HOSE 12 1M4 Don t Forget Mother Mother's Day, Sunday, May 13th Fresh Chocolates Yardley Special Erasers Horn's Ink Hotchkiss Staples Indexes 'Writing), iKhowcard) to Wells Lead Infills 100 e Leaf Ledgers MOTHER'S DAY Give Her Flowers: We have a good selection of Cut Flowers and a fine assortment of Pot Plants At Frier Suited to the Times GLENNIE'S - Second Avenue I Pound Rox Irani UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED 60c Sample Jar of Yardley Complexion Cream every box of Face Powder Q Mother's Day Stationery I ! Raltimore Vellum, boxed with 7f ial greeting card i OX Ormes Lid. Piontcr Drttqpists Thr Retail Slora Phones: SI & R "NEWS FLASHES" r -ion of Oeneral Motors of Canada during March set mark for the year to date and shattered all monthly f- ords for the past thirty-tour months. The output nth was 70 'r ahead of 1933. and export production for the period January 1st f " !. 1934 was 1G 8 in excess of the same period during ' lex of Oeneral Motors product in. Canada during the ' iry 1st to April 10th. 1934 were 31Jri ahead of the !'"H! in 1933. "ii file greatly exceed those of apy similar period B .f vs Is excellent, and our management are oHsf every-r is humanly possible to meet the unpmeajgtted o-ueneral Motors products. Yours very truly, p. n. mmitV, Sales PromoUon Manager. T jtivo u a letter lust received and we assure our custom- doing everything possible to procure cuik to fill our KAIKN MOTORS LTD. Phone 52 Chevrolet and General Motors Dealers , COWAN & LATTA Ltd. Printers and Stationers Ledger Sheets Legal Seals Loose Leaf Books LumW Crayons Manuscript Covers Marking Ink Mimeograph Paper Mucilage Notepaper Besner Block. Third St., Phone 234 jfc. B(ameri Utu Prince Rupert lor Vancouver iollAI'A EVEIIY TUESDAY, U30 VM iaa nd WaytmlnU. arrirtt Vanouer Thuradaj . afternooa. JJ CAUDI.NA EVERY MtHiAY MIDNIGHT WVi?,g Vacuuver. Monday AM. fXlng to Port eimr-nO. Allre Aim, Anyox, Stewart and N" Ulthi.. , V Vnl. Leave Prlaee Rupen Bunday. 8 pin "iiiiunuu regamiriK uu auuiiia u ,..o- KtirfRT AOrnCYi Third Ateuue. rhwijM j Th" regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert General Hospital board was tieki last night in the hospital. Those present were ;0 V Wilkinson, chairman. S. D. SMardonald. Franfc Orbo. O. P. : Tinker and Dr. W. T. Kergin. !dfrectors. Miss Jean Harrison R. : N iady superintendent, and 11. W, Birch, managing secretary. Reporting for the groondi com- m:ttee of which he Is ehalrman. Frank Dtbb advised the hospital board last night that the grounds of both the hospital and nurses' home were in good shape, particn iarly the latter where rose trees mm! glNiou 1i(lSflt been planted under the cKreeUofl of Miss Jean Hsrrison R.N.. the lady superin tendent. Provincial Constable H. L. MC Kenney of Terrace arrived in the city on Thursday night's train from the interior, having In his custody Fred Poteen, who has been isenteneeo to thirty days Imprison ment on a charge of awanlt as a result of a fight at Usk. Polsen was sentenced by Stipeniary Magistrate O. T. Sundal of Terrace. Constable MtKenney returned to the interior on yesterday afternoon's train. Hotel Arrivals Central J. Hadland. Oona River; C. Hearn. Billmor: Ole Anderson. E. lUclurcison and H. Hendersoiiity. Knox W. D. Eddy. Edmonton; Mrs. C. Olsen, city. Prince Rupert H. W Harris. Port Esslngton: C E. Avis. North Pacific; C. J. Had- don. Victoria: W. O. Metcalf and E Jackson. Vancouver. Royal