41 fcfroeacing . . . 3fi5 Toiletries Manufactured by Loric Perfumers, Toronto li I .... 3Gj hau de Cologne . 3G5 Kay Hum 305 Freh Lilac Shaving Lotion 365 Old English Larander 8G5 Khum and Quinine Hair Tonic 3G5 Fragrant Hody Rub K-oz. Hottles, regular price $1.00 Kfial, at Ormes Ltd. "Jim Pioneer Druqejists The IttiaU Star Phones: II It ft 75c MacKenzie's Furniture Special ELGIN HAG UUGS r-. lx30-inch, each 40c m 22x?6Mnch, each .63c ' 21xlK-inch, each 90c Mall Orders Filled at ThU Prlre Phone 775 Prince Ttupert 327 Third Avenue URESCO! MURESCO! FOR WALL AND CEILING DECORATION : popularity rests on IU lovely soft finish Its economy f application, and on 1U great practicability It comes In eighteen beautiful Unts. ;?5c Package 40c '-Package lORDON'S HARDWARE araxa'ixzmiaimiaisBrBmzai'-BJBi-MrBratat-BrJii' Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By "anadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Canadian Pacific fWNCESS STEAMERS for. Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and ""uswujr, DPJH. lUin, WW, OCV. or Vancouver direct Sept. 6th, 14th. 24tlv Oct. 5th, tot Vajuuver via 6cron Falls and Way Ports. "Princess Ade- i-ide every Friday 10 pm. ' For Reservations W, L. COATE8, Oen. Agent, Prince Rupert. B.O UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED 8teampr inv D,in.. nntwrt for Vancouver a;hJA EVERY TUESDAY, I'MYM Vancouver Thursaay 8-S. CAUIIENA EVERY FRIDAY HUNKJUT. .ying Vancouver, Monday AM. U Uln. to Port BUafMoq. Alio Arm. Anyoi, WfFtft and unher Information regarding U sailings and tickets at- rince Ht'FCBT AOENCTI Third tfno. " - rgi n .... .. ... -r- "i t- i"1" k U you lose anytliinir, try a classified ad. s Miss Juartfta Falconer, daughter of Mr and Mrs. T. W. Falconer of Alice Arm, was a passenger on l board the Catala yesterday return-Itng to Vancouver to resume her' j studies after having spent the sum-1 jmer vacaUon at her home in the, north. i Mrs Alice Savage of Ladner, worthy grand matron of the Order of the Eastern Star for British Colurrtbla. arrived in the city from the south on the Prince Oeorge this morning and will pay an official visit to Bel 1st Chapter of iru cw tomorrow rugm. ipnigiui she will be guest of honor at a 1 dinner and bridge party la the' (Knox Hotel. On Friday ihe willj i proceed by train to Prince Oeorge ito pay an official visit there be i fore returning south, 08 "If mjr three fcaby W lev viUicoUfior pcrrub from their teth I them Baby's Own Tablet ud Uey were koob nri Mr. T Tweedy: MiU-yrod Rd.. Toronto. Tbeae ntrt little taMeta rrmon tK came of f raiulnrM and the child Immi happy sd vtU ittln. All Ui.com-bm ftatntrau of li( tie folk r mronUr and MaZv cortrcted wilk Ik waiiarn' Bb)-'ftvn T.blrt. fho 2U Mi JtW dnisut's. h Dr.Willitmi' flfTSys Miss Edith James arrived in the city on the Prince George this momlnc and will Join the staff of Mi Lady Beauty Shoppe here. Dr. Gordon James of Anyox, who has been on a trip to Toronto, Is a passenger aboard the Prince Oeorge today returning to the smeiier town. JONES' Family Market Stewing VeaJ, 3 lbs. Peas. 1 tin Slewing Lamb, 3 lbs. Peas, I tin .. Shoulder Lamb, 5 lbs. 1 Cauliflower Lamb Chops 2 lbs. Veal Chops-r- 2 lbs Round Steak, 2 lbs. I bunch Carrots Hamberger, 3 lbs. Onions, 2 lbs. Pot Roast 4 lbs Boiling Beef, 3 lbs. I bunch Carrots Shoylder Pork 4 lbs. Phone 057 25c 25c 75c 35c 35c 35c 25c 35c 25c 50c Phone 957 FJtESH MILK AND CHEAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIItY JMionc 657 "THE DAftT NEWS PAGE THREE LOCAL NEWS NOTES United Church Tea Thursday t You can rent a Car at Walker Mrs Geo. Davey'a 1045 Second Ave. Cah waiting for old gold teeth, coini, chain, watches, tU. Bailer's, au Mrs. E. M. Wllkins of Campbell-ton. N.B. is paying an extended visit with her daughter, Mr. H, M. liar-per ol this city. Mr. and Mrs. Gorman Fraser. who have been on a trip to Alice Arm, returned to the city Irani the north on the Catala yesterday. C. P. Ashmore, manager of the Oranby stores at Anyox, Is a passenger aboard