Want Ads Markets vm sai.k PRS8H Flounders and Sole iale on Helen II., Cow Hay. HOL'SK FOIt SALE Originally HJMO Now . 3,600 Cut to 2.600 10' Oft Dally. Sec card In Dybhavn & Hanson's window. FOR KENT I10U8E6 lor rent. Hart. Mail Schedule For the Kat Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 4:30 pjn From the East-Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur day 10:15 pm For Vancouver Mondays (train) 4:30 pm Tuesday 12:30 pm Wednesdays (train! .... 4:30 pm. Thursdays 1:19 pxa Trlday " P- December 20 F: 4 p tn From Vancouver Sunday 4 p n Tuesday (train) Wednesday Thursday (train) Friday Saturday (train) How to TONE UP Your Stomach Art vnu tlrk inH Itml o( kvbf a Uoiuib that Oiil Uut duaa't Uii IWJy U good, wboWro food f IVn trint your slomsch t4 (. Doat drum. Thfv ut cUntrrous and hUt lormini. Just follow the Andrews' Ruin of Htilth. Eat nwdtrsUly SWp tJtnty, Estrcise mruUily. Btwthe ll Iht Irnh tlr you ran. And krtD yourvlf In healthy condition with s purif)4nt, rntrytdni (lau of Andrtwi Livff Salt tVtn about twice rach wtrk whllt it is KU1 ddicioukly bubbUnf. This laat rule is quit u Important as JI t) otbr. What Andrews do la to 'irrt a dffinltrly btnf&clal effect on lh stomach liaing. It Southra tlx difttUvt fni and sttrnRlhrns the whole ocas fl dirtlon and waste elimination. Don't let your stomach boss you. 1-Wn to tnjoy a sound Hirrstlve system d itood, hearty mrals by follawinl the Andrews' Rules. Vou will feel brtter-Utter and healthlcr-from the iUy you Wgln. Crt Andrews Llvrr Salt iroro your dr uialat, Intlru, J5cand60r, Nw, M bottle, )Je Sole Atnti: John A. C., Ltd., TwiW, ' fori Retali prices current here art. as t!i follows: tr. roun-lloomed house. Seventh Av-mue West, reasonable rent. Phone Black 470. 2t3 LOST L08T Bunch of keys In container Keturn to Dally News. tf PAINTERS PAINTINO ana Paperhinrtng Moller. Phone Red 802. IN Tint BBfKEMl COURT Of UIUTItH COLUMBIA is r-Mmmi: IM Tint MATTFR OP Tllf "ADMtNIS-THAT! ON ACT" and IN T1IK MATTTn OP THE I3TATT OP MATT VIDtCK. WI. trjlMUU. TAKX NOTICX that by crdsr of HI Honour Judge PUbr. U1 Judg of the 8! preme Court of Brtiub Columbia, aai thU 27 Ui day of Kwsnber IW4. I appoint! AHmUwmnuit of tf -of it boT-tiAml dtaAd. All non har.ng claims MUil in std tu are rsqvumi o furnish Un to r propriy miked on or before th tut day at Dvrvmtw IM oUmtwim ccposltion of the asv) Eut wui be BKtr without rrgird thro. All Jr-IrxlrWed to th tld XUU are trtby required to py ,h munt Of j,tr ir.4btint to a forthwith. NORM ATI A. WATT. Outfit! AdrtunlMratar. Print Rupert, n v rviH Tfth da of Nrrrm)r 10.14 tlMniK Ui: x.n.i Slrd 'infers wlM be received by the D-'-' r"Sre!er. Irlne Rupert. B C r... ter nm on the th air of Jar. imp IWS for b purahae of Lire xiTMi "ii ntith ht 8ti: tr.ji- Qf l M cm IStJ U toard fere of 8;ru;e. Cetlar and HmUock. On . "! t alloaed for rrtno-) f umber . Pur her par.ituiirs of Ue Chief Tor-rxr Virions, Br the VtMtXn Fores-wr Trtnrw Rupert. BC. Ranger J. B g. Pr R ipn BC 10:15 pm ... 10 a.m 10:15 pm ..... 