page ,Ftnm Gutting Ready Jr "Da Preem" Max Baer. getting Into hia prna ujnar. traui.? tor :.-, coming bout with Carrara, photographe -i doir.g a little rowing on Lake Tal.oe. Calif. He plan to come rai for the more serious part of his training before the big battle, June 14, BASKETBALL VANCOUVER . .. ATHMPSON, W0N FIRST Y, P.'E; A. Win Senior Games and . ' Athletic Club. Second IJirhion PORT SIMPSON. April 13: An Inter-club basketball series was played between the Y. P. E- A. and the P. S. A. C. which resulted in a complete win in the senior division for the Y. P. E. A. while the P. 8. A. C. took the series In the inter-1 better than last year First game 28-20 In favoi of Y. P. E. A. Second game 39-24 In favor of Y. P. E. A, Trama: Y. P. E. A-R. Sankey, P. Alcx-cec, Art Wealev, Bill Johnson. R. Knott; subs. A. Tait. H. Bryant. P. 8. A, CJIm White, Oeo. Wet-, ley, Rbasell Mather. Oeo White. Ed Henry, Carll Ross; subs. Oeo Moody. Oeo. Green. Referees Paul Price, Jim Law-son and Alf-Weslcv. Second Divhlon The second division games were i igiinrr laars upeiier rrom yii- smmI l.v Willi, rw Omni & Hona limtuU (jMMvh mi JlilvtPiMjIwillvft IMatillvrlaa. Juff- J .nifrm&ytoThifnt 1 nut uubllklied uubllkliwl or or dltpls Olaplcvett berU .Union Jacks In Western . Basketball Title Series RAYMOND, Alta.. April 13: ICPi ' The Vancouver Province on Wednesday night defeated Raymond I I Ttl 1 a firm K o UAm f , ii In the first of a three-game series for the Western Canada basketball title. mediate division. I v.. In the senior (fames both matches' also very fast and marked by very were very fast and the Y. P. E. A. elean and close playing. Between carried this off with their superior the two other teams there seemed shooting, especially In the penm , to be very little to choose. Both of Bob Sdnkey who had his shoot- i played ball right from the start and ing eye during the entire series The '.here wa, not an idle moment. Kamea were remarkably fast and 1 he crowds were well satisfied as clean, the official having the nmeu the Quality of hoop exhibition well In hand at all times, and thre' that was being dispensed by the was a good feeling among the j teams. players themselves. rVsf game, 20-17 In favor of the The standard of play was much P. H. A. C. Second game,-27-10 In favor of the P. S. A. C. Y. P. E. A.-BI11 Row, Edgar Cecil, Tom Mackay, Jim Lawson, Robert Cooper, Ell Tate; subs, Tom Moraes and John Brentzcn. P. 8. A. C. Tom White, G. Wesley, Henry Dennis, o. Green, D, MusKrave, O. Morxly. ? riefereea P. Price and ' G. A. Woodland, local agent of the Imperial Oil Co.. sailed last night by the Prince George for a trip to ocean Falls on company business. lnUton"CnANrS BEST PROCURABLE" The Orlclnsl Vuf ! at Wndnr or direct from "MaU Ortlar Itrpt," li,iur Cuuttul ituard, SI7 llaaltj Mrart, Viwwinr, it.C. B.V.. nniiMN ana ruaraaL ,y the Uuuor Control Hoard or ibe Government of HrltUb CuluuUs. HitmjHfmmrlWftm WrWtH,plH HWw WtBttlwaaajaoa Total 10. Terrace D. Nelson 12; J.. Big- more;?: k. Thomas 11; W. MeCon- nell 0: C. Mlchlel 1; Kenn 0. Total. 32, Refree -F Hipp, Telephone Bridge And Whist Party Twenty-Six Tables at Successful Affair By Catholic Indies' Aid Under the arrangement of Mrs Louis Amadio and Mrs. E. Pette- nuzo, a very successful telephono L. J. Blaln, Mrs. nussanlch, :Mrs. Amadio and Mrs. Peltenuzo. After card playing, refreshments were served at each home. TTTT TUT! V V'FWR "'iJ IB fek. .SRK QUICK START ACCELERATION POWER . . ANTI-KNOCK PURITY MILEAGE . . . 