PAGE SIX LAST CALL FOR KETCHIKAN Make Reservations by Noon Tomorrow to Ensure Operation of Excursion Saturday, Sept. 29, 11 P.M. SS. PRINCE RUPERT ORCHESTRA DANCING $7.50 CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Phone: 2G0 SATIN-GLO Satin-Olo Is the Ideal decorative material for walls, woodwork and furniture. Its delightful satiny finish together with its hygienic and serviceable qualities make a strong appeal to those who want something different from the ordinary, every-day paints. Made in B. C. THOMPSON HARDWARE Co. Ltd. TRY Shenton's Sheet Metal Works FOR YOUR FURNACE, OIL TANK, FOR YOUR ROOFING JOB Trompt in Service, Low in Cost and a Good Job Done Third Ave. E. Phone 33 Prince Rupert, B.C. Furnish Your Home First Read this column and youll save money every time you read it. Singer Machine, A-l condition $30.00 Six-Volt Battery Radio, Marconi 510.00 McClary Range $21.00 D. ELIO Furniture Exchange Auctioneer Green 421 We Still buy gold FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 M. T. LEE THE TAILOR has moved to the store formerly occupied by the Eli.-ctrie Bakery, Third Avenue New Samples of Fall Clothes Just In. Prices reasonable Cleaning and Pressing. COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edaon, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkier Valley. We aUo tell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oati and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. si nunc is RADIO Interference Sometimes originates In the chassis or tubes. To make a simple test, remove aerial and ground with the set turned on to full volume. If noise continues undiminished Phone Blue 320 and have an exact check made of your set's trouble. SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC MEALS - HERTII INCLUDED Steamships Sailings For Vancouvei Tuesday Catala 1:30 p.m Thurs. ss. P. George 10:30 pm Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide 10 pm. Ss. Cardena midnight Satur. ss. P. Rupert 10:30 pjn. Sept. 6, 14, 24 P. Louise 5:30 pin. from Vancouver Sunday ss. Catala 4 pjn. Wed. ss. Pr. George 10 ajn. Friday ss. Prince Rupert 10 ajn. Ss. Princess Adelaide 4 pm Ss. Cardena p.m Sept. 10, 20 ss. Prln. Louise am For Anyox and Alice Arm- Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.m. Wednesday ss. P. George 10 pjn. From Anyox and Alice Arm-Tuesday ss. catala ..11:30 ajn Thursday ss. Pr. George 8 p"jn. For Stewart and Premier- Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.m. Friday ss. Prince Rupert 10 p.m, From Stewart and Premier-Tuesday ss. Catala .... 11:30 am Saturday ss. Pr. Rupert, 8, pm. for Naas Kiver ana fort Simpson-. Sunday ss. Catala 8 pm. 'rem Naas Klver & Fort Simpson Tuesday ss. Catala ...11:30 am for Ocean Falls Thurs-ss. P. George 10:30 pm. Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide 10 p.m. Satur. ss. P. Rupert 10:30 pm. 'rum Ocean Falls-Wed. ss. Pr. George 10 am. Friday ss. Prince Rupert 10 am. Ss. Princess Adelaide 4 pm. Ss. Cardena pm. For Queen Charlotte Islands-Sept. 15, 29-ss. P. Charles 10 pm. From Queen Charlotte Islands-Sept. 13, 27 ss. Pr. Charles am. For Alaska-Sept. 10 and 20 am. From Alaska-Sept. 6, 14, 24 4 p.m. From Skeena River-Friday ss. Cardena pm. NEW PAPER BURNS LAKE Former C C. F. Candidate Issues First Number of Inland Independent A. E. Windle, formerly of Vander-hoof and now of Bums Lake, who ras the C. C. F. candidate at trie iast provincial election, has taken over the Burns Lake Observer plant and has Just issued the first number of the Inland Independent. Sidney Godwin, who had formerly published the Observer, is leaving for Sandwick, Vancouver Island, where he has a 34-acre nursery farm on which he spent the last summer. It is generally understood around Burns Lake that Mr. Windle Is being groomed for the C. C. F. candidacy at the next federal election In Skeena constituency and that was the reason he changed his place of residence. He Is an able young man and can make a success of his paper If he keeps It really Independent but If it Is to be the organ of the party he represents It will probably fall. People today look for Independence In a paper. Students in High School on Strike Over One Thousand Pupil Quit Studies as Fees In Montreal Are Increased MONTREAL, Sept 24: (CP) More than one thousand high school students in this city have "gone on strike" following an Increase In fees from 50c to 75c. Presidents Mother Eighty Years Old Mrs. Sarah Roosevelt Celebrates Her Birthday In Excellent Health And Spirits NEW YORK. Sept. 24: Mrs. Sarah Delano Roosevelt, mother of the President of the United States, celebrated her eightieth birthday in excellent health and spirits In her home at Hyde Park. Destroyers At Port Simpson II. M. C. S. Skeena and Vancouver . , .stewan mis Morning After Three-Day Visit H. M. C. 8. Skeena and Vancou ver, after a visit since last Friday afternoon at the Portland Canal camp, left Stewart at 8 o'clock this morning for Port Simpson whers they arrived at 2:30 this afternoon. Thp turn fTanartl-in rioctrnvor win spend a day at Port Simpson and then proceed via Skldegate Inlet and the West Coast of Vancouver Island to their base at Esaui- malt. Today's Weather Terrace Clear, north wind, 40. Anyox Clear, calm, 36. Stewart Clear, calm, 35. Harelton Clear, calm, 23. SmlthersClear, calm, frosty. Burns Lake Clear, calm, 20. Dead Tree Point-Clear, light westerly wind; barometer, 30.24; temperature, 57; sea choppy. Triple Island Clear, calm, sea smooth. Langara Island Clear, calm, sea smooth. "TILLIE THE TOILER" THE DAILY NCTB , JU1J 1 COMEDY IS EXCELLENT "The Affairs of Cellini." Outstanding Picture, at Capitol Theatre First of This Week ,A hearty, hilarious comedy that moves, along at a fast, smooth pace. 