if t ; f I ! i i h ifi -itJti Two 73E DAIL7 Nc'yyn MEN!!! FOR FEET'S SAKE! WEAR GOOD SHOES . If you are not wear-ing "Hartt Shoes" you are not having the comforts you should have . . . and could. Third Avenue DAILY EDITION ... They fit . . . and the fact that they are mane by "Hartf is your guarantee of QUALITY . . . moderately priced too! Every- pair solid leather, made to our own rigid requirements . , . full combination lasts to suit all. The Family Shoe Store LIMITED THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations The CANADA STARCH CO. Limited Phone 357 Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN Managtns-Edltcr SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period paid In advance B I..,.. 1 1 - I -i . . mvi tcoaci pciiuufs, paia m aavance, per weec By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year . , By mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Local readers, per Insertion, per line Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Transient display advertising, per lncn per Insertion Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone , Editor and Reporters' Telephone , 98 88 Friday. August 3, 1934 Terrace Rancher I Political Writer Died Yesterday Local Hospital William Benjamin Dow. Terrace rancher, died at the Prince Rupert General Hospital yesterday afternoon at the age of seventy-three. He was brought to the city three days ago. Deceased was born In United States and Is survived by a son here. The remains go back on this evening's train to Terrace for Interment. I 15.W .10 3.0C 9 XX 2f Passes in Ottawa Thomas Blacklock Died Yesterday In Canadian Capital Was Well Known OTTAWA, August 3 (Canadian Press i Thomas Blacklock, widely known political writer, died her yesterday. Alex MacKenzie returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide this afternoon from a two-weeks business trip to Vancouver. mm The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS WEDDED AT FREE GOLD SANDSPIT TAKEN OUT Miss Amy lludge and Charles It. Small Operators on Kast Coast of llaan of Queen Charlotte City Graham Island .Meeting With United in Marriage Success SANDSPIT, Auk. 3: The mar riage took place here recently at the home of the bride's brother-ln- law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Oust ' Skog, of Miss Amy Rudge. daughter of Walter Rudge of Queen Char-j lotte City and the late Mrs. Rudge. to Charles B. Haan, eldest son of Capt and Mrs. John Haan, also of Queen Charlotte City. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Wll-jliam McKenzie, United Church pas-jtor at Queen Charlotte City, lh the 'presence of relatives and immediate friends of the contracting i couple. The attendants were Miss Beatrice Haan and Oust Skog. The bride wore a lovely wedding dress of white satin with hat to match. Mr. and Mrs. Haan have taken up residence in Queen Charlotte City. Eastern College Scientists Visit Whaling Stations Dr. Deling and Mr Tar r of John Hopkins University. Baltimore, Md arrived In the city on the Prince Charles yesterday from the Queen Charlotte Islands where they have been collecting data in connection with the glands of whales, Dr. Oellng having visited Naden Harbor and Mr. Tarr, Rose Harbor. They will sail on the Princess Adelaide tonight for Vancouver whence they will return east. WITH MANY INDUSTRIES OPENING UP AGAIN, INSULAR DISTRICT HAVING BUSY SEASON (Continued from page one) birds such as geese and ducks and animals such as bear and deer abound. Motor roads are good and there are nearly 100 miles of them already. There are also beautiful cruising waters. With the develop ment of tourist traffic to the Islands, transportation services generally might be speeded up and this would be a great advantage to the people already residing there. in spite of the fact that Island industries during the past few years prior to 1934 have been somewhat quiet, -most of the residents there have been able to make a comfortable living. Farming and fishing may be combined to advantage there as elsewhere in this district. Massett Busy Point Massett is the busiest of the Queen Charlotte Island communities this year with two salmon canneries in operation, hundreds of trollers busy on the grounds in close proximity and the whaling station at Naden Harbor running again. The removal of the Allison Logging Co s camp from Queen Charlotte City to Cumshewa and the slowing down of mining operations has had the