PAGE rt Phone 10 Quality Service For Your Health Chiropractic Cltra Violet Rays Intra Red Kayt Masare All at Reasonable Prlcei W. C. ASP1NALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green 241 Phones Orrrn S4 Exchange Block Write for copy of our NEW PREMIUM CATALOGUE KELLY, DOUGLAS & CO. LTD. Vancouver Calgary or Winnipeg Saturday's DIAY.0ND T SPECIALS! Extra Specials Boiling Fowl, lb 20c Roasting Chicken, lb. 25c Sunnybrook Butter 3 lbs. S5c Local Fresh Eggs, 3 doz. . . 70c Ayrshire ftacort! Sliced, per 11. 23c Cambridge Sausage lb. ...... 12 jc Hamburger, lb. Uc 1 lb. Round Steak & J lb. KidneV .....:23c prm No. 1 Steer Beef Pot Roast Beef, lb. .121c Rib Roast Beef Rolled, per lb 20c Brisket Beef, lb 7jc Rp. Roast Beef, lb. .20c Local Veal Rump Roast Veal. lb. 1SC Loin Roast Veal, lb. .22c Leg Roast Veal, lb. ..'lie Shld. Roast Vral, lb. .1 It-Breast Veal, lb 10c Veal Chops, lb 22c Classic Shoes for Phone Hlack 324 one joncer Biitcliers Est. VJU) The AUCTIONEER Packing -Crating Wrapping ft General Furniture Repair Hit your goods witn fhonr Black I2H (JEO. J. DAWKS I 'BIRTHDAY T. the club, gave an Interesting review of the found in? of Uic club and its work ln the city during the past 13 years. The club is Just 13 years old and today has 38 members', th largest number in Its history. One of the original 14 charter members was F. O. Dawson who died some years ago. Otherwise, all other charter members are still alive. Only two have been continuously members of the club, Mr. Johnson and H. F. Pullen, although five of the original 14 are now members of the club. Mention was made of the outstanding addresses given ly Arch-bishop DuVernett, Rev. Dr. Grant, Former Consul A. E. Wakefield and M. P. McCaffery. A few of the ac-tivlUcs of the club In past year were referred lo but the speaker said they must look to the future rather than the past. At the luncheons a good fecllns was generated which often ripened into friendship. However. In order that a member might get anything; out nf Rotary, he must put something In. It was a world movement arid he was glad to know that of late a number of younger men were Join-In? it. In a small way It was their aim to help leave the city a little better than they found It. Rotary Club Shows Appreciation Of Address of Planta 1 The local Rotary Club, at Its luncheon meeting yesterday, passed a 'unanimous voto of appreciation of the address of Ctive Planta. M. L. A. ! for Peace River, to the Rotary Club of Vancouver recently In which he strongly advocated the building of a Peace Rlvcrioutlet to Prince Ru pert of Stewart. A copy of the rc- solutldn will be forwarded to Mr. Planta. YOUR LIVER'S MAKING YOU FEEL OUT OF SORTS Wake up your Liver Bile No Calomel needed WW jvt tmt Mu. ifttnm 1, tma tk orU, 4hfi jrnt lic wbieh un I pouhnc fcj daily to poawk p( liquid tJ into your bsvet. piiotioa d eftrniuunn tr. hn( tlai ftp. load U (MunuUtuf d deraTtsg ind w tad ttiUqc ro 'H vrHthnd. Mm boMl-moven UJkt Mitt, oil. ninml tr, UuUt Mftdr M tbnui nm. Of miiha, da't to far aoa(h. You nead lif MJmuUnl. Carfr't UtlU Uttt POli u tK. hot mm. 81. fvnlf t. UN. Sur. Alk for Oram hr bud. Eafia vbMitaVM. U. tU druou. U HOES at Low Prices at B.C. CLOTHIERS, Ltd. 75 Pairs of Ladies' Pumps Aff and Tics, per pair JJ.te) .Spoirl-'Oxforlis5Wck,tfnd white, and blonde, low heel c() per pair . . FLEET RUNNERS fc At Low Prices Ladies' Fine Ties, reptile CO 7ff finish, snike heel, nair . V. I O ' r 1 45 Pairs Two-Tone Sport CO Qff Oxfords, per pair tyAVO Ladies' Kid Oxfords, Arch CO Qff Support, special i?AVO Children's Straps and CI Off Oxfords, per pair ?XOtJ Ladies' Debutante Chiffon 7Qp Hose, special ......... ' Weldrest Silk Crepe Hose Q-fl Off ner nair the Whole Family Next door Frizzcll's Meat Shop THE DAILY Friday, April n KiTrcRT is LvrntiSTKn ' (Continued Irom page one) OF ROTARY profitable, outlet lor their surplus wheat In the Orient and there lias ... . been practically no Increase