'The -Affairs of Cellini." starring Constance Bennett and Fredrlc March, Is to be the first of the week feature on the screen of the Capitol Theatre here. The picture, said to be an outstanding one, promises g'a'y"ntcrtalnment and rollicking fun. The film concerns itself with the affairs of the passionate and Impetuous Sixteenth Century Florentine goldsmith and lover. Benven-ute Cellini, played by March, with the amorous and beautiful Duchess of Florence, portrayed by Constance Bennett, and with his beautiful but dumb model Angela, played by Fay Wray. Frank Morgan has the role of the Duke of Florence, other outstanding members of the cast Including Louis Calhern, Vlnce Bar-nett .and Jessie Ralph. The picture revives the color and atmosphere of Renaissance Italy in all Its paradoxical beauty and ugliness.. The backgrounds are spectacular and impressive and the costumes of the period are both elaborate and lovely. Aspen Logs Here From Fraser Lake Six Cars Arrive From Interior En-route to Orient to be Used in Manufacture of Matches Delivery of six carloads of aspen logs was made on Saturday night's mixed train from Fraser Lake to this city. The six cars are the first of another shipment to be made this fall by M. M. Connelly, Fraser Lake sawmill operator, to the Or lent for use In the manufacture of matches. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Union steamer Catala, Capt. A. E. Dickson, on her regular weekly voyage arrived in port at 6:15 last evening from the south and sailed at 8 pjn. for Anyox, Stewart and other northern points whence she will return here tomorrow morning and sallat 1:30 pjn. for Vancouver and waypolnts. After, having been In command of the company's freighter Chllll- wack during the past two or three months, Capt. W. W. Mounce has returned to duty this trip north as pilot of the steamer Catala. The Chllliwack has now been withdrawn from service. Quintuplets Have First Auto Ride Five Dlonne Babies Taken From Their Home to Hospital Which Has Been Built For Them CORDEIL. Ont.. Sent. 24: The Dlonne quintuplets, now practically recovered irom their recent attack on Intestinal toxemia, were 116 days old on Friday and had their first automobile ride when they were taken from the home of their parents to a new hospital which has been especially built for them. Advertise In tnt Dally News Unshaken TlA rf" WPC" VTCTB TOST TU TC OUTLAWED by MEN... LOVED ,.. Feature at 7:41 and 9:41 ADDED TKKATS Hal LeRoy in "Private LrsnsM Travelogues "Sunny Italy" I mm Montreal Hank Held Tp, Handit Getting $1500 MONTREAL, Sept 24; CP A lone bandit held up a branch of the Banque Canadlenne Natlonale at the end of the week and escaped with $4500. We Sell At Reasonable Prices Because we buy right and pass on these adrantacrs to our many customers. We offer you greater bargains. EMPRESS TEA-Indo- dp Ceylon, while they last, lb. MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE l 1 n Highest quality, per lb. WESTON'8 PANTRY SHELF QHn SODAS, per tin OOK, EMPRESS PURE JAMS It JELLIES All varieties AYLMER PORK & BEANS 25c Talis, 3 tins JELLO Real flavor 7c Jr pkg. 4 for . ... 25c REMO CABBAGE 25c 6 lbs. Fruit & Vegetables Cauliflower, large, each I9c Cucumbers, large, each 5c Orecn Tomatoes, good it firm, lb. 1c Oreen Peppers, .per lb 12c Red Cabbage, 4 lbs 25c Canteloupcs. for preserving or table use. each ... . ... I0c Concord Grapes, 7-lb, basket G3c Arriving Wednesday Leave your order now! MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 Belief 1 ujrtjr TONIGHT and 1 TUESDAY by WOMEN! T on'i lip 1 1 of Fl0 tnt mn thundered fci hiihlej Ofe criet! for hit ormil In ofCLLINI with FAY WRAY FRANK MORGAN Dlft4 kT CIIOOIT IA CAVA Everybody Will Want to S j-"20 Million Sweethearts" Seventy-two timts a minute, smoothly and sen fh "Human Hands" of the Easy Washer move up and i"w ur and around, flushing clean air and hot audsy water u;'u it fabric of the clothes. Make the EASY test In your home. St the EASY wssJi ' clothes without wear of any kind. You can trjut your ir i' fabrics to the EASY. 1 See the EASY splndry remove the water from, .lr a without squeezing and creasing. EASY Washers to suit everyohe, sold on EASY terms, $84.50 to $174.00 THE FAMOUS Easy With the Vacuum Cups f'1 m in nit ' .nil. -By Westover Phone 6 for demonstration In your home, and b,c r m. -3 about EASY. EASY 1R0NER, simple anil efficient Iron your EASY wash. A worthy companion CI 24.00 eMU2m.M THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMKiu COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL BRITISH COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Producers it Refin ot ELEPHANT TADANAC Brand Brand CHEMICAL FERTILIZER ELECTROLYTIC Ammonium Phosphates Sulphite of Ammonia Supfrph'' nl,lu r',!u i ri rMmlumrt'n" r - - .v v. ....... t Mr i m v iii, s ry vh '-twr viJsry