KNOX HOTEL , I'MHJI NMV MANAm;ir.NT 61 room all with llol anil (old Uitrr, Mumrr IMtM i:x i,i.i.i;m ihmmi icoom Vuu Hill like HieKniiv lUlrv ?.V. & $1, American or European Flan I'M I. AHMOt H I7...rlrt..r Giant Leviathan Will Run Again H"e Line to be llecommlssloned This Year on Trans-Atlantic Service WASHINGTON, DC, May 12:-Jhc giant liner Leviathan will re-" to trnns-Atlantlc service this T if It was stated following a con-ffjvutrc between owners of the ship a" ' irovernment officials. The Le-v' .hun hns been out of commissi for two years. Working Men On Mellons Jury 'orern and Mechanics Made Up Fanel Which Released Former Secretary of Treasury JlTTSUtmO, Pa.. May 12:-The Rfand Jury, which this week freed Andrew w. Mellon, former Secretory of the Treasury of income tax "aslon charges, consisted largely u' wboters and mechanics. Toronto Central Patricia, .65. Chibougamau, .11. Granada, .63. Inter. Nickel. 20.75. Macassa. 2.50. Norauda. 39.00. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.06. Slsco. 2.16. Thompson Cadillac, .45. Ventures, .87. Lake Maroii, .08. Teck IlURhes. 5.00. Sudbury Basin, .1.87. Columarlo. .31. Smelter Gold, .27. Can. Malartlc. .65. LltUe Long Lac. 4.45. Bagamac. .19. South Tlblemont, .10. Maple Leaf, .55. -Pickle Crow.. .70. Long Lnc Lagoon, .23 ii. Manitoba & Eastern. .21. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, May 12: (CP) mmln raer 18 In housekeeping occupations Is $12. Office1 Occupations Office occupations Include stenographers, bookkeepers, typists, billing clerks, filing clerks, cash-girls, checkers, Involcem. comptometer operators, auditors, attendants In doctors', dental and other offices and all kinds at clerical heln. Janltrriscs. Local Hospital Has Quiet Year Hospital Days So Far In 1931 Down . Sit Hundred From Corresponding Period of 1933 The Prince Rupert General Hospital is down about 600 hospital days so far this year In comparison with a" corresponding period last year, It was stated at last night's regular monthly meeting of the hospital board. During the month of April there were 1365 hospital days at a cost per day of $2.65, to tal expenditures for the month having totalled $3567.75. In her monthly report for April Miss Jean Harrison R.N.. lady su perintendent, stated that the stltutlon was still rather quiet. Members of the nursing staff had now started taking their annual vacations. Alabama Miners' Strike Continues Two Killed and Eleven Injured as Violence and Sabotage Go On niRMINOHAM, Ala., May 12: lvl,Mt was ouotcd at C7TbC on the, Two persons were killed and eleven George Darling, for years a technician at Tranquille Sanitarium, who has attained considerable prominence In various forms of medical laboratory test work. Is In j communication with the Medical tomorrow's Tides High , 0:40 ajn. 21.8 ft. 13:28 p.m. 19 3 ft. Low 7:21 ajn. 1J8 ft. 19:20 pjn. 7.0 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXIV.. No. 111. Vol PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1934 PRICE: FIVE cum AILMENT UPON SILVER IS CLOSE EXTRADITION PROCEEDINGS AGAINST JAMES FAHEY STOP United States Will Not Take Action In Case of Jasper Man Attorney General CumminKS .Makes Order Whereby Alberta Man Who Escaped From Leavenworth 21 Years Aro Will Not Ik? Prosecuted WASHINGTON, D.C., May 12: (CP) Attorney General Gumming today ordered that extradition proceedings be dropped against Frank Grigware, alias James kuvrence Fahey, who was found at Jasper, Alta., recently after escaping from Leavenworth Penitertiary 24 years ago. At the time of his escape he was serving "a sentence for mail robbery of which offence he claims he was not guilty. He married in Alberta and raised a family, becoming a highly respected and law-abiding citizen. To Resume Gold t Mining Work On Graham Island' Norman Terry, who ha been c-'ivp for the part two or three years nt "i i lift Hon with gold mining ' ii the sands of Otaham Island, hruved in the city from Vancouver i ' hr Princess Adelaide last eve-i and proceeded later on the ro he will prepare for another on i work Mr Terry is brtng-'irth a large truck from Van-1 r which he will use In con- n with the work. GranddaugHter For President Child Horn at Fort Worth. Tesas, To Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Kooevclt FORT WORTH. Texas. May 12:- A x and a halt oound daughter j born here on Wednesday to j M Elliott Roosevelt, wife of the ' of President and Mrs. Franklin j D, Roosevelt Mother and baby arej be it doing well, It Is reported from ; v hospital. Today 's Stocks Supplied by S. D. Johnston Co. Lti Vancouver AlexarffarM " -Bayvlew, .01 V. D. C NkkeJ. 