I DAILY EDITION Women of Fashion AVE ARE HAPPY TO PRESENT A RANGE OF SUMMER FOOTWEAR THAT HAS A "CHIC" which even in the highest priced shoes is scarcely to be surpassed. Be sure and see them. Featured in Pumps, Sandals and Ties in Blue, Grey, Black Brown and White. r or lesser periods, paid in advance, per week THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Exeept Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue H. T. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly penodt paid In advance , By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year . , , , By mall to all other countries, per" year ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per inch per Insertion Local readers, per Insertion, per line ... Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion .- Advertising and Circulation Telephone .. Member of Aadit Bureau of Circulations 98 $5.00 .10 3.00 9D0 1.40 25 SJ2 Friday. April 2Jf. 1034 EDITORIAL STILL WORKING A year ago or more the publisher of the Daily News wrote an editorial article dealing with the relations be-J tween.Canada and the United States. A copy of it was sent to Edson R. Waite of Oklahoma who sent it out to a chain of newspapers. Since that time clippings from papers have been coming to hand from time to time showing papers in various parts of United States and Canada having reprinted it, A dozen clippings from Canadian papers arrived yesterday but most of the clippings have been from publications in different parts of the United States. In all, the article has now been re-printed in one hundred and fifty newspapers and in at least one paper it was printed in a three-column frame and left in from day to day as a space filler. The article is as timely today as it was when written, so we venture to give it once more in the form in which it has apneared everywhere: H. F. Pullen, publisher of the Prince Rupert (B.C.) Daily News, says: That Canada is the closest neighbor of the United States and the people of the two countries are . so similar that it wxuld be difficult for a visitor to either country to be sure on which side of the boundary he was if he were not told. . We are Canadians and the people of the United States calf themselves Americans, but all come from the same original stock. In each country there is a predominance of people of British origin .with. British, ideatearid aBritish outlook. There is also a large mixture of other European people, all being gradually welded into a new nation, one to the sputh and the other to the north of an arbitary The southern climate of the United States is more attractive to the ordinary visitor who wishes relaxation but the clirnate.ojt .Canada is the more bracing and tends to muni; a naruier ana more virne people. Between the two people there is a tariff and immitrra tion wall that separates them much more completely than does the Atlantic Ocean cut off Europe. Canadians cannot buy in the United States because the imnort dutv is hio-h and people south of the line cannot buy in Canada for a similar reason. People in one country cannot migrate to the other except under the strictest supervision. However, they do pay brief visits across the line and this interchange ui vision ib on tne increase. Today leading citizens on either side of the line are beginning to see the advantage of closer relations with their neighbors. Canada has a large market for many United States products and the United States could with advantage use Canadian paper, pulp, lumber and fish. We are developing business with countries thousands of miles away and. neglecting to trade over the fence with our next door neighbors because they have refused to trade with Us. The logical move is for statesmen from Canada and United States to sit around a table and discuss these matters as friends and neighbors and make permanent arrangements for buying and selling and for coming and go-int.1; back and forth across the unf enced line. Mvt III The Trumper twins Are off to see How very smart They both can be. At all their toys Their nose turns up They will not play With Tim the pup. V1 But very soon Those twins come back, Something to do Is what they lack, To toys and pup They'll turn once more, Take off fine clothes. Romp on the floor. What about getting out and building that road to the Peace River? Ill put in half a day on the Job. Now that the roses are distributed, what about a game of for a change? Jake says he's soft enough already without playing with a lot of other softies. I wish I were a youngster Out playln on the lot, Lettln' all the world go by And not caring a Jot. Cabaret Bridge Party Yesterday Very Enjoyahli A very successful and enjoyable cabaret bridge party was held by the Rebekah Lodge yesterday afternoon in the Oddfellows' Hall which was prettily decorated for the occasion with spring flowers There were nineteen tables in play and the satisfactory sunt of $25 was realized as a result of the affair, During the afternoon delicious refreshments were served. Prize winners were Mrs. James Krlkevsky, who received a beautiful cushion, and Mrs. W. A. McLeari, who took the consolation award. Mrs. J. W. McKlnley was the winner In a bean guessing contest. A brief but acceptable program Included vocal solos by Master Da vid Houston. Scotch dances by Betty Wilkinson, accompanied by