jkyAprll 13, 1934 I Write for copyof our PBEMIBM CATALOGBE IIkIXLV DOUGLAS A; CD, LTD, Vancouver Calgary or Winnipeg BMBBBBBBBOBBaVWSSSSSISWVWWMW-MSMW Jasmine Toileteries - Face Powder, two sizes, 50c & $1.00 Creams, 50c Kongo and Lip Slicks Shampoo Hriliiantinc Litpiid and Solid DeHcately Perfumed with the Perfume of Jasmine Ormes ltd. J? Pioneer Druqcists Ihe Ketall Store rhoneas (1 t 1 ROSE, COWAN & LATTA Ltd. Printers and Stationers Typewriters Typewriter Paper Typewriter Ribbons Typing Pads Witx Paper Wrifinjr Pads Account Hooks . Account Paper Account Fasteners Adding Machine Rolls letter and Paper Clips Shannon Casus Wotting Pads Rlotting Paper Shannon Files Rill Rooks Carbon Paper Cash Register Rolls Letter Raskets Waste Raskets Bull Dog Clips Besner Block, Third St., Phone 234 Batteries "SUPROX" lotteries tnav be charged in 5 nituitc s at 200 amp. rate, or in i& minutes at 80 amp. alt'. Without, iliimnin. in the liattCl'V aild Without IX'- '""ing irom car. 1AMCC and Massctt. D.C. A nnPIMI'rlnrc i rime imi" Itupcrt I Scrotal Avenue and Fourth M. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED it.Te iTince nuien lor vin"i. I,.- V.i 'aVKVKKV TUESDAY. l:30.r.M. rn nd Wajpolnt. artmn vnive- rtrnn,m f s-S tAUDKNA KVI5KY FRIDAY MIDNKHIT . "living Vancouver, Monday AM. " ;' 10 n einroii. AlU1e Ann. Anyox. Htewnrt ixl 1'jr , Vio. . '7 lK f! Ive Prince jtupert Sunday. 8 P"v , . I ,lpr Information rnnllni nil nllln!T nnd tlckCtS at - Vf4 wit j - HllXCg Ht lTHT AllKNI'V. Tl.lr.1 A.rnue. Vhone LOCAL NEWS New Summer Frocka, "Dcmcrs". We buy aiiythlnx In I're-mluni prices. Mas lleilbruner. Mrs. John E. Davcy and two Rons returned to the city on yesterday's train following a visit at Woodcock. Queen Mary, 'Chapter, I.O.D.K, will hold a tag day Halurday, April 14. uroceetla to be used for the uti- kcni of ihc j-fcUirned soldiers' plot. Y r ' 87 Dr. Anson V. Knight, chief veterinary Inspector for 'the province, wlw arrived In the city on Wcdnes-oay from Victoria, will anil tonight in, the l'rliXc.Joiin for a trip to the (Juc n Charlollc Island on official duties. The case In provincial police court of James Flcwin of Port Simpson, who js charced with an nulling Felix Umwn, an Indian, at Port EssliiRton, ha- been adjourned until April IS. ... Or. and Mrs. II. C. Written of llazelVon trrived In live cltjfrom 'he Interior on this morning's train ind will nil. tonight on the Princess Adelaide for a two-weeks' trip o Vancouver and Victoria. Thomas Kaye. well known of the Union Oil Co.. after pending a few days in the city ind dlitrict In the course of one of hts periodical trip on official business, sailed by the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon on hi? return to Vancouver. canadian national ui;iki:aiion association 10th Annual Ball Moose Hall TONHiHT Dantins, J:30 to 2:30 Refreshment. Oood Music and Good Time Oil run teed. Ladles and Gents. 75c each Patrons and friends kindly uiTept this as the only invitation and intimation Winn thi' order for roues was II nally ni.u.e up yesterday afternooi. by C V Evltt seentary of th newly formed Prince RuJcrt Horti cultural Society, it was fouyd tha the individual orders totalled 17!) and an order was sent forward fo t7.'0. Notification will be givri when the riMs arrive that lrwn, ordcrlnu may take theui away. Announcement? i C. N. It. A. Annlverry Uall, Ap ril 13. A. Y. P. A. Tua, CaUiulral Hall. April 14. St. Peter's Church Sale April 19 United Carnival April 20. Oddfellows' old-time dance, ril 20. Ap. Piano Recital, Ursula Mall.n April 31. Spliutcra' Spree