,,r. Sep' K 1M4 pafe fie uoy to Health with JOHNSON'S Johnson's Baby Talcum 25c Johnsons Baby Sdap ...... .25c Johnson's Baby Cream 50c LEADERS EVERYWHERE IN PURITY AND QUALITY Best for Baby Best for You Ormes Ltd. "Jit a Pioneer Drtuzff is ts Tbe Retail SUn 1 .1 :kx kxkxsx ehee ms usmimt. muwn mt au i.a-,i HEATERS! HEATERS! It ke sure that you have adequate heat in par home this winter, fc"? b and inspect our stock of heaters We carry several dlf- ! c :drls including Quebec brlckllned heaters Cf ? Avw (3 CJA v id brk.Jncd circular heater Prices from GORDON'S HARDWARE ri:i'i i i:i m tmjmh iaia . THE BIG FOUR Hy the products of The Sea, The Soil, The Forest and The Mine will we prosper. BUY Bulkley Valley Coal and get more value for your fuel dollar Your Opportunity We offer lor remainder of thu week, good quality potatoes. lbs for 90c W lbs. for' .ioc lbs. for Delivered Arrived todav. lLfpTntrwh Ah. Pto at very reasonable prices ft r wocery lo. Canadian Pacific fHlNCESS 8TFJU1RRS for Ketchikan, WrangU, Juneau and Bkagway, Sept. 10th, 20th, Oct. 1st. tor Vancouver direct Sept. Cth, 14th, 24,th, Oct 5th. or Vancouver vla Faus and Way Ports, "Princess Ade- wide" every Friday 10 pan. For Reservations W. L. COATES, Gen. Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C.. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED ToR Reamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver- ArriwW KVE,lY TUESDAY, U30 VM mvinfe Vancouver Thursday 5' CAHDENA KVRltY FRIDAY MIDNlflUT w.!kw f Vancouver, Monday AM. ' wd Rnw Blmpwn. Alle Arm. Anvoi. fltwt irtho, J Iiv Prim Huprrt BqntUT. P - . . Information renardlnir all sailings and tickets at- PR'NC8 HUpkht m,m'. th.i .i..n.L rhn ttt the rJAtLf rrcwe PAGE THREE ..nui . .i.i,mj.l.jiu Bay r boats: (1 It It Phone 311 MtBrid St mrmrrnvrnzmrmsuxuiCMTUTusMm COFFEE DeLuxe Served at All Times of Day or Night Always fresh-Ustng the Bllex method Doing away wholly with metal taste, stale flavor. Healthful and Invigorating. Commodore Cafe LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cash waiting or old cold teetn-, toinf, thifns, watlnei, etc. ntU ger'f. (t!J Frank A. Btevens wa discharged bit week from the Prince Rupert Genera! Hospital, where he has been a patient lor some time, and if his periodical visits to the Colu- " - First Prince Rupert Guides Co.- Scotch Tea BaptLrt Church to-meet tomorrow night at 7 JO. 422 1 morrow afternoon 3 otoloclc 221 U now a guest t the Knox Hotel. 3, E. Erescfc of Belolt, Kansas, after a brief vlit here on business m connection with his local property interests, tailed last week lor Vancouver whence he will proceed East. ri. L. Batten, well known Vancouver mining engineer, was in marlo mine at Usk. Mrs. F "M. Otennle, who fras been paying a visit here with Mr. and Mrs. A. i. Webber, Sixth Avenue East, sailed by the Princess Adelaice last Friday night on her return to Vaneouer. Tom Hanson, for his fourth offence on a charge of drunkenness, was sentenced to twenty days' imprisonment, without the option of fine by Magistrate McCTymont In city" police court Saturday. Roger Obafa sailed fast week for Vancouver where he will resume his studies at the University of British Columbia after having spent the summer vacation here with r.4 parents Mr and Mrs. C. S. Obata. Ct. E. Oullck, local manager of the Swfft Canadian Co;., returned to the city on the Catala hist even ing after having made a trip to Chicago to attend the Century of Progress ExDoslttok He was award ec the trip by he company as a prize for salesmanship. Private D&ncc Mucli Enjoyed Thirty Couples fri AtterMarice" Affair Friday Mht at Kh6x ITotel Announcetfigftt Thanksgiving PresbvUrian Missionary Tea, Manse, October 4, catholic Church Baraar Octobef 10 and 11. Canadian Legion Women's Aux lllary Bazaar October 18, Anallcan Tea Mrs. W. J. Ntlson's October 24. Hill 60 Young Folks' Hallowe'en Dance October 28 St. Peter's Fall Bazaar October 25 Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Novem ber 8. Anglican Fall Efoaaaf Nov. 29. Moose Half