April , XM4 THE DAILY NEW PAOE THRES Excels in Quality and Flavour LOCAL NEWS NOTES We buy anything In gold. Premium Mrs. II. Gammon sailed last night pricrs. Max llellbronc r. oa the Prince George for "a trip to ALADA Vancouver. . Mm. V. J. Bond, wife of Constable i Bond of the provincial polite i JaekUWoalled'oti'tlic Prince force hwc, sailed yesterday George last night for Victoria where Ar TEA "Fresh from th Gardens" TUK ENGINEERING ACT Practising as a Mining Engineer T VV nil It May Concern: TAKt NOTICE that by the term of the Engineering Act of t, ( uiirc only thoje who are holders of a license to prac- , !:i:r as a Mining Engineer or a Oeologlcal Engineer arc .nd to make mining engineering reportB or geological t :r. i am report, or to engage otherwise In the practice of a m .: Laxinrer or a Qeological Engineer. I l engineers entitled to practise will be found in the Hi : i lumbia Gazette ot February 15. 1034 and April 19, i an be obtained upon application to: mo BIRK8 BUILDING. Vancouver. B.C. Jasmine Toilet ems Face Powder, two sizes, 50c & $1.00 Creams, 50c Rouge and Lip Slicks Shampoo Hrillianline Liquid and Solid Delicately Perfumed with the Perfume of Jasmine Ormes Ltd. Jit Pioneer Drttfigists Ihf Retail Ktort ROSE , COWAN & LATTA Ltd. Printers and Stationers Notarial Seals Office Pins Order Hooks -Paints 1'aint Rrushes I'apor Napkins Paste Pens Pennl ('lips fhonm; 81 It It Pencils Pencil Sharpeners Penholders Perforators Playing Cards Receipt Hooks Hull Call Hooks Rubber Hands Kulers Besner Block, Third St., Phone 234 LAWJjJOWERS !' ) our uutch before buylnu h Lawn Mower. We carry m dlffi ni styles in plalu nd ball bearing Canadian Made Lawu Mowers. Prires rane from $7.50 up 'ORDON'S HARDWARE ZZ tm vm tn mtm n sj.m tm mwm m mrm f m UNION STKAMSUJPS hlMITKD m,.,.- . IH w rrinr nupri for vnMivff: vi iv ":,,';..'Vi:iiv t ui.s day. i:30 rji -vn ran. . tir... i.i . - U)KNA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT "8 Vancouver. Monday A M. 'iiig to Port Blmpin. All Arm. Anym. BUwrl mhI Nmi Mil! ,ormalIn regarding all sailings und tickets at-- afternoon ort,thc.;Prince Norah for a trip to 'Victoria. ,-, i Mr. and- Mrs. Leslie Smith and farrUJjr, wlio arrived in the city recently from 'AUln. sailed yesterday afternoon on lite Princess Norah ,for Victoria wliere they plan on juicing up future residence. is i u M M n Mrs. J. S. Irvine leaves on this afternoon's train for Montreal wliere she will embark May 4 on board the steamer Athenta for Glasgow enroutc to her home V Largi, Ayrshire, Scotland, where she will piy a visit. Mrs. Irvine expects to be away about six months. Livingstone Wernecke, engineer for the Alaska-Juneau Gold Mining Co., was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday af- .ternoon going through from Ju neau to Vancouver whence he will proceed to New York on company business. Royal Shpard, well known mining man. andRrnest Johnson arrived In the city on the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon from I he Alaska Capital and will proceed from here to "Vital Creek in the Omlneca mining area where Mr Shcpard Is oneratlnc nlacer H leases Are You WEARY? D yn tti It htM to i" thmrf mm itrtl wrnWt lni'imir.n rtl hndy it prfth. My tK rw II u liWly U rratnn IW Uiuth tr u rclv ran t io r" duly tilxU, lruM rrnUntr it m gtr.a. of rcHttjMt FotUw Khm m-pU hrtllb ntW t mokrur Wp nlh-n.U g.l lu al Irrtk ir ud .- d attr r r I my. .rtry tk brsnnc, p'ktief (Im ' An4rr( jwrr Hsh An-arm. itt runfy d mviturtl vnttr wkal yif na W.lp Nstar mi tirA, ' Umin-rr" 1T Ot Andr l.ivrr MX (rm ftmr drut(it SV u4 KV- in ten 75 I of tK , Utt bmtU rW4 AU. Jofca A. HmUm Ct . IXi . Taraata. 