4 pm December 10 and 30 . For Anyox and Stewart-Sunday Wednesday . From Anyox and Stewart- 10:15 pm ... am 7 pm 3 pm Tuesday 11:30 o ta Thursday - - Pm For Naa Illver and Tort Simpson-Sunday - 7 P-1"1 from Naa Itlver and Tort Blmpsop Tuesday. - 11:30 a for Queen Charlotte Island December 7 and 21 9 P n From queen Charlolle Island' December 5 nnd 18 For Alaska am December 10 and 30 a.m D.C. Fresh Extras, Grade A Larje, cartoned, doz. J6 Local new laid, doz .45 Orade B, larjre, doz. j ..... 21 Grade C, doz 22 Apples: Mcintosh, fancy wrapped, Jit lbs. ... Box ,, ., , t J 2 JO Yellow Newton, fancy wrapped 3li lbs. 2i Box 2.75 Bpltzenbergs, fancy wrapped 3li lbs. ; 25 Box - 235 Rome Beauties, bulk, 4 lbs .25 Box 1.75 Jonathans, fancy, bulk, 5 lbs. .25 Box 1.65 O times Oolden, bulk, fancy 5 lbs 25 Box . 1.65 Delicious, fancy wrapped, 3 lbs. 25 Box 2.75 Bulk, 4 lbs. ....... 25 Box :.'. 1.85 Winter Bananas, 5 lbs. ..... .25 Box 1.60 Fruits Cranberries 20 temons, dot. 25c to . .40 Japanese Oranges, box JO Bundle 1.75 Oranges, doz. 30c to Orapefrult. Cal each, 5c to ... Orapefrult. Florida, each 10c to Bananas, lb. Pomegranates, each Emperor Grapes, lb. Hotter Fancy cartoned, lb. No, 1 Creamery, 3 lbs. tarf Pure, lb. 5c to .80 .10 .15 .15 ftft 20 . Feed Wheat, Alberta Bran .........j.... Middlings 8horts Oats Fhie Oat phops, crushed dau ... Barley- Laying Mash Oyster Shell 21 aia-i, rnokinff rie. lta. ...... 2.15 i UO1 -80 Dates, bulk, lb, 8c to i' Smyrna Natural Figs, lb -IT emon and orange Peel . Vegetables IM Citron peel Potatoes. No. 1 Terrace, 12 lbs. .25 Prunes, 30-40, lb. , Sack 1.65 ( Prunes, 40-50, lb Ashcroft, 10 lbs. 25 Prunes, 60-70, lb. Sacx 2.00 Raisins, Australian seedless, lb. Southern B C Sack Pumpkin, lb Onions, B. C. 7 lbs. 15 lbs. 25 Raisins. Cal. seedless lb. 1.40 Currants. It. 5' AprlcoU, lb. 25 aarlle. Imported, per lb 25 Peaches, peeled, 16c to Cabbage, local, per lb. .041 sugar 2.00, 1.80 j 2 JO 2.10 2.75 . 1.65 Meats Turkey, lb 25 fowl, No, 1, lb .25 Roasting Chicken, lb. 2S Ham, sliced, first grade .45 Ham, picnic, first grade, lb ..20 Bacon, side, sliced, best grade .48 Pork, shoulder, lb ;. Pork, loin, lb Pork, leg, lb. , ,,. Pork, dry salt, lb Veal, loin, lb 3eef, pot roast, lb. 10c to . Veal, shoulder, lb . Beef, boiling. ?b Beef, roast prime rib, lb. 18c to Beef, steak, lb. 20c to 12 .13 25 25 20 20 .15 .08 20 25 Lamb, shoulder, lb. 18 Lamb, leg. Ib .25 Lamb Chops, lb. . 25 Fish Halibut. Ib 15 Smoked Kippers, lb. . ISc.and 20 Salmon, frwli, lb. .20 Honey fatracted Honey, per Jar 20c to 2U Comb Honey 2S Nuts Walnuts, broken shelled J5 WalnuU, shelled halves, lb 45 Almonds, shelled, lb. 45 Flour Flour. 49's, No. 1 hard wheat 1X5 Second Patent 1.70 Pastry Flour. 10 lbs. 45c to J50 i Aust. Pastry Flour. 10 lbs. 5 IT I Dried fruits ! White Figs, lb. .12 Cauliflower, large. B.C.. 15c to 25 white. 100 lbs. 920 Tomatoes, hothoue, lb 20 Yellow. 100 lbs 5.70 Basket .95 Beets, bulk. 8 lbs 25 Celery B.C.. head 10 to .15 Green Peppers. Imported, lb. Spinach. B.C.. 3 lbs Hubbard Squash, lb: ...... Leeks, bunch Egg Plant Brussells Sprouts, lb. . Lettuce. Cal.. head 8c to Apples, dried Cheese Parsley, bunch .06 j Ontario solids, new, Ib. 22c & Carrots. 