WOiM TWO THE DAILY NEWS r linjiDtnAY a 1 "'sport A Pair of Shoes Is Always Appreciated Here you will find a full range of shoes in smart, perfect-fitting lasts and patterns, Guess Mother's shoe size. We will change them if wrong A Pair of Hosiery Also Conveys Your Timely Thoughts A full stock of all latest seasonable shades, service or chiffon weleht. Penman's make Q4 A A priced at '?iUU Editor and Reporters' Telephone DAILY EDITION Sunday, May 13 Kemember HER by (Jiving Something Useful, Practical THE DAILY NEWS. rklKCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue B. P. PUT .1 .FN - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES Dty delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance . r or lesser penoas, paia in aavance, per week By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year By mall to all other countries, per year ... Member of Audit Bureau of Ctrculatlonj 86 15 00 .10 3 DO 9.00 Saturday, May 12, 1934 TURNING THE TABLES A few years ago the newspapers of the country were full of statements in regard to alleged payments to the campaign funds of the Liberal party. Yesterday's despatches told of efforts made to secure contributions from a wealthy tobacco firm for the Conservative party funds. Ward Pittf ield, a man said to be "close to the Premier," : solicited funds for the party from the W. C. Macdonald Tobacco Co., according to the president of that firm, but was turned down. 1 1 I 1 1 I danger is that those making large contributions often expect to receive special concessions in return, and sometimes they get what they want, ft is said. CHURCH NOTICES FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MlfiUter, Rev. W. D. Grant Ilollingworth, BJl. Organist: Mrs. E. J, Smith 11 A.M., MOTHER'S DAY SERVICE The Sunday School will attend In a body. The Sacrament of Baptism will be administered. Parents and friends especially Invited. Special music by the Junior Choir. 12:30, Westview Sunday School 7:30 P.M.. Sermon Subject: "THE BIBLE AND PROPHECY" The result of scholarly research through the ages in relation to Biblical prophecy. The only practical and scriptural message of the prophets for today. All visitors welcome FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. F. W. Dafoe, D.I), Minister W. Vaughn Davies, Organist Services at 11 AM., "MOTHER'S DAY" It will be family day at the Baptist Church, all parents with their children are expected. The Junior department of the Sunday School wtll have a large place at the mqrning service Evening Service at 7:30 PJil. This is parents' service. We expect every member and adherent present. An interesting service ,of worship and music has been prepared. The ordinance of believer's Baptist will be administered during the service. The Bermon Subject will be: "AN OLD FASHIONED HOME" You are cordially Invited. Ttik SALVATION ARMY Special Mother's Day Services in Citadel II AAI, Subject: "MEMORIES OF MOTHER." by Adj. Halvorsen 2:30 P.M., "A Surprise Service for Mothers" by local officer 7:30 P.M., Bpeclal Program of Songs Subject: "MOTlIEnS OF YESTERDAY AND TODAY" by Adj. Halvorsen the Interior. The Family Shoe Store Third -Avenue. LIMITED Phone 357 Gas Anaesthesia May Be Installed Hospital Board Considering Pro-posal From Prince Rupert .Medical .Association The hospital board is now considering a proposal from the Prince Rupert Medical Association whereby the latter organization would lnstal gas oxygen anaesthetic equipment In. the operating room of the InstituUon at an estimated cost of $500. the hospital to be re sponsible for the suppjy of the gas and the fees to be spHt pro rata. More information Is being obtained for the board before it fin ally decides. Installation of the gas iahaesthesia equipment would fill a long-felt need at the hospital. LOCAL NEWS Tonight's train, due Irom the I East at 10 o'clock, was reported As a matter of fact every political party has to solicit 'MjJT subscriptions to carry on elections. There is ho other way of getting the money. At the time of the last provincial Mrs. r. l. Mcintosh left on last election a canvass was made in Prince Rupert by the C. C. evenings train for her summer F. in order to raise money to pay the Expenses of the tan- home at Terrace. Mr. Mcintosh had didate. It is nothing against