PAOB SIX B.C. CLOTHIERS Ltd. Low Prices For Fall and Winter Needs Men's and Boys' Furnishings Men's Uabardine Coals Cld. ft t?J.V to clear. $7.50 to Men's Winter Overcoats- AIT wool Q-j C IJC Meif s Grey WorkrShirtSr- prlced at Men'sWool Sox . per pair v....,...:.." Men's Assorted Colored Dress Sox per pair Men's Cashmere Underwear ' per garment Fleece Lined Underwear per garment - Fleece Lined Combinations . per suit Wool Ribbed Combinations per suit .... - Stanficld's and Gold Fleece Underwear at reduced prices Boy&'Boys' Blue Lumber Jacks 25 Boys' Lang Trousers per pair Men's Heavy Moleskin Pants Q4 QC to clear VltVO Hundreds of Wool Pants at reduced prices Men's Dress Rubber Coats Q? Qff Riir tnrtc tn nirt frnm QOltJO -c - - - - - r Men's Light Color Trench Coats at Phone Black 324 COFFEE De Luxe Served at AH Times of Day or Night Always fresh Using the Silex method Doin away wholly with metal taste, stale flavor. Healthful and invigorating. Commodore Cafe Weekly Specials Week of October 22 FACIALS Pack or Plain e Nelson's Beauty Shop r Phone- 855 I FURNISH YOUR UHMC CIDCT 2 IlUiflL. l liVJl ? a . . i 5 neaa uiis ana jouu sive money every time! Organ $35 I China Cabinet Slo ID.ELI0 Green 421 Furniture Exchange Auctioneer We Buy Gold GOAL! COAL! tDur Famous Ed son. Alberta and Jpulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfacUon. Try a on of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay. Wheat, S Oats and Barley. S Prince Rupert Feed Co. I 58 Phones 558 ! W00D;C0AL :: r. GRAVEL For Sale Wood Hauling General Transfer t BILLY BAGSIIAW Phone Black 195 95c 20c 25c 85c 75c S1.50 $1.95 S1.75 to S1.95 S5.95 Phone 957 our price now Ladies' and Children's Shoes Ladles Shoes To clear. Reg. $3.50 1,95 Suede Pumps In brown and black QO CQ spike heels, very dressy, pair Suede Oxfords In brown and black QO ffft t) U V high and Cuban heels, pair Ladies' Kid Oxfords CQ il t CO 'OK ?O.DU OO.VO Very good make ... Brown and Black Oxfords Solid leather, Ilap tongue, pair Ladies' Classic Oxfords-Solid leather, pair Children's Straps and Oxfords per pair Misses' Patent Straps per pair Children's Classic Oxfords- Guaranteed solid leather; itJtS to Ladies' Rubbers Reg'. $1.00 now ... Ladies' Overshoes Reg. $1.75 now Next door to Frizzell's Meat Market JONES' Family Market Rump Roast of Beef per lb. . Round Steak per lb. : Shoulder Steak, 2 lbs. & 1 bunch Carrots Hamburger Steak, 3 lbs. & 2 lbs. Onions .. Pot Roast 4 lbs. Boiling Beef. 3 lbs. & 1 bunch Carrots ...... Prime Rib Roll, 4 lbs. it 1 Cauliflower Leg of Veal 6 lbs. Shoulder of Lamb, 5 lbs. & 1 tin Peas Lamb Stew. 3 lbs. ; & 1 tin Peas- ... Leg of Lamb per lb. Lamb Chops 2 lbs. Veal Chops 2 lbs. . mc 15c 25c 25c 35c 25c 75c 75c 75c 35c 35c Phone 951 4 STAR SPECIALS Kitchen Cloth Dryers Complete with Q4 4 Q pulley and rope .... vv Handy Clothes Line Reels for CQp nrfnnrc "V Hotpoint Irons With thumb rest CO Cft Save on the coal bill. Use Weatherstrip around doors tt wlndpws. Op Kaien Hardware Phone 3 J Try a Dally News classified ad. $3.95 $4.25 w $4.95 ' Children's Rubbers 65 C 75C SVA .- Children's Gum Boots per pair Z... Men's and. Boys' Shoes Men's Solid Leather Oxfords per pair , $1.35 S1.75 $2.95 59c S1.39 81.85 Men's Fine Dress Oxfords 5 0 $ 3 75 Men's Calf Oxfords Heavy sole Special, per pair Men's Boots Pn Qjr ner nair . . Men's Solid Leather Work Boots Greb make, per pair $2.75 $3.95 S3.95 Boys' Solid Leather Shoes Q9 C A to CO Qd Greb Greb make, make, nair pair VVW Q&.VD Today's Weather Terrace Cloudy, calm. 38. Alyansh Clear, calm. 34. Anyox Cloudy, calm, 38. Stewart Rain to snow, calm, 33. Hazel ton Clear, calm. 32. Smlthcrs Cloudy, calm, mild. Bums Lake Clear, calm, 24. Miss E. L. Manning and Miss J Manning of Telkwa will arrive In the city from the