PAQE fOUR YOU CAN'T BUY NEW EYES But you can get satisfactory glasses from GV.Q. 1'. DAVKY, Rcgis-tcrcd Optometrist, who. for the past six years, has been giving a real personal service in the Optical Department of Max Heilbroner Tl,c ''Sr'" CBNTE N N 1 A L (' I) L E Ii It A T I 0 N EXCURSION $150 to PORT SIMPSON " Jr,ra MAY 24 SJ3. PRINCE RUPERT lare Prince Rupert 9 A.M. Leave Tort Simpson 10 I'M. Sports Programme Children Half Fare CANADIAN NATIONAL Friends, Prince Ruperiites, Patrons Lend Us Your Ears! We are your friends Faithful and just to you ' No, this is not Mark Anthony speaking from the far beyond, but MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE You arc well aware of the fact that it was WE who reduced the retail prices of groceries while wholesale prices remained unaltered. This alone proves that we strive to increase the purchasing power of our customer's dollar. In other words our slogan "Where Dollars Have More Cents" is, judging by our many patron's opinions, rightfully chosen. They say our everyday prices arc bargain prices. lly watching our advertisements ou will convince yourself and you will be dcP'Jitert at th? end of the week with the amount you will have saM-d by dealing with us. Self Denial arnpai BSSK go May 8th to May 26th TO AID ALL BRANCHES OF S. A. WORK When called upon please give liberally nces Minehead Egg Coal $12.50 Minchcad Lump Coal $12.50 Pembina Egg Coal $12.00 Stove Coal $11.50 Coal in Dry Shed and Delivered Dry HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 ZWRZSSCSISaSBSaR UElBDKaEBSSSSkXBRC TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" . SMOKED Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. the big mammals at the plant in ending yesterday to the light total of but 1C3.900 pounds brought in by sixteen boats. The American fleet. however, gave a more normal con trlbutlon, fourteen United States vessels landing an aggregate of THE DAILY NEWS ii i in iiitmiiii WATERFRONT WHIFFS Stormy Weather Hampers Trolling Fleet Whaling Stations on Islands 'Busy Halibut Prices Better While stormy weather of the past week or so has been hampering operations on the outside trolling grounds around Dundas and Stephens Islands, early season gill-netters on the Skeena River have been having fair success in fishing for spring salmon this week. Duo to the cold and rainy weather, the fish have almost disappeared onlhe Dundas and Stephens Island grounds. At North Island, however, fish are still being caught. It Is a little early yet for the run on the Naas River. The Rose Harbor whaling station of the Consolidated Whaling Corporation at the southern Up of the Queen Charlotte Islands Is operating full Tjlast," the" steamer Prince John, on her arrival at Prince Rupert this week, reporting three of In past years been so apparent. Up to yesterday the majority of the boats had made either three or four returns to port with catches while only five had completed five trips. The trips of the American fleet have been regulated in a si mllar manner, of course, but this has not been so apparent as far as Prince Rupert is concerned since the United States vessels land their catches at Seattle or in Alaska besides at Prince Rupert depending readiness to be put through. The upon market conditions when they Naden Harbor station had not op-. offer. cned as yet although the crew is there getting It in shape for operation. Assistant District Forester Doug Oreggor and Forest Ranger J. B. Scott returned to port on Sunday with the Forest Branch cruiser after an absence of nearly three weeks on the Queen Charlotte Islands on official duties. They report much activity at the Moresby Island logging camps with many irfen busy at work andthe outlook for a large production of timber during the next few- months. Edmunds & Walker. New Westminster fish exportmg concern, which Is the latest company to open headquarters at Prince Rupert for the shipment of halibut and mild curing of salmon, is now do ling business on the government I wharf in the premises formerly oc cupied by the United Pacific Fish eries and more recently by the Shrubsall Fisheries. The company is shipping the most of the halibut it buys to Vancouver. It will also mild cure