Edith Wilkinson, and tap dancing by Edna McLean, accompanied by Jean McLean. Mrs. Horace Tattersal, noble grand, and Mrs. Jack Durran, past noble grand, received the guests. Mrs. Alex McNeill and Mrs. J. W. McKinley poured and the committee In charge consisted of Mrs. J. Durran, Mrs. Bert Morgan, Mrs. Alex McNeill, Mrs. J. W. McKlnley, Miss E. M. Earl, Mrs. W. Pierce and Mrs. Peter Solem. UC0MS6WARTS "k Miaaf I Umn ttily, Lm if n. Allr U Car. lift right off ITKIHC GF ItfiTTSTlTn Selling Wave Man in the Moon The Familv Shoe Store Pr'we Oropr Hits From Fractions Market!! to Shoes O Three1 Toints With Rayons X Third Avenue. LIMITED Phone 357 Suffering Most NEW Y03K, Aprir 27: Stflling 'bjoke out In, late trading on .hej New York Stock Exchange yester-1 day, prices dropping from fractions! to more than three points with the! .widest loss In rayon. Rails were the, .bright feature, being steadied by. jthc announcement of a settlement! jfn the wage dispute. Today s Stocks rCuurtwy S. O. Johnson On.) Toronto Interl Nickel, 28.90. Dome, 3635. Teck Hughes, 8.35. Eldorado, 3.15. C. P. R 16U Cariboo, 2.45. Qari. Industrial Alcohol. 13,i, Walker's. Ml. . New York U. S. Steef. 50',.. Oeneral Motors. 373i. American Chemical. 145. Radio Corporation. 8, Industrial Ftayol, TJ'i. American Telephone, 120!.. Wheat Prices VANCOUVER, pril 27: CP f Wheat was quoted at WBc on the to local exchange vesterdav. being un - . - i to 62ic today. Winnipeg May. 64. July. 65V. . October, 67Vi. Chirag May. 75. July. 757,.y September. 78Ti. MAY KNOW OF RANSOM LE HAVRE. lranee, April :-- Information of Importance regarding the Lindbergh kidnapping ransom may be .obtained from Stewait Donnelly, international confidence man. it was intimated here yesterday as he sailed under arrest on board the liner Washington for New York. Federal Agents Active BOSTON. April 27:Thirty-three armed federal'agents.have concen trated in the Rutland VI.. area, reportedly In connection with the Investigation of the Lindbergh baby kidnapping, case. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront There were only twenty-five passengers aboard the steamer Princess Koran which was In port yesterday afternoon southbound fr6m Skagway to Vancouver, rive persons disembarked from the vessel at this port while twelve went south from here aboard her... ' a..'. C. P. R. steamer Princess Ade laide. Capt. 8. K. Gray, Is due In port at 4:30 this afternoon from the south and will sail at 10 pm. on her return to Vancouver and waypolnts. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarellj. Proprietor "A HOMK AWAY FBOM HOME" lUtes SI 40 up M Rooms, liot & Cold 'Water Prtac Rupert, n.c. Phone 281 P,p, Box 19fl INSURE!) TAXI When you ride In Slaggard's Taxi Vou are. fully Insured. IlD SAFE, Ride In an Insured taxi. Phone 653 See Our Sport Oxfords l Women's Black Leather 1-Strap House Slippers reg. $255 X M i & J M n 1 : TV VSlfJLIUll U SMART STYLES Si.49 J?. 1 Tnni E Kunninj; ' Shoes S See Our Wonderful Lines of Worn. ; Hhoei in Calf. Kid and Suedes on In nil i-nlnrt nnrl ItvlM un fmm JSZ-'li W Wc Accept City Scrij) and Relief l-strap puwnt siipp. rs. up from . Ordc Leckie: Hard Wearing Solid Leather Work Boots St Boys' School Boots from 2.95 Men'- Light Work Boots. Paneo Soles CO OS up from Qtf&O Boys' School Boots, Pan- to 8oles reg $2 75 S1.95 Why Pay More? Mens Footwear Leckie rs 8 Men's HlKl r, , Dress fprds. Kiu Leathers See Our 8p. , . x Matfr Sh.- ? finest kid i steel arehen f jm fort and w.: Men's Smurt ,: f black aii'i on jc brown ui 0&lu CUT RATE SHOE STORE 4 QQyl year of outstanding auto-I Uu7 motive achievement brings you Pontiac a new model of extraordinary performance, comfort, and value I Time-proved features which brought fame to past Pontiacs have been retained. Important new refinements have been added. ..many of them actually suggested by Canadian motorlsts.through their whole-hearted co-operation with General Motors' Customer Research activities. First of all, the now-famous Knee-Action Wheels enable you to enjoy a Floating Ride. No bumps t No jars 1 No shimmy 1 Naturally, the exclusive Fisher No-Draft Ventilation, pioneered In last year's General Motors cars, has been retained and improved to provide an even greater measure of comfort and protection. Safety is further assured by new Bendix brakes ... a strapping K-Y SILVER ANNIVERSARY "Girder Box" frame ... and new Multi-Beam headlamps. Pontlac's mighty Straight-8 engine has been correspondingly advanced. It's faster, smoother, more powerful, more economical . . . and, because of live rubber suspension, practically vibratlonlest. Then too, increase in wheelbase,'in car weight, in body sue, and in tire sise, all tend to make this the roomiest, easiest-riding automobile ever to bear the famous Indian-head trademark 1 , When you see this distinguished modern car, you'll certainly want to drive itl And when you drive it, we promise you'll experience an honest-to-goodness new sensation. Please accept our friendly invitation to rldetand drive in Pontiac, the car that makes all roads smooth. Start the new year right 1 Let Pontiac show you the way to a completely nevv kind of low-cost motoring enjoyment and satisfaction. rTTWrl OF GENERAL MOTORS KAIEN MOTORS LTD. OI'NDUAL MOTORS PI 'A LF.lt S Phone 52 If your paper does not arrive, telephone the office