10 lbs. . 25 Edam, lb. Turnips, uprlvrr, 10 lbs. . 25 Ontario, mature, lb. Stilton, lb. Roquefort, lb. . ,14c to 10 .la .10 25 21 .16 .14 12Vi .14 .15 .15 20 .17 49 25 .45 25 21 SO 25 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Commons are .08 1 at present in Smlthers where Mr. .06 1 Commons, accountant of the local .15 1 branch of the Royal Bank of Ca-.10 nada, is relieving while the mana-.10 ger is on his vacation. ''iini?Bri'BvraiB-'iriifi-aiifiti.!ii.?aa':aB-' llt Will Santa Claus Fail? I To Come To Numbers Of -Prince Rupert Children? 3 So far in the past the people of this city, through e Salvation Army and other organizations, have g 51 seen to it that all poor iamuies aim especially uie rj 5 children have had the means of enjoying the Christ- S is he done this consider- B S mas season. If this to year ? mHIo mntipv will bo needed and so far not much has H been subscribed. How could anyone enjoy Christmas 5 knowing that many children were not enjoying it g S Money may be sent to the Salvation Army or the g U o- iMJip oS pnoi(s aunnop .to spoofj -s.won Ajiwa jj M me -v iuuici. m ia.iratBtBrBrarBfBirB?BaiBrarB?Bfa!BrairirBiiia..aia "TRUE THE TOILER" rM KKNT AMD t HAD THB ,D-.irtiY TIME UAST MW3HT Ivlia t-ixED with mH MCltTy. HlTT mm i i- I e. v . ' J 1 1 I W S.J IT -THAT IMP- M.iMS tiRinS vcaj vooate LAarr NiaviT. It'S NStArauv TE BOSS THE DAILY NEWS LOCAL NEWS Fred Scadden, who has been on trio to Vancouver and elsewhere Ji...r...:--2.45 ln-thuthrTetrrjed- tq the citT X. -.. VSionhe Calajevplh. jflr. and Mrs.' Ambrose .Reld pt Port Simpson paid a brief visit to the city at the week-end, haying. arrived by gasboat Friday afternoon from the neighboring village. ' T. J. Williams of the Wrthern British Columbia Power; Co". -office Is now recovering from a severe at tack of Influenza which caused him to be confined to bed for a few days. The Prince Rupert Shrine Club, at Its regular monthly meeting last week in the Masonic Temple, de cided to hold Its annual dance on January 9. Business at last week's meeting was largely of a routine nature. Vice-President S. C. Thomson was in the chair in the absence from the city of President Arthur Brooksbank. New Magistrate At Burns Lake Thomas E. Taylor it Appointed 1 Succession to K. YV. MacGowan VICTORIA, Dec. 17: CP Tho mas E. Taylor of Bums Lake has been appointed stipendiary magis trate In Prince Rupert county replacing R. W MacGowan. Steamships Sailings For Vancouvet Tuesday Catala 1:3C p.m. Thurs. ss. P. .George 10:30 pm. Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide 10 pm. Ss. Cardena midnight December 20 ss. P. Norah 5 pm. rom Vancouvri . Sunday ss. Catala . 4 pm. Wed ss. Pr. George j 10 ami Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide 4 pm. Ss. Cardena pm. Dec. 16 and 30 ssP. Norah am. For Anyox and Stewart-Sunday s. Catalajt.ul.. 8 p.m Wednesday ss. P: George 4 pm. From Anyox and Stewart-Tuesday ss. Catala 11:30 am Thursday ss. Pr. George 8 pm. or Naas Kiver ana Port Simpson-Sunday ss. Catala 8 pm, rom Naas itlver & Port Simpson Tuesday ss. Catala ....11:30 am For Queen Charlotte .Islands Dec. 7 and 21 ss. P, John 10 pm. From Queen Charlotte Islands-Dec. 5 and 19 ss. P. John 4 pm cor Ocean Falls Thurs. ss. P. George 10:30 pm. Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide 10 pm. rum Ocean Fail Wed. ss. Pr. George 10 ajn Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide .. 4 pjr Ss. Cardena . pm for Alaska Dec. 16 and 30 ss. P. Norah am From Alaska-Dec 20 ss. Prin. Norah 4 pm P'om Skeena River Friday ss. Cardena pjt. OorgonacJa. lb. .... .5" Jar$etter Health Plumage55 bong Model Conduct C30OO ililt1 ' M- HACDOU9AVV..MAKE THO5H AV.T& AT l o m wo lnu ti to r-Y urn 17 ti. s WON SECOND PLACE IN AIR RACE PAGE FIVE Mr. and Mrs. Parmentier. lef .. and Mr. and Mrs. MolL Just befor. the start of the London-Melbourne air race in which the two Dutch pilots won second place despite several mishaps. JIF7 7wminrr'x:rczz W I TV tlCK d'SPw s ffl firm JValucbUCou-poni) in trtry pachtge Relieved "Baba Own TaNts hare ta the only owlirtno roy four children haveewhad. Inu"?iufleinstanc has it been necessary to coaault ourdoctor." So writ Mrs. Harry Tilmer, Cumberland Bay, N.B. ' When the baby or young child loses appetite; is sleepless or restless, has coated tongue, colic. Indigestion, cold or diarrhoea or is teething . . . give Baby's Own Tablets lor lafr. quick relief, price 2 Jo at all drug stores. jOS Dr.WilliamC CORNS 6 WARTS Rm, dry ikta. Dab m NUnrd, S tint, dilT. Lm k dir After hU Carmi aaj U'rt lift right off I . "V I II II I I Ii T ITiiFil 1 ii W I vv. 1 II mwrSai i I JJLK. II mm i w w .j j ra; avi r - "I I ana wmj gjjjBF&g sjgajjjjasjaijBMaaWHsask. -iaaBsaasi Advertisn n the Dally News SHOT FROM GUNS Rich, oourisbine wheat tml rice grains sealed in guns. Kept under fiery Y temperatures then shot from gum. , inari what explodes every tiny food cell makes every particle of Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice so quickly nourishing. Tomorrow morning serve this crisp, crunchy, tempting cereal and watch the family call for "second helpings. -7 a e tsi Riffi 1. 1 i fKaj! imi: 'f. a 5'iH" H.ra'iErrs2B riTa-ia: iri:.:: ' Give The Daily News For Christmas ; Most people are puzzled at Christmas time to know : what to give as the most acceptable seasonable pre- sent. Here is a suggestion. Send them the Daily News j for a year. On gift subscriptions we are making a i special rate as follows: To out-of-town friends, if j sent by someone who is already taking the paper ! The price is by mail $2.00 for the year In the city a subscriber may give a paid in advance subscription to a friend who is not now a subscriber 1 at a special rate of $4.00 a year or $2.00 a half year. i These prices are good any time between now and j Christmas Day. iwm ca ra ivrBnii a a ta mi u mm ca ca ta mi imcraU'a.sBar If you lnsa anything, try n classified ad. If you want anything, try a classified ad. ' By Westover I ( HELLO, HISS (TK Alt I ( VI ay. VBS.Mft, KBMT . -yj I H WMBS . I W I , Q lOVE .iT. VOU'Ra Y7 i?) j Kiiv w i tu.r , xyasyv v 1 1 VJ I Avr jr- . - UV " A k - 5 Cal 77 SS f ft r- Wf iraN v i 3 I . i H m i a H f i vs at Si m m u Mi'