7 proctkcal 4Mutoooa l .owrW4a ai la. itaaufpoaaaj qaalitiai ol Hob Co, wa XI at otfirWt ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS la tba Art! pon who caa proo laat amy obr omW UaU a Sohaa. ColuaMa at Ik mm pric) acU Hm Cat U U uair lactora Mt ! aUn . . . fr Woo U Tax, aaybwj 4 IK Hwipui. M lb attorda. a,af lb lodto- To cu lay . awt , nlwk our alalomaai wtik 1.000 WU1 U ckaQa MOMt UU. DlSTtUBUTUtUj UMITLU A 100 British Columbian Company BASKETBALL CHARGE BY Hindu Dies At AT TERRACE; rni ninee Interior Mill fanarsdol Defeated by Score 3: to 10 in Fast (lame The main event and of TERRACE, April 13 In the last basketball here the first game was between the Mikes and the Sharks, the Sharks defeating the Mikes by a score of 14-6. This was a good game with Sharks doing some excellent passing, but both teams had bad breaks In shooting, more so SutRrstion That Ontario Government Played .Part in Mocking Retrial of Aemlllu Jarm TORONTO, April 13: Premier Henry stated here yesterday that the . government could not prose cute Col. Prank Moss for his charges that a retrial of Aemilius Jarvis had been blocked at the instigation the Mikes who were unable to keep of the government and that it had tneir score uo, Score - Mikes Mrs. Mlchlel,' 2; B. Moore, 2; A. Thomas. 2: E. Head, 0: R. King, 0. Total 6. Sharks C Smith. 4; Miss Mc-Innes, 2; M. McLaren, ,fl; P. McLaren, 0; R. Toft, 0. Total. 14. Referee-L. -McKenney no desire to prosecute Col. Moss. Ferevn Heard From LONDON. April 13: Hon. O. dmwlng : of Andrew Pepall In United States. Vri f,ll Smith, Indian (Jirl. Alleged earn ior ir.e speciaiors was tne nn Kim tm inrin. in game between Vanarsdol and aithc trU1 o( Aemlllus Jarvis were Terrace representative team. ThU ; -to,, abaurd." ' was one of.the fastest gamesplay-l 20 on the "Terrace floor ror some time, Vanarsdol stepping out lake home the -laurels -but tailed to do so by a score of 32-10. The . Ucame .was very rough, fouls 'being I called by the referee on many The individual scoring was: Vanarsdol P. Mason 2; W. NH-m 2; iP. Kennedy 2; W. Lawson A. The prize winners were: Contract' Bridge Ladles' first. Mrs. R. E. Moore. .Auction Bridge Ladles' first, Miss Pujmlra Astorl; second, ;MI Jessie Gillies; men's .first. T. Bus- sanich; second, Miss Dunn. Whist Ladles first, A. Fornaza; second, Mrs. .Cainpagnola; men's first, Mrs, Culos; second, Mra Basso. C. W. Kerr, ex-alderman and pioneer resident of this city, who has been located In Vancouver for the past few years, arrived In the city by yesterday's delayer! train train after atrlp to Bmlthers, Terrace and other ioterjt points atid sailed by( the V$nt jQcotue hs night on his return to Vancouver, III Samuel Insull Deeply Moved Former Utilities .Magnate 'Visibly Touched on Heine Advised He .Must lave Turkey 18TANBUL. Turkey. April 13:-Samutl Insull. former utilities magnate', was deeply moved yesterday when he was at first Informed by Hie Turkish government that he mast prepare to leave this country immediately. Later In the day Insull was taken In charge by United States authorities for transfer to Smyrna. whence he Vas to be placed on board a steamer for the United Slates, General Johnson Had Close Call bridge and whist party was (held. W(e i0UM( iIarty .NfarIy a(1 last night by the Catholic Ladles' .orash Witli ;I:lorida Train Near Aid. There