Cambral Chap tcr. April 27. " Ridley Home Ilazaar. May 3. "Chlncsd Knowledge" tea May 10 United qlnnch , ... t- Anglleun Tea May 15 at Presbyterian ti May 17. Dally News Want-Ads satisfy. -Moose Hall IT5IDAY C. N. R. A. , ANNUAL RALL SATURDAY SoiU'li Danrr, 9 p.m. Mis. J. S. Black's Orchestra 25c and 10c THE DAILY NEWS. PAGE THREE Great for children i.tyliLDRKN crrjajiily do. like 'rKelli., 'ktli JWljeat 1'laVrn. jnl of course there's iiniliinp liettcr for them than whole wheat. . You'll alo lie ilcliRhted with the economy f the. big. reil-anil-preen jmchafr. Made by Kellogg in Iindon,- Ont. . KAl f NEW I f SUPER-CRISP J5 i 5 Mrs. F. E. Robertson sailed yesterday afternoon on the Princess Norah for a trip to Vancouver. Provincial Constable Robert Oib-.on relurneo to the city on the Ptlncess Norat yesterday afternoon after making the round trip to Skagway in escort with a con signment of government liquor destined for a din. II. II. Garrett, assistant general manager of the Toronto hvsurance Hrm of Masste & Rnwick,vin the -ourse of a tour of Western Can-i la on company business, arrived in the city from the East on yes terday morning's delayed train and sailed last night on the ktcamcr Prince George for Vancouver. lsSXSIsM3LVJ9sLLHLLBLHBsflHHH klMBMSaSBBBMBIHnBMSMSasBBaSSSaBMSBMSasHBSJSBBHBa Fifteen Cars Of White Aspen Here - On Wav to Orient Four more cars of white asrfcn logs, part of an initial shipment of twenty-five carloads' which is to be made from here to China for use in the manufacture of matchwood, ar rived from Tintagel In the central Interior attached to yesterday's train, litis makes a total of fifteen cars so far arrived. Definite plan Xnr the making of the shipment' from here to the Orient have not! yet been announced. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront C. P. R. steamer Princess Norah, Capt. William Palmer which was in port yesterday afternoon from 3:45 to 5 p.m. southbound from Skagway to Vancouver, had 32 passengers on board. Eight persons dis embarked' from the vessel here while three went south from here i aboard her. C. P. R. steamer Princess Adelaide, Capt. 8. K. Gray, is due in port at 5:15 this afternoon from the south and will sail at 10 p.m. on her return to Vancouver and waypolnts. Hotel Arrivals Royal J. C. Perry. Kamloops: Alex Fer-I guran, Vancouver; E. Hughes. Tel-, kwa. i Savoy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas. D. llrun- ton and family, Prince Rupert. I? w nimmboni former accobn-' Woodcock I'riiue Rupert Dr. ami Mrs. C. II. Haugh. port Simpson; Dr. L. G. C. d'Easum At lin; F. C. Freeman. Port Simpson: S. R. Donaldson. J. J. Donaldson and J. A. Brown. Port Essington: Mrs. C. Sawver. Salvus. Mrs H Franks and daughter. Woodcock. Mrs. J. Ezo. Edmonton. Mr. and I Mrs. R. O. Holmes and children! runt of Inverness cannery and now ' Wrlnch. Hazelton tpiminted manager of KIcmiu can-' nery. wnirlt u to uc operated tins ncmsoii for Hie first time In three ye'irs, arrived In the city tni'm Inverness on yesterday's train and v sail tonight on the Cardcna for Kletnlu where he will take up his managerial duties. R. W. Sinclair, who will take over the duties of accountant at Inverness in place of Mr. Chambers, also came In yesterday and is returning to the river today. Joe Slaggards TAXI In response to loyal customers of the past 1 am again opcrat-Iiik a lax: Service I thank my old friends and promise old and new patrons the same courteous and prompt service given In the past Phone 053 Night or Day J. K. SI.ACCAKD Corner Third and MclJrldc Dr and Mrs. II. C. The