F,j(!..v April 13, 1934 Classified Adis FOR 45 ALE -M.F. Chevrolet Car ln nood 1 ni.uun. Price $200. Dally N.ewi. ME $75, large oak deik, ,.ri both nldej. price $25. H. M : ( rson Lid. 83 P.FNT Furnished house-1, rooms. 835 Second West a30 HELP WANTED :vr W iiitrd, apjly Mrs. t T. 'man. FOUND ... rr twjulrrd to pay ip f tlxlr indU4"dii to in , NORMAN A- WATT. Official AdmlftVrtrator. Print Rurt. DC ' ilur of Urch. A.D. W14. is I'linntTr. ! Fi 'PftEME OOUUT OP DIUTISU COLUMBIA JH MATTHl OP THE "AtXMINlS. TRATtON ACT' and HE MATTER OP THE K8TATF. OY y I' MRAT. DnCKASEH. ISTTS- 'T. K NOTICE Uiai by ordvr ol II U Wt FmIht (U 'iOth lay iJ Uarh, l I a 4kitolulrd ,UiiUlrVol C'.t of Ida ntmaty. U .11 pttft hating cjitiut sd nJLA r hray tr uimlali aan. Droirlf vrrl mo n or bnfort the Ut day oil A t i4, and all parllra Irart bled ' ' are rrUiri to pay mr Vfir iiiirttln to i NORMAN A. WATT. OflUrlal AdtnUtlaU-ator. Prlnf Ruprtt, ;iC. Will rtT nt Mirftll. AO 1934. OPENING OF MILL "peralloiH Itrlnr Expanded on Dunwell Property at Stewart . TFWAUT. April 13:-V4yk at t; wcl) Mines Limited Is progress ' 'pnlly Sixteen men are em P- ''! ut the mine breaking ore and n n- bunkers In preparation" Xnr opening of the mill to which ";n.,ulrrabc proiortlon of new Inery Is now being nded. As iri:j: um thi Instailatfon JLn com P'' -ca milling wjll start within, Vt j; xpet'ted, the next few days. mmc ten men nre now employed o itructlon of the mill. Kaien Hardware HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WlVINt , Cluster Colj Ulnt fftjles NtLflON'.S BFAUTY gllOPPK TRANSFERS it run PAINTERS PA J NT. NJ and Paperhantfng , Moller. -Phone Hod 802. i noihj: or Afll l( I OK lie TlKltli: imi'i:ii;ii:vi Mi Howry. So. 3 IftUnini Mineral 1 1 lalm. 1 ,Saia Mill .Vu. II llll.rral ( I4I111. , ; Abrfcirrt Mlnrral nilni. I C. rjl(l I'radltiml Allnrnl l'lil by HlllnR at DiUy News taki: wotics iim wuiuun iMn. u..yini for this advertise- ri iw cTtiirai. rrm-n m- iik1. t Ihr nid of nU'.y dart (rum Ux dU hno1 lo apply 10 vh Mimnr " - ftooror or truili 01 :mprm- imUKVMIAT l.l.,. OK .gjj; gg? " V..t r ApirfiraliuH lr IWr llrrncti AND PUIITIIEH TAKE NOTICE Uul J nr:E l berrby jtrm that on tbti10"- "-' BMm M of um "Hln-r Am it th undrlpwd I A" mum be roniinmuwu Man :iHAy to it Mqtuv Ounlrol un erf mioh fr,flralr of tm-it , lirnv m rfVct at 4in-, pnnnu. . ir ,f uh bulldlnt knotrni r , t . .... .... . Il.swrt lloCrl tt IUVrt. Brl-i . "' ay m Knwi. iih 1,1.1.1 upon tlw ItlUU dfacrlbl 1 ami 94. Ukork II. TpwruJl n r Prinn Ktifrt I-tnd BogU-Divriot . In tb ITorlnr ot ' oliunbl. for th fit oX bwr ',',iki or by op"n bouu for on n Utt pmtutmk r by clowd r onmimption rtM-mhrrr .'.'.'TU iu 10th dty of March. 1934 MARIK AMI OUTUIS Annl leant r-OLUWBIA "I : !IE UATTER OP TUB "ADUIK3- TRATION ACT-and '" 1!r MATTER OP THE ESTATE Or f in NIKOLAI NIEiaOK. DK 'in INTESTATE .'.:' notice lhat oy order of III Wi Pivrr. th thday ofMireb, it, I wna appoint AdmlnUUator .r -.J. ul Arnold Nikolai NWm. mi all paiilni Imtiiic cialnu :w ait rmiuLr arr btrrtn rr- int WI1J.IAU DANN l riiiuitTi: IN THE SUPREME OUURT OP BRITISH CCXA'MBIA CHARLES VTSH. DBCKASRD. 