M W MrKenzle. Kamloops. k SOUTH y . prince ships to VANCOUVER 5aIIIiiR frum I'rluce Kuprrt ft fry Thursday st 10.1 J p.m. NORTH for ANYOX .nd STEWART Sallins front Prince It u pert every dneJay at 4 p.m. 5 TRIANGLE 9 W m TOUR rioi'Mi'iKiP 1W0 mllei of de luie travel ly train and Iwat . Vaneourer, Jaaper National 1'ark, I'rluee l(uxrt. CANADIAN NATIONAL For -Information, Call or Write: CITY TICKET OFFICE 928 3rd Ave. Prince Rupert, It.C VI Ml THE DAILY NEWS PAOE THREJ rat. LOCAL NEWS NOTES This Is cleanup week. Do your Wt. tf New Shipment White Hats, $155 and $2.25. Dealers. .112 PhlWp Edgeumbe sailed on the Priaceas Adelaide last night for a buslneas trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Jack Woods of Annette! Ladle' , Ready-to-Wear returned to the city on the Prince Adelaide last ! evening from a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Alex Finnic, who has been on a vacation trip to San Fran-"isco, returned to the -city from i he south on the Princes AEel-uide last evening. Miss Mary MeRae R, N. or the J Prince Rupert General Hospital nursing staff, sailed on the Prin- jCess Adelaide last night for a trip to California. She will be away r for a couple of months. T. W. 8 Parsons, assistant commissioner of provincial police, following a visit to Smith ers in the course, of a tour of Ihe district on official duties, arrived in the city from the interior on Thursday : right's train and smiled by the j Prince John last night on his return to Victoria via the Queen j Charlotte Islands. We are still buying old gold. Bulger's, (tli Cleahup' this week. Keep In touch trlth the spirit of the time tf Jack Johns and W. M. Watts re-j turned to the city on Thursday i night's train from a brief business trip to Terrace. R. M. Johnstone of Vancouver, official of the Workmen's Compensation board, Is a visitor in the city, having arrived on Thursday night's train from the Interior. Competition b an excellent thing. See who can 'keep the tidiest place this week. tf Women's Canadian Club Mrs W. G. Wilson of Victoria on "Rambles Around Rome" at the City Hall Wednesday, May 16 at 3:45 pm. Admission 23c. 113 Mrs. F. N. Eastwood and grandson, Fred Peterson, sailed by the Prince Oeorge Thursday night on their return to Vancouver after having spent the past few weeks In the city. The house committee reported at last night's meeting of the hospital board that J. A. Curtis had almost completed his contract for repainting the exterior of the j Nurse's Home. As a result of the wrk the appearance of the building has .been greatly enhanced A new cinder walk to the front entrance is also being put in. The hospital board, at its meet last night, considered quotations from three concerns for supply of new special hospital mattresses The figures were as follows: Vancouver Bedding & Mattress Co.. $21.50 (by single orders $20 'lot-' of a dozen or more: Victoria Bed ding & Mattress Co.. $16; Simmons Co.. $15. The house commit tee was given authority to act In the matter, the board suggesting that no more than were absolutely necessary be ordered at this time It bad been orgtnaiiy intended to purchase eighteen new mattresses Announcements Anglican Tea May 15 at Mrs lrme's. Catholic Spring Sale May 16. May 17th. celebration, dance. social, refreshments. Moose Hall. Presbyterian Tea May 17. home of Mrs. D. McLeod, 410-Slxth Ave. West. Hudson's Bay Centenary Cele bration, Port Simpson. May 