Interior on tonight's train and sail on the steamer Prince George for $$$$ Why not make your dollars ! Iiilv morn at our store? H-UJIIlliJl" WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Bringing passengers, mall and freijht. C . N. R. ss. Prince John. Capt Edward MabbJ. arrived In port at 6 o'clock this momint from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands and will rvmaln over here until 10 o'clock tomorrow ni;ht when she will sail on her return south over the same route. The vessel ran Into some unusually rough weather on the way north and was forced to henvc to south of Skldegate Inlet for a time. Forest Ranger J. B. Scott of the Queen Charlotte IslarSds is in port i with the departmental cruiser Lillian D. On his way from the lod ging camps on the lover end of the Islands, he called at Queen Charlotte City;. The salmon seining season has row Closed on the Queen Charlotte Islands, according to word received, in the city. The season is reported to have been not very profitable, either to the canneries or the fishermen. Coho .trolling on Skldegate Bar continues to be fair with the C-nadlah Flsh-& Cold Storage Co. tai buying fish. Hotel Arrivals 'Royal L IL Gow, Mah Sing. T. A. Cloke and A. MacDonald. Vancouver. Prince Rupert T 3.L lall and Mr and Mrs. D. C. Gilmore. Edmonton: Mr. and Mrs. G A. Wyman and daughter. Prince Rupert; A. L. McQuarrie. Vancou ver: Mrs. C. M. Mclntyre. Skldegate; Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Simonds. Locke- oor;. James Martin. Mrs. Rita Pongs and Mrs. F. Nash. Massett. Central H McDonald. Stewart; & H. Dug- gan. T. Wick. J. Pcdcrsen. A. Pear son and J. Smith, city; J. Swanson and M. Cluearei Vancouver; Mrs E. J. France, smitners. Knox George Fttltbrothcr. London. Ont.; F. Murphy. Fort William. A. C Brand. who has been a visitor In the city for the past week. will sail by the-Prtnce Geonse to night on his return to Victoria. Phone 933 Phone Phone De Jong's Cash and Carry 25Cjw mamjs syrup- 49C Week-End Specials i -i 2U C AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE IQp (LOUR, per pkg w DINAMITE Wheat base, per pkg. POST TOASTIES per pkg 24 Uns HEINZ bouPS Assorted medium, 2 tins REMO CABBAGE. 8 lbs 25c With each package bought we will give 1 package DINA-M1TE, Oat base, FREE. Two for One. 9c Carnation Milk m.ii ) tin r r ouiau, a una BRUSSELS SPROUTS 2 lbs FRESH SPINACH 2 lbs. I $2.25 29c REMO POTATOES CI EA Ooort nualltv npr nark Vwv( i SPANISH ONIONS 3 lbs 3 for 23c 15c 25c 25c , FLORIDA ORAPEFRUIT Q"n Fresh Fruits and Vegetables at Reduced Prices - Out of Town Orders Receive Prompt and CarefuI,Attentlm MUS SALIENTS ECONOMY STORE Braids Nectar Coffee. 3 lbs. & 1 Cup U Saucer All Bran Keliogg's ' ner nk? 2 lbs ''.III . Ill III Fig Bars- Fresh stock 2 lbs. Aylmer Tomato Ketchup-- 2 bottles Cowan's Breakfast Cocoa- per 1-lb. tin Malkln's Best 8WEET PEAS No. 4's. 2 tins 23c 5-Strlng Quality Brooms-each Fresh Stock Hallowe'en Candy Mixture, per lb. 95c Women Composers Subject at Music 22c Australian Seedless Raisins OCp Malkln's Best JELLY POWDERS 5 pkus. 24c 35c 31c 23c 36c 23c Nabob Orange Marmalade OQp Howes Floor Wax, 1 tin It 1 Toy Store for Calumet Soap Chips 2 lbs. Rosedale Toilet 8oap 3 cakes P it O. Laundry Soap 6 bars 47c 21c Don't fortet vour aonles for Hal Club Gathering The Ladle' Music Club held its regular, fortnightly meeting yesterday afternoon at St. Andrew's Japanese Mission. There was a splendid attendance of members with Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh, the president In the chair. The program was In charge of Miss E. O. Lenox tho read an excellent paper on -Won veil Com-poser." At Uie com kifton of th program tea was served by thr hoM. The program was a follows: Vocal po'o. "The Morni&g Wind" Gem Branseome, Canada