1NTB8 IV FUlllltTI-. TAXK. . . "TILLIE THE TOILER" MOW bona mac VAioici:iMa IM TUB SAL-OM J j V A Satisfactory riace to Deal MORE JPLANTS OPERATING, . l( PeiaTAiM ai TO higher, price and (iouu ' r RUNS' POINT TO SUCCESS Continued from Paae 1 Mill Bay, B. C. Packers. The same number as last year. Ijovit Inlet The B. C. Packers will not operate Lowe Inlet cannery tftWfsar as w done last year. ': '$-'.) Ilutcdale -;.!.E SuckUJ'J. $5.00 GARDEN Soil 2.$0 a load. Gam-1 y ,h lhat sew.. Ktemtu hu, has nw.tteA operated : i.miu u.uw. - f .rn'R Transfer. Pho: e 177 IVIfir. Apply 8. A. Corlcy, ' 1 ii' FOR RENT Hi li'si'-s 10 rent. Hart. sn tf Itella IWIu Nnmu. II. C. Packers. .Itelta (,'oola Bella Cooia, IJ. C Packers. Tallheo, Canadian I-lslilnR Co. The same number as Ixst year. Jtivrrs Inlet Provincial. J. II. Todd Si Sons. Beawr. J. II. Todd & Sons. Va4Uams, IJ. C Packers. SitilthS lulrt Lagoon Bay, Canadian Fishing TOrioN actt- I Massett Canners packed, two years and I since Nootka operated, and a num- IN the matter op the estate OFiber of years since Canadian Fishlne CBALUV -TVIIkJIC HB t-IICBTS AMW-I DECORATE Inside yjour homo rlus year with Hie NEW PROCESS ALABASTINE $1.50 will buy cnoui for one roin THE DAILY NEWS , TAat mi .-'. IN NELSON' Corp. K. l. raterson; formerly Official ,f oU Storage , jied la Southern Interjof Many former friends In this city ewt to ittuii at tlx death LOCAL NEW.S I t7 Z; "";"'"uc c . , Mr. and Mrs. R. 0 holmes and my. Canadian Fishing Maff failUy u dty fr)m .Woodcock on Uiut jnomln train' " Boswell B C Pvkers L . . ud 'UI f011 Umlftht on the Cardena The ne number as last year. jhw Victoria. Queen Charlotte Island i Old Massett. Massett Canners Mrs. s. Kadpnaw of Atll Inlet. .. .. ., 'who ha been .visfung In the city New Nootka Co. Massett. Packing f0f past f0up,e fll wejc? relatives. U y lhe Prince ohn ' . . . I tonight on her return io ihe-Queen None of these canneries operated , rharIoit isinnrt. ; uul jr.ii. it u iiiicc aitivc A. P. Allison; well known Queen Charlotte Island Jogging operator. Is arriving from Vancouver on the Co. Jias beert. active in packing on, Princc$Si Adelaide ftl.IFon !K si prkme court ok DiirnsH iftf (hTwih dVof Mairh ' anua. naving lasi operaiea at. ana will sail tonigni,an tne PrUice lA-D'twit, I m rpiWMMra n fun Ul rid nf 1 v u vu tiu .yiuiiu ay i wi inr naw ai iiniwi v. o-, nwwii, viuiiien nunc uj DacK uumsnewa inie.L. quired to furnMi nam, proprny vi possibly some cnums in the fall, not operate on the " Queen Charlotte LMTnTI ktag Co. will put up .islands. Today's Stocks (CUUti 8 O JfttlMrft CO.) .Vancouver Bralorne, 14.0O. Alexandria, .07. Bayy,lew, 42". 4. B, C. Nickel, C6. Big Missouri, .34. jjridge stiver Con., .36. B. X, 1,0a,' rp. fc. ji: 4.'1lnal'-' Idariboo c-uartz. 2X5. Butedalc. Canadian Fishing Co. Sf- f? at -W"- is; stew ? and former iru 1 -rv,M r. Dontonia, l.S5. It will be the first time In three f"'?1 U'c eoigla Jttyer. 6toe Co help for. jolcontfa, .43. six yeaas ffoai isiz. Born in oias- Heresies. v071&. 1 (few, (ticiUEW. luc iu- f-orp. jJat-' nn, p- V? rfi' Pvpert from liic C):d Country, rm here he ' went U ni M' fur nine years lir. wa. in Uie setvice of the Western a. before Joilng ';tho pi'v:n.