lOI TWO The Family Shoe Store Third Avenue. LIMITED Phone K Here They Are NEW SPRING SHOES DAILY EDITION BY oenorita You will be delighted with styles and leathers offered . and at such moderate prices. THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT BRITLSQ COLUMBIA Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations WHAT DOES IT MEAN? INVESTORS SHOULD JIEAD 91 the Blue Grey Black Brown White Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN - - - Manjagint-Edltor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period paid in advance . For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year By mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per lncn, per Insertion " Local readers, per insertion, per line Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters' Telephone Friday, April 13, 1934 I 15.00 JO 3.00 SjOO 1.40 .25 m Yesterday afternoon an order was sent by the newly formed Horticultural Society for over seventeen hundred rose bushes for people who during the last .three days have put in orders for them. The roses re being sold at cost with the object of carrying on the work of beautify ing Vhe city and making it known as a city of roses rather than a city of rain. The movement ,was commenced rather late in the sea son. Had it been a few weeks earlier two thousand roses could easily have been ordered. Many residents had al ready purchased their supplies, mostly from out of town points. If it is found that this importation is successful it is possible that it may be repeated next year unless some local florist decides to take it up, order in quantities and sell at a very small margin of profit so that the work will oe accomplished through legitimate business channels. In putting on the drive thjs spring there was no thought 1M flirt MiHrln 4-1. L - C 1 i 1 1 1 ui me iiuiiua ui tue jh uiuoiers 01 competing wun loca stores. The season for rose nlantintr was almost over he fore the drive commenced. No nersnnnl onnvacc unc maIn the only publicity given being through the medium of the Daily News and the response ,was wonderful. .One nersnn was kept .busy in .the newspaper office most of two days answering inquiries and taking orders. All this was done for the good of the cause and the secretary of the asso ciation also gave his time wjthout remuneration just for the satisfaction of knowing that he was doing something i-w iicjjj wauiii v, ,tue uty anu encourage me cultivation o flower gardens. t The response to tthe move of the Horticultural Society indicates that people .are anxious to do something if they w.wjf ohuwu now, it iuuu.ciies a genuine uesire to im prove the city and should lead to better wardens everv where. It also seems to indicate that the period of financia ujicsaiuii is l ujmuy passing. People who may contemplate making investments or speculating in stocks should read the summary of the address given by Ar, J. T. Mandy to the Rotary Club yesterday. He nde clear Jthe difference between investment and spQculaUon and warned those who had a little money againaecoining what is generally known in the rather vulgar parlance of the curb as "suckers." In these days when so many people like to dabble in stocks or when they are willing to listen to the siren voice of the promoter, the advice of Dr. Maridy to investigate well before investing is verv appropriate. SMELTERS ' ACTIVITY Consolidated Plans Another Rusy Season ThH Year in Omlneca Mining Division Making Ready Early Presence of Field" Engineer In District Believed Significant j Consolidated Mining ti SmelUng ! Co.. according to word received Jin j Prince .Rupert, ip already laying i plans for another season of active development this year of its far flung Interests In the