in! II. Johnson Reviews-. History of u.hMl i, .,rfe , orinnti Local Club in Lunclieonpccch cycn ft p'Xg ,0 - prlccs. At nth Anniversary . -Now tiiat ! most of the principal i importing as well as the principal , At the rcaular wceklv luncheon of exporting countries of the world! tunc rains may make up for a fairly dry spring." , Pool Operations Referring to the business operations of the Utrbe Wheat Pools of Manitoba. Saskatchewan and Alberta the past year. Mr. I'urdy said that he was naturally more closely In touch with lc Alberta Twl but he could say that all three pools had a very satisfactory year, had oald ln full all .obligations due to date on the 1929 overpayment, af- xr making ample provision for de preciation and adding to capital reserves. The wheat pools, however, is stated recently by II. W. Wood, halnnan of the Alberta Wheat Fool, could not be satisfied with operating successful elevator com panies and have their member shareholders facing bankruptcy through low prlccs. Now that the world wheat situa tion showed some promise of clearing up, with twenty-one of the teadlng countries ln the world pledged to do everything ln their power to restore wheat prices to a remunerative level, the outlook for. Canada, the world's largest grain exporter. Is unquestionably brighter. Any Improvement ln wheat prices would be Immediately re flected in the cities of Canada, and would be of vital Interest to Canadian seaports, so Intimately tied up with the welfare of the producer, as they transported his products to market and brought back the goods he required In exchange. Mr. Purdy was accompanied on his visit to Prince Uupcrt by J. Bennett, superintendent of Alberta Pool Terminals on this coast, and W. A. MacLeod, director of publicity for the three western wheat pools. The party spent some time at the terminal elevator with their local officials and left or Vancouver on the Prince George last evening. Jake the Barber Held in Prison Removed I'rom llotrl to County Jail rending i;x(ralltlon to England CHICAGO, April 27:-John Factor! (Jake the Darbcr) was removed from his hotel quarters here at the first of the week to the Sycamore County Jail where he Is being held pending his extradition, to Eng land, ,. ; . LAUREL AND HARDY HERE "Sons of Desert," Uproarious t'oin-edy. at Capitol Theatre Tbl Wrek-End Assisted by a notable cast in- !thc Trlncc Rupert Rotary Club at j have come td a tlcclslon that wheatjcjuding Charley Chase. Mac Husch,' the Commodore Cafe yesterday, T. P"ccs must be lifted out of the ! Dorothy Christy and Luclcn Little-. H. Johnson, senior past president of ! rubious levels, which have prevailed ! field, Stanley Laurel and Oliver for some time before there can be Hardy, that stellar comedy pair. any general recovery ln gcnernl 'turn a situation of wife deception business and Industrial conditions, into a screamingly funny picture In I there Is a more hopeful feeling - sons of the D,esert." which is the J among our prairie farmers and. If . week-end feature offering on the this hope Is realized. It will soon ! screen of the Capitol Theatre here, display Itself In every business Sworn to attend a convention of centre In Canada. I their lodge In a distant city. Laurel There are unfortunately some ( and Hardy have to resort to subter-black clouds still on the horizon. 1 fuge In order to overcome the While the world wheat surplus 1st strenuous and pugnacious objec-gradually shrinking. It Is still sub-ltlons of Hardy's wife. Their trip It stantlally above normal levels. Al-irlfc with complications and dlffi-' though a bumper crop in Canada fcultUp. all of which provide ludl-j this year might be a calamity ln-icrous situations, and the return stead of a blessing, any Increase in, home results ln even more trouble, the cost of producing our crop is a I than their getaway. How they come; very serious source of anxiety to our out of the mess and the trials and) hard-pressed farmers and we are. tribulations