top . e PAoe tour 7HX DAILY HEWD siunca -, - PORT NEWS ! PRINCE District GEORGE News 1 Amazing Gift Value! At the C.N.R.HIGH IN BOWLING Won Decisive Victory Yesterday j And is Away Out n Top Yesterday afternoon's play in th? Cttv BowlinK League resulted as fsflows: Moose 994. Senior EH 1109. Lamb i Stone 1128. Twiners 949. a N. R. 1347. Waterfront Rats 975. The league standing to date is as follows: G. Pts. At. C.N. R. 2 SS3 1294 Junior 'Eft - 1 1132 1132 Lambie & Stone - 1 1123 1128 P. Bnw Ltd. . .1 1123 1123 " TwirleM 5 2110 1D55 Old .Empress 1 1049 1(M9 Moose .2033 1019 Senior Elks 2 2092 1045 Waterfront Rata 1 975 9151 P. Pioneer Landry 1 905 9C5 of Watts Grocery .". . 1 834 234 Canadian Legion 1 796 796 Xext Games -; . Tomorraw night's games mill be a foaows: Pioneer Laundry vs. Watts Grocery. to P. Bams vs. Canadian Legion. Jonior Efts vs. Old Empress. On Friday night, the Ladies League will open with games as follows: Big Flour ts. Annette's; Lucky Strikes vs. Aliey Cats; Canadian National Recreation Association vs. MussaEem's. WHIST LEAGUE STAXDIKG The league standing to date is as follows: a: W. L. Sons of Norway 6 1 6 SC Andrew .4 4 ; Canadtah'Legton . .J f,3 3 Oddfellows 2 5 2. Grotto 2 i 2' BILLIARD SCHEDULE December 18- Elks ts. Empress. December 20 Canadian Legion N, vs. Grotto. r :Kr1, BBBaKfi&dflirsn f IbbbbbbbbWtTVVvY3KzbbbB bh I THE SPIRIT OF THE f ThU "-tlnt U not publl,hej ordlspUyM by toe liquor Control Boird or by the OvitrmbttA of BrttUh Columbia DOUBLE SPORT CHAT Elks and Empress will meet tc- I morrow evening in a regular BiJ- future with Une-up as follows: C. P."Balagno. Elks. vs. E. Cameron, Empress. W. E. WUliscroft ts. A. Donald. James Andreas ts. M. E. Young. WHhani Stuart ts. Pete Pritchare. J. E. Morris ts. Len Raabe. Bert Morgan vs. R. McLeocL The Grotto and Canadian National Recreation Association to : night play the first game of a ; i knorVnnt series, tn deride lh vin- ner ol the first half in the Senior ! TUfdcetlKDl Ione The Mrirwp drew Ihe'hve and will nlar th wfniier. nf fcnJrfls eame' on Friday; i Thursday night Port Simpson Y. E. A. who won the championship Northern B.C. a few years ago. will take on the losers of tonight'si game. The Scythians, who won the Junior League this half will play the Legion of the Intermediate League raise the curtain In tonizht's games. Hockey Standings International Division W. D. L. F A. P. Toronto 12 2 46 29 24 Maroons .. 7 5 33 24 14 Americans 3 6 27 34 12 Canadiens 3 6 20 27 8 St. Louis 2 1 12 19 47 5 American Division Chicago 8 3 27 17 1C .Boston 7 6 29 25 14 Detroit 6 42 2 13 Rangers 4 8 32 46 8 SCHEDULE OF BRIDGE Dec. 20 Swifts vs. Canadian Legion; GroUo vs. Musketeers: Ramblers vs. C. X R, A. Dec 27 Swifts vs. Ramblers: C R, A. vs. Grotto; Canadian Legion vs Musketeers, I THE PERFECT DRY COCKTAIL 1 cwtit m mm h0mmmf-jw oti MAStwcrx ort ooorruL " r- i, tit OCKTAIL AUTOMATIC BOOKLET lit double sulemiuV knLLt HUlhs pockit ntitly,nd keeps iit, pptr)uitifretti tt the firnL LOOKS LIKE CHALLENGER D',roit Xen; . lo Lewb- Goinr Strong Knocks Out Lee Ramage CHICAGO. Dec. 17: Joe Lewis. Detroit negro. Jumped into the forefront of the new crop of pos sible challengers for Max Baer's workTheaTYweight boxing crown on Friday night when he knocked out Lee Raraage in the eighth round of a scheduled ten round fight. Lewi had knocked Ramage down four times before the latter finally took "al l weiTe llSnU. wn the knock-cut route. Churches Protest Night Baseball Would Interfere With ReligUus Activities on Sandays as Well As Week-Day NEW YORK. Dec. 17: Church bodies have protested against the decision of the National League to institute night baseball next year. It is considered that Sunday night games would seriously interfere with church services while wtek- day night games would clash with prayer meetings and other such church activities. Hockey Scores Saturday Scores St. Louis 1, Canadiens 1. New York' Americans 3, Toronto 4. Sim day Scores Rangers 2. Boston 1. Maroons 2. Chicago 3. Americans 2, Detroit 2 overtime tie. iard Averages O. TO. Av. C P. Balagno Elks; 2 500 250 W Stuart Elks 2 500 250 R. McLeod mp 2 500 250 George Howe G 2 500 250 E Cameron Emp) 2 500 250 Bert Morgan G . ..1 250 250 George Cripps CYi .. .1 250 250 j Bulger Hks 1 250 250 A. Harvey CL 1 250 250 H. Meruie Elks 1 250 250 X! E Young 'Empt 2 489 245 T Kerrigan G .2 485 243 P Pritchard Emp 2 47 238 W Macey Emp 1 238 238 W WUliscroft E3ks 1 237 237 G. A. Woodland CLi 1 236 236 J E Morris Elka .... 