1.10. Big Missouri. .29. Bralorhe. 12.50. Bridge River Con . Jl. B. R. X, .95. Butte I. X. L, .20. Cariboo Quartz, 2.15. Ounwell, .38. Dentonta, .72. Georgia River. .02. Goteonda, Indian. .83 ask. Minto. .47. Meridian, .16. Morning Star. .27. s Native Son, .04. National Sliver. .04. Noble Five. .10. t Pend Oreilte. .82. Porter Idaho. .09. Premier. 155. Reeves Macdonald. .15. f Reward. .08. Reno. .85 (ask). Salmon Oold, S3 (ask). Silver Crest. .03 ft. Taylor Bridge. .75. Wayside. .37. Whitewater. .05. Waverly Tangier. .01 United Empire. .18. MINIMUM WAGE SET New Scales Announced For Women By Board of Industrial Relations Of British Columbia Many Affected No Less Than, $13 a Week For Senior Office Women is Provided For VICTORIA, May 12: (CP) A minimum wage of $15 per 48-hour week for senior office women and' of $14 for women In public house keeping occupations, effective May 24, Is set In an order announced yesterday by the Board of Indus trial Relations. It will affect thousands of employees In the province. Other office rates covering girls under eighteen years of age and apprentices provide for a minimum oj $11 per week, rising progressively to $15 within two years in the former Instance and one year In the latter. , In the housekeeping occupations dedct!lon.may be made for lodging and "meals of up to $3 for lodging and Up to $555 for meals, leaving a wage of $5.75 If both are deducted. The minimum wage for girls un- Mother and "Test Tube" Twins For years Mrs. Lillian Laurfcello, wile of an Inwood, Long Island machinist, coujd have no babies at all and the couple were des- .peratelyunluppy BuUtt.enstIe4icesa4ter. a nest tube'-Vopwst- tlon. sent the jtork around with twins, shown with the happy mother. A woman physician disclosed that 13 of her patients had become 'test tube" mothers late:y. HEALTH GRADUATION CENTRE; ISUNIQUE Medical Association and Hospital Local Girl Graduates From Hos- Board Co-operating Laboratory Technician Invited Public housc.keenlnir oreuna-l The Prince Rupert Medical As- tlons Include the work of waitresses, i soclatlon and the board of directors attendants, housekeepers, cooks I ' rnnce rcuperv uenriai nu-and 'kitchen help In restaurants. I Plta are co-operating in a move hotels', tea rooms. Ice cream oarlors. . looking towards the establishment light lunch, stands, chambermaids, all female elevator operators and 'at Prince Rupert of a public health centre. It was revealed last night at the regular monthly meeting of i the hospital board. pital Where She Was Born-Vote of Appreciation The hospital board, at lts regular monthly meeting last night, tendered a vote of appreciation to Miss Jean Harrison R.N, lady superintendent, and all persons who had assisted In making the recent nurses' graduation exercises so pleasant and impressive. The vote was moved by Frank Dlbb and seconded by S. D. Macdonald. It was mentioned that the exer- r Ises this year had been unique In i that one of the graduates. Miss Hilda Wilson-Murray, was born In the local hospital, It being the first Association with a view to the pos-! occasion on which a girl who had slblllty of locating here if condl-lbeen born In the institution had tlons appear to be favorable. The j graduated as a nurse therefrom. hospital board has decided to of fer htm the use of the local laboratory and equipment and also the assistance of the secretary In connection with the Imposing and collection of fees for services rendered. Mr. Darling's coming. It Is felt, would make a valuable extension in local hospital functions and. eventually, mleht lead to the Government giving financial assistance by establishing a public health centre which would fill a long-felt need. Dr W. T. Kersin. delegate of the In-; Prince Rupert Medical Association, and other members of the board expressed themselves ns being much In favor of the Idea. n.n SILVER NEW YORK. May 12: (CP) Bar sliver closed at 4t',ic on the local exchange Thursday and was unchanged yesterday, advancing to 44sic today. Halibut Arrivals local exchange Thursday and at Injured, as violence and sabotage1 Canadian fllVp vesterday. Today's price was continued In connection with the Lysekll, 12,000, Cold Storage, 5.2c colliery and iron mine strike here, and 4.5c. c09c COMMITTED FOR TRIAL Stewart Couple Sent Up on Furious Driving Charges as KesuH7f j Hitting W. Serimgcour I John Campbell and AgncsjUam-Ible. occupants of an automobile which Is alleged to have run down Walter Scrlmgeour on the Stewart- Hyder road last week as a result of which he had both legs broken as