THE DAILY NEWS —EEE—EE—EEE HUSBAND IS ABSOLUTE LORD AND HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD Judge Decides He is Entitled to Order His Meals at B. any Hour, Choose the Servants, and Decide What ; (Canadian Press Despatch) Sprinhgeld, Mass., July 25.— These precepts for the guidance of wives and husbands in cases of difference over household eco- nomics, are laid down by Judge Charles L. Long, in the separate support case brought by Mrs. Edith S. Marsh against Henry D. Marsh, assistant treasurer of the Five Cent Savings Bank: ‘The husband is absolute lord and master of the exchequer. “He is entitled to his meals at any hour he wants them. SHERLOCK HOLMES STORY naan from — 2) you proneediedd to put into exe- cution.. Leaving your door just as day was breaking, you filled your pocket with some reddish gravel which was lying heaped beside your gate.”’ Sterndale gave a violent start and looked at Holmes in. amaze- ment. “You then walked swiftly for the mile which separated you from the vicarage. You were wearing, I may remark, the same pair of ribbed tennis shoes which are at the present moment upon your feet. At the vicarage you ssed through the orchard and the side hedge, coming out under the window of the lodger, Tre- gennis. It was now daylight, but the household was not yet stirring. You drew some of the gravel from your pocket, and you threw it up at the window above you e Sterndale sprang to his feet. “T believe that you are the devil himself!"’ he cried. (TO BE CONTINUED) MAGISTRATE CARSS ATTACKED (Continued from Page One) Mayor Takes Umbrage It looked to the Mayor now as if Alderman Clayton was hinting that the Police Commissioners were not doing their duty, and the Mayor as Chairman of the Police Commission immediately resented this. “If there is any man this city,’ he said, ‘‘who can claim that he has a pull with the Police Commission, I should like him to'trot out right here.’ I am not’ going to stand for any in- sinuations against the Police Board and against myself as Chairman of it. I object very strongly to such insinuations from any member of this council.”’ “T make no insinuations against the Police Commission,”’ said Al- derman Clayton never batting an eyebrow, ‘‘but I do say that if things like this are allowed to go on by the council, then it is time we dismissed the man res- ponsible for them.” Named Mr. Carss So far while the term ‘‘Police Magistrate’ had been used oc- casionally no one had made any direct mention of the magistrate’s name. It was left for Alderman Newton to do it. He did it without mincing the matter. ‘I meant my _ remarks,’”’ he = said, “‘to apply to the police magistrate of this city. To prevent any mistake I will name him. I refer to Police Magistrate Carss who reprimanded the Chief of Police in Food is to be Put on the Table “He may select such food as he chooses. If he wants food and his wife another, husband's decision goes, “A servant girl to whom the husband objects must be dis- charged. “Finally, man—who pays the bills, and not woman—is boss.” Judge Long advised the Marshs to patch up their differences. Mr. Marsh left the court room wreathed in smiles. Mrs. Marsh did not endorse the court’s op- inions, and said so. one the for having acted against these men without having first seen him.”’ Doubting Douglas Although the work of the police in the city is clearly approved by the other aldermen, Alderman Douglas has his doubts even of their integrity. ‘The police may be doing their duty ‘all right,” he said, “‘but I was going around the hotels late the other night, and if they were not doing business I'd be very much surprised.” (Great applause greeted this ac- count of Douglas in the role of Sherlock Holmes). “I don’t blame the _ police,” said Alderman Newton, ‘‘but put it this way: Is it any wonder if they do allow illegal ongoings when they are reprimanded when they do bring in cases?”’ Some mitigation of the harsh term ‘‘reprimanded"’ was attemp- ted by the city solicitor who stated that it was* usual, and fact necessary for the Chief of Police before undertaking a raid, to obtain authority from the magis- trate or a member of the Police Commission. However, he _ re- marked that he had never heard the magistrate reprimand the chief for not having got this permission. He agreed that the chief had made out a complete case, and said that he himself differed with the magistrate’s decision. He had hoped to have brought the case up for trial at the higher court, but it was a case where speedy trial might be chosen by the accused. MUCH WANTED MEAT IS HERE Princess Royal Brought Great Chunks of the Finest for the Depleted Butchers’ Boards. Hungry Householders Will be Fed on Fish Again. What was it made so many people anxious last night to greet the arrival of the C. P. R. SSS. Princess Royal? Up till a late hour citizens were to be seen pacing to and fro, going down to the wharf, and returning, even ringing up Digby Island to dis- cover where the Royal was. An anxious, not to say a hungry, look haunted