i i i J PAOE Toxm t.a For Reliable Merchandise and Low Prices B.C. CLOTHIERS, Ltd. IN MEN'S CLOTHING and FURNISHINGS Men's, Ladies' and Children's Shoes, Rubber Clothing, Etc. Men s Moleskin Trousers-- fl Qff Ladies' Sport 'Shoes-Big variety fl0 ftC 31.30 $4.95 per pair to pick from Men's Blue Overalls- o-j r white Mesh Oxfords Cuban heel CO Off per pair per pa,r ?UUO Stanficia's Short Sleeve PO iff Ladies'. Pumps Brown and black CO Qr Combinations PA.XtJ pcr pair ip&UO Tumbulls Combinations C- ir 200 Pairs Ladies' Shoes & qj- Iht suit V1'1," to clear ltD Humphrey's All-Wool Trousers Pf P Children's Shpes o-f Qff Heavy, per pair tp1.itJ to clear ?JLaD Phone Illack 324 Fleet Foot Runners for the Whole Family " Next door Frizzell's Meat Shop CD CP This Certificate is 1.1VLL. worth 30 cents in PurcliasiiiR UTILAC ENAMEL A GjirrvuiSJi is." Sign your name and bring it with 25c to our store and receive: One 26c lirusli One HOc Can of Utilac Addrcss ; 55c Value for 25c Or Brush Free with 1 .Larger Can Only one set to a customer for one week only GORDON'S HARDWARE S miMimmmxm tataum im xu imxmt km ra mmm gj ? Out of Town Radio Owners THE SUPROX RE CHARGAHLE RADIO "A" BATTERY Will give you over 1000 hours initial service and at the comple-1 fcvcnl charges will actually increase in capacity until It will deliver from 1500 to 2000 hours. , I A AIP M ARTIWPrinte Uurl and 3'as. n.c. tiniTlJLiiJ HlrllV 1 Hi Second Avenue and Third Street WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS "A coed oj- j character wo cell It's sure to tDlea.se vou 'it very vreiij REPLENISHING PHONE US We have coals suitable for all your requirements and at prices to suit all purses. PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phono-0-18 2 Entertainment Is Interesting H Varied rroffrum Stacrd LastNljlit At C.IaD.L. Hall Si The Canadian Labor Defence League hall was filled to capacity Tuesday evening when a very suc-jjj.cessful oencert program, followed g.by a display of boxing and otter a athletics, was presented. The pro. . gram was as follows: Blackface comedian. Tom Carr. jjj Recitation, Zelda Hale. M : Sword Dance. Pupils of Airs. Jas. Watt Misses Oarllck. Lamb. Eby. 3 land Watt m. ... j Russian Cossack Dancing by the l " Misses Frances, Clara and Jennie 5 Micheluk. (Music by Mr. Micheluk. , Song. Jim Tardy. ', Selection by the Young Pioneers' i orchestra. . i The boxing program was varied land Interesting. Itowe and Uomcr went three thrcc-mlnutc rounds to a craw. Ahoc and .Lahto, also to a draw. In pillow flghtmg between June Oomez and Clara Micheluk. the decision went to Miss Oomez. ; In the barrel boxing between June j viuiiiva iiu fvmiie AuciiciuK me decision went to the, latter. A wrestling bout between Elliot and Qomez Tcsultcrr- In a win for Kl- llot. Bernard Frcbourg gave an Interesting display of athletic exercises. Following the program, there was a well attended dance, music belns supplied by Julius Wcllc's orchestra. SHORT WAVE Where and when to look 15 metre band from 6:00 a.m. till noon. "19 to 15 Megacycles) 20 metre band from noorf till 4:00 p.m. '15 to 9 Megacycles) 50 metre band from 4:00 p.m. on. (9 to 4 Megacycles) SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC PHONE; BLUE 320,' Second Avenue & Third Street THE DAILY NEVTB NEWS OF VARSITY Thirteen Loral Students At U.B.C.j Now--Activc in Various Spheres Notably Sport tArchle J. Thompson Prince Itupcrt's representation at University of B.C. now stands at thirteen the latest addition being Oarficld McKlnlcy, who came over from Victoria College after Christ- ina. to continue his work in second year arts. Two arc scheduled to graduate thLs spring Irene Mitchell (will bo- come a full-fledged high school teaehcr while Bob rTascr will receive his degree In Mining EhrI- necrlng. Bob Matheson is compleU I .. l- 1 A. I . - ..!.-! I ' tus ins iuurin year in Aiming una Bill Patmorc is taking third yar honors In Geology. He obtained a first-class mark hi his exams in that subject before Christmas. In addition