salmon at Balmoral cannery as well as at Prince Runpcrt. Unfavorable weather on the fish ing grounds had the effect of diminishing Canadian halibut landings at Prince Rupert during the week Up to yesterday the-Takla. Capt. Chris Pa rkvold, was the leading boat of the Canadian fleet as far as volume of fish landed at Prince Rupert was concerned, having brought In a total of 115,000 pounds In four trips. The Covenant, Capt. Hans Underdahl, was second with 81,000 pounds in five trips and the Margaret I. Capt Ocorge Fritz, third with 80,500 pounds In five trips. Boats having completed five trips since the opening of the season were: Bayvlew, 39.000 pounds: Covenant, 81.000 pounds; Margaret 1. 80,500 pounds: Morris II, 49.000 pounds: Rose Spit. 62.000 pounds. For the American fleet the Ta- homa has been the heaviest lander of fish at Prince Rupert with 79.000 pounds In four trips, the Sentinel second with 72.000 pounds In three trips and the Yukon third with 69, 000 pounds in three trips. The Visi tor had. landed five trips for a total of 28,500 pounds while the Tahoma had made four trips with 79.000 pounds. The following vessels had completed three trips: Augusta 55.000 pounds; Emma. 35.500: Ex eel, 6.p00; Fremont, 40.000: 'Frisco, 25.000: : Hazel H., 50.800; Lumen. 32.000; Oceanic. 46300; Remus. 29.000 Sentinel, 72,000; Sherman. 56.000; Tahoma. 79.000: Teddy J.. 36300;. Viking. 36.500; Yukon, 69.-000, and Zarembo. 30300. Again delayed on account of having had heavy freights to discharge at cannery points along the coast. Union steamer Cardena. 246.000 pounds to make the week's Capt ErnMt 0corgcson total landings 414,900 pounds. There was very little change In the price situation during the week, the tendency. If anything, being towards Improvement. The high price of the week for Canadian fish was 0.1c and 4.6c which the P. Dorreen received for 11.000 pounds and the low 5c and 4.5c which several boats re- The codification of the Canadian halibut fleet with a view to limitation of production In the Interests of regulation of supply and conservation of the fishery has re sulted this season in a regularity of landings by the individual units of the fleet which has never before The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping & General Furniture Repairs List your goods with mt rbone Black IZI GEO. J. DAWES For Your Health Chlropractle Ultra Violet Rayi Intra Red Rayi Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green 241 Phones Oreen lit Exchange Block ted due about 5 o'clock this afternoon from the south and will sail soon thereafter on her return to Vancouver and waypolnts. The vessel is some eighteen hours behind schedule. The big fish packer Jessie Island II of the Nelson Dros. Fisheries Ltd. celved. The bid of the week top forlarrived in nort nt a ovwv ta,t American fish was 8.4c and 5c ning from Vancouver, having In tow which the California was paid for;a Ilsh buylng camp scow wh,ch ,3 10.000 pounds and the low 7c and: being taken on today to the Queen 5c which tha Franklin. Visitor and charlotte Islands where It will be Yukon were given for catches of piaced for the season on the salmon u.viw, i,uw ana w.uuu pounas re- trolling grounds, speciiveiy. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD ShlpliuiMrrs and Knglnrrr. Iron and Itra Cadlng. Elrtrfc anil Acrtjlrnn XfrUUng. SfxrlalUt on Sawmill nil Mining. .Machinery. AH Typr of Cat Knalnr Repaired and Overhauled. SHORT WAVE Where and when to look 15 metre band from 0:00 a.m. till noon. (19 to 15 Megacycles) 20 mc'tre band from noon till 4:00 p.m. (15 to 9 Megacycles) 50 metre band from 4:00 p.m. on. (9 to 4 Megacycles) SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC . PIIONK: ni.un 320 Kecond.A venue & TlUrd Street Moose Dance Last Night is Enjoyed Two Hundred and Fifty Persons Present at Successful Affair At Loricc Hall There were some 250 persons pre sent at a successful and enjoyable gingham dance held last night by the Moose Lodge. The affair was In progress from 10 p.m. until 2 a.m. and Charlie Lemon was master of ceremonies, music being provided by Julius Welle's Orchestra. At midnight buffet refreshments were provided with Mrs. Ole Stegavlg and Mrs. Peter Wlngham In charge The