1 Constable Harold SUinos of the city deUchmentr of the provincial ZAMBUK Will Clear Your Skin 01 4 W J SMM 1 NHIIIS Xl H MM hS FUESH MIIJC AND CRKAM DAILY VALKNTIN DAIRY Phone fi.r)7 Heal Cleaners OPEN In New Premises Cor. McRride & Fifth CLEANING, REPAIRING, DYEING, ETC. he will take a course of naval train lug. 4 - . Moose Hall tonlgfct at C. CCJ. meeting. Speakers:: Mr. Conneil Leader of ' Opposition . and Mr. Bakewell, M.L.A., Ocean Falls. 98 T. Wcsthead of Triple Island lighthouse, who is on .vacation, railed yestcrdiy afternoon on OV Princess Norah 'or a trip, to Van auver. We are still buying old gold, Bulger's. Itfj Dr. A. Knight, provincial veterir.-arian from Victoria, who has been on a trip through this city and district on official business, sailed on the Prince Ocorgc last night for Ocean Falls. Miss Gray It.N. of New Weslmln ster, who has been paying a visit here with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. James L. Lee, sailed by the Prince George last night on her return south. O. W. Pearson, district manager of the Swift-Canadian Co.. sailed 'by the Princess Norah yesterday 'afternoon on his return to Vancouver following a brief business visit to the company's 'local branch. Fourteen summonses arc being issued from the city police station today against persons dcliqucnt in payment of licence fees for the year. The summonses are returnable by appearance in police court on Monday. Bishop E. M. Bunoz O. M. I. will sail tonight on the Prince, John for 'a trip to the Queen Charlotte Isl-ansd on ecclesiastical duties. He will be accompanied by Rev. Father P. Champagne O. M. I. They expect to be away a couple of weeks. Mrs. Jack Ratchfbr been called to Peoria, fd. jl ho has 111 r i count of lc? fnolheri ilmesPaniS iwllce sailed- la.t night on the ss. j wno ,cU for Ulc cast by tn wj. rrincc ueorgc lor a wip io van-;nosday retunicd last night from ouvcr on escort, uuiy. uuc mismllhers. where she had been de u.i- mmiui uc ui w aycd by the railway tlc.UPi and aaviuii auu. utt ivuuu ""' sailed on the Prince ue areumpaniea nuiue uy Mrs lOiuuiCT aim iiuaiu tnuu. ;.ri k iki ,.! ' H. K. Dutcher, Vancouver con ! suiting mining engineer, who haV i tiecn making an inspection of the Dolomi property near Ketchikan for Vancouver aim Seattle mining interests headed by Col E. J. Ityan who liave acquired It, was a passenger aboard Uie Princess Norah yesterday afternoon returning to Vancouver. ! Dr. Joseph T. Msndy, resident mining engineer, brought his scries of lectures to prospectors and others Interested In mining, which have been In progress for Several 'weeks, to a close Wednesday night with a good attendance. The lectures have proven of much Interest and value to nil who heard them and appreciation was suitably expressed to Dr Mandy who brought his discussion of gold mining to a close and offered some helpful general hints. George last iHght for Vancouver to make the Pioneers of the city regretted to read a dispatch In the Dally News on Wednesday telling of the death ir Dr. Walter J. Qulnlan, for Torty years a practising dentist In this province, who died at his home in Victoria. Dr. qulnlan was located In Prince Rupert In the very early days and years ago moved to Ocean Falls where he combined the duties of postmaster with his practice as a dentist. Following his departure from Ocean Falls, he had been living In retirement in Victoria for several years. Dr. Qulnlan 