24 Sports, ball games, track events. canoe race. Trophies. Entries re eeived to May 21 by secretary. Moose Hall GINGHAM NOVELTY DANCE TONIGHT Welle Orchestra. Adm.. 25c First 12 ladies admitted free Dancing from 10 Ull 2 Mrs. J. Thomasson Dressmaker, has arranged a Cutting & Fitting Service Prices reasonable. All branches Including children's work. Phone: Blue 8.17 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli, Pioprletor "A IIOMK AWAY FROM DOME" lUtes $1.00 op 50 Rooms, Hot if Cold Water Prince Rupert. B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 188 Spring Styles THE VERY LATEST IN WOMEN'S SMART SHOES City Script and Relief Orders are Accepted by as Running Shoes VM 1 . M..M.A I I 1 U 1- , I MOTHER'S DAY Cosy Slippers and Serviceable i Shoes make acceptable gifts. Smart Attractive Pumps, Ties and Dress Oxfords in fine black, brown and grey Suede from $2.95 w f iiave jusv icueivru iiunuirus ui pairs ( of Men's. Boys.- Women's, Misses and Children's Cfln tip from Our Prices Lowest SsV 'asB hri'i it-, mn Leckies Fine Dress Shoes, style and comfort, Men's Smart Stylish uptt 52.95 ARCH MASTER SHOES Dr. Heath's Orthopedia Health Shoes in fine Kid, Special Built-in Arches Men's Romeo Slippers, finest qualitv, black and brown Kid and Calf , reg. $3.50 Q-i Qff up from v J-attJ Why Pay More ? CUT RATE SHOE STORE NOTICE or ArrtJCATlON TOR CER- TtiicATr or IMrHOVr.MF.XT8 Gold Cliff No. S fractional Mineral Claim. Cold riltf No. S Mineral Claim. Margaret Mineral I'lalm. CtHf rrartlona! Mineral Halm. Situate fa) the Portland Canal Itlning Division. Where located on tbt at aide of Bnr Rim about three mBea from Stri'art. BC. Lawful Owner Wflllam Dann. Nuober of the hoidera free mlnera "ertirtpate- TT720-D TAKE NOTICE that William Dana Free illner'a Certificate No. 77720-D tn-tirxln. at the end of alxty days from n date hereof, to apply to the uliun? Recorder for a cerUUca-te of Improve-merrta for the purpose of obtaining a Cron Onvnt of the above elattna. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that Ktlon. tinder Section 85 of the "M'.n the taauance of auob orrUfleaXe of lm-l provementa. I trovn urama oi trie aoore eiauna. AND further take notice that action under Section 8S of the "Mineral Art' muat be commenced before the lanuanee of uch Ceruficatea of Improvements. Dated thU 20th da of February. 1934 LAVIi ACT Notice nt Intention to apply to Imt Land In Prince Riapert Land Recording UWJlet of Prince Rupert. BC, and alt- luate in Qladreet Bay located at the N w end of Siepherv; Wand. Range 9. Cottit Dlauiot Ttke notice that John Claunen of Prince Rupert. B.C.. occupation FUh f 'acker, intenda to apply for a lease of he following described lands: Commencing at a pant planted at the S. W. corner of a amall Island thence NE.. thence westerly, aoutherlyl and easterly, follovrlng high watermark o point of commencement, and containing 3 acre more or taw. and Including the entire area of the aald la-lamL ! JOHK CLAUSEN. Dated Aprtl 16. 1934. COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. II rhones III Classified Ads race, B.C FOR SALE modem, with garage. Graham E. DIX. Terrace, B.C. FOR RENT HOUSES to rent. Hart. ti OR SALE..Rent or Lease, Kltsum- gallum Lake Lodge with Dance Pavilllon, and Annex. Lots of Fruit and Berries. The price Is right. E. DIX, Terrace, B.C. tf FOR SALE Cabin Cruiser Boat, round bottom type, length 31 ft.. FOR SALE 1. 9 ft. row boat. $30; 1. 