Friday, April 27, 1934 Classing . 1 - Aids KORtfALtf HALF-TOM Ford Trucfc for Dale. Phone Black 108 M FOB SALE Chevrolet Car In good condition. Price $200. Daily New If BEAUTIFUL Brood Sows, $20.00 each, u;kllng pigs SD0 pair. Hon and 'poultry ranch fof sale lease or ,wor; on shares. A sna-to right 'party- Apply 8. A. Cor-ley. Pacific. n.C. 07 " P F(iURKNT HOUSES to rent. Hart. FUR RENT -r Store with llvln quarter)!, reasonable rent Phone Red 720. tf FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. 835 Second A$ "W a3 vru hAl IIAiMil' wrv UK nir Mlilj qi.m f EXCHANGE or sell motorcycle' for las xmall marine lias engine. P Q. Bin Phone Red 182 103 HAIRDRESSER ; I PERMANENT WAVING! ; Gutter Curl; Latest Style l NKLSON-S BEAUTY GHOPPs? 1 'i.m u r Nollrr if Inlrnllnn la ipp). In Prtnrt Ituprt land Rwmnj j i IHnrt Itujwri. HC itnd u-ut n QtaOnt IU loratod iUt NW 'mi c(Btpltriu Iurt. Hante . r- DfMSH. 1 kr mtkrt that John CUu'ftl of f i krr. mtvftdt to potj id ' Vtjp of l.Uctf Arxntxl C tnmrttHo M a 1X Knird l h W. conur ot a vn4i j4.-0 it s (ttain S E ot Artrjr Wnll Hi- - 8.WI Clwin: thfm Wr-fflT i ,.ii,- iIiim KK a rhilnv BUI or w i . hMh wir marx on Um JT mi vtMMlMil. ttttnt 6. ft. " . h : t mart to penv f nsnawne JOHN CI JllSRM, m Aptn io. 114. umi Art ! Hlr at liilrntln I fpl) Uhh IjiiiJ 7 In Prlir Rupert land .Rfoort'n? i) f Prinet Rvp.-Tt. B.C.. sttd rtl- m OUmdre:; tity lcetd U lb i NW flic! :f BlrpdriM UtaBO. iung a. r-.-- DlHrtet. Mr octtbt tint John Ctl of Pt i . DniMrt nc aemiiatloa Flto i v,r :nnH to pplT tor i Jjm- rf ; - : h wiBf dcr d una , - a w -:itt cf tU UUnd . 8 Htlm 8. C. of Arj Wt 1 St.: tlf vtdtrtj. ruthrlr ' irlr. fctlouif Wih rruarf n: cf comfiv? pm-n;. r-, : 1 ?Tt at r of I'ld l1' i lle rllUiv rn ol H Mid JOHN CMtfoBN. 1034 - - miiiik oi- mirTiov ni "ii-r timcui; or i.MrHoi..'Hi,.in ,1 M Cliff n. S frafllmul Mlnfr.l" LMim. nodi rnrr N. Miarral Cuitn. Marram Jtllnrral ( Ulm. nitf mniirtiii no-rai tiini. ; , !it )n th Portland Cant! Vtlnins. Vi'itrt loHtb-d on tb t Wd Of i: Uiwr About ihtf XnUH from "',.rt. uo . :.iMul Oanr. William tMnn. N miVr of the tn4drvi fr mfne fr. ' ;;rw ' -77720-0. TAKX NOTlCK thAl William ' Un. i "- Mliwf crtiriet NO. 7T7M.D in M Ui end ot atxtT AaJ "m 11 tmt to applr to trt MMr$ Rior(ir lor frwiif( bf mirM u for the piuxw of obtalnlnt a Ofanl of the atxive riun. AND FUBTlttn TAKE NOTICE th' "' ". uridrf Section 84 of UW "Mm-Ac ' mutt be eammrDCa- Wort 'hi wuano of auoh rUflo of IM . f 'Vmi thl aird day of lliteh. 1034; J' W1UJAU DANN, Former Canadian Gov't Ship is Sold VANCOUVER, April 27: The for-ro1 Canadian Government Merch-Marine steamer Canadian Far-tn,r purchased by three Flnnlslv "f imsnip officers for $12,000, Is bow at New Westminster loading rJfo for London. . ' . i ' , i i i '. .... i .i. - .i. - ' f'iMAl.i. I LBT -rM6M.MR. I THE DAILY NEWS paob rnwf TheMarkets! - a ( j Retail prices currer, here are as follows; Vecetanies Seed Potatoes, Terrace Oold Coin. C lbs . 25 New Potatoes, Imported, lb. xn Potatoes, Asncroit. a ids, .25 Sack ij&l Potatoes, Vancouver. 10 lbs. 25 Sack,' $1.90 to 3.25 Carrots, Cal bunch .08 B. C. Bulk, 8 lbs. 25 Sweet Potatoes, lb. 10 Spinach, Imported 2 lb. 25 Asparagus. Ca! lb. .17 Onions, fl lbs. 25 Leeks, bunch .05 Garlic, Imported, pf r lb. 3i Cabbage, B.C., lb. M wmuima. . D7 Cal. Htad Lettuce. 