the C. C. F. that they did so. preceded her a coup)e of weeks ag0-We mention it because have notion only some people a James Mauen, well known that it is only the older parties that have to pay election pioneer of Hazeiton, is paying a expenses. .visit to the dty, -having arrived If T inin a nnlJtiVnl nartv T PYnfft. tn hpln simnnrt it TWp n Thursday nteht's train from Peer Lakie, CJ.R. divisional freight and passenger agent, left on yesterday afternoon-s train for a trip to Terrace on official business. He wtll be reternlng tonight. William Patmore and Tom Scul ly left on yesterdav afternoon's i LEGION WINS STEWART, bridge tournament for teams of four was completed on Wednesday and was won by the Canadian Legion team with a handsome lead. lhe final standing of the team was: Canadian Legion. 73.650 points. Duds, 60,560 points. Loyal Order of Moose, 59.920 point. Stewart Board of Trade, points. The winning team consisted Alexander Russwurm (Captain), Sidney G. Lawrence. Kenneth H. Gray and O Pat Helnekey. CLEVELAND RUNNER-UP Lead of Chicago Cubs League Hut Half a in National Game i BOSTON. May 12: CP Cleve- 1 land Indians, by defeating the Red Sox In a close game here yesterday, moved into second place in the American League, three-ahd-a-half game behind the New York Yankees who won by the odd run over the Chicago White Sox at the Yankee Stadium. The Washington Senators and Philadelphia Athle tics, losing to St. Louis Browns and Detroit Tigers respectively, are now tied for third place. The Tigers replaced the Red Sox In fifth place. In the National League, the Chi cago Cubs lost ignomlnlously to the Brooklyn Dodgers and had their lead reduced to half a game over the Pittsburg Pirates who defeated the Phillies. The St. Louis Cardinals won a pitcher's battle from the New York Giants and took exclu sive possession of third place. Yesterday's Big League scores: American League Detroit 10, Philadelphia 5. Cleveland 6, Boston 5. St. Louis 4, Washington 3. Chicago 6, New York 7. National League Boston 8, Cincinnati 5. Philadelphia 4, Pittsburg 6. Brooklyn IS. Chicago 1. New York 0. St Louis 1. Baseball Standings National League W. L. Pet Chicago 15 8 .C52 Pittsburg 13 7 .C50 (St. Louis ,14 8 .636 New York .-h13 9 39i Boston ...11 10 X2i Brooklyn 8 13 J81 ; Phllalelplrla 6 14 .300 1 Cincinnati 5 16 38! American League W. L. Pet. New York j15, 6 .714 ' Cleveland " rio' 8 J56 Washington : 10 .524 Philadelphia 11 10 .524 Detroit 10 10 300 (Boston 10 11 .476' St. Louis 7 11 .389 j Chicago 5 13 578 NEW FLAG AMERICANS I DAY CUP; train on a prospecting expedition1 William. Watts Presents Pei-pettral to Doreen and Usk 'They expect' Trophy For Llks' Hag Day to be away for aboqt a week or ten Sports I days. J . 7 Besides all the regular Flag Day j prizes offered by th,e Elks for kid- 1 Idles' sports on June 4 the commlt-' tee announces that a large new sll- Tnir,17 f)f 1 XT ver cup suitably engraved ha been DKIUIzL I LA I I presented by W. M. Watts of Watts' Grocery. It will be presented to the Interesting Competition At Stewart Is Brought To Close 1 public school obtaining the great- : .est number of points In fhe field , day sports on Flag Day. Fire points I will be elveh for each first rrlaee. May 12 The Stewart ,h fftr wm, h,flr, .,,. one for each third. j It is hoped that the presentation of the cup will promote a friendly j rivalry among the schools. j ! The trophy will be a perpetual! jone and may be played for only on ' an Elks' Flag Day. During the year it win remain on display In the I winning school. 5C 770 1 The cup will soon be on display ,ln Watt' Grocery ofi Dance at Elks' Home Enjoyed Today's Weather Terrace Clear, calm, 48, Aiyansh Clear, calm, 48. Anyox Clear, calm, 50, Btewart Part cloudy, calm, 43. Hazeiton Clear, calm, 50. Smithers Part cloudy, calm. .' Bums Lake Bright, calni, 42, Prince Rupert Part cloudy, light Good Shed Crowd Present at Affair northwest wind; barometer, 30.43; Held by Mrs. James S. Black's temperature, 55; sea smooth. Orchestra Dead Tree Point Part cloudy, calm: barometer. 