Today's Weather prince Rupert Raining, moder-nie easterly wind; barometer, 29.80; temperature, 40; sea choppy. Che Tomorrow's Tides High ...... Ml a.m. 19.5 ft. 12:55 p.m. 223 ft. Low 6:56 ajn. 7.3 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 19:40 pjn. 2.7 ft. SIROSALD MOSLEY AWARDED $25.000 FORMER London Newspaper Must Pay Big Sum for Libel To Leader of Fascists Claim Was Based on Assertion That Evening Star Presented His Political Program in False and Violent Light LONDON, Nov. (i: (CP)-Sir Oswald Mosley, leader of ' :e British Fascists, today won a libel suit against the ):.xning Star which he claimed had presented his political -o-ofrrain in a false and violent light. The jury returned a . rtlict of $25,000 damages and ordered the defendant to .i , the costs of the trial. Wins Big Suit .Ocwaid Mr lev Urit. .h Fa. t Icadc EARNINGS INCREASE , l N, It. .Making Much Better Show-Ing Tills Year Than last MONTREAL, Que.. Nov. 6: -The revenue of the all Inclusive t radian National Railways iys- i for the 10-day period ending Of.ober 31. 1034, were $5,026,916 as spared with $4,679,457 for the responding period for 1933, an i:v:rcasc of $947,459. WARM AT I.OS ANGELES 1.03 ANGELES. Nov. 0: Los An "r was the warmest spot on Uicj nic Coast vc&terdav. the uier mietcr registering 88 above. Royal Shepard. well known Ju-r-f m mining man, after having l nt the past few weeks in the city, lcf t on last evening's train for Van-derhoof enroutc to his placer opinions at vital Creek In the Om-towa mining division. 4 1 JAPAN TO CONSIDER NO Al.TI RNAT1VE TO T EtJUAI.ITV IN NAVIES LONDON. Nov. 0: The Ja- I'ancse . delegates aiiittiiu.S IIUVV have Ul-lll- dcfln- ILrlv llrlv iiHultn.l n.,l....l n -i.l . ti.ii I.. ....1 -t mi, viivair Ulibilllt Hill United Slates, nt preliminary imval disarmament conversa- Hons, that Japan would con- nt to no alternative but nb- T 'oIul wwal equality with the re-'t of the world. MlitXTER DENIES ASPIRING TO TOR) LEADERSHIP MILLIONS ARE VOTING United States Scene Today of Con-test in Regard to Popularity Of New Deal Guns Were Used California Being Watrhrd by Whole Nation Where Upton Sinclair It Candidate WASHINOTON. Nov 6:-Fnvor-ablc weather brought out millions of voters today to express their op-l, ,-!) of the New Deal at the polls after a momentous election campaign with both Democrats and Republicans claiming victory. In California a spectacular race for the governorship of the state by Upton Sinclair. Democrat: Frank Merrlam. Republican, and Raymond L Halaht. Progressive, drew the attention of the nation. During a Democratic procession last night at Kelayres. Penn.. three marchers were killed and 15 wounded by a barrage of machine gun fire and the Republican leader and 13 others were arrested. STRIKE IN COAL MINE Protest of Haulage Crews at Cum-, berland at Small Pay Causes .Miners to Walk Out CUMBERLAND. Vancouver Island, Nov. 6: CP Fire hundred miners are on strike here following refusal of the Canadian Collieries Limited to meet wage demands and pickets have been posted at the mines. A number of minor concessions have been granted by the company but not the ten percent wage Increase asked. The- miners had voted 264 to 222 against a strike last Wednesday but haulage crews, numbering 120, later protested that their case had not been given proper consideration, alleging that tlicy u-i.rn ihp lowest uald underground worKcrs. iiu-y in.-u j.w... Increase but were reruscd, whereupon the miners quit. Pump and maintenance men are continuing work. Halibut Arrivals Canadian Lysckll, 5.500 pounds halibut, Cc and 5c; 20,000 pounds black cod, 3c, Cold Storage. