;ijiWii.uii me rnnce vegrge ror a wwk'i -business -trip to Anyox. Dr. Magulrc.who'has been in the' hospital for several days under the care of Dr. L. W. Kergln, has resumed his practice. i242 FOR SALE Lots 1 and 2, Dlgby Island $100 each. Norman A. Watt Administrator, J. K. Pyne 'Estate j Moving picture show. Rev. C. -D. Clarke. ,C0D :Wall. ffbmsd'ay. 8 pjn. 811ver collection. Dancing .follows M 10 pjn. Admission 25c' and 15c. The annual bazaar of the Canadian .Legion .Women's .Auxiliary opened this .afternoon In ,the Legion clubrooms. The affair will con tlnue until this evening when a dance wUl be held, M0MY5AVING SPECIALS For Friday and iSatucday CAMP.U ELL'S SOUPS- .All 4 Ar ' varieties, per tip I OLD DUTCH CLEANSER ,Qn ' per tin IjQHNSON-S FLUID .BEEF OQn ! ilOror botUe PRESERVED EGOS 3Qf Grade "B" Large, per dor RED ARROW SODAS-jper pkg.nic ' - w - - - . PALMOLIVE ,SOAP 6 bars'.W SEEDED RAISINS Australian. 16-oz. pkgs.. per pkg PINK 8ALMON Choice quality. ,Mb. tin PEAS iBreptwood, Sieve 5 ,per Un WHITE CORN-Per tin DRIED APRICOTS Fresh .Stock, Unpllted, 2 lbs. BLACK FIOS-3 lbs. KRAFT CHEESE IHb. Pkg. 15c Mb. pkg. SWIFTS DIAMOND "A" BACON, per lb. lie 10c 10c READyUJ MACARONI -I Qp 3 lbs. r SPIONIC jllAMS Per ,1b. ic 25c l3c 8JNOAPORE PINEAPPLE j(T UVNN VALLEY :PEACHES 41 jn per tin BRUNSWICK'SARDINES 2 tins -8c !8c HONBY GRAHAMS Red An . .Arrow. per pkg.AV ASHCROFT CATSUP 4o per 13-oz. bottle STRAWBERRY JAM- dtSC Nabob Jure. pejr .-4-lb. tin w V PEARL WHITE SOAP-per bar 3c TOILET XlSSUE-4 ;rolU M r 33c TERRACE .POTATOES-IO lbs. ljfc per sack CANADA STAROH-Corn .or $1.38 Thrift Cash &tCarry Phone 179 ,W 'ThM A?.' "CARRT AND 8 ATE" Mall 'Qrderi j!Ut lOpr Trpmft Attentlan Fresh Sole and Flounders. Phon 48. tf 5c f PERSONAL XMAS CARDS I Exclusive desiens. Also business. and prpfesslpnal. Best values In Canada. 'Hellbronert, (tt) j 49 'I k 'J ! -'. 1 11 - " - ' u MAN TESTIFIES Mr. 'Puum IZ2 ..Gt Si., 2biViJ,pat.( 1MBU rtlfllloJfWtl jntrjom .Buy coavuKd m it aUuIhu uaih Jm giv,lMUlsat ,iwcr ,psth ;lxiine v jvaury, Mt. Paneix .utt-",1 .Vfnr Jdif raa jJowo. I (uflreil ttrnbly (torn MfVUIMW. I hd od if-,tXUr anUaay complexity ,wbd. ooii (tit btJ'fr- Now 1 m rtguj-u, uc.a good toaipltiotiUKl 1 am never erven oy nvor t. ,Lcilt U" .(Uyk .fit)OUt gtng .tkd od ,kep.Friit-a-Uvti oh hand la.cawaoy pi t&rUoiilv tc6iecoattipatd." . Camr MM: lUuw'J ra uioaul will r m a nAiuM. (rlutim Mou t4 , t ( w , Vtt urio-,uua.rrvu m.M.tyirHUi Business at the regular meeUnei last night of the Moose Lodge was to a large extent of routine nature. Dictator 'Glllls -Rover was In the chair and there was a good atten dance of members. IN Announcements Canadian Legion Women's Auxiliary .Bazaar. October JDon't 'lorget Junior Elks' dance Friday .October 19. Anglican Tea Mrs. ',W. J. 'Nelson's October 24. , Hill W Yoimg Folks' Hallowe'en Dance October 36 ' I ,8t. Peter's Fall" BaiaarOctober 25 Presbyterian' Tea, home-of Mrs. R, W. Cameron,.Fed?raliBlock,.Oct. 25 itygga's :Bazaax "ietropile" .Hall October 26. Prince Rupert Tennis Club .annual. dance, (Friday, November 2. I. O, D. E. GlrliOUlde.teaf Nqt.3. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Naem-J beriB. p Daughters of Norway Dance ,No-! vembet 9. '. Anglican Fall Bazaar ;Nqv. .29. MOOSE ALL JLVIXOWE'EN Dance and J)caving Xor Bazaar , r r November 2nd ,iN.,non,ii. - IN ailE8U?BEMEiCOUreP OfeOniTUJH CO).U&UiA . TUB MATTER .Or Till J1ADUIM13- i j . ttnnv a cr" Tn.vnoN.Acn- ' ' ANTIC IN-.T11S MATTER or THE, ESTATE, OP ;lUMn as Dan UaoDonald, Deceafedj llnteaUte. Tiirr unnri iht bt ordM Ot Hl Honor W. E. .Fl Ahe loth oaf ot Oc4 toper, AJD. '1KM. I was appointed Ad minutraxor of theeauteoi Donald Mai Donald, otherwise anoa-n as uu rkwvaiH drrMsed. ad aU partlea halnd cUUns aalnat .the said .estaU re herei hi iMiiri to iurmn wnw. pruyrnj veritied. to m .on ' "J; "It J7) day of November. A. D. 1934, and all artii IndsWed to the .Mte are re. qulnkl to ,py the amount ot their ln deDteoneaa to me iwuiwiuu N.01UIAN A. WATT .Official AdrmnUtrar. Prince Bupert. B. O iDated the IHh.tUy.of .October. A. D, 1934; DAPi-AST Dapl-Art lightens ihouse wQrk,andvmakes oldjfloqrs and linoleum look like new. Choose the colors .qf Ba.pco ;Floor Enamel and Satln-Glo Enamel you wish to use and follow the simple directions. .Beautiful eHecta .are obtained. Floor Wax Brushes Furniture Polish UI1 ,olets ,CAtuly NUd THOMPSON HARDWARE C. IM. Drawer 1145 Telephone 101 J. J. Little, general manager tpf the Northern - .British (Pqlumbia Power Co. jelled j(tQrda Jrttflr-noon on the Prince George for a business trip to Stwatf. 7- Waat Ads FORAljE ' DOORS, Windows rftcifromuwreck-, ed house. Hart. tf. VICTOR 10-tube .radio, :llke .new. Phone Bliie-glO. (242) i SNAP Trolling 'boat 'JI150 -each .-balance 1 year. Pete 'Bruno. -tf 7 roomed Jifluae p&xlty furnllhed. Close In. MOM. iiait. :tf. FOR RENT ;Four roomed 'house; close In. $10.00. tPhone.Oreen 402,' (tf) JUQST LOST Pay envelope -with. cash In- side. Flncjer .rejturp,tojDally,News Office. Reward. (243) FOUND-nCaP ifrpm .tank pf car.i Owner may 'have same'by calling at Dally News office and paying for this advertisement. PERSONAL MAKE .money .copying .names mA addresses .for mall .order firms, experience unnecessary. No canvassing. Write United Advertising, 1114 DeKalb Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. WORK WANTED kQENERAL Foundation repairs and excavatlpns, wood, cement or rock work. Albert rMoretto, hone 756. .(255) XRANSFERS CAMERON'S -Transfer. -Phone an. Blrtb, Jackplne., Cedar. tf iPAINTERS PAINTI.N.O ana Paperhiinglng Moller. Phrne Red B01 lVATEK NOTICK iDtVERSION AND USE TAKE WOnCK that Nathan Murphy, a hose address la AUln. B.C.. will apply tor a lie per io take and use 3 to Dn' of awter out of Canyon Crrek. lUch Oow4 aouth easterly and Iraloa Into. OTXmjitl ;FUw. about .four tnUea U4 the "EtlW M" Bench Lrae. The- water will toe dlTerted from the etreain -a -point about four mUerf above the iCthel M Bench Uease and j-U be tued tor alulrtng In open boxes purpcae upco the the mine described a Ethel M. Orace M, and Hulde Too. Thta notice was posted on the groupd jm V 14th day of AprU, 1934. A copy t)t this notice and an application pursuant rthereto and to the "Wa ter Act. .114." wUl be nied In the ot- Pled llh the saw woter Kecoraer or with the LCcmptrouer or water menus. Parliament Buildings. Victoria. B.C aithln thirty day after the nrst appearance of thts notice In a local HATHAK aiunrnx. Applicants J3T MELVIN BECKMAN. nouce.u uetooer u. ttANn irtr.fllsTRV ACT Ant. .The date.cMhe first publicatltm of thU He. Certificate of -Title No. 3T3l. to Lot 20. BIOCK J, wuern vtrjw.w Man S34A. WHEREAS preot of loss of the aboTe Certificate of Title. Issued .In the .name of Walter Jerome. Smith. ha been mad In this office, .notice U .herebj giyen that I ahaU. at the expiration on one month .from .the .dale