Omlneca min ing division. , i The most important operation of Smelters in -the Interior so far Is the large scale placer development at cl-i to frl- In fhp fiprmnnsnn In the Thutade Lake country, chal-copyrlte and gold claims on Morice Mountain near Bear Lake at the headwaters of the Skeena River and the bornlte and malachite Driftwood property. The presence of late of H. C. Glegerich, field engineer for .Con solidated from Klmberley. in the interior Is taken as evidence that the company is preparing for an other active season both north of and in the Immediate proximity of the Canadian National Railways line. The nearest of the mining pro perties on which the company has beep active during recent years is notjes than 100 miles north of the railway line. At present the chief means of access to the properties has been by airplane, the company having maintained a machine with Ken Dewar as pilot and bases at Burns Lake and Fort St. James. Smelters activities in this remote region are believed by many to be based on the ultimate prospect of a railway being built westward through Peace River Pass to the Pacific Coast at Prince Rupert or Stewart. The Letter Box WATER SERVICES Editor, Dally News: According to a notice In the press the City of Prince Rupert is going to discontinue water services to some of its oltlzens commencing April 15. , Is the City of Prince Rupert! ready to be responsible for epide mics of disease which will follow this drastic action? Epidemics due to such action would isolate the city, curtail halibut landings and would be published throughout the land, thus giving to Prince Rupert an unsavory name. Could the City of Prince Rupert cope with such epidemics of dis ease? Can the City of Prince Rupert legally and morally deny water services to any of Its citizens? Has not the provincial department of health something to say in the matter? C. D. CLARKE New York Lady's jewelry Returned NEW YORK, April 13: Jewelry valued .at $30,000 belonging 4.0 Mrs. John Loeb, daughter of Arthur Lehmans and niece of Governor Lehmans of New York, was retur ned as mysteriously as lt had been taken. POULTRY RAISER CONQUERS ''ROUP" fraltf MlnarJ'i Llnlmtnt A Rmtdy for Roup pr Bronchial Flu Ka4 la tkb UtUr from O. MIitMU. hWl n) fhn it hroU out amoDi lib Mlr hm. -Attn trriai othar VanaUa n obUlnlni no rnulu vbaUttr," wrHaa Mf. Hlatl.ll., -I UM Mlnard't Ul., U .It rop. ea Uw loafs. aa4 aom. Una. mora, d.prndlnf on th. blroa. I ua Cltl. Iliat It Mp.i m. Mt a lot.-Inara. Llnlm.nl la a triad mU imoa raaiady for .pralna, bnrna, arulan aoa .kla u wall M for Hroa.kWJ ul THE ! DAILY NEWS Friday. Ap: : i; Why ARE You Always Tired? Wkjr 4'i Jim bat. to arauh Jajrt Uat Mtt 'aadlaia latin 4 jrutir ftwu bud wi' ITvtwUir Tun .aul U araroW Vo V941 bar ,tn. aoaxar, ; anaoar ia r kaalr tut xr aam. LK I attaa. ymut Iimi, ntfiuaiiir of aaUt Kaa't mrti mpitu tbmiuboa. la lacC. bnapltu .iiauoaWoa voublat laowaaoU. ho k.ar auaport it twexwt tlxy r' nul. 5 bat u If Laadacb!, ladtboa aud dro an a OCCMX. ? ih, aenaisW fcabiia. plua aa oftaaional ra-trahibf , piaaafi.t.taauac gUaa U Aatiraa. Um ball iU kp 7 our iiiia U 1m Iom. J'l xiraMlf, tlrrp oaWi.aUjr wl. plratr ( Inch f Jfi warvia., nJ or lair. tab vvtk .ago aa iavia'orab.af tlaaa ol AMni, W Llp Nalura aat jaur irwa laraa; uipmt mi iawnUaa. Do Una ru.bl tkUo aaJ you n p it. Tow aeprkl. aill fe Cm1-and ya aiU aaoafx lb' kr d. j ! pbyhcal tirpraaaiua. Cat Aadat litar Mt irva r dniaa to-da; aud adept'tbrn aUbpW kllua. rulta Ma.aat Ua aaniko btk aTnnla. ia tita. ?S'at oOr. . lai.a buttla. Tic. S.U Aaaota: Jab a A. Bum Co.. Lid . ltftala M I.T.ver secUon near Manson Creek', anyone for the asking. Also the in its .OCAl U0- ;,vhlrh unrlor rfirwtlnn nf W M