which result from their i ,i ..I. . ... .. . '..4 . , .i , i inreaicnea mis year wun me most ihijw 10 cxuicuie wiemseivw serious Inwct plague In the history ; bring the film to a riotous climax. of Western Canada, grasshopper; - 1 tnicsiauon extending over a considerable area of Southern Mani toba. Southern and Central Saskatchewan and Central and South- rn Alberta. We have had some good i"ns but subsoil moisture Is still rather scanty. Adjusting the uro- t ufttlon of our grain crops to mar ket demands is one thing but the oss of a crop put in at considerable 'xpense of labor and money Is an other thing entirely. We are anted ating an increase in the area BIG MILL RE-OPENS Great Central riant on Vancouver It land Krsumes Cutting Lor; Camp Ticketed PORT ALUERNI. Vancouver Ul- own to coarse grains and forage -and. April 27: CP Thc sawmill rops, with some reduction ln wheat icreagc this spring, but no one can Hitlcipatc the reduction that may ome from a grasshopper plague or Irought. Of course, it Is too early In he reason to make any estimate as o what may happen before the rop Is harvested, as grasshopper lamagc may not be as serious as at Or cat Central Lake employing 160 men. oprned Wednesday when assured of a sufficient supply of logs from CHtnp Three wherw nddl-1 tional men Itave been engaged. The! strikers maintained a picket but no' trouble developed. " j Thirty-five striking loggers who had been on picket duty at Camp ome authorities estimate, and ! Three have left for their homes at Campbell through night, i River, having passed Courtonay Wednesday MUSSALLEM'S of the week. Put your order in today. DESSICATLD COCOANUT 2 lbs. rLOAt ii LOOANllEJtftY JAM, 4-Hr. tin ECONOMY TEA Orange Pekoe, per lb. ENO'S FRUIT 8ALT per bottle , . HANSLICK 2 tins LIFEDUOY SOAP I Have Specials Every Day! 2 for V. C. PINEAPPLE Sliced 2's. per tin AYLMEN APRICOTS, FRUIT. CHERRIES, PEARS. 8-oz., 2 tins AYLMER STRAWBERRIES. RASPBERRIES" 8-oz., 2 tins CHINESE PRESERVED OINOER, per Jar MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY BUTTER. A-l. 3 lbs. . RHUBARB 7 lbs. SMITHERS EGOS 3 doz. 29c 49c 39c 89c 49c 15c 20c GRAPE- 25c AND 29c 23c 93c 25c 69c MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store 'Where Dollars Have More Cent' 117-19 Third Avenue West P.O. Box 575 rhon IX COAL! COAL! Cur Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaran teed to give satisfaction, Try ton of No. 1 Dulkley Valley. Wr also soil Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley, Prince Rupert Feed Co It rhones ISI Lf-filJU'I'S Friday & Saturday Two Shows 7 Jfc 9 Admission U. SATURDAY .MATINEE at 2;30 1JC k J5c C 4 5tc YOU'LL I.AtlC.11 TIL IT IIHIitu STAN LAUREL & OLIVER HARDY in iiicu ,uw, w uu-i.cimii rraiure riclure "Sons of the Desert" (7:30 Si 9:50) A M-U-.M Uelrake With CHARLEY CHASE, Mae Hutch. Dorothy Chrbtle Just a couple of hen-perkrd husbands on the Uxr .Musical "Operator's Opera" Sport "Around the Calendar" Novelty "The DUh Han Away With the Spoon" .MMro Nm, , MONDAY k TUESDAY "THE CONQUERING. SEX" Slazengers For Fine Tennis Canada's Choice Come in and make your choice of the finest Tennis Rackets ever seen in Prince Rupert. Slazengers Made in Canada Rackets and supplies at eastern prices. Select a racket to suit your purse anil play. $350 to $22 00 SLAZENGERS The Racket with the Record For Sale in Prince Rupert Only Hy Ratteries For Kvcry Purpose vs. Mi For Mnrinc Automotive UBhtinjj SUIMtOX HATTEItlES will not shed, burUe. ulplule or olhfml dlilntfurate but Improve with ae If kept In active use. JAMKS MARTIN Maxell, n r. p.o, iKit 77. I'rinte Kuprrt, DC Coal Prices Minchead Egg Coal , $12.50 Minehead Lump Coal ... , $12.50 Pembina Kgg Coal $12.00 Stove Coal " $11.50 Coal in Dry Shed and Delivered Dry HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COO Prepared Dally IJy Canadian Fish '& Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT, H.C. i ( Co., Ltd. Daily News Want Ads Bring Results