(1M. wtmtt 6 1034 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREI i n Jji LOCAL NEWS NOTES ORANGE PEKOE BLEND Eightei II II 1 II 1 1 M Send no more than 25 words in answer to "WHAT MOTHER SAYS ABOUT QUAKER OATS" with trademarks (or facilmilci) cut from two Quaker Oitt packages. Mail to Quaker Oats Company, Saskatoon, Sisk. The best answers in the opinion of the judges win the 1,000 ien Wonderful Prizes Tea Doll Carriages and Ten Lovely Dolls for the Girls rr.t Watrh, Two Wagons, noting Cloves Meccano Set Scooter for the Roys rRlCE RUPERT AOr.NCTl Third Afenot. MOTHER uFATH ER FREE bikes. ANYONE CAN WIN BIG WORDS, FANCY rnoa At and WWtr l,n -. al vnnr llrtill llnir Star In the twelve rlrlx u U boy receiving the largest number, ot votes in me uexan nmg Store "OXTKST BETWEEN NOW & CHRISTMAS EVE our names entered now for the contest. Voting commences riqht nway. . . : .0 see the prizes and see the rules governing the contest Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Drutigtsts The Retail Store Thones: 81 It 81 Queen Charlotte Island SHINGLES The hest made on the coast. Not Kiln Dried HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 UNION STEAMSHIPS IylMITEl) 8teamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver C ATA LA KVKItY TUESDAY, 1:30 F-M Arriving Vancouver Thursday US. CAKDKNA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT Arriving Vancouver, Monday AM. My "Uin. to Port Blmp-on. Alio Arm. Anyot. Stewart wJ Naa . Rim point. Vf !rlnc nupert Bunday. 8 pjn. nher Infomatlon regarding all sailings and tickets at- S:CIAL UOUND-TRIP FARES TO VANCOUVER 32.00 Keturn limit i. puJw " dint 8 CANADIAN PACIFIC ss- "PRINCESS NORAll" for Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Blagway. Nov. 11th, 2ith, Dec. 10th, 30th. ''"It VANCOUVER direct, Nov. 2nd, 15th, 29th, Dec. 20th. ee hS- '.'''HNCESS ADELAIDE" for Vancouver via Ocean Fall nncl way ports, every Friday 10 P.M. SundtSp'0" Farcs 10 Vnncouvcr $32.00 tickets on sale Nov. 1st. 1934 to Feb. 28th, 1935. Final return limit March 31st, 1935, . . For tickets nna rcservawuus W L. COATES, General Agent, Prince Rupert, ll.l l Can tut, TOOl TKtl Blf.t f OR THEM ial tm4 ttrtnnent i ww la 'Whit I tbnk of Out OaU" -ti lo bade, mtika Irwn Quaker OaU patkatM. Mothers Doctors Discover thai 1 ctnt't wordi of Quaker Oiti rno fain more of the prctloui ytm vitamin (B) than 3 cke of freh yeast WRITING DON'T COUNT pram m Vixarimnammmmmmm IAWM0 NHNf, The Rexall Drug Store Prize Contest For Boys and Girls One Vote With Kach Cent of Purchase Announcements Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Novem ber 8. Daughters of Norway Dance No vember 9. Pioneers' Night, November fl Eagles' Hall, bridge, whist and crib bage. Elks' Dance. Friday, Nov. 16. "The Girl Who Forgot," United Church, Nov. 22 and 23. Anglican Bazaar, Nov 29. Oddfellows' Scotch Dance. December 31. Hogmanay Merely routine business was ta ken up yesterday at the regulat monthly meeting of the Prince Ru rpCrt Ministerial Association In th Ivp.-tryof First Presbyterian Church Rev C D. Clarke, pastor of First United Church, the president, wat In the chair. J S. Weatherby of Vernon, who has been relieving on the staff ot 'the Canadian National Telegraph here for the past six weeks, left at the end of the week for Prince Oeorge A. L. Ford of the local telegraph staff returned to th? dty at the w;eek-end after spending a two weeks' vacation at Prince George and In the Carlbod district Moose Hall OH, KIDS! Enter your Pets for the show by November 12th. Leave your name with Tom Morgan or Phone Black 727. Entry Feei 10c RADIO Interference Sometimes originates In the chassis or tubes. To make a simple test, remove aerial and ground with the set turned on to'full volume. If noise continues undiminished Phone Blue 320 and have an exact check made of your set's trouble. SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC OUR BARGAINS Still On $350 Chesterfield SlO't.OO SUlte. a snap 1934 Radio, 8 tubes S7R.OO Northern Electric ' u , We have