well as sustaining other Injuries, were committed for trial at gtw-art yesterday by Stipendiary Magistrate J. P. Scarlett on charges of furious driving, district headquarters of the provincial police here have been advised. The couple will be brought here later to appear before Judge W. E. Fisher in County Court for election. Meantime, they Rehabilitation Action For White Metal Seems .' Sure This Congress President Roosevelt and Remonetization Advocates Reach Common G round Today Ratio of 25-75 Percent . In Currency Likely WASHINGTON, D.G., May 12: (CP) President Franklin D, Roosevelt and silver advocates were so near together-today on a bill for the rehabilitation of the white metal that legislation at this session of Congress appears certain, definitely fixing silver as a part of the national monetary basis at a ratio of not less than twenty-five percent against seventy-five percent gold. ASSISTANCE T0T0WB0AT Pass in Grenville Channel Where" Salvage "Princess" Is Ashore Hope to Refloat where the power tug Salvage Prln- cess ran ashore late Thursday night while enroute to Union Pass! to pick up a tow of logs for delivery to the McAfee & Sunbuiy box fac MISS LENOX IS HONORED Jedway and Pachena Oft to Union j Presentation at Japanese Assocla- tion IUU Last'ight The presentation of a lovely Japanese bronze vase from the consul in Vancouver was made 'at the Japanese Association Hall : last evening to Dr. E. G. Lenox for promoting educational and social Local Towboat Not Badly Damaged work and alsa m recognition of her Although Position is Difficult . efforts in paving the way for a : mutual understanding and frlend- Followlng the Massett Canners ship between the Canadians and service boat Jedway. which was the Japanese In Prince Rupert and pressed Into service and left yes- district. terday for the scene of the strand- j H. K. Yamanaka occupied the ng down the coast to lend her as- chair and there were speeches of sistance in the endeavor to refloat congratulations by H. Mochida, .he vessel, the Armour Salvage Rev. T. Matsumoto. Bishop Rlx. Jo.'s smaller power tug Pachena. Miss S. A. Mills. H. Suehlro and 8. with Capt. W. P. Armour, head of Suga. A letter of congratulations '.he Armour Salvage Co., and Hu- was read the Port Esslngton bert Ward, underwriters' represen- Ha-Hano Kal. Dr. Lenox responded tatlve. on board, left this morning suitably, for the entrance of Union Pass at . . . the lower end of Grenvllle Channel , WARNING TO FISHERMEN tory at Georgetown. , The Salvage Princess, which -. went up at Just about high water. Authorities Predict Early Closing was still fast ashore this morning but it was hoped that, with the two other boats alongside, it might be possible to refloat her soon. Mean Halibut Season It Heavy Pro duction Continues VICTORIA, May 12: (CP) Th&' time, so far as U known, she Is not Provincial Department of, Fisheries seriously damaged and Is in no lm mediate danger. W. R. McAfee, who was on board the Salvage Princess when she has taken occasion to emphasized warning of the International Fish-erles Commission, Issued this week, that, with the landed catch of 12.- struck. returned to the city on thel548'445 Puhds of haIlbut durln Princes Adelaide last evening, having been nicked up by the steamer in Orenvllle Channel. How Stranding Occurred It was at the peak of a twenty-one foot tide when the stranding occurred about 11:30 Thursday night. The vessel was endeavoring Continued on .Pace ' Jean HarloM- Is Surprised When Asked About Mnf HOLLYWOOD. May 12: When confronted with the puroorted statement of Max Baer, heavyweight boxer, that he had become I have been released n ball of $1500 engaged to her. Jean Harlow, screen each. Staff Sergeant Alex McNeill prosecuted at the preliminary hearing while J. T. Harvey appeared for the defendants. Staff Sergeant McNeill Is expected to return to the city tonight on the police boat 'P. M. L, 8, actress, registered surprise. "Who Is this Mr. Baer?" she remarked. CANADIAN GOLD PRICE MONTREAL, May 12: (CP I The Canadian cold price was town 3c today to $34.71. March and April in the two areas of the Pacific seaboard, the present rate will see the permissive catch In each area exhausted before the normal close of the season, beginning November. SPAIN IS QUIETER Political Situation Improved Following Calling Off of General Strike MADRID, May 12: The political situation in Spain has becorno much Improved during the past day or so following the termination of a 36-hour general strike which tied up Industry in some sections of the country and caused much rioting and sabotage,