BKMG ortd SOCIAL 4 tM. Tuesday Septemucr 25th Auspices Women' of the' Moose AdrnMJforr tS6 You can rent a Car at Walker's is tow as $1 a day plus 7c. a mile. tf Mrs. Reuben W. Scherk has left for a trip to Vancouver. Miss Dorothy O'Neill sailed last Friday night on the Princess Adelaide for Victoria. Miss V. M. Bowes arrived in the City on the Catala last evening from Vancouver to pay a visit with her brother, William Bowes, accountant for the Swift-Canadian if The first of a, series of private dances which it IS planned to hold at the Knox Hotel during the coming winter took place on Friday night with some thirty couples In attendance, the affair being highly enjoyable. Dancing was In progress from 9:30 pan. until 1 ajn. with' excellent music by Charlie Balag-no's Orchestra. Delicious refreshments were served. Elks' Dfcnce Friday September 28. Cambral ber 5, Spinsters' Spree Octo- S. O. N. Dance, October 5th. United Church supper October 8. Co. here. W. B. Maxwell, general superin tendent for the Oranby Co. at Ari- week enroute south following one'yox, who has been on a trip south, was a passenger aboard the Ca tala last evening returning to the smelter town from Vancouver. Mrs. M. M. Stephens. Mrs. D. McD. Hunter and Mrs. R. E. Benson left yesterday to spend a couple of weeks at the Port Essingtoh Hot Springs, making the trip there In Mr. Stephens' boat Vera S. Frve. Inspector John A. Fraser. pro vincial police, who has been on a trip to Vancouver and Victoria on official business, returned to the cfty on Saturday night's, hav ing visited Prince George on the way back. Miss Helen Randal R.N., regis trar of the Graduates Nurses' Ass ociation and inspector of nurses' training schools for the province. after having paid her annual In speetion visit here, safled by the Prince Rupert Saturday night on her return to Vancouver. Quests at the regular weekly lsncheon of the Prince1 Rupert Rotary Club last Thursday tn eluded Commander J. E. W. Oland R. C. N.. Surgeon Lieutenant-Com-1 mander H. R. Luckey It C. N Lieut. WaKer Hume R. C. U. V. B, 0.-A McMillan, Capt J.-RElfert and R. E. Moore. 1 nnta rc. rayfonr The Extra Vitamines In Pacific Milk SB The vitamines all belong to the milk hi. fta pure, natural state and. as non are lost by the method of vacuum packing, so this good milk', when It reaches you, still retains all its original life and strength. Vacuum packing is a boon which Pacific Milk and some very few dry foods alone eri Joy. Pacific Shoulder Lamb, 5 lbs. it i cauliflower Veal Chops 2 lbs; Steak', a lbs. Milk tLC. Owned1 and Controlled' PLANT AT ABBOTS FORD JONES' Family Market & 1 bunch earrots Hamburger, 3 lbs. & 2 lbx Onions Pot Roast 4 lbs, Boiling Beet, 3 lbs. ti i bunch Carrots ... Stew Lamb. 3 lbs". it l tin' Peas Prime Rib Roll, 4 lbs. Si 1 Cauliflower Sirloin Tip Roast ttt lb teg of Veal per lb SPECIAL Smoked Salmon per lb. Phorio d57 75C 35c 35c 25c 35c 25c 25c 15c 15d 15c 25 c Phone 957 Albert Firrow, steamboat in spector, arrived In the city on the Princess Adelaide Jast Friday "evening td make an inspection of the steamer Prince John which Is In the local dry dock for overhaul. The last ot the series of dances held at Moose Hall in connection with the visit of H. M. C. 8, Skeena and Vancouver took place Thursday night and drew a large crowd. Music was by the Strollers Of chest ra, Qillis Royer was masted of ceremonies, refreshment were looked after by Mrs. Ole Stegavfg ana Mrs. Peter Wtngham and Joe Rathchford and Louis Schlbig preside at the door. Want Ads FOR SaLe FOR SALE Baby' bed. Apply 620 Sixth West. 222 FOR SALE Gas boat 30 ft., 4 inches long, 8 ft 2 in. beam, 8 h p. heavy duty Vivian. Two years old. Ayply Seal Cove Post Office. 