the latest designs In Linoleum and Congoleum Rri hn'R vAur nrmortunltv to make a change and get an allowance for D.ELI0 Green 121 the old one Furniture Exchange Auctioneer We Buy Gold Wc are back to our good taxi ser- Daughters of Vjrvray tsxzXSt and ' l-vlee. Phone 32 OnJ ami night. tL) douce F.iday, Nov. a. Mr. Black , Cash waiting for old gold teeth, . j a J tum, chains, wawiies, eir. i;ui-gerV Off Manual training clacs were re sumed at Booth Memorial School last night by W. V. Tattersal. Twenty-eight boys were present at the opening class. I Mrs. Jane Chaters and two chili dren arrived in the city on Saturday night's train from Newcastle- on-Tyne, England, and sailed Sun day evening oft the Cataia for Premier where they will Join Mr. Chaters, who Is employed at the mine there, and take tip residence. Miss Edith Kergin, daughter of by her mother who will spend the week-end there. MOTHEItS: Don't let yaur ekildren auffer from WIIOOI'IX. C017CII sir 110171 fUe Ibem IlufVlcy'a.wilh equal part) of Honey They Loe It. JM At the Chamber of Commerce! meeting last Friday v a vote of '.hanks was passed to C. H. Orm. for hh work tn securing the ship- ping bonus on Prince Rupert. log export from H. F. MacLeod has returned to the city after a visit at Lethbrtdge. Alberta, where a brother resides. Farmers In that area, he reports, have had good crops this year of wheat, hay and sugar beets. F. W. Crawford, president pi the Vancouver Tobacco Co., who has been spending a few days vlsltin? the local Grotto Cigar Store bus! ness. sailed by the Cataia this afternoon on his return fo Vancouver. Miss Irene Mitchell returned to the city lale last week from Ter race where she was substituting for a couple of weeks on the High School teaching staff for Mr. Makepiece who had been called to Vancouver owing to his mother's illness, JONES' Family Market Rump Roast of Beef per lb Round Steak 2 lbs. Shoulder Steak, 2 lbs. it 1 bunch Carrots Hamburger Steak. 3 lbs. & 2 lbs. Onions . Pot Roast 4 lbs - Boiling Beef, 3 lbs. & 1 bunch Carrots Prime Rib Roll, 4 lbs. St I Cauliflower Leg of Veal 6 lbs. ShOulder of Lamb, 5 lbs. & 1 tin Peas Lamb Stew, 3 lbs. Si 1 bunch Carrots Leg of Lamb per lb. Lamb Chops 2 lbs Veal Chops 2 lbs. .. Phone 957 I Orch. Atlffl. 25C. RfflrekhmerfU free, t 25c 25c 25c 35c 25c 75c 75c 75c 25c 20c 35c 35c Phone 957 Mi Lady Reauty Shonpc November Specials Permanent Waves CJQ Finger Waves 50c First Class Work Guaranteed Phone G55 (2C1 U. C. MUh rtimod to .he eHjr on the Cataia icua ulj iiai.a2 the round trip to Anyo and Stewart on business. A poppy for very Cltlien. Honour ' the Dead by helping the Living, j Poppy Tag Day rVovember 10. ZC2 O. E. Oullck, local manager of the Swlft-Canadlan Co., returned to the city on the Cataia today af ter making the round trip to An-yox and Stewart on business. James Brough, after having Dr. and Mrs. L. w. Kergin, will spent a few days in the city, left eave on Friday evening's train for by last evening's train on his re- Toronto where she will take up a turn to Smlthers. Mrs. Brough is course of nurses' training at To- spending a month In town, ronto Oeneral Hospital. She will be accompanied as far as Terrace, Red Young wishes to announce that he Is now manager of the Empress Club and will be pleased to see his friends there. Corner of 2nd. Ave. and 6th. St. upstairs 258i Conductor Thomas M. Spencer. who runs between Prince George and Smlthers, arrived in the city from the interior on Saturday night's train and returned to Smlthers last night. He and Mrs Spsncer recently moved from here to make their home In Prince Oeorge. Want Ads FOR SALE DOORS, windows, lumber etc. from wTecked house. Hart. tf CHESTERFIELD Suite cheap. Phone Red 578. for sale. (260) FOR SALE A few old newspapers at 10c. anS 15c a bundle. Dally 'News. tf FOR SALE complete household furniture. Apply Mrs. Clay. 452 8th. Ave. East. Phone Blue 113 (260) FOR KENT HOUSES for rent. Hart. ARTWORK auction and treated aa one Did. tf MRS. GOODRICH will recommence lessons In oil and water color painting, also lamp shade and china decorating. Phone Black 196. TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177 Birch. Jackplne. Cedar. tf PAINTERS PAINTING ana Paperhunging Mdller, Phttie Red 802. Al'OTION SALE Timber Sale XKISS There wUl be otterad lor Mile at Pub' lie Auction, at noon on the Trent y rirst dav of December. 