the Prince Oeorge today returning to the srnelter town after a business trip to Van couver. as low at SI u. day plus 7c, a mile. Canadian Region, BK Regular Monthly Meeting tonight, Mrs. Charles McLachlan, wife of the wharfinger at Anyox, and daughter, Anne.were passengers on board the Catala yesterday going through for a vacation trip to Vancouver. Irs. H. W. ?rge of Toronto, who is visiting here irtth her son and daughter-in-law, Dr and Mrs. R. O. large, returned to the city on the Catala yesterday after spend hjg a few days at Port Simpson where she formerly resided. Mr. Justice D. A. McDonald ar- Jam foreman u-hn ha hppn ! rtved 'n the city on the Prince .at Steuart lor the oait few werft!0eor8e thl morning from Van I relieving durtne the absence oncou,rer t0 Preside meT the n holidays of W. D. Smith, local " . SuP1 Court Assizes manager there of tie Northern B. (Opening. .Here tomorrow. He is (C Power, returned home from the j accompanied by Mrs McDonaw, i north on the Catala yesterday. Iii , . . SPECLIL VALUE on our Duchess APPLES $1.10 per box DELIVERED Pn We At Watts' Grocery Thrift Cash & Carry Hamlin & Thomson TERRACE, B.C. Miss E. Nelson of Anyox was a a passenger aboaro the Catala yesterday olng through to Vancou ver where she will take University examinations. E. C. Morris, manager of the bauncm uiver oow Mining co was i a passenger aboard the Catala yes- terday going through on a business j trip to Vancouver. Colin McDonald, son of Dr. and (Mrs. McDonald of Klncollth, was a passenger aboard the Catala yesterday going through to resume his duties fn Vancouver after having spent the summer at his home on the Naas River. FOR QUICK SALE Lots 9 and 10. Block 15, Section 7 and Improvements $450.00 whole or (250DO each. Norrnan A. Watt, Administrator, Chas. Vess Estate. Announcements Pbll-irmonk Society presents Marie Bolagno in riano ReclUL assisted by Dr. Large, United Church, Sept 12 at 8:16. Admission 0c students 25c. 13. Anglican Tea Mrs. Evltt's Sept. Children's Masquerade In Legion Rooms September 14. Presbyterian Tea and Church Hall, September 20. Sale. Cambral Spinsters' Spree Octo ber 5. United Church Thanksgiving supjer October JB. Catholic Church Bazaar October 10 and H. Canadian Legion Women's Auxiliary Bazaar October 18. St- Peter's Fall Bazaar OctoheriS Presbyterian Fall 'Bazaar, November 8, MOOSE HALL HALLOWE'EN Dance and Prawinjg for Bazaar Tickets on November 2nd Hotel Arrivals Royal A. H. Gamble and R. J. Lenthan, Stewart; Mr. and Mrs. "W. O. Valpy, illlaai PavJdssn, Fred Lozoriok, 31, Vertch and C. Svan&on, city; R. W. Beecher and C Ji JJell, Terrace; Keith McLean, Anyox: J. Jackson, i Salvus; Mrs. Herriman, L. P. Posten ipd E. Martlnsen. Edmonton; John Lpontowiclc, Winnipeg; Mrs. A. J. Downing, Elsie and Richard, Sea-ton; P. R. Pike, Vancouver; Harry Scott. Chester Leask, W. C. Benette, U. Guthrie and C. Westgarth. city; Mr. and Un. A. York, Massett, Prince Rupert II. E. Goulbourn and F.C.fiwen, Victoria; Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Church jr., Seattle; M. Morbin and Hugh Boswell, Smithers; E. S. Wadsworth, Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. J.wens, Evejyn; J. Orr. T. J. Stephens, M. S. Bryan, Mr. Justice and Mrs. D A. McDonald and Mrs. M. L. Kinder, Vancouver; Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Vpsburgh, Stewart; M. J. Walsh, Toronto; K. A. Wilson, Bute dale Cannery; James Adam and N. D. Armstrong, Vancouver; R. W. Sinclair. Inverness; Mr. and Mrs. Q. White. Massett; E. H. Kinder, city; M. W. MrKenzle, Kamloops; i. Campbell. Stewart. York C. Howley. city. Central Mrs. P. Jensen and daughter. Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. J A. Le-1 guinla, Edmonton; T. Anderson, Q. N. R.: Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Saldan city. Knox W. Boyd and S. Robinson, Stew art; A. Ferguson. Massett. Savoy J. Pedersen, city; May Thomas, Port Esslngton; L. A. N. Potterton, A. J. Lenehan, Dr. J. W. Vosburgh, Tony Lanzethen. Mrs. Loye, Jewel Rice. H. J. Stewart, W. Cameron, E. B. Love and Mr. and Mrs. W. Scrim-geour, Stewart: R. E. Hogan. Tyee; Mr. and Mrs. George Eyford, city; Mr. ana Mrs. Kromann, Morse Cove: A Peterson, Evelyn: James Adams, A. E. Campbell. J. Auger and C. F. Oland. Smithers; F. B Morten, Quick: A. J Peacock, Quick: "Mrs D. Heal. Telkwa; WO- Ulara Johnson, Bablne: Mrs. Birrell, Korth Bulkley: C Beck, Vancouver. Home Lighting MAZDA LAMPS 25-40-60 Watt Buy a carton of 6 $1.40 Colored Lamps Now 30c each Carton 6, $1.70 Kaien Hardware A satisfactory place to shop. Try it! COFFEE DeLuxe Served at All Times of Day or Night Always fresh Using the SU-'x method Doing awajr wholly with metal taste, stale flavor. Healthful and Invigorating. Commodore Cafe COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaran teed to give aatlsfactlon. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. W also eU Timothy Hay. Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co, II rbuea III FOUND SE THIS WEEK ONLY NYAL SERVICE DRUG STORE for 1 SALE Thursday-Friday-Saturday Home Remedies, Toiletries Rubber Goods, Stationery Candy and Drug Store Sundries AT HALF PRICE! McCutcheons Drug Store Third Ave. And Sixth Street Classified Ads .FOR SALE FOUND Necklace on Fifth Av FOR RENT FOE SALE English baby carriage, j FOR RENT Four roomed house, $750, Phone Red 787. 213 close Jn. $IZM Phpae .Green 402. NEW Trolling Boat, reasonable price. Cash or terms. Apply Pete Bruno. ill) WANT to sell, or trade two fine lots, 23 and, 24, Block 26, Section 8, Map 923, Prince Rupert. Make; offer to P. J. Hamstrorn, 600 3rd'' N. W. Seattle, Wash, USA. 213 1 HAIRDRESSER 1 - ' DVDXI PERMANENT WAVING! (217) Cluster Ctrl; Latest Styles NELSON'S BEAUTY SHOPPE. TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177. Birch, Jackplne, Cedar, tf PAINTERS enue. Owner. may have same by ' Identifying and "paying fox thiS PAINTINJ3- ana Paperhancing-advertisement. MoUer, Phone Red. 801 FOUND Eye-glasses hi Mcdymont , Tli svtbxss. court of British Park. Owner may nave same ay Columbia calling at Daily News and pay. Ing for this advertisement. I TKOUATE IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINIS-TEATIOlf Ad- ana FOUND Bunch of three keys, iN the matteb of the estate of owner may have same by apply. Ing at Dally News office and paying for this ad. TATE- TAKE NOTICE tiwt tj orirr of Ela Uooor. W . Flsbsr tie lCni d&J of firrctmi tr. AD- i34. I appotatfd ! Admjnl.trat ol tixe eeUt Of LtWll IS THE SVPBEUE COUET OF BSITTSH I Sf dt, dewated. od li parUas liMln; COLUMBIA -1 Kiiifdfi AgixLst the said CfUte Are tuere- IN F?OIUTE . tr required to ruml&b forae. prcpertr IN TEE MATTER OF THE "ADMINIS- j verified to pos en or feefcre the )5th TBATION ACT Qf Octcber. A. D. 1934. a&4 a& forces iodU(d to tit estate arf re-IN THE UATTER OF THE ESTATE OF, fluiwi t PT W ojount Qf Util ln-JOHN EATON MORAN, DKCEASEp. ' GetVdoeas to me lerthvlth. TAKE NOTICE tit by onder of ,HU, OI"?AIi . . . ?T.. Honor. W E. Fuller, the etb di; at , Otlclal AdmlqJtrtoT. Augu, AD. 1SJ4. I M tppotflted Ex- Daied tbe tli day of Spteber. ecutar of the estate of Jotm Eaton AA 19 Uoran, dooeoaed. and all parties fcaria? claims' agic. the said estate an bere-: try required to fxsoiib -SAine KW" ' ly verified, to me qa or before &e 2nd day of Noember. A- P. 1,3. and ajl parties Indebted to the rrtMie are Tfr quired to par the ammiAt of tbett )n-debtedntjM to a forthwtUJ. UORLET B. MORAN. ATT JN BC n&iMl t h 1 rf Hit ff Rntmvir i AD. 1S34. M OtOrS Truck Motors Suitable for fish boats also speed boat motors $35 up .Christie Truck & Car Parts 1630 W. 1st Ave, Vancouver Queen Charlotte Island SHINGLES The best made on the coast. Not Kiln Dried HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME Why send fuel money away when nature gave the Bulkley Valley Highest Grade Coal mined in the west. If not satisfactory at first try again, it may not be the coal. Your dealer can supply t you. Buy Bulkley Valley COAL and get more value for your fuel dollar s s 3 s mm ft? m -1 0-. t! 7