9 ft. row boat. $18; 1. 10 ft. row boat, $35; Float 24x40 with house 16x32 one year old; Packer or work boat 38, ft. 27 HJ. heavy duty Atlas; 36 ft. cruiser "Vera S. Fry". Pile driver lead with 2500 lb. hammer; quantity 2-lnch shafting, pulleys and hangers, 5 HP. Staty gas engine, Talrbanks-Morse. Bargains for Cash. M. M. Stephens, w & s FOR RENT Furnished cabin, part ly modern, suitable for couple I 7 ft.. 6 in. beam, 12 hp. Vivian! engine (medium duty); boat and' For sale enamel regrlgerator. Apply before 7 pm. D. E. Mur Dhv. 241 Fifth Ave. West. tf HELP WANTED HOW to get a Government Job. Free Booklet. The M.C.C. Ltd, Winnipeg. PERSONAL PRIVATE home Kindergartens pay We start you. The Canadian Kin dergaxten Institute, Winnipeg. WANTED TWO Show Cases and one Counter. WANTED Men. women and school Rose' Cowan & Latta, Phone 234. 112 NEW trolling boat 8 feet x 31 feet. For particulars phone Red! 720. tf , children to sell Fair Board Membership tickets. 20 commission. Particulars Phone 234, 112 eral Art" must be eonuneneed before fQR SALE 4-room house, fully' Wanted LOUIS & btampS DATED thia 23rd day w March. 1934.1 Avenue. Easy oavments. Apply Iitp in exinn tvih tnr Tnin nmil vuu.ui. oi iutvnnj , uenis. iiau-tenis. siza.uo Large rr.RTincATK or improvements for SALE Very late Model T. TuKuanah BAnania, TuHuqnah Chief, j TuKuqnah llald Eatle, and Tuluquih r.lva IraiilAn, Mineral Claim. j Situate in the Atlin M ruing DlTlMon of Caaslar Dlauiot. where lor&ted: Left Bank of Tulsa- quah RITer. TAKE NOTICE that H.' licit. Fraaer. acting as agent tor Taku Mine Company Limited. Free Mlner'a OertHleat Nr 3408 D: J. O. Klraham. Free Uln- erl CerUflcate No 73409 D: Carl Carl- on, Free Mlner'a Certinca,te No. 73411 D: Olen A. Klrkhazn. Free Mlner'a Cer tificate No. T3410 D: and Oeorge L. Johnson, Free Miner" CerUncate No. 73412 D: intend, alxty daya from the aat rtereot. to apply to the Mimnc Recotder tor Certificate of Improre-menVi for the purpose of obtaining Ford Truck, excellent condition.! good tires, cab. Atwater Kenti ignition, $150.00. E. DIX, Ter-f- Copper Cents. $500.00, etc. Send 16c. for list. ROMANOCOIN-SHOP, "A", Springfield, Mass. Aircraft Engineering YOUTH to learn Aircraft Engineering. Small fee. Canadian Aviation Corporation, 555 Howe Sti Vancouver. B. C. 116 TRANSFERS engine like new, a Snap at $450. j CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177. tfl Birch, Jackplne, Cedar. HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING! Cluster Curl; Latest Styles. NELSON'S BEAUTY 6HOPPE PAINTERS tf PAINTING and Paperhanglng Moller, Phone Red 802. LANI ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Leu Land In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dtvtrtot of Prince Rupert, B.C.. and situate Id Qlawdzeet Bay located at tha N.W. rod of 8teahena Inland. Rang S. Coat District Take notice that John Clausen of Prince Rupert. B.C.. occupation Fish packer, intends to aepty lor a lease oi the following described foreshore: Commencing an a pot planted at the S. W. corner of a amall Island about 8 chain B. E. of Avery Island thence 8.VV.1. Chain: thence Westerly S chain-, thence N.E. 8 chains more or less to high water mark on the NE. point of the island: thence 8. E. direction 8 ohalns more or le following high water mark to point of commencement. JOHN CLAUSEN, Dated Aprtl 10, 1934, AdrertlM la tat Dally News ! I i 3 i 3 .3 :JUJ. t:t - :i' j; x sm9