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1934 Wife of Jugoslavian Regent An attracUve picture of Princess has been appointed as one of the guide Peter II, boy TO REBUILD AT PREMIER : Destruction of Power Plant .Means Temporary Curtailment of Production According to word brought here today, rebuilding of the Premier (old Mining Co.'s No. 1 power house at Premier, which was destroyed by fire la&t Friday evening, will be immediately pro-reeded with and it Is expected that, within two or three months, ! operations may be resumed at the mine on a normal basis. Meantime, production is bring continued at the mine on a curtailed basis by use of such power as is still available from the smaller generating plants. However, about half the crew of 150 men has been temporarily laid off, forty-three having arrived here this morning on the steamer Catala. ORIENT IS PEACEFUL No Danger of Immediate War There, ; Declares U. S. Minister to China SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 0: -The American minister to China, on his arrival here for a visit In the United States, declared that there was no lmlncnt danger of war In the Orient. He scouted the Idea of an early conflict between Japan and Russia. "The people of the Orient arc not thinking nearly as much about war as is believed In this country," declared the minister. BAR SILVER NEW YORK, Nov. 0: (CP)Bar silver closed at 53c per ounce on the local metal market yesterday. Paul, wife yf Prim e Paul, who three rrcf.: , of Jnjs-avia tc king of Jugoslavia. forty-hour week for all workers in italt set up ROME. Nov. 6: i CP Fascist Italy Monday - established a ? forty-hour week for all work- ers, abolished overtime work with certain exceptions, regu- lated child and women's labor and created a Joint capital- labor fund to- compensate workers with families who may be adversely afected by the re i ductlon In working hours. , D0UMERGUE IS DESERTED BY RADICALS ! French Premier Will Tender Resignation Today and llerriot i ; May Form Government PARIS, Nov. C: The radical members of' the French cabinet withdrew from office today wrecking the government of Premier Dnuntcrgur. It is indicated that M. Doumerguc would tender the resignation of the cabinet to President Lebrun later and a possibility is ccl'that former Premier llerriot would form a new government. SPECIAL COURT WILL HEAR CASES OF SHORT WEIGHT 4 TORONTO, Nov. 0: A spe- clal court will be held here Friday at which 117 cases will be heard against storekeepers alleged to have been defraud- lng customers by short weight. DUTCHMEN GET PRIZE Winners in London to Australia Air Kace, Handicap Division, So Take $10,000 Other Awards Turner and I'angborn, Jones and Waller and .'Melrose Also Get Cash at .Melbourne MELBOURNE, Aust.. Nov. 6; JCP) K. D. Pannentier and J. J "Molls of the Netherlands were officially declared winners yesterday of the London to Melbourne handicap air race, winning the $10,000 prize with an official time of ninety hours, thirteen and one-half minutes. C W. A. Scott and Campbell Black of England were the actual winners of the handicap as well as the speed race with a time of sev enty hours and fifty-four minutes' but they could not be awarded a second prize In addition to the! $50,000 and gold cup which they received for winnln? the speed race. Col. Roscoe Turner and Clyde JSHxtfn f the United StatesUook seccnd place In the speed ra.'eYwlth a prize of $7500. Pannentier had the choice of thl3 or the handicap prize and took the latter. , Cathcart Jones and Ken Waller of England were third, winning $2500. ' C. J. Melrose of Australia won' second place in the handicap race to take a prize of $5,000. Nine planes have already fin-; Ished with three more straggling' along as far back as Aleppo. , SEES WIN FOR DEMOS New York Republican Paper Pre- diets New Deal Will Be Approved NEW YORK, Nov. 6: CP On the eve of today's congressional el ections, the New York Herald-Tribune, Republican, stated yesterday: "Democratic control of Congress Is assured." The paper predicted that the New Deal policies of President Roosevelt would be approved. I Card of Thanksf Wm. John Richards wishes to thank all those who sent flowers, 'extended sympathy or assisted at! the time of his bereavement in the death of his mother. Mrs. Margaret Nyholm I ' Flowers were received - i i from H the; u following: j William Richards, Mr. and Mrs. H. Forrest and family. Mrs. P.i BJornson, Mrs. George Whits Mr. and Mrs. D. Glcnnle. