AE OE ha deer le THE DAILY NEWS marmcrmsrmeertncomnss | ; ; — — “ ee a oo MLiTEMS OF. 0 . — For most delicious Bread, ITEMS OF, Weekly Service x | = THE COSY ORNER = Dainty Biscuits, Ete., use 5 C S P O R T 8.8, Prince Rupert, 8.8, Prince George ( DEVOTED PRINCIPALLY TO THE INTERESTS OF WOMEN / VN | | Cc Al LY 0 RelA blintacrkernisrnistaininieliiiel be For mee | rere, — eee eee 2 eke he eee || : Robin Hood Flour |= wine ns wonns wa) Vancouver ' cing This is a little section of the paper, which from day to day will be devoted | — in preparation for his recent bout i General Merchandise . - Largest Stock | to subjects of special interest to women. Any and all of the ladies of Prince Rupert | with Young I ogo, Harry Forbes Victoria BY Ses = are invited to contribute to its columns, and to take part in its discussions, Sug- got near the Oklahoma State we ei | gestions and criticisms are invited by the editer, The hope is expremed that “The | Your L Has I ' eee Seattle Bi i ] h B C. | Cosy Corner” will fill a social need. oot Decler Hoel! || penitentiary, wher guards, looking a 3 ; Lowest Prices in Northern B. C. | oon ee for ewraped convicts, twice chased | Mondays and Fridays, 8 a.m. oq comer |anid detained him. 4 | ae +++ jail STRIPED AND PLAIN SILK| THE NICEST SANDWICHES éspea bic eae Por Stewart, Thurnda aed Hundays B Se | ue —o— _ - ‘ . (4am, yocial fare on Bunda a) 1 AL AAYAANY ALLAALLLAAT ANAS AA AORTA S| } The eleven of the Germantown bout, 9.00 Petarn including meals e - ae < Something New and wher } FRED. STORK [ [Cricket club of phitadetphia witt| a4 berth . oa Picnics and Suppers e ? iM shortly { + witl | Prince Albert sails for Port Simp- a anges | General Hardware— sail shortly for Europe and wi son, Nase Kiver, Masset, Naden oe A sAMUEL HARRISON V. ¥, G. GAMBLE The daldas Of sandwict engae in thirteen matches in Marto, Wednesdays, 1.00 p.m, wt sti cnes 8, ; ; 3 : ‘ Ree or should be, a dainty bit of work Builders’ Hardware England and Ireland, playing oe, oan Charlotte Island points, Bat- The bread must be well-baked and|@ Valve# & Pipes Oxford Stoves ; . the crack amateurs of King — i p.m, Mpenpidvesin: Centon veorge's realm, The first game ilway Service to Copper River N uel arrison 0. old enough to cut evenly, for which | ee ? is scheduled for July 28 with the|™* = trains from Prinee Rupert Wed . > ife usec ( be ‘ 1 Bat ’ a paper the knife ised should be | Royal Artillery at Woolwich, and cursing “Thavelan tad Posdays ‘ one with a_ thin rp blade. SECOND - AVENUE the series will wind up at Cork| & p.m. 4 Real Estate and Stock Brokers It is very nice to have the butter|$-9 9-9-9 -. o-¢-9-6-6 TY Aides ie The Grand Trunk Railway System a APPROVED AGREEMENTS FOR SALE PURCHASED creamed—that is, worked with a . zs lst opefoiena tecana a Phas pbnnnn “ : SA Se ae at = ¢¢o € ( spoon until it is of a creamy ‘ liad aaa pie t service of luxur' trains over ite re Prince Rupert oF and sr Stewart consistency—and then flavored, if W. L. BARKER Piso Bertha Rapp ise wreetey double track route between Chicago, ee . * ve a of no mean ability. In a eateh-| Toronto, Montreal, Quebec, Halitex, : the sandwiches are for Serving Poctitoas ascatch-« an be ut on board the Portland, pe te new naa, = ncaa = . “ Sl icente sin Second ‘ : . . ’ delphia tlastic Steame ook ings usinsishaitiaatah Oe eee events the butter). en . a « All wrters received “44 the a Se aa ; ” | . She an “Metg . kle ee WHOLESALE a wed Mary | Office, Sth St Phome 42 = xX " Find the Right Goan VeHlarg, 2h PH. Mer at fu ee H. H. Morton - 3rd Ave. 4: Cour Wilm ernevet, Cth | Glace Icing for Cake ~ a oa i \ tz biz ° McLaten and ote wiecst suger =< Your Table Troubles -Ead Sergt. Martin. Calgary. Ble: each Co se aa Spoor FRANK D KEELEY s-,: Se. Serge. Free me & Fisher prises ‘ ss . * WHOLEL4L2 48) £ETALL venus wea, F wa, Leewt. Mieilde : wT now met : Pacne Mo. ow So. box owe OO. “FZ . runt Ba yee andl Prince Rapert Ledge, LO.OF. c PRINCE £UPEET. & Cage. Dower, Fis. cath: Sergi MO. 4% P atterwe catiall anvt Serz Ueota wt the Haigeram Kerk i 2a Ba VTE Peter A E T . . : very Tuesday Evening og. Zam Po. Ge 7 : < ; Ah memes A the veteran the ty Serge Cae « ‘ sf Yin aa ( ‘ F. W. HART oe r ree _ , aes rental ty Wake Cee sega. j oes UMDERTAREES oso EWe4—miic -STE2TALER &@ tts wee I" slam, ( 2iga tt ie Panera Lirectuurs aE CHEESES nas ioe Serge. Hander, Me att ¢* ’ ; fall ee L. CARE. 0.6 Pi Pre. Ward Vanerres , & Kh. 0. MORTON, tae . a sh gid * 2 Seto, SS aaa aE IIE + ite We tte te th CeCe. Jj y } he => +99 see-4 sos PSD S00 SSS Ses erd ser sssese ces seesseses a A EL MG lO le +e (ty Oly A jy Ah th tm Ah Away sasuneienmemenenmaenm by ais INVESTMENTS :!; | om |] JEREMIAH H. KUGLE® rs % * z> tiled = . . He ones Leas He onna More 2 He sells Buildings + sels "eS Special Bargains im pe .ae He a aoe ae ee Bon Komi Lent Fomens ee aa He has Farms Por Sale : rot Tuk Menus . Zaseton Dismeet Lanus Builkiey Jaitley Lande : : Zapen Valley Lance sermner leianct Lanes os _ Sle 3. He buys Lots 4 TLL Stes Drsunaaium Lands, Sane. lowre: aut Martie Lega it ses eases PRAT Sinres - List Your Properties with Jeremink H Kagier - - - ° Second Avenue, Prince Bagert, BC E w¥ ttt _ eae o' = Laon ae ees S a => SS lien irons - a