Engineering Profession In RritUh Columbia Th wfRl-annuI vitmitutlonc for d sntMtott 9 th vroTMstoB wilt Ukt plc ta Vueoum. Tlttani, Prtar Ruprrt, Kamkmpt An vol and Nttem n Uondar. april IX 1924. ami IoUowidc day, to f faflovlnc brnchs f fif)BTlnf : CTitnlrat. R1ctrlr). Forat, UlaiBf. Wfrhaale! and Stmctufa EXAMINATIONS For Non. University Applicants rYaUmiaarr: OutbneatioM Jaiuar atatnmtatiM. tpnatonhip by senior en-BMrrs. lntrridJau: QualiHcatlont Junior tastr:eHitKMi and nfinreriDc pupil ttatua i tft aiaBl 6poaaarthip or t sdis1 sajiftsiTa Pinal Pr(fatsna) CxamlBJiUoa far tmv W Prartk; WuaUticaUOfl Kn rnar-a-iraintii4 tutuf or ln equivalent. u4 taa Tr prc..o.: eapentoca, KXAMINATION For Univrraity Graduates Ofaduatt' fiaal pifeaiaal asanuna an lakra plaea uirosjihaut the year, be ui a atHniMwrinj tttaaia or aaten4e4 nctfwenai report on prolesalooaj tiparl vttm aajayed aaafqvnt to iradaaUon. Qualifi'aunsM -Qradoaboa trooi av op-pra4 (ftruliy at appUasj aelaoea. lout ean aear3r aipwiencs? and enrollment im thi pmnti a aa aninr-Ui-trainln. alrel4Mi c aalilB frl THE KKTtlSTItAR Tae AmHib rjfmtaasJ faflaeer of B. T . P90 Btfk nailalaf, Voetee, a. C. Quality That Is Unsurpassed SALAD A TEA "Freih from the Garden in A prty of f rfe ' wll'ricises '"who ':tor.'Tuct are Dr. L. G. d'Easum; will give evidence in a County Margaret Whcat'ley, Barbara Oun-Court criminal action from Atlin dcrson james Evans and Gwcnnle ,111 which "''' ""'Su Mri. nf thr pnsn will with a statutory offence reachnd ' " the city from the north on the ss. -tart tomorrow before Judge W. E. Prince-) Norah yesterday after- Fisher. THE ENGINEERING ACT Practising as a Mining Engineer To Whom It May Cineern: TAKE NOTICE that by the trms of Oii fcn?lnrin8 Act of th province only thoe who arc holder '! a Vcn.te to practit either as a ilining Engineer or a Oeoiotfica Engineer aie author-lied to wake mining engineering report n geological engineering report, or to engage otherwif in the practice of a Mining Engineer or a Geolnjii-ai Engineer. List of engineer ent't'rl to pr'actiie will be found in the British Columbia (iarette of February 15, 193i. or can be obtained upon application to: 9.u BIRKS BUILDING, Vancouver, B. C April, 1931. " . Saturday Phone r) F IgFflf n)A. Phone 63 Shamrock Eggs, in Cartons, 25c doz. LA MR VEAL PORK SHOl'LDEK IRr LWis 22c WNS 20c lb. lb. lb. ''s5' !rrs. l8 sr. . 25c 2 lbs. PORK SPARE RIBS 25c HOH.IM! ifflJffiffieW I I' O U K FO W L Stm Mift I saisauu .mi:at lb 25c L Tjffllg 2 lbs 25c IIAItY UV.Y.V Swifts Carton AI.HKKTA L I V E R L A R I) RUTTER lb. 15c 2 lbs. 25c 3 lbs. QQ 2 lbs. PEANUT BUTTER 25c i ir m m u i i a-? na i it BJ.'nr.a'i s srra.ia-.i.i i.aai r a GARDEN TIME IS HERE! See Us For Your Garden Supplies BAMBOO LAWN RAKES, each 14-INCH GARDEN RAKES, each GARDEN HOES, each LONG HANDLED SHOVELS, each SHORT HANDLED SPADES, each SPADINO FORKS, each 25c 50c 75c 00c 30c $1.35 & Si .50 GORDON'S HARDWARE SSSZ tm i u t intu Jail israxi iu,s,u aa v im a is tu aa iia.ia im i Running and Tennis Shoes (Juarantccd all new slock bought of all leading makers in Canada. We sell 'XS less than anywhere, in the city. We carry the largest stock and give you the lowest prices because of our large purchasing power. Compare our prices. Women's Tennis Shoevup from 75c Misses' & Children's Tennis Shoes, up from. . . . .69c Men's Runners, up from ... i..95c Roys' & Youths' Runners, up from .75c Fishermen's '(-Length Rubber Roots, Heavy Cleated Soles, rcg. $5.50 .$3.49 WE MURDER PRICES Cut Rate Shoe Store We accept city scrip and relief orders 1 11