the faces of many of the watchers. It was not the ‘‘Lonely for a girl’ look that might have been justified by the fact that a new theatre company was due to arrive by the Royal. It was real hunger. For Prince Rupert has been short of meat for a number of days now. For some reason or other the last boats from below failed to bring the much desired provender for the flesh pots of Rupert. Housewives have been besieging apologetic butchers until the poor men have exhausted TO-NIGHT EMPRESS THEATRE MAY ROBERTS And her Company in [2 THE THIEF CO PRICES — $1.00, 75c, 50c. SEATS—Nearly all sold. oer ne 8.30. Curtain 9 sharp. their little stock of meat, and their] y, se “The News” Classified Ads. —THEY WI = =QOne Cent A Word F For Each Insertion== LL REPAY LOOKIN CAREFUL i | = l G OVER— all The Insurance People EVERY CLASS OF INSURANCE, GET OUR RATES The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. Phone 150 Third Avenue and Fulton St — ———$—— little store of excuses for the non- appearance of the new supply. But this morning all is rejoicing. A special messenger despatched from the News Office to find out if the Royal had really brought meat, returned with glad tidings of great joy. The meat is there. Hooray! Put the beans back in the pantry. Water for Far Out Folk Alderman Newton again em- phasised his idea that water pipes should be carried to the outlying districts beyond Seal Cove where people are anxious to build. Al- derman Hilditch is net very en- thusiastic about this. Club Water Supply The Prince Rupert Club manage- water rates be put on a different basis from the hotel rates, as the club uses less water than a hotel would. The matter in the hands of the water Committee. Sloan’s Suit Clubs 1s Saturday’s drawing:— No. 9.—H. H. McLean ‘* 10.—R. E. Harrup ** 11.—Geo. Livick ** 12.—C. Overn ** 13.—C. W. Peck ‘* 15.—A. R. McLellan Be on n the Spot, Boys Royal Blue Ribbons —Vs— Brotherhood Crescents At the Auditorium Tuesday, July 25th Game called 8.45 sharp—Skating After | APREATON © Bring The Girls Along - - 25¢ LAND PURCHASE LAND PURCHASE NOTICES Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range V Take notice that I, George Kime of Towner, North Dakota, U. 8. < farmer, intend to apply {or parmianion to purchase the following described | lan Commencing at a it planted at the south- | west corner of Lot 2287, thence east 80 chains, thence south 40 chains, thence west 40 chains thence south 40 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence north 80 chains to point of commencement containing 480 acres more or less. Dated July 15, 1911 GEORGE KIME Pub, July 25. red E. Cowell, Agent Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range V Take notice that I, Peter Larsen of Towner, North Dakota, U. S. A., farmer, intend to apply icc pecmtanion to purchase the following described nds: Commencing at a tt planted at the south- east corner of Let 1729. the thence south 80 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 40 chains to point of commencement. Dated July 15, 1911. PETER LARSEN Pub July 35, 1911. Fred E, Cowell, Agent Skeena Land District—-District of Coast Range V ‘Take notice that I, John Evenson of Prince Rupert, laborer, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: commencing at a post planted at the south- east corner of Lot 4415, thence north 80 chaind thence east 60 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 60 chains to point of commencement. Dated July 13, 1911. JOHN EVENSON Pub. July 25. Fred E. Cowell, Agent Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range V Take notice that I, Peter eteknOn of Prince Rupert, laborer, intend to ap) for perme to purchase the following ene, fos ommencing at a post planted oe x north bank of Williams Creek witane the railway right- gwar crosses and 3 chains back from the creek bank, thence south 30 chains, thence east 40 chains, thence north 30 chains, thence west 40 chains to ya of commencement. Dated July 7, 1911. PETER ERICKSON Pub. July 25. Fred BE. Cowell, Agent Skeena Land District—Distriet of Coast Range V Take notice that I, Benjamin A. Fish of Towner. D., oceupation merchant, intend to for or peruano to purchase the ‘following deser ected ca at & pot planted on the east boundary and about five chains from the south- east corner of Lot 4484, thenee north 60 chains, thence east 30 chains, thenee south 60 chains, thence west 30 chains to past « of commencement. Dated June 24, 1911. BENJAMIN A. FISH Pub. July 25. Fred E. Coweil, Agent Skeena Land Distriet-—-District of Coast Range V Take notice that I, Adolph H. Christianson of Towner, North Dakota, occ ation sttorney- at-law, intend to a rise snowy fos for permission to purchase the following cing foes a oot. ated about one and les (1 1-2) northeast of the head of Trout River on the west side of Lakelse Lake, and about 6 chains from the lake-front, thenee south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 60 chains, thence east 80 chains to point of Rca OREN OLPH H. CHRISTIANSON Fred EB. Cowell, Agent Dated June 30, Anal . July 26. Skeena Land D Fab, aaet eee ristriet Coast Range V Rupert, laborer, inten, LO en of Prince to purchase the following tor anply for permission ment has requested that the club} @-< List of those who won suits at} ‘* 14,—James Russell Prince Rupert Indoor Baseball League | First Game of the League 4 Lost and Found LOST—A Kokak: left Metiakatla wharf. Finder rewarded by leaving eamne at Campbell's Cigar Store. 