-'tai partee lervlcV. TU 4 tuc$a 4a; iiWS Xejson itl lis': V Cjuutlj Science Ojiurcli MiKonu- members fA Ooov Jiy Canadian Rtehtttg Co. Hi pnic' (orcet fHifiti tt pall Klldala. Canadian Fishing .Co. bearer: i'je? iislitr Inspector! Good Analo-nrltiali Colum- Wn iM $Vi iiorveant jC. Indian. ,02 Iteno, 1.00. bla Padcins Go. Ojmmwi hiih (grzfitily prince silver Crest. .03. iyvm inlet cannery, wnlclj jras lupetf anant c. 0. Baiticvr. ako fiaimon cold, 22 pa 8tiiHu in t rwtiaiMi ':noi Minimi operatcri hy Uie B. C. Packers last Igtmetiy f tjiiv tur jlttvul'd a .... thr ,c ua at vw-wlU iwt run this asnn. mak- jxtHoe aw.u rf hmy Tlifre wxs a 1 or rjw mkiui hr mtia. frr one plant npmtlne In this Mfonic couuniual' Vrvicfi, .bUK BC ,r- tawfttl n,Mv wiui iuhh , I Niwuw or ihr how 4 rrw mitwo McTavWi carinery will be Owner Owner may may have have . . rmifte.t niilMif rrm-u rrrS-u ted as a XWilna camn bv Anolo- Britiab Columbia Paoklnc Co. .02. JJlivto. .49. Meridian. .19. tyOtJlUV! St-ir -fl ''2- Native on. Natjional fiilver, .01. Nobjc Five. J2. Pcnd Oreille. 1.10. Pjprtcr Idaho, .12V4-Premier, 1.38. F w Mciyvnald, .15. Reward 07'.i. to iht ntat are rrqwirM to pay the pinks starting In August and Ca-1 This Is the cycle year for a goodiOurvlch was Xlned 45 In city police amount of l)tr vr UMfrbwdlVMr to w tnr mf nadlan ai- Co. Is forthwith. bTfoVe tSTKi 'tuVoii I ih joui day of Mr.h. ajj. i34. It I understood B. C. Packers will pf the expected cycle run In 1832. plates AD 1934 and all pnrUn. indebted . Taylor BridRe .05. Wayside, .37. WlUtcwater, X1. Wayerly Tangier. .02. United Empire, .10. Toronto Ctntral Patricia, .67. Chlbou'pmau, .13,4. Lee .bold, .17. Granada, &5. Macassa, 2.C0. Noranda, 4355. Sherritt Gordon, 157. Sisco, 2.40. Thompson Cadillac, M Y2. Ventures, 1.01. Lake Maron, .10. Sudbury Basin, 1.75. Columario, .45. Smelter Gold, .31. .Canadian Malartic, 38. little Long Lac, 4.75 Bagamac. 56. South Tiblemont, .12, , . ' MapJeLeal, 74. Pickle Crow, 6. A sGopd Explanation, Byt.. . . jHGy TiLUE vmait a Minut6.II FRESH! Myl-Oia Til HOVJ ABOOT HAVIrJcJ LVJMCH MAHE1? MOT FWOU V I Sjes? THAT'S mac movm - NAJIL.L. YOU ENTETT2TAIM HlH J- UMTVU (SET i mLjj ( tee ME7 I MAC OT J 1. rrs: : V 5Cv icntt ! fit i in v J? Long Lac Lagoon, 54 ' Manitoba & .Eastern, 52!?. For operating a motorvehlcle without a driver's licence, Mike FUhlng expected to run of pinks on 4he Islands al-' court by MagUtrate McClymont Norman a. watt. pack both pinks and cnums at La- .though there Is tome uncertainty this morning, an additional 110 be Offvrlal AdmlnlMtratcr. Dnnn rtiv following the unexplained allure j ing Imposed for not having licence 1 11 .UwV I 1 For Young and Old GOLD ON 'RAIL LINE I ISLANDS NOW CLEAR History of Discoveries &t Prflefous. fralns Fxmp Point In Tet Jaune Mrta! on Queen Charlottes recalled Early Loeators son, the late Al Wiles, the late A. eH , AND IT'S ALL OH ACCOOWX OF "THAT VA AT VOU CREATEO KAIEN HARDWARE See our 1934 Tennis Balls and Rackets VI, 1 ,eoT.;ii!nr!