i Mrs Anderson. Piano olo. "The Two Fawn" OcRe Chamlnade. France) Miss Margaret McCaffrey. Vocal solo. -The Sea Gulf tllfr- bridean Folk Son?, Mrs. Kennedy Prase r, Scotland) Mrs. WUllam MUlar. Vtolin foW). The Trmpk nflj ' 'Amy Woodford p-FInd en, England Ml H. Lawrence. Vocal sok). "An Old Gsrdn Hooe Temple, Bratend) Mm. J. A. Htnton. Vool dwet -Mnymf" 'AHce M nlh Enand M. P. C. Miller an1 Miss HalHuelL Piano tok SeleeUorw from "A ' -t of rvrnla" Amy Woodfordc- -en Mr. E Smith. Plro to. a. Dire Norvegrlenne Arh Omnehhl-Bwker. Nonriv b. Tibetan Devil Dance Lllv Strtek nd. USA Mlt Ruth O lilies. Voeal solo. Two short Songs Je4e Oivnor. VS A V-Jne Wir'low. U3-A Miss II Ilnno truNt A'commnW wre Mrs E J tth tno Mrs C E Cullln M0NEYSAV1NG VALUES For Friday and Saturday .LAM CHOWDER Nabob No. 1 Uns. 2 for CORNED BEEF -Regu lar size tins, each . rJAKlNU Puwurat -.Maoou per 12-oz. tin PASTRY FLOUR Austra llan. per 10-tb. sack TOMATOES Royal City No. 2 tall Uns 10c WHITE CORN -Royal City per Un i IUkTT.t ATtll QtTfiATI in IKv Ki-l 95j hWlFIS SOAP C1UP&- 2 pkg. Z3c iOASTtU bJUA -I 7p McConnlck , per 1-lb. pkg JRABMEAT per a-lb. tin l!c 17c zuc USTRALIAN RAISINS-2 lbs. 20c AUSTRALIAN CUR- OQn r i vr-r-a IK. 38c VABOB TOMATO JUICE per tin 6c 9c 11c "3REEN BEANS Nabob, per tin lie FRESH PEANUTS- per lb. lie IONATHON APPLES Unwrapped L 25c S1.45 SHREDDED WHEAT per pkg. lie PANCAKE SPECIAL 1 pkg. Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour. 1 bot. Pure Maple OCp OOX, Syrup, both for . SPICES All kinds, per tin AUNT DINAH MOLASSES 1Qn Mn ML tin Ov DESSICATED COCOANUT per lb. ROYAL CITY PUMPKIN n nar Un !' Un 1V FINE ALBERTA BUTTER per lb. . EOOS Orade "C". per doz. BRAID'S TEA -ner lb. HALLOWE'EN CANDIES Assorted, fresh stock, lb. P. O. Bax 575 Phone 18 i prices are the best. 1 Attention 15c 24c JEWEL 8HORTENINO per lb. He NABOB COFFEE per lb. 37c 25c 3c 22c 9CTlirift Cash & Carr Z3C phwne 179 201 Tn,rd At -CARRY AND RAVE" Where Dollars Have More Cents" lowe'cn. We carrr a full line and our M"1' Orders Have Our Prompt 1 1 On Same Program Barbara Stanwyck in -GAMBLING MUV At 8:04 tt 10 23 COMING IlllDAY Wallace Hccry in "VIVA VILLA" Thursday Oeobtt !j. Too Honest To Live... And He Almost Didn't! JOE E. mm 1931 CONTHACT UUIUUE HANDBOOK Culbertson Kasyway system mi i 'Very Honorable Guy' wth A LICK WHITK TONIGHT At 7 00 It 9 PARAMOUNT NKWS at 9 M Onl, NEW BADMINTON RACKETS FOR OLD Trade in your old racket with us and jret a new one. tlcnerous allowance made New Hooks atlded this month to our Rental Library THE WOLVES" . . . MMrilne TALE OF A SHIPWRECK" . ... 1U11 "CANDY" Alexander "CRACK OF DOOM" Eduints THE MAN ON THE WHITE HORSE" Deepton "THE CASE AOAINST MRS. AM88" Rothi- "MURDElt IN THREE ACTS" .. C liHit.r "WHILE ROME BURNS" Walton VENETIAN MASOUS" 8atilUiit "BROOARA HORSES" Wren "LUST rOtt LIKE" - Bum THE STOTY OT SAN MICH EXE" ... Month THE SCARLET BBA8T" . Oenm Read all of the aboe anl many nthe'n. "Sc rr month No other charge Just arrived The latost design in SILHorKi'TF CTUmiS-. 75c"'S1.25 35c See our excellent line of Personal Xma Gr- . i Canls at $1.00 per dozen. Best value ever offr d eMaMvs.JId SATIN-GL0 VARNISH 8;itin-Olo Van. h it supplied in Mahogany Lleht O ik W Dirk Oak and dear VarnHh I' can be uied on intert tenot surface it not ulftrted by hot or cotd water on ! u four hours with a rich rIom. pt. 50c; pt UOc; (jt., S1.G3; 1 Kal $3.00; pal, S-kTO Sand Paper Varnish Brushes Step ladders THOMPSON HARDWARE Co. Ltd. Drawer ICtS Telephone 111 Queen Charlotte Island SHINGLES The best iradcon the coast Not Kiln Dried HYDF TRANSFER-PHONE 58C TheFish which made Prince RuperlFamous "Rupert Brand SMOKED VLFW III M I III! Prepared Dully Uj Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. IMU.NCB RUPERT, B.C.