162-tf t ba" Pe A wapeh ot Keys between Post Office and xchange Find } turn to x S., News Office. 99 162-tf For Rent Sait Tactile Furnished rooms with bath. the week. Talbot House, Large well furnished room, private family. Splendid view of har Gentlemen only. Apply P.O, Box 1519. 164-tf Canoe for sale—20 ft. Peterborough in aes condition, 3 new paddles. Apply “ae Daily News before July 22nd. 159-165 McIntyre Hall, for one entertainments, dances, etc. Apply J, H. Rogers, phone 116. Six-roomed House to rent; modern conveniences, Fraser St., Apply Director, Cohen & Co, 143-tf Wanted—Small house, furnished or partiy furn- ished. State terms to Box R, Daily News.140-tf Commodious house, corner 6th Ave. and Thomp- son St., furnished or unfurnished. Phone 2% or P.O, Box 588. Stores and offices for rent. Apply Dr. nau Y Third Ave., phone green 59. 25-tf Neatly Furnished Rooms; gentlemen preferred. Apply Mrs. Mullin, over Majestic Theatre. 119-1m Special a by Phone 296 if you want to rent a house, furnished or unfurnished, corner 6th Ave. and Thormpson Street. All ern conveniences. Cosy furnished rooms, Mrs. Bower, Somerset Rooms, Third Avenue, between Seventh and Eighth. 117-tf | Help Wanted 4 a Os Og Os Ps > Wages $2.50 per A woman to do fancy troning. Apply at 165-167 day; also girls to work on mangle. once Pioneer Laundry. Girl wanted, immediately, for light housework. Apply Mrs. D. Cohen, phone 82° 150-tf Miners $3.50, Muckers $3.00, wanted at Hidden Creek Copper Co., Goose Kay. Take S.8. Vadso or Venture. 148-tf Porter Wanted Apply Talbot Rooms, 2nd Ave. 144-tf Wanted Woman for kitchen work, wases $35.00 a month and room. Apply Prince pepe’ Hospital. Te For Sale bream For Sale or Lease—Best located restaurant in Stewart, no opposition, liberal terms. Full in- formation apply or write to G. George, P.O. Box 251, Stewart, B.C. 165-168 Before buying your Stove or Range see A, J. Galland, McBride and Fifth Ave, Cook stoves from $14. 129-1m Fire insurance THE British Union and National Fire * Insurance Company of London, England, with capita of $2,500,000.00, See usfor rates. The Mac Realty and Insurance Company. 70-tf re ee ss rs rs rs re rs eel Ss Business Chances f ? Good money in Moving Pictures. Wanted—A party to start moving picture show in Prince Rupert. Write me for particulars. H. Davis, Watertown, Wis. 137-wi a Ay $100 Cash buys furnish- ed Hotel with 20 rooms, 5. Lot 18, block 2, sec. JOHN DYBHAVN PATTULLO BLOCH The Board~of Railway Commissioners, for Canada will hold¥a sitting at Prince Rupert, B. C., on or about the 19th day of August O11, at the hour of 11 o'clock in the forenoon for the purpose of hearing matters, applications, or complaints filed with the Board and served upon the parties interested in accordance with the Rules and Regulations “s the o, Board. By Order of t A. D, CARTWHIGHT, Secretary Board of Railway Commissioners for Canada. Dated at Ottawa this 26th Day of June, 1911, a To Root Out Free-love Tacoma, Wash., July 25.—Fed- eral and county officials today decided to take aggressive steps to destroy the colony of free- lovers which for several years has existed at Home, on Lake Bay, 20 miles from here. Ranchers in the vicinity have made num- erous complaints lately because given to members of the colony--men and| those lot owners who are anxious women—have persisted in bathing|}to build and improve lots for in the nude and parading about| business purposes, rather than tho- the streets without taking the ommeneing at a post planted banks of Wiha Creek about 50 op. fhe ae east frgen K., thence south 40 ¢hains, thence ones chains, ‘thence north 40 chains, thence Dated July 7, 101 mee AUL I Pub, July 26, Fred B. Cowell, Avent ent! trouble to clothe themselves, accordingly benefited. se who wish to imporve simply for speculative ends, Procurable. Do away with this. Patronize a white laundry. White labor only at Pioneer Laundry. Phone 118 Solid Ladies LEATHER BAGS in Crocodile, Morocco, Etc. OOoooe THE CORRECT STYLES Watches Souvenirs Jewelry soeeoe OFFICIAL WATCH INSPECTOR FOR G.T.P. R. W. Cameron & Co. Cor. 6th St. and Second Avenue. PHONE 82 Tenders Wanted For butiding Concrete Wall, also Stone Founde- tion. Inquire of McCaffery & Gibbons. 165-167 Notice Take notice that the gertnccebip consisting of Angus D. McInnis and Frank K y, Contractors carrying on a street contracting business in the City of Prince Rupert, in the Province of British Columbia, under the name of “McInnis & Kelly’ was dissolved on the 15th day of July, 1911. All liabilities of the partnership are to be paid by