committee In charge consis ted of T. O. Morgan. Pete Rorvlk. Louis Schlblg. Andrew Macdonald and Chuck Hlckey. Presiding at the door was William Gray. ASSISTANCE TO TOWnOAT (Continued from Page 1 to make her way Into the entrance of Union Pass from OrcnvlIIe Channel but was actually about; three-quarters of a mile north of! the passage. The reef was submerged at the time. It was raining and visibility was quite poor. The reef Is a long flat one con siderable distance from shore and! about half a mile from the steam-' boat channel. ,On the tide going! down the vessel was left high and dry with a slight list. The false keel I is believed to be damaged but the vessel Is not holed and Is not makr Ing water at the high tide. There Is a twenty-one foot, eight Inch tide tonight and, with the at-1 slstance of the Jedway. which left for the scene yesterday afternoon. nnrl thp Parhpna which lpft at to o'clock this morning with Capt. Ar-1 mour and Mr. Ward on board. It Is hoped the vessel may be refloated. The three members of the crew of the Salvage Princess are re- malnlng on board the vessel. FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone fi57 When Coming lo Terrace or Lakclsc Hot Springs .Make Arrangement With Swain's Transfer & TAXI, Terrace, H.C. To Greet You We meet all trains. Freight tt service anywhere Eassenger aklse Lake and Lodge, new boat U. A. 8. now In service on the lake. Fare anywhere on the lake, one adult, $3.00; $1.50 per head additional. No. crowd too bit. No job too small. PICNIC PARTIES i:vi:ky SUNDAY HOLIDAYS For Adults or Children on the Famous Graham Island North Reach Fishing, Dathlng, Badminton, Picnics, Scenic Drives. Shooting in the Season. Rent a fully furnished cottage at Sangan River. For full particulars apply MRS. DUNN MasNCtt, IJ.U. DominionDairy GRADE A MILK Now Open on 2nd St. Our Prices Arc: Whipped Cream 9 Of per half pint Whipped Cream QCJp OOl per pint Milk- J M.Uj Op per quart Milk rjp per plntt Butter 97p duij per pound Prices for Strictly Cash Phone - 636 3 B u m m m UirJ Friday Saturday I wo Miows 7 & 8:25 Admiion it , i SATURDAY MATINEE at 2:39 AdmMun. 15, j ! See -Them All The 12-Foot Ape The Cannibals mt n n i "RED EAGLE" In ."SON OF KONG' Thc Earthquake ""afe1 Tlii fttrnti fctnrv rvrr tiAtt I'arL! 1 1 1. Atuieu reaiure wiikklkk & W00LSEY in "HIPS. HIPS, HOORAY" (8:25) Kib-Tlrkllnr Comedy Set to .Music. Both Radio pih am.Kr.i an him-, in "Miantiiaieq Mlrkev" MKTItn vn I .Monday &. Tuesday "SIX OF A KIND" and "WHITE WOMly YOU ARE INVITED to join our Rental Library He up-to-date and know the Intent books. Treat yourself lo many hours of pleasure. 75c FOR A MONTH Read all you want, no other charge or obligation. Have You Read? "JOURNEY TO THE END OF NIGHT" "LAND OF PLENTY" "WATERFRONT" "WITHOUT ARMOR" "ADVENTURE'S A WENCH" V- "MANHATTAN LOVE SONO" "FIVE 8ILVER DAUGHTERS' "MAGNUS MERRIMAN : . "VALERIE HATHAWAY" . "VILLAOE TALE" w. WHISPERINO TONGUES" L "SEARCH FOR AMERICA" 'BRAZILIAN ADVENTURE" c c Bi . it;: : V. I! N r l x -, K X O: . F. Krccnt addition to our ever progrrvilnc library for your rnjoj-ment. Join now! ftcJD fO fl (PMi uKJ u)VS. MCI SHIP YOUR HEAVER AND MCSQl ASH T()l You can be assured of quick returns and ki4 man; prices. A trial will convince you, HUDSON'S HAY COMPANY Prince Rupert, IU JnJt:rmi-riTB.'!7iii.B'-:.B:i 1 MURESCO 'For Wall and Ceiling Decoration Murescos popularity rests on Ha lovely soft finish, M and ease of application, and on Us great practicable In eighteen beautiful tints r : I' r 75c Package 10c Half PackaRC 5 PHDnmno uxnmuxnr rhonein tara7atiiararata.?aijiraiBim;a-.arBi'aii a n 1 Every Battery Guaranteed The Wilson Klrctrlcal Manufacturing Co, Mile makers of SlTR0 Itallrrlrs, guaranters(i:vi:RY Suprox Hattrry to .maintain IU l" rated ability throuchout the entire guarantee r",0, ,u , i:XTRA COST TO Tilt? IMIIH 'IIAVni ii.,iv arrldcnt or MVt(i will render this guarantee void. JAMES MARTIN ,iiasseii, n.u. iiox 77. rrinre imp" .i nr WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS 1 C( ) il 5 surc 9 jrii!ll please you J REPLENISHING PHONE US Wc have coals buIUJJ for all your requirements to and at prices suit all pucs. PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 618