of -the -flrat pub lication hereof, issue a provisional Certi ficate ,ot Title iln lieu .of the saia loss nrUfk.te. unless In the meantime valid objection be made to roe in writ ing. Dated .at the .Land Heglatry Office. Prince Rupert. B. C. this 28th. day of September, 1934. .Deputy iBgUtrar of Titles WATIiM''STHE ... , ... takjc NorncE that Norman H. Terry whose.ddre Is Maaoett. iP.C... win ap- i.!v rnr .10 taav aiui use m of water out ot nun wee, wa knhwn as Clear CreeK. wninn howi eastertv and drains ilnto -Hecate Stratta about WOO It, .northerly .from NX. corj It IrtM The water wUl .be .diverted from ithe, trm ft .a jwint .about 2600 1 feet N. Weaterly fromNJC. Cor. 1022 and will be Usea ttor isuub .upv the .mine .deaertbed as pit lsVy 181, No 180. No. 178. No. 179, lot 1019 and J W0. This notice was posted, on ,vu gruunu on the 28th day of August 193. A oopiy.ot this notice and an. application niittiunt thereto and to the "Wa- ter Aet ' ,ui io uuen n im th Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, nh tactions .to itlie uLPPlloaUoii .may be tiled with the aald Water Recorder or with the OornptroUer or vfater lugnia. Parliament iBuHdlrws. Vietons. a. v, wthin thirtv dava after the first as pearance .of TUs ,noUo ,ln a local nws- ' NORMAN H. TERRY. Applicant; The date of the tint publication 01 tails ,&6tlH u Uswyer i, I AT M iJERl.LiZrED iVAPQRATED -1) lCT Or, .STERILIZATION :MAKK II ITABS0U)JlY5Ar7 ISMYSSUBANCPF OUTSTANDING- ;Hl6H.QUAtlTY. POUBLYiRICH.IT : IMPROVES -ALL COOKING THAT REQUIRES MILK. 4 THE if HANDY5 Alt PURPOSE MUK 4 1 100K FOR THE TATfflACM $xksf kTFV-ri rV WORLD S LARGEST PRODUCERS AND SELLERS TltiTLfc-S Of COKDCNSED AMD EVAPORATED MILK Just Arrived tHere is-au ppportunity to buy seasonable goods at prices 35 percent lower than other merchants .offer ,them in .Prince Rupert. There is no need to send to mail order houses. We arejnptvjn a position to sqpply you. iMen's Suits, .Ladies' 'Dresses, Boots and Shocsiforhe yholei(amib'. Copte in ;and see them. FOR M Goodrich Laced Rubber Boots, Soles same make as 'Firestone tire material. At greatly re- duced prices! Men's Work Boots j Men's:Heavy Work Boots. Just ( the thing for those starting on road work or for ;miners. You ' save on these igoods. JJoots $and .Shoes A Special Sale;Ptlce;has been put pn .Men's. .Ladles,' Misses,' Boys' and Girls' .Boots and Shoes. AU sizes, styles and jnake?. These ,are bargains! Men's Jumbo Knit Sweaters Extra special values In heavy Jumbo Knit ,Q4 Qf-jS-eaters VVO Men s Suits a .High Grade Finest Quality Suits, .all shades including Navy Blue wth.2 pairs pants. Full .assortment ,Qf .sizes and all fresh, new stock. 'Reg. $25. Zfetot .813.9.5 English Blankets Fine English Point Blankets, .all shades and weights. These ate genuine goods and are on sale at -very reduced prices. Ladies' Dresses Ladles' Sample Silk Dresses, latest styles. On sale at 35 less. up -from iLadies' iFall and Winter Coats Values to $35.00 In fine luxuriously trimmed Coats, on -sale, 'from $13.95 Boys' Suits With Lonff SPpnts (Reg. $7.75 tFine vVoq1 Tweeds ..with long, pants Qff isale prjee RUPERT TRADING CO. CoMrS&akvt.&. SUIh St- vOpp-sPrlnceiltupert llptel ,1 We Accept City Scrip FOR FIRST CLASS Shoe Repairing Se SIMPSON Fifth Avenue .and McBrlde JF.RESII MILK AND CREAM 'DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 If your paper don out arrlre, telephone the office t a 2 p 3 0 m u a 4 9 m 8 n .1