-WRFacc J 1 Gordon and John McLennan, who now lives in Scotland. The Haldas ot the Islands used gold long before the coming of the white man. Jt was used, for rings, arm bands, nose rings, anklets and bracelets. Where this gold came from Is yet to be dlyered. Tnere; are many legends among the Hal das of rich placer gold on the east coast of Oraham Island and Oold Harbor where the natives in the times before the coming of the white man used to get gold, nuggets. One legend goes on that, at one time, there was a very severe earthquake on Graham Island after A etpet- HAD A HAT UK6 VOOIC5 . -THOUOHT T VA4AS VOO I AND POKE TO HET5L. -uoofc "TiL.u.tp'S 's Y . .Su!.U vision -JV'ljich la ten flocked lly Slide .tfrraffic was again restored to :grmal .on .the lqcal line of tlic Ca- nadtan Hationl KaUways ,liiL af- ' ' . ;tcrnodn ZtfotyxH'l interference of l.'dLsliaw f Massel, ypaiil IJrsjl iyo or thrqe xljiyspn Recount of a t :l.rtie apf.i $teens J'ut ublkamo lanldlile and sinkhole i . ,, itf the Tete .avnc ,tbdlviion forty Jail'cs cast of M:i?ride. ' the line wKUJLUAi kiuFtiAiK W a-mm vi'baa -tjlLlhll nint,tiii-tt,ftrWoqn--tspe- eoYerm at tick MarTwr 6n thrf - JgJ fiad :iM x UT n . e,a,i oi Moresby Island f nday at. .IBS, by cinef iJ.Pw noo,v ,hUular train for the .. Jrrnonn nnd tit-! train which is due I'lact , jtold wa. first diovered; om near Massett n 1892 by Uvc fate E. trouble C Steven fAthet f StejreffS , ; U) f thjJ ! See'Sdd xliSWverli",,'c ,s "no 9 ,be and ,al1 . lower da ra first urst Lwyerw,rt . , iwat th mounUlns ? rWC,i "Mmderirtatn VidlUoas. i 1 v-?!1" ? T X w , VenS (f,S1 f'e 1 Telegram ihi were alsp down at Ala.ka. It is only two hundred feet I fro ! the original discovery at Lawn I I tilt that the jiresent rjch strike has i bf-en made. i It was in .1007 that the first fold i discovery was made in vCimshewa Inlet by the late Colonel Topping, who was one of the real pioneers of Mr" .'nine point thl" morning, service hcin" rrstorcd i his afternoon. Windsor Man Js Appointed Judge mining ln British Columbia. The OTJAWA. Anrjl 1,3: nnounce-late Col. Tapping twas well known jnient hrts been tje .of the ap-throughput ,the northwest ad yasj tintment of Frank W. Wilson known as the Father .of Trail. He!.c. ML A. for Windsor East, to always made his home with Mr.jtfie jud?e?hio ctf the .County Court and Mrs! E.C. Stevens whenever he j at Lanark in sucjeessiqn to Judg'e came to Skidegate inlet. I Scott, retired. Among the .other pioneer prospectors of the Queen Charlotte Islands were the late Ike Thomp P. Lakie, .divisional freight and passenger agent for the Canadlajt National Railways, Returned to tne city on the Princess Npqah yesterday afternoon from a brief trip to Ketchikan on company business. which the bed rock, disappeared and with it the gold. The jplacer gold that was worked at" Gold Harbor could be got only at very low tide. Their way of working this placer was by scooping up the gravel with large rock oyster shells and throwing the gravel up on the sloping rocks, then throwing water over It which washed away the gravel and left the gold. By Westover; fTl T-vf1 ( TVAaT'S a cSOOO H fc lTcfV AND -yOO H J? I STICK TO IT". BvJT rf,y -L "r jn 0 I NNflirf LUT 4ft mm i i A Satisfactory Place to Deal Kaien Hardware RADIOS WUn Up VK III 1 rp jliave three in LSjtocJt. They won'jt, he here long at the- price we are'askinfi:. from 51