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hart. Mr. and Mrs. Fred iui-i fou, Rupert Bakery. Joe Howe and daughter. Blllmor House. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Murray, Miss Dorothy Balllnger, Mrs. R. Gammon, "Miss Winnie Bunn, Mrs. H. Cameron and Frank, Mr. and Mrs. A. Brooksbank and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jarvls McLcod, Mr. and Mrs. J. Larusson, William Brand and Bud. 7 Stevens Declares Big Interests Trying To Get Something On Him Praises Newspapers in Toronto Address For Their Courage and Warns Government Against Policy of Drifting Has no Ambitions T0RONTO, Nov. 6: (CP)-Hon. H. H. Stevens, former ninister of trade and commerce, told newspapermen yes-erday that "certain financial interests" had employed in-.estigators, including a "known Detroit gangster," in an ittempt to "get something on me." Mr. Stevens said that ie had not taken the investigations seriously although "it's K-i fact that I was trailed all the Seeks Divorce iiki 'iff GLORIA SWANSON LOS ANGELES, Nov. 6: -Gloria Swanson. screen actress, will file suit tomorrow for divorce from her fourth husband, Michael Farmer, separation from whom she applied for last spring. Miss Swanson s name has been linked a good deal lately with that of Herbert Marshall, the British actor. REVENUE INCREASE Customs, Excise and Income Tax Pnllrrllnt.v Pnr A It r:i f! nt Last Year OTTAWA, Nov. 6: (CP) Total net collections of customs, excise and income tax for the seven rnnn!H pnrllno Hftnhir 51 InrfMt. ed $22,750,000 over the same period last year. Noted British Sculptor Diesi Sir Alfred Gilbert, Famous Artist E. II.-Kinder, superintendent of In Stone, Passed Away Sunday the Princess Royal Mines Ltd. at In London Surf Inlet, arrived In the city by -. . gasboat Saturday afternoon and' LONDON. Nov. 5: Sir Alfred Oil-will be In town until Friday. He is bcrt. one of England's most famous here to receive treatment for his sculptors, passed away Sunday at leg which was recently fractured, the age of eighty years. PRICi: FIVE CENTS time during my last two visits to this city." i Mr. Stevens said also that "cer-'taln Toronto interests" had sent investigators to Vancouver In an attempt to obtain damaging stories, concerning his past. Newspapers Praised AddressingaJarge meeting- here-last nlghtj Mr. Stevens returned .to; the price -spreads, antr ma?s buyttyp' TnvestlglllSSSlII prised tfiVhews-papers for publicity gfven the re- ' ports of the commission's proceedings and disclosed that his last official action as minister of trade and commerce had been a move to check evils he had found in industries engaged in mass buying. Thin was to sign ninety authorities to prosecute stores in Toronto for short weights and other practices. Mr. Stevens agafci reiterated tha. he was not seeking the Conservative leadership. "I have no desire to embarass any government," he said, "but I would solemnly warn them that a policy of drift In matters vitally concerning the welfare of tens of thousands cannot be tolerated. In business and Industry the human equation must take precedence over ; profits." Screen Star Is Being Charged Vllegation of Misconduct Laid Against George Bancroft By His Wife LOS ANGELES, Nov. 6: MriT Sdna Bancroft yesterday laid charges of misconduct against huf husband, George Bancroft, screen ictot, Recently Mrs. Bancroft, charged her husband with bigamy ut the charge was thrown out. S. J. Mayer was in the city at the week-end from Smlthers for a brief visit here In connection with his duties as district organizer or the Brotherhood of Railway Engineers and will be back again this week. CHINA IS DISGUSTEU ' WITH NATIONS' LEAGUE 4 PEIPINO. China, Nov. 0: . The government of China has Just about given up all hope of 4 ge'tlng any satisfaction from the league of Nations In con- nectlon with the dispute with Japan over Manchukuo. The Chinese government, It Is ex- pected, will re-open direct dealings with Toklo on the matter. 4