were twenty-six tables Miami Yesterday in'all and the hostesses for the. .evening were Mrs. uuoert wara,, MIAMI pia,, A,)rli 13:-Gcncral Mrs. Frank St. Amour, Mrs. M. P. ,UR, a, Johnson, administrator of Mcuanery, Mrs. n. r. uiassey. jvirs.i lnc National Industrial Recovery Act. with o group of governmcnt.of flclals and White House correspon dents, narrowly escaped death when an automobile In which they were hurrying here to meet PresI dent Roosevelt. on his return from i fishing trip ,ln ,FlorIda and Ba hama waters, missed by inches a speeding Florida cast coast train at n level crossing. Karn Singh Suerumtxd Suddenly In liitworth Sawmill Itunk-tiQtise Iterentljr Kam Singh. 54-year old employee of the sawmill at Longworth In the t Prince George district, died sud denly In the bunkhotne there on April 1. apparently from nateral causes, divisional headquarters of the provincial police here are advised. Karn had been a resident of British Columbia since 1904 and , had no relatives In this country fHoward Ferguson, Canadian Hlghiw tl i Commissioner and former Premier j IS LilclTffCCl With chatties made by Col. Frank Ross in j Toronto that the Ontario govern- i ment had instigated the detention I Theft of Money To Have Iteen Prow line in Rooming- Home A a result of a complaint of prowling activities In the West-holme Rooms. PrtscIHa Smith. Indian girl, was apprehended by the city police this morning and charged with theft of a small sum of money. She will appear before Magistrate MrClymont in, city police court this afternoon. OFF COLOUR? HOW IS YOUR UVER? Wale up your Liver Bile Without Calomel Tour ltfri a vary anafl otiaa, but h mmy Uial caa put roar dif-ativa aad tliaiuun waa Ml kUtar. by nimut to pw aul iu aar tao puiiuda of Uiaid bti into jvhi boaaai Vuu won't totu(Mrf aonMt auak a aoaJilk by Ukibf aiia. utl. uuiwrai aatar, UutnnW. or at'raill( na, or rou(tiaa. W taai'v atuyi tuut bow-la Uiaj'ra laroufb ui ywa kaad a Urn UOiul.ot. Cartn'a liltla Um PUla wJI anoa brlat thm aiwaluiia iato your lift TUr'it putary ) UU. Mala. Hurt Aak for tUai by T Kallr aalutuUw, U at ail rtnajgiita 44 Mail Your OLD GOLD Out of town customers may -send in their old gold and we will makeaiffiffby re-turn mail and hold the parcel till advised if satisfactory. Yrilivl O iti ni'n lllllfN L I '! GiEWELLEIS lilt S10HE WITH TUt CLOCIS Have You Had Your PILSENE TODAY? imi.NK it rcgularlv! health. "Hotter than r dicmes," physicians ji; ItltDI.' ..l...t tizinir. nourishine -1 sener is jftKxl for you! I A I AT A III V rhorn titiai uu ii iirv scner everyone docs! i iijuii.i ii . r L largest sales oi anj . a ft ' k : L I lieu IHMT in nniiMi lumhia. BUY IT BY THE CARTON VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED Ahi, Brewers and Bottl : DITCH (illtl, AND V. It. V. HOIIIMIAN' KS AND CUKAM STOl T HOLIDAYS For Adults or Children on the famous Graham Island 'ortli Beach Fishing. Bathing, Badminton. Picnics. Scenic Drives. Shooting In the Season. Rent a fully ,furnlshed colt ,ikp ot River For lull particulars app!y SIRS. DUNN Mav.ctt, IJ.C. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll nrrW 'A IIOMfcAWAVriO HOME" H.lH 11.00 9f c,a " 60 Rooms. Hot prl:l(. Phone 281 IMliert B P.O. Coal Prices . . i . .yj Minchenu Lump Coal ,0 Pembina g Coal W tjnivt; vU , Coal in Dry Shed and Delivered Ptf UVnC TD A MCPI7D duhNF. 58) a m. mj a. r-a mil a. a m a a a w - i it tutttf m aa vavoaw." trm