10c to ,'... .12' Cauliflower Ca... 25c to' 25 1 Victoria, he?rd. 10c to .. 25 Tomatoes, British West Indies lb .25 Beets, bulk, fl lhs. . .25 Parsley, bunch ..: -.. r.. in, Turnips, 8 lbs, Parsnips uprlver washed. 6 lbs. ,'.25 Celery, CaKhead, 15c and 25 Apples ,A t Winesaps fancy wrapped 3 lbs. 25 Box . 3.25 Yellow Nwtoiis "C" grade 3 lbs ; ;.'i.. Box 3.00 Fancy, i Jbs ; .25 Bar 3.15 Fruit Cal Navel Oranges, doz. 20c to .75 Lemons, CaL, doz. 25c to ..... ......25 Grapefruit, Cal, 5c to ... 10 Florida Orapefrult, ech. 12c to .18 Rb" pothouse, lb. .; .08 .06 '"IT Bai,anas- 1D- - .15 , , ur. . Flour. 49's, No. 1 hard wheat t ... 1J5 end Pa!l,nt 1.70 T ,1' V Pastry Flour, 10 lbs. 45c to ., M Aust. Pastry Flour. 10 ins (..... 45 ,, Kxtracted Honey, pet Jai 20c tn 0 comb Jlonev i.LL. . i Suirar v White. 100 lbs. 7.75 Yellow. 100 lbs. 721 Lard (Pure, lb. 15c to J20 nutter Fancy, cartoned, lb. . . 2Q ;No. 1 Creamery. 3 lbs. : 1.05 MeaU FowL No. 1. Ib 25 The Boss Thinks He's . . -. : . HxviG 0(QtiS T 3 E.T AM 1MTERVIEVAJ AMD I Z- P I I -V Contrary to Expectations OtiDS - R.EAU.T oPTtaiE in hskhat I about yoocoTE rfzh' X Something New I KA1EN HARDWARE Stainless, Paring Knife, price WhisliinKTcaKeitics price WANTED FEMALE Cooik wanted. Apply Knell ! )lotl. 93 TRANSFER 4 C-ARDEN Soil WiO alaad; 35e.p lick. rTairiemii'-i 1,nif tji,,... PAINTERS A I NiP I N O and Paporhanglng .trjrfnj little baggage. His destina-' Mailer. Phone Red B02 tlon appeared to be a mvslerv. -" - Traffic Being . Resumed Today Over Railway- "with Waring of the line between ! 8n,Uh' and whre -nosc several sides and washouts as well high water had caused Interrup-j HlonvexpecUd to be completed this 'afternoon, through traffic will be "jresume4 on the local line of the! Canadian National Railways. The) iMln lnvln ifr iht m,i a. K.ini ithb afternoon should get through j lu-i.h luti. -n, ,hm..,K " " .1 1 J ? ' : Z-ZZZu ZZTZ may be behind scheduled time for arrival at 10 p m. Alberta Lad Is Run Over; Dies Moltirr and Sister Witness Fatal Aerldent at Mundare When f 'Fred MUken Killed MUNDORE,.Alta. April 27: Fred MUkejl. atrd 12, Was ntantly blllMf Ihen'tuh over tav a eed packer drawn by horses. J1U mo- ,the'r.and sister witnessed the ncei dent. Union steamer Cardena. Cant. Ernest deorgeson. Is due In port at o'clock tomorrow morning from the south. "TILLIE THE TOILER" . 1 1 MONARCHY IN SPAIN Humors Rife as Political Crisis Continues Alphonso Leaves France With Destination Slystery MADRID. Aorll 27: Rumors of a monir chUt revolt swept through Madrid veiterdav a Snain labored la one at the worst crises It has ex- perienced ,,nce the establishment oi republic. ruMTAiNEULcu. rrance. April '27: It wai learned hfto that S"nr. llni Affr.nsn of Rnnln h-irl left ! 'on Wednesday with two attaches.' idenartin In an mitimnhll nnrt CJfBRALTAR, April 27:-Oencral Jose Ban Jurno. SDanlsh monarch- 1st, who led an unsuccessful reyclt last year, sailed from Lisbon. Portugal, accompanied by his wife and son, having been released from t.n at Cadiz on Wednesday. GOLD ORE CAME FAR Fourteen Hundred Tons of Concen trates Shipped From Hudson I'ay to Tacoma JftJL'f 'Z'"' tMn hundred tons of gold concen- lrates shipped from mines near H Bay via Halifax have ar rived here by the