'was 74 years of age and was a prominent lacrosse player In Victoria In his younger days. He had many friends in Prince Rupert among the old timers. Announcemenh 1 Spinsters' Spree Cambral Chap icr. April 27. Ridley Home Bazaar, May 3. Children's Exhibition of Dancing, Oddfellows' Hall, May 4. Dr. Johns Recital May 7. i "Chinese Knowledge" tea May 10 United Church. j ' ; -( Anglican Tea May 15 at Mrs Orme's. j Presbyterian tea May 17. Moose Hall mNIGHT U. C. I". MEETING, 8 P.M. Speakers - MR. CONNELL. Leader of the Opposition and MR. BAKEWELL, ,M. L. A., Ocean Falls. TONIGHT 10 PAIh Scotch and Canadian Dances. Last Scotch Dance of the Season by Mrs. J. S. Black's Orchestra Admission 25 Cents Gee, Mother, these new wheat, flakes sure Jo taste goo J I Can I have some more?" "You certainly may. Kellogg's Whole Wheat Flakes are the kind of food I like to see you eat.4 No WO.VDER mothers like to give tlicir children Kellogg's Whole Wheat Flakes. For they know v lial a splendid, all-round "building" food whole wheat is. And nev er before wag whole wheat po taty, so deliciout as in these new crip-toatel flakes. Children and grown-ups both love them! You'll get a welcome surprise, too, when you see the tize of the big package thece delicious flakes come in. It certainly is economical. In fact, Kellogg's Whole Wheat Flakes are a food to meet these modern times. Outstanding value. Almost a meal in a bowlful. Ready to serve .with milk or cream. Ask your grocer for the red-and-green package. Extra criip and cmnchy, thanks to a new Kellogg discovery. Oven-fresh. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Quality guaranteed. Rev. Robert Conuell. MiV. for Victoria and C. C. F. Leader of tht Opposition in the provincial legislature, and Ernest Bakewell of Ocean Falls, M. L. A. for Mackenzie, arrived in the city on the Princess Adelaide this afternoon from Ocean Falls and will be heard at a public meeting here tonight. They will re main In the city until Monday afternoon when they will proceed to, the interior. Mrs. J. Thomasson Dressmaker, has arranged a Cutting & Fitting Service Prices reasonable. All branches Including children's work. Phone: Blue 837 HOLIDAYS For Adults or Children on the Famous Graham Island North Reach Fishing. Bathing. Badminton. Picnics. Scenic DrivAs. Shooting In the Season. Rent a fully furnished cottage at Sangan River. For full particulars apply MRS. DUNN -- Massetl, B.C. SHORT WAVE Where and when lo look 15 metre band from 6:00 a.m. till noon. ' (10 to 15 Megacycles) 20 metro band from noon till 4.00 p.m. "(15 to 9 Megacycles) 50 metre band from 4:00 p.m. on. (0 to 4 Megacycles) SUPERIOR KADIO-ELECTRIC rilONKs BLUE 320 Second Avenue & Third Street Swift's Carton LAUD 2 lbs 25c VEAL SHOULDER III, STEW lb. 10c Fresh Mushrooms 1 lb 45c lb. STERLING TEA 45c y Made J from Canadian V I 'War """LEVniew Satu Specials I L A iM 13 TK1M.MLD SHOULDER iOL ,? lb. SHOULDER CHOI'S 20 C lb. BOXED & ROLLED OC SHOULDER, lb. LAMB STEW JUt Jf)n lb. E3f 20c FRESH ALBERTA EGGS doz. P O It K LEG ROASTS lb. LOIN ROASTS lb. BUTT ROASTS lb. BUTT CHOI'S lb 25c 25c 20c 22c 3 lbs. COMET BUTTER 85c BABY BEEF LIVER 15c lb. PORK SAUSAGE MEAT 2 lbs. . . . 1 pktf. SWIFTS BACON 25c 5c 21b5.25c SPARE RIBS 2 lbs. 25c WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS fljjfgie character It's sure to oleAse vou vcrv welll REPLENISHING PHONE US Wo have coals suitable for air your requirements and at prices to suit all purses. PH1LP0TT, EV1TT & CO. LTD. Phone 618 Do you read the classified advertisements?