tendency to make things a little quieter there but the near future should undoubtedly see a renewal of timbering and mining activities in the immediate locality. Port Clements Is another centre that looks forward to an early reopening of Its timber resources. Principal Industries Following are some of the principal industrial activities at present in operation on the Islands: Logging A. P. Allison Logging Co.. Cumshewa Inlet; J. R. Morgan Logging Co., Crescent Inlet; T. A. Kelley Logging Co., Atll Inlet. Sawmllling Robertson Si Simpson, Massett. Salmon Canning Massett Can-ners, Old Massett; Nootka Packing Co., New Massett; Canadian Fishing Co., Lagoon Bay. Mining Halda Gold Mines Ltd., Kootenay Harbor. Whaling Consolidated Whaling Corporation, Rose Harbor and Naden Harbor. As mentioned before, trolling operations oh the north ot Oraham Island are employing hundreds of men both In actual fishing and in the services connected therewith. Further fishermen will shortly go to work In the salmon seining. Miss Nancy Pallant of Skidegate left last week for Vancouver where she will pay a visit with her mother. Mrs. A. C. Pallant. Several men are continuing to meet with quite good success, mak-inu at least a good living, in the extracting of free gold from the beach sands on the east coast of Graham Island north of Skide gate Two men recently chipped 11 1 ounces of the yellow metal, this be- j Ing the yield from about two months- work. I Island Notef Miss Sybil HeJliwell of the Prince Rupert General Hospital student nursing staff Is spending her vacation at her home in Tlell. She ar. rived last week from Prince Rupert. After a week's tour of the logging operations of the A. P Allison Co. at Cumshewa Inlet, the T A. ;Kelley Logging Co. at Atll Inlet and the J. R. Morgan Co. at Crescent Inlet. E. C. Manning, assistant chief forester for the province from Victoria, and A. E. Parlow. district forester. Prince Rupert, returned at the end of the week with Forest Ranger J. B. Scott aboard the departmental cruiser Lillian D. to Prince Rupert. Skidegate Inlet was also visited. Indian Agent James Qlllett of Massett paid a brief visit to Sklde gate Mission on official duties at the first of last week. He made the trip down on the steamer Prince Charles and returned to Massett by the highway. Dr and Mrs. R. G. Large and Dr and Mrs. Neal Carter of Prince Ru pert, coming across In the former's power cruiser, are expected this week at The Dunes. Tlell, for a t visit. Miss Elane Morgan returned last week to her home In Vancouver af- .ter paying a visit at Queen Char- ... m . . . . ... lyne v,uy as me guesi oi Miss Margaret Beattie. 'Miss Evelyn Anderson returned last, week to her duties at the nurses' training school at Royal Columbian Hospital. New West minster, after a visit at Massett with her mother, Mrs. David Ru.tten. Wesley Singer of Massett left last week for a brief trip to Vancouver, returning this week on the Prince Charles. Porter Singer of Vancouver, his brother, is in charge of the store at Massett during his absence. P. D. Barney, after a two months' visit at Massett, returned last week to San Francisco. His wife. Dr. Barney. Is remaining at Massett for a while longer with her sister. Mrs. ! E. II. 81mpsort. . - ft large twin-motored airplane j passed qyer Skidegate Inlet at 0:30 i on Wednesday evening of last week. l came from the direction of the west coast and went over into the east. It was flying very high when sighted. A. R. L. Mallory of Port Clements, road superintendent for the Queen Charlotte Islands, made a trip to Queen Charlotte City on official business last week. Under Mr. Mal-lory's direction, an excellent job Is being made of repairing the Island roads. Mrs. Robert Scharffe, wife of the well known Skidegate merchant, left last week for Vancouver. Owing to the state of her health, she will probably remain In the south for some time. Dr. C. C. Starr, well known consulting mining engineer from Nelson,-arrived here on the Prince Charles this week from the south. He will make an Inspection of the Prince Rupert group and other mining properties on Moresby Island. John R. Morgan, who has been on a business trip to Vancouver, reliirned to his logging camp at Crescent Inlet on this week's northbound voyage of the steamer Prince Charles. ' oau uii. f i1 - ji '. uj.ii - 1 Ftlu,, ANNETTE suits at such a reasonable price 46 to 52. Hemlock, Spruce and Yellow Cedar Seed to be Taken from ()uecn