City XotUnat; Ogllvle and with a crew of between erage ":es where sound advice forty and fifty men employed, came , uW be obtained, into production last fall. By "akng a study of the cond - Other Consolidated interests on.) U r- ucpartmental report it which extensive develooment Is ex- as easy for the Investor to choose pected to be continued this year I IAXGEUS by SPECULATION AND upV Tp AVOID 11FJNG ON "SUCKER LIST (Continued from Pace V. between the unsound fairy tales of are the rich gold deposit known asle promoter and sound lnfonna-the Polaris Group at the head .of j Wdted through the dcpait- Mesilinka River, copper propertlts i oi in Vuc vj -ic formation available and the efforts of the government to protect Investors, there would be many a s'horn lamb." Dr.(Mandy then gave a number of instances where speculators had won out. These had been sound speculations based on knowledge. He told how Harry Oakes had discovered Lakeshore and had been turned down by the big companies. He then Interested his friends in the find ! and secured sufficient capital to finance development. Optimism and faith buoyed him up and he had been able to .keep a controlling' interest In what had become the greatest gold, mine lm Canada. He has been offered as high as $32,000.-000 for his 52 Interest Other examples -of sound speculation were seen in those who put their money into Mclntyre in the ! Porcupine district, the promoters culator and the other a gambler and a sucker. Kinds of Investments The speaker then outlined the UIaaI.aJ . . 1 II.- - J I . . - . ' C Clothiers Lt Men's Heavy Weal Sox , . . .. to clear Ladies' Brown and Black Pumps-Blunt toes, per pair Grey Suede Sfort Oxfords per pair ' v"u V,c 'c a v"" 01jjng down of the operation. This which could be calculated. This wasveln where Intmeaed. was seven a sound investment but the price of ,feet ln wldtn wltn a good pr0p0r. the stock would be high. mminft values tIon of ore. carrying 2. The mine In which lt was pos- , nt,M flnrt ,.llv,r Th vin l iiin. 25c S1.95 $2.95 S3.95 .i..uiin fUrupg and Oxford pii pair WhlU Moh QxfarddK-Xiwn he.i ' iv. pair ...... , v Ucitfs' Suntfii Strti Cuban hod jer iutr Wfldiest Silk 8ervtc Wrtflit JHockmr jier pair . W. lcin -st silk Creuc tiian poi pair 'Children's Classic Shoes, .hundreds to JicJ from Fleet Foot Runners for the Whole Family We have just received a large shipment of rft 4 Ladies Spprt Oxfords . .S In five different styles. These shws have been boulu for 7 l iffljtj i J 4i at a ,ow ,l8ure slie 'rom to T'! how arc worn & ,, x pair Don't miss this opportunity. q q M . J To be old for , V A'O Mens l.irtvy Work Shift-- Ail Wm; Vvktng C.ivblnatlons 95c S2.95 S1.35 B. C. CLOTHIERS LTD. I'honc Black 324 ANOTHER PROPERTY fnlA trt QntllrltA thn nrtvnHUA (r t ... t ... TAKE OVER GOLD MINE (Continued I rom page one) quired and intend to operate. A Ul LdlvA. 1 lMvi:0-,k 9penln up Uw working, on .- - the property which has been closed for some years pending set- Work Beln Resumed on .Glacier Creek Mine at Stewart To ement of an esUte. Tlie property. Extend Tunnel upon which half a million dollars lias Already been expended and STEWART. April 13: Further which Is equipped already with of which barely escaped prosecu- .evidence of Increased mining actl- mill and power plant, was a suc tion. Teck-Hughes, Bralorne andjvlty in the Portland Canal district cessful shipper In previous years. Pioneer owed their existence to the t$ given by the announcement that The ore runs about $20 per ton in speculations of the public. Cariboo j Glacier Creek Mining Company values, principally gold. Quartz was another example. Two Limited will start a program of During his stay In Prince Rupert, courses were open, one to be a spe- j work as soon as condlUoni on the Col. Ryan was met by Ueut.