1 235 235 A. Donald Emp 2 4W 233 W Hutson (Gl 1 225 225 E. Batt (Oi 2 445 223 iO P Tinker CL 2 434 217 M XI. Lamb CL 2 426 213 D, Brown G 2 396 198 6. D. Macdohald G 1 196 m C. L. Youngman (CL) 2 329' lii James Andrews Elkst 1 140 140 '4 The Dally Newi can be pur- ; chased at j Post Office News Stand. 325 4 Granville St. Vancouver. 4 Karl Anderson. Prince 4 George, B.C. R. w. Riley, Terrace. BXJ. General Store, Anyox, 8ml then Drug Store, Smith- tn. B.C. 4 BACH S , I ruii qi iiijc I MWt A JAR Of . MENTHOLATUMi PACK, Wentholdium Thc Hcalino CttCAM MADL IM Considerable interest continue to be taken locally in the proposal lor the establishment of a meat packing plant to serve the central Interior Preliminary neg otiations with a Tiew to the con summation of some such sort of a project along co-operative lines are being carrieo out. The: quality of alsike seed ex hibited at this year's fairs and seed shows throughout the centra! Interior has demonstrated conclusively that soil and climatic con ditions of the Prince George and McBride districts are parUculariy suitable to the growing of this seed. W. Collins of Vaaderhoof has acquired a iarm at Tabor Creek and wQl be moving on to it soon wtth sixteen cows. Cream and butter prices reaaki steady in the interior. For butter the stores are paying 25c per pound In trade and for eggs 40c per dozen In trade. It is ex pected there wffl be an up-torn In meat prices early In the year According to reports received here, a large nd ezcenUonallv fine crop of timothy seed was harvested this year In the Bulk-ley Valley and Lakes district It is estimated that there will be in he neighborhood of three hun dred tons aS told. STEWART Some three and a half tons of ore shipped from the Black Iim property this fan gave smelter return of J04 ounces gold. 243.92 ounces silver and TZ percent copper. Considerable difficulty havlne been experienced tn supplying some eigne or ten prospectors, ranting in ages from 5 to 80 years, who have been nvtng In widely scattered cabins, -with food, clothing and medical attention. . (lntmmni turt W. H. Dodd is now endeavoring to centralize them in the Miners Rest n Fifth Street where there Is ample ccommodation. They are about he only men in Stewart who are ceivlng relief. C b. Jackson. lth a crew of some ve men. Is making excellent pro- tess with the construction of the ing crib on the bank of the Bear Uver opposite the east end of Se- nd Street. When comDleted. the rib will guard that part of the ownsite from brine menaced bv gh water when the river is in ood. The work Is being carried oat v the federal department of pub ic works. John flepson, whp has been In -wn from the El Oro property, re-irts that he and Charles Blehl are making good progress with the 'riving of a drift on the big zone hlch they located during the past ummer. The vein-has a width of vrentv f HtVi km. (tini t f. ore carrying, from $30 10 $40 in old and silver. It Is proposed to rive forty feet and then crosscut th ways to the walls of the zone. SMITHERS E. T Kenney, MI.A for Skeena was the speaker at a largely atten ded meeting of the local assembly of the Native Sons of Canada, his subject being "Whither Canada? In the course of his address, he dls cussed many problems facing the Dominion. Other speakers of the evening were V. Crockett, L, II. Ken ney, 8, Campbell and H. O. Windt President J. N. Carr was In the chair. The Smlthers Parent-Teachers' Association held a verv successful brldee nartv . with twentv Lahlewln .... - - j play. Prize winners were Mrsl J. 1L Rife. R. L. Oale, Mrs, Fred Watson, Mr. Cunneham and J