22i FOR SALE 80 'H.P. Gulowsen Gref Semf-Diesel Engine complete with Prepeller and fittings. Can be Inspected' at Otnowseh Orel Plant Replaced by larger engine. Cheap for prompt sale. Sunde & d'Evers Co., Seattle, Wash. FOR RENT S room modem house, 143 8th Av enue E. 224 Front apartment with electric range. Steamhcated. Smith & Mallett Ltd. tf. WANTED WANTED to rent, or buy on easy! terms, Nov. 1st, 3 roomed house i with range, close In. West prefer- J red. Particulars to Box 222. i Dally News. 222 FOUND FOUND Necklace on Fifth Av enue, owner may nave same ny Identifying and paying for this advertisement. FOUND Eye-glasses InMcClymont Park. Owner may have same by calling at Dally News and paying for this advertisement. HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING 1 Cluster Curl; Latest Styles NELSON BEAUTY SHOPPE TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177. Blrcbi Jacknlne. Cedar. .tf PAINTERS PAINTING ana Papertanglng Moller. Phone Red 802. NOTICE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IX rROBATR IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER Or JAMES BURNS. oUirrle known m Junes D. Burns, TAKE NOTICE tht by order of Hla Honour Judge V E. FUher the 10th day or 6?rntxT 1934 I vaa ppointd Ad- miniatrator or we estate ot janr uiuu, otherwUe knovn a Jame D. Burns. deoraxrd, formerly oT Terrace, anum Colutnhla. who dW at Prlnca Rupert. B.c on the 30th day oi Marcn, imju. and an person! having claims against the atttd ewtate are htrsby required to lurnlih same properly verinea 10 me on or before the lOtn flat OI fiovemoer. 1934. and all partlea IndebU to tne estat are hereby required to py the amount of tholr indebtedness w lorthwlth. . , NORMAN A. WATT, Otflclal Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C Dated the 13tt day of September. 1934. IN TUB SUPREME COURT OPBRITISII I I COLUMBIA IX PIUtn.VTE m THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" IV THK ifATTKH OP THE ESTATE OP LEWIS SANDE. DECEASED. INTES TATE. TAKE N6TTCE that by order Ot His Honor, W. E. ruher the- 10th day pt September, AD. 1934. I was appointed ACknuusirawr oi n u " " - Sande. dereWd, and ail parties having Piatnut ninmt twr mid etat are here by required to furnUa sams, properly veriilea me on or orw w " da of October. A. D. I?4. and tl nnrtlni lrrlbud to' the itat are re quired to pay the amount ef then In debtednees to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Dated ttw Uth day of September, AD. 1931. 1 Rupert Trading Company The Store of Low Prices GET RID OF TIIEJ DEPRESSION1 BY BUYING AT THE STORE WHERE YOU GET THE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY! We have hit the mall order houses a slap In the eye by selling at lower prices than any of them. We invite any who have not Jet Inspected our stock to call and look It over and compare prices. Those who have boirght from us are coming again -and again Here are a few of our bargains: Ladies Leather Sport jackets m,$5.9S Men's Jumbo Knit Sweaters S Heavy Ribbed Wool Combinations, Including Red Label, St. George's and Atlantic priced up- M 95 from We have just received a new shipment of Ladies' Sheer Cliiif on and Service Weight Hose first quality, at surprisingly low prices. If you are travelling, see our large stock of luggage. $6.50 Special si Children's 3-Piece Woollen 82.69 Men's All Wool Monarch Coat Sweaters In varied colors, fine assortment CQ QC Keg. $5.50, at .... Women's Fine Quality Sample Dresses, Regular up to $15.00 up spTl from $3.95 The winter Is approaching and blankets are becoming a problem. We have them at prices that make shopping very easy. Special prices on all lines of footwear . and rubber goods. FOR SCHOOL Boys' Leather Jackets. Reg. Boys Tweed School Suits, long QO G I pants, sizes to 3Z Oi nc tDt73 Extra Special val.?1'w We Accept City gcrip MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE .J, - -. . Bedroom Suite Vanity Chiffonier C7I 1,UU Hfl and Bed Stead FELTOL RUGS, 6x9 feet, $-25; 7V2x9 feet, $6.00; 9xl0!,i feet, $8.75 Phone 775 Prince Rupert 327 Third Avenue Queen Charlotte Island SHINGLES The best made on the coast. Not Kiln Dried HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 TheFish which made PrinceRapertFamons "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Dally By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 1 9 m