30.34; tempera- An enjoyable Scottish and Cana-1 tore, 56; sea smooth, dlan dance was held last night in Langara Island Part cloudy, the Elk' Home by Mrs. J. 8. Black' Hfeht westerly wind, sea moderate. Orchestra, a good sized crowd being - present at the affair. James Taylor, The Metlakatla softball team will was master of ceremonies and be in town for a game tomorrow af-1 dancing continued from 10 pjn. un- ternoon with the arotto team of ' til 2 ajn, Refreshments were served, the- city league. P WIN AGAIN United States Retains Walker Cup With Easy Victory Over Ureal Britain 1 ST. ANDREW'S. SetitlaiVd. May It: (CD United States retainer! the Walker Crip today by whining six out of eight singles matches, the British winning one and the other being all square. In the opening day's play bf the competition yesterday. Urti. ted States mod three out of four foursome matches. It is the eighth consecutive triumph for American amateur golfers In cup play. 4 RANGERS WIN (iHStidH' CUP TODAY IN ONE TO NIL GAME WITH. CELTIC OLASGOW. May 12: (CPi The Rangers, already victors In the First Division of the Scottish League and captors of the Scottish Cup this year. -added still another laurel to- triav bv defpaUnv rHlr tholr ancient rivals. In the final for the Glasgow Cud. one to nil. HS! ':, rJni mavc to cer TAXI AND GO HOME I've ocvrtopcp a TtRQIHir ATTACK OF NCUHA1CA 1 m v , For DONT VOJ TRY 2 THtVllfcCT RIO OP VOUC NtURALClA H AFfWMIMUTf J 1 Now comes anmiingly qultk relief from headache, rheumatism, neuritis, neuralgia . . . the infra $afr rrlirf, it it aid. fri ttitcutrrrd. Those results are due to a scientific dicovy by which an Atiriii 1'nMrt betms to disaolw. or chs-intrtinile. fn the amttring sntee uf two aeromls after touching moisture. AikI henre to start " tukin YuW of ji a fmr mimtUs after lakiM. fW HhHUnliao of the gtas here, tells tIK srnrv. An AsiMriti tablet starts to disintegrate almost instantly you swhIIoh it. Anil thus a rmjg t urn la work ulnxl tnttanllu. Wben ynu twy. thoiMk. be on froKl aftauit substitute. To br sure you iret ASP1R1VS tuHr rrlirf. he sure the name Hayrr w the form of a eruss is on every tablet of Aspiriu. Thoralf Arnten of An vox left an yesterday afternoon's train for New York where he will enteric May SO on Uve Meaner Berrem-I Jor d fr a trip te hbt native bone in Beren. Norway. There are 5 cars to choose from in the low-price field . . . YET MORE THAN 1 OUT OF 3 BUYERS PICK NEW 1934 CHEVROLETS NTATURALLY sve ar praad to Kt crested Ctnadi't ' most popular automobile. All tht more o because people are counting talmtt comparing fuJilf thetkina on dilhrrtd fnUtt Deter bWotc in automobile hiilory. Chevrolet bai always beco tnatrr on proof of value than oo mere "claims". People moaniae this io Chevrolet's , aaany exxlutive features: Fullr-cMlmed, protttlii "Knce-fuuua". Body by Fisher, valrt in httd sis cylinder enjinc with Blue Flame bead, Fiher built-in Ventilatun, eulu-sive YK frame, to meotkn just a few, AdJ ;uit as lone at cnotorati go on comparuig. checking sad testing. Chevrolet ili bold and meruit hi great sale leadership. Btctuit 'Ckttnltt rifmtt lo lompremiir m quJily, The industry's leadinc enjineers ... die great General Motors Proving Ground ... and an orsanhation with "an ear to the ground and an eye to the future' . . . lake care of that. Low delivered prices eaty GMAC terms. A MeUn ViU...Wi Cn,J, f 3 Saturday, May 12 i93l Almost instant Relief From Neuralgia 2. OO M1NUTTC IATCD lTI WONPf rui HOW quiCktY MY NCURA16IA WtNT. THAT AtPIRlf CtRTAlNLV WORKS ' rlfr , ' ' ' 'n'' " 1 vdNDna7V, i Quick Relief Say ASPIRIN When SOLD n is You Huy YOURSELF See the car check these features ! FULLY-ENCLOSED "KNEE-ACTION" BLUE FLAME CYLINDER HEAD BIGGER, POSITIVE BRAKES STURDY, SMART BODY BY FISHER EXCLUSIVE YK FRAME BUILT-IN NO-DRAFT VENTILATION SAFETY GLASS IN WINDSHIELD AND VENTILATORS SYNCRO-MESH WITH v SILENT SECOND GEAR OCTANE SELECTOR CLOSED MODELS WIRED FOR RADIO Chrtroltt Matlrr Six Prlcrd mt Vt at ChfrroUl Sfmit tWld. Hi, o.ipp wmm mm $844 (Ti v WHY ASPIRIN WORKS SO AST Drop in Ai ii TMr1 w i i, iNHjr. Hair n I Sam, H h "aft: t WTuI it &ur ,n . 4mm M dun ii Ihtes A'or Harm the Heart The retvlar monttiiy mretKr f the Prtnse Rrprt Bhivie Club was JteM Tt unidajr n hi tit in '. ut Mannc reunite. President Arthur Urookatnnk in the chair Ar. rautlne builnaw had been i. wtth. refresbmenta were serve:: ON CHEVROLET TOOK THE WHEEL 4, farl. Oaha'i. WWMIf IUMM, MV, OTU- NEW CHEVROLET KAIEN MOTORS LTD. GENERAL MOTORS DEALERS Phone 52