-Col. S. ground permit which It Is expected D. Johnston and Major C V. Evltt will be In about a rnonth. of the First North B. C. Regiment A contract has been let to drive and made an inspection of the old 170 feet from the end of the main Auditorium building on 8lxth Ave- tnnnel nnur Irl Ml feet. The obltc- nu U&1 which it l n!nnr1 tn various kinds of mining investment Uve ,n the extcmlon o( lne luhnei conmt ,nto an armory and heftdi ,usuiuWi, u1cmcW MM.c. u to open up a Unt Vfln slniclt quarUr, 0I tne nm Nortb q c vo oe m .mrer propwon w ".jurlng diamond drilling operations i Regiment. 102nd. Battalion. Col . . , , ... some years ago at which time shor-' Ryan, who commanded the 102nd 102nd. i. yi.wuciiig wine win. utc (und. rnmocUed the c os " posed to be a continuation of the here and stated that he would do VZ.7 auT,l"cc " """'imaln Dunwell vein now under de- everything possible to assist This was a speculative In- velonment lniiiv in .h. ,ft.P vestment. 1 3. The mine In which an advance : - . could be anticipated through the! finding of nw ore bodies. This tool was a speculative Investment. 4. The mine with ore blocked out ! of sufficient quantity to Justify putting In a mill was a sound ln- vestment. 5. A company that by means of! surface and other exploration had ' good showings was a speculation I and the person putting up thci money should be ,ln a position to lose. A. A property in proximity to a ?ood mine In which the shares were low In price would be pilrely Speculation, for proximity to a good mine did not necessarily mean any thing. 7. Finally the property ln a new area. It was people who speculated in mese wno had brought the In dustry to its present advanced state. But for them many proper ties .could not have been developed or mbilng area's illscovered. People i putting up their money should be j in a position to lose, as the possli Diuiies were remote. ne speaker urged that his hear ers avoid the high pressure sales man, if they speculated with their money, they sh6uld do so In a sound manner. They should gamble wiin uielr eyes open, Dr.ii Company AIJoyed 73,U0 in Ontario Court j TORONTO, April 13 The Louis K, Liggett Co. has been allowed $73,000 as part of its claim against the trustee for Schulte United Ltd, FOR SOUND INDUSTRY Induttry ond trodj or the meant by which o country makti effective uie of natyrol wealth. Th Royol cuik has olwoyi been ready to encouaae iowrd Canadian enterprise. It hoi montalned Ihlt attitude through many year of varying condition. THE ROYAL BAN OF CANADA K 82.25 81.35 85c 81.25 Next door Frizell's Meat -Shop Battalion overseas during the latter days of the Or eat War and in which unit he naturally still maintains a deep Interest, expressed the hope that the department would endorse plans r for the new armory Ideal Cleaners OPEN In New Premises Cor. Mr)Ilri(lc & Fifth CLEANING, REPAIRING, DYEING, ETC FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 s. it. s. -lune m topics HIGH LIGHTS Tlll'RSnAY 8:00 Foothills Revue flcr. CiXN. CRCV 0:00-Violin C1um a a 1 1 1 . ...' rhonei CFCN, CRCV. 0:QO-Under the Stars. CPC'N, ency. 8:30 1ln OUfs DWM- KOMQ. 10:15-Waller Brans KPQ. 0h . I'ltlDA V 8:15-allmorc Circus. KOM0. 8:00 Concert rnmnm, CFCN. CRCV 9:00Nltwtt Court CfTN. CRCV. 10:l6-Herbert Kny's Orrh KOMO. SATURDAY 0:30-Tlier Northern M,'n' CFCN, CRCV. nl Re member tVe nllrt I modern, eflrlrnt nd " liable Radio Servlr Superior Radio Service Phone Blue 320; 336 nd. j.OOK h'OH THK TOWIK COAL! COAU ,0r r.amou Edson. .AjwrU J. Coals tit v Uulkley Valley ( teed to give satUfacUon. ton of No. J uulkley. Va,, also sell Timothy Hr-Oats and Uarlef. I'rlnn IllltlPrt i-Vcd fa