1934. tn the ot Hfe or the District roreaier. rrince Rupert, B.C.. the Licence X17186. to cut 5.250.000 reet txxvrd measure, ol spruce Cedar and Hemlock on an area situated at the head of Powrlvco Bay. Lyell la-land. Queen Charlotte bland Land DU- trict. Two year will be ailowed for the removal of timber. "Provided any on. unable to attend the auction In Demon may aubmlt tender to be opeiied at the hour of Further Dartlcumra may be obtained from the Chief rewester. vie ton, ay or District Forester. Prince Rupert. B C WATER NOTICE DIVERSION AND USE TAKE NOTICE ti.at Nathan Murphy. whose addrena t AUln. B.C.. wiu apply for a licence to take and Uw 360 Ml nera" lnchca Of water out of Canyon Creek, whloh flow aouth easterly and draina into OTtonntl Hirer, about four mil e above the "Ethel M Bench Leaae The water will be dlrerted from the atream at a point about rour muea above the ElheJ M Bench La and will be ucd for sluicing In open boxra purpcoe upon the the mlhe described aa Ethel M. Orace M and Ilulde Too. ThU notice waa poeted on ihe ground on the 14th day ot Afrtl, 1934 A ropy of tnu notice ana an appim tlon mirauant tnerero ana wi ne n ier Art. IBM. wui oe niea in me oi fit of the Water Recorder at Atkn, B P. Obiecttona to the aiwllcatkm may be rued wun tne aata iwrororr w with the Comptroller ot Water Illght. Puniameirt BiUldlnga. Victoria. BO. wtthln thirty day after the flrat appearance of thla notice tn a local new- P?tT' NATHAN MOnritT. Applicant. By MELVIN BECKMAN, Agent. The date of the flrat publication of thla tvotlc. U Octolnr 17. 1964 all sites, pr mm Tresh from the Gardens" h Dominion and Aimers Ladles' Rubbers selling at up from per pair Misses' and Children's CCp& 70 Rubbers, up from Utflx lJW Men's Knee Boots per pair, up from $2.75, $2.95, 83.25 Boys' Storm King Boots per pair Children's Rubber Boots, up from pair 79c Men's Rubber Boots QQp up from, per pair 33L Men's Storm King Boots pair 83.75, 84.95 SLIPPERS GALORE AT LOWEST PRICES When thinking of buying a pair of slippers for a birthday or sending a pair abroad for Christmas, our stock is large and complete Ladles' Black Gun Calf Strap. Slippers with good soles and Cuban heels Q-f AQ Not $2.75 but pr. O JL.1t Women's Pfetty patent, rose lined tt pom-poms 04 OC WOOD, COAL GRAVEL For Sale Wood Hauling General Transfer BILLY BAGSIIAW Phone Black 495 83.99 Just received a big shipment of Ladies,' Misses' and Children's Thigh height Gum Boots in all sizes. To be sold at lowest prices I IIS Shrewd Buyers - - go to - - Cut Rate Shoe Store Buying is made easy here! Why? Because we are always out to give our customers the maximum quality and value at the minimum price! Our Prices on Rubber Footwear are right and we only handle the best Goodrich, 69c r HaaVaaaaaaaaai ' aaaaaaaaal Men's. Ladies' and Children's Best Imported English Slippers In felt, colored plaids and fawn camel's hair, in all styles and sizes. Ladles' selling at up from 95c Men's Selling at A ier nalr. up from - yX.JLU Children's & Misses' Sllppersrr from 55c, 65c, 85c LECKIL7S SCHOOL BOOTS AT LOWER PRICES We have a fine assortment of Boys' School Boots made by Leckie. Shoes made to stand Pr. Rupert weather OS) QQ all sizes, pair 7S.O7 Leckie Shoes for CQ IC Men, up from tpO.U Ladies' Colored Q-f S)( Dorsay Slippers, pr. V Ladles' Pretty Dorsay Slippers with smart Cuban heels. In black, red, blue, brown and gteen kid $1.95 value for We Accept City Scrip 81.29 Cut Rate Shoe Store NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZarellL Proprietor NA nOMC AWAY FROSX HOME Rates I1.9C u 50 Rooms, Hot St Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. V . M .Alt - '.in HI :!!1 1 I 11 "') ui '? i;,-: :i