motorship Lyela. Mrs. R. Auriol and two children nnrt Mlt V EVrlanrf Mn Anrlnl't. stuer. are leaving Kwlnltsa on to. j night's train for Montreal where! they will embark May 4 for a visit to their "native home near Cannes, rv, France. They . will ... . sail on the , steamer Ausonla. l ! ' j The following Is the scale of hfECS joadejor.reaiang notictu Marriage and Engagement t announcement S2. BUth NoUces 50c. Fiineral Notices $1. Cards of Thanks, $2. ; f Funeral Flowers 10c. per name. ; : Mt (M OJR. Ti I I -Wt y - OH . Tll-L.E, "THE NEAJSPPe. IS EMDIKKT A IJEP02TEI1 AND A PHOTOS RAPHER. OVER-HAVE ACt- THE MODELS VM1U.I. BE A CTC.EATI AD FOR US m yO' '. - ' ANT TO TAKE A PICTURE CP My 4EO MODELS, IM&V 'WMT "TO VHOTOaAPH "You iW VOora HAT - DOVJMWT'iaa fai At -s:..uL - with f iniren rest i 25c 95c WE COUNTED THEM Six Tennis Players came lo see our new remarked on their perfect balance, iVou hut come in, we have Bomcthin.else The Chicago Hawks Winning When the Red Wings tackled the Chicago Hawks in the first game cf the Stanley Cup series, they ran up against a mighty defence in the stalwarts shown above. This quintet is made up of Jenkins, Coulter, Gardiner, A;l and the evergreen Lionel Coiacher. They contributed mucb to the success of Chicago in the Stanley Cup series. lasting Chicken, th. 23 Ham. sliced, first grade .40 Ham, picnic", first grade, lb 22 Whole 20 Bacon, side, sliced, best grade .. .40 Pork, shoulder, lb .16 Pork. loin, lb 20 Pork, leg, lb . 25 Pork, dry salt. lb. 20 Veal, loin, lb 25 Veal, should er, lb. .15 Beef, pot roast; lb. . .14 Beef, boiling, lb, 8c .to .10 Beef, roast prime rib, lb. ... 20 Beet, steak, lb. 20c to ..: 25 Lamb, shoulder, lb. .18 Lamb, leg, lb ,. 20 Lamb Chops, 25c to .rr........ 20 Fish Smoked lb 15c. and 20 Salmon, fre&h. lb. -. 20 'Halibut, fresh, lb 15 Smoked Halibut, lb 15 Drtat fruits White Figs, lb .12 Black Cooking Ftgs, lb 10 Dates, bulk, lb, 8c to .15 Putting One Over rackets arid all will say so too, to tell you. umon and i.range Peei citron peel Prunes. 30-40, lb. Prunes, 40-50, lb. Prunes. 60-70, lb. Raisins, Australian seedless, lb. Raisins, Cal, seedless, lb Currants, lb. Anrieots. lb. 20c to Apples, dried 14c. to . Peaches, peeled, 14c to Cheese ' Ontario solids, new, lb. ....22c & Ontario, mature, lb, , Stilton, lb. Edam, lb. w Roquefort, lb.t.. W .... i .inrznnzcJa. Jb. Feed . Wheat. Alberta Bran Middlings - - Shorts Oats - Fine Oat Chops Crushed Oats . .... Defence Line 23 , Barley 22 1 Laying. Mash I... .15 'Oyster Shell T -14 .n : Nuls .14 j Almonds, Tarragonna. lb. . .15 1 Walnuts, broken shelled .13 ' Wali'nits, shelled halves, lb fr ' 2.C. Fresh Extras, cartoned Yi i Local, new iaia, aoz. 2.00 175 2.10 1.80 2.10 250 250 l5 2.70 .1.65 25 25 .i23 25 JBulkley Valley, freth. doz. i5 251 25 45 , Ths Dally News can be pur-- W yvr- post Offitirtws 8Und. 325 j r uranviue oi- vuocuuicr. (- ;Karl Anderson. Prince' oeorge. u.v. R. W. Riley. Terrace. B.C. f r-neral Store. Anjox. fcmithers Drug Store. Smith tv -rs. B.C. 4 .. By Westover CANVAS GARDENING GLOVES Ladies' You too Need a Pair 4 Cp Only, per pair ... THICK SOFT RtTHKH KNEELING PADS Oflp Our price, each . , LQOK! WINDOW BLINDS Attach to YourOW RdllerWitltbuf taclr or tools Qfln 36 inches wide, 6 feet ldrijr each; ................ 4 f v -IT