O. Stephens. VANDERH00F Mr. and Mrs, Walter Long of Edmonton, on their way to Vancouver, have been spending a few days here visiting with Mrs. Lont's jmomer, Mrs, m. Murpny. I Class leaders at Vandcrhoof Ru. (ptrior School ire' announced as lol - B. C. CLOTHIERS LTD. Men's, Ladies', Boys' and Children's Appare Hand hUAc SUk Ties Reg 75c now Siik Ties-Special , ,,. . .. .. Men's Lined Dru Gloves special BraAdctoU) Sturts- Asjorted colors Men s -Dreas Sox Pint fmttmtm tin' . Men's Police Brace now TwmbB's OombrnaMons per mM Men's Trench Coats Heg $7 50 now Men Blue Melton Cnr.'s -Latest style . Men's Worsted Suits now w Boys Lmt PanU per pa ir All Wool Bfljs' Tweed Rfg S3 ofl now Boys' Blue Lurobe rck- All wni., BARGAINS IN MEN'S, LADIES' & CHILDREN'S SHOE! tallies' Fine Oxfords and I'umps, Hundreds of Pairs to Choose From at crv Ladies Overshoes Brown and BUek Reg $11. now Ladies Lether SNppersCHban heel tn black and brown, now Men's Oxfords Ui clear at IMione: Hlack32l ow! Grade L-gt. DorwU.y Hi and; Sev-n Gertruiie S-angebye. iHx. Hazel Stokes: Five. San Rae jour. Kathleen Sungebye. Three jXarguerite Smith and George Kil ler; Two. Donna Pearson: One. John Durrani. John II. McMillan has Wt for a visit to his native land in Australia. it will be away for the winter. Miss Wtantfred Bond has arrived trum Vaneoaver to spend a vacation at her hone at Ftaraoor. W 11. Dickhuoo and his younger on have reUrced to their home at Port St. James following a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. J. M. Johnston has left for Vancouver where she will pay a visit before proceeding to Southern Calilornia to spend the winter Several carloads of grain have been abrpped through the local elevator to Vancouver recently. Irain prices are more encouraging at present than they have been. The Woman's Auxiliary of Holy trinity Church held a meeUne at 'he home of Mrs. Arthur Johntton. NEW HAZELT0N WhUe Gmirec Hall it, recovering 'ran in opera tifn Jame Love is temporarily tn charar of the heal- Uw and power plant at the Hazelton HosplUI. tobavs wr.tTiirit Terrace Cloudy, calm. 32. Anyox Snowing, calm. 33. Stewart Snowing, calm. 32 Hazdton Cloudy, calm 25. Smlthers Party cloudy, calm, cold. Bums Lake Bright calm. 10. Guide to Correspondents The DaUy News welcomes correspondence on live topics of the day or any other subject of public Interest, but letters must be brief and to the point. The long-winded cor respondent has no place In modern Journalism. . Every letter must be signed ' by the writer, not necessarily :or publication but as a mat er of good faith and courtesy. All unsigned documents go to vhe waste paper basket. Letters of a caustic character must have the signature appended fur publication. Letter ihould be written on one side of tha paper only. Correspondents must avoid personalities and the language j should be such as would be a!- ' Jrrwed-ln the ordinary rules pr debate, j 5 39c 25c S1.25 S1.00 23c 39c S1.45 Fine Kammo Lnv I' rices. Vim s S1.29 99c Boys S2.49 WeMrest Boots Sond leather, mv Sttt Crepe Star Unas per pair S1.00 Next Door to Frizzed' Market ".:TiiiT?r:-r3-:-;B-T''-- Mi ni Gift Suggestiong That Will Make Mother's Christmai A Happy One '52-Fecb English Dlruler Sets, open stock i Ct 97-Piece English Dinnar Set S1S.00 to p t Odd Cups and Saucers from 2")c to ? Be Sure to Visit Our 5 We've a Host of Splendid Values r. D ,f GORDON'S For Christmas Loral View Hsnrt - Color1! Chri.tma Cardr, and Photo-giaphic Calrndars Sume'.v Colored Views of Prince Rupert Framed md L'n framed View, of the Slrante Sea .Motntcr Now on Sale Wrathalls S4.9! 818 04 1 81.23 S1.9! 81.9! $1.9; 82.49 S2.7I S1-7S Crockery Departmecf HARDWARE 5ST5.S 1 I IESHoj You are rorr! ' rail in arifi . s Chrlstous stoc k 1 rm,". We still have a vrrr ' soi election of i ri Bulkley Valiey Coal Hotter Cleaner Lasts Longer . Your Dealer Will Supply You ASK FOR IT The Bulkley Valley Coal Mine representative in town to assist you in your heating proMen 1 few days more. Arrange with your dealer f.o him call at your home. PUTS BEEF IHTO YOU