Charlotte Island The Dominion Seed Branch will Kake a greatly Increased quantity of cones this year from the Queen Charlotte Islands. The Oraham Island Farmers' Institute will direct the gathering of the cones which will be forwarded to the seed extraction plant at New Westminster. Many of the seeds will be sent to the United Kingdom where they will be used for reforestation purposes. The principal varieties of cones COOL OFF By Cooling Your Blood It ts when the heat gtU Into your blood Out you bruin to "ll the heat". Trie a sparlduiK, invigorating ghii of Andrews Liver Salt at web tiroes. Taktn while it Is Hill effervescing, Andrews win have a almiMt immediate tooling effect, because it is not only a delicious, thirst-kUler , but a means of cooling your blood. You will feel cooler for hours after taking Andrews- -and more vigorous, too. Andrews, indeed, is s splendid condition- when taken occasionally the year round, I say about twice each week, ) If you pursue common-sense principle in your living, eating and llreping habits ' and Use Andrews occasionally, you will escape ail the minor mal-adJustmenU 1 which occur in every normal system, Keep cool-and fit by taking An-drews. At all druggists. In tins, 35c and 60c New, large bottle, 75c Sole i Agents: John A Uustoo Co., Ltd., I Toronto. u 3 for REMEMBER: SATURDAY 2 to 4 taken are hemlock, spruce and vf low cedar t,he utter commanding I a mucn greater price than vhe t wo firsi -mentioned varieties SURF INLET BUSY AGAIN Famous Old Mining Property on Prinren Itoyal Island Soon to He Itiinniug Again Compressor and power plant are now running, the railway line is In commission, a tugboat Is In operation on the lake, forty men are cm-ployed, ore shipments will be commencing In the very near future and. within the course of the next few months, after Uie old mill gets In operation again, movement of concentrates from the famous property will commence, states J. II. Woodworth of Vancouver, president of the Princess Royal Oold Mines Limited, In summarizing the progress of re-opening the well known IJelmont-Surf Inlet mine at Surf , Inlet on the west coast of Princess Royal Island, down the coast from ,hcre. A shipment of eight tons of specially selected ore made recently gave returns of $158 per ton. The general run of ore Is expected to go from 8 to $50 per ton. Work' of Ire-opening the property has been in progress far some time. Mr. Woodworth arrived In the city yesterday after a visit of Inspection to the Surf Inlet property and will sail tofilght by the Cardena on his return to Vancouver. AdrertUe la me Daily News ft CLOCK SALE NOTE: Saturday, August 4th, 2 till 4 Annette has Just Krturnrd from the Miuth. While there she was able to procure the following outstanding" values In Ladies' Wearing Apparel. 100 Suede Taffeta DressJ An outstanding bargain worth ruxlilng right In for on utr afternoon, comprising a special purchase of Sell Cc!xt! .... . . . ... i. I .- - t t u. SMART VOILE ENSEMBLES ? In Polka Dot. Blue, Brown. Oreen and Q-l Qff a t. ut tiaA niiift Rtuviai V ' liar Aurae laueia i rwu in j pn iur npuri aim llcatfJ The Pastel Shade Include Pink. Maiir. Mauve Sea l.w.t.i and Doire Blue. Kites II (o SO and 3S to 41, Special Clock Sale Price SUITS Two and Three Piece Suit in Pu; : W A fortunate purchase enables us to offer thee Vjrieo ana uotany. reg v . j;. i SM.9V Clock Bale Special Pastel Dresses $1. S3. In Cape. Puff and Half Sleeve Styles, fashioned from Shadow Strlprs and Spring C cpr In luring Tucks, Applique. Faggoting and Contrasting Trim, 'aslrl Shade In bntn Yellow, Peach and White. Sites It to 20 and 38 to 10, Itrg. value VtJ3i. Clock Sale Special 50 TUB FROCKS FOR HOME WEAK AT 7Jc 9 PANTIES No.Uun, Two Toned PanUes J... .... .. Secure a supply of these smartly styled printed Z ' 7 ...... , . , , Peaeh. Flesh and White cotton frocks at this special I, price A splendid J assortment of style. In all the popular colors B C,0ck !" featuring neat designs Sizes 14 to 20. 30 to 44, C Clock Sale Special S3.93 3; SI, Annette Ladies' Wear Co. THE STORE OF THE BETTER DRESSED FOR LESS CONES ARE GATHERED A. MacKenzi Ranees, latest t?lt. We carry roterlnri J vour floor. Lin m Itugs. Congoleum t ' t-olrum Ituf riving; next host. Come In and l" M S27 Third A Special Ot GARDE SUPPLIE Kakes, from Hoes, from Uamboo Lawn M Grass Clippers GO-Ft. Garden H& Hose Nozzle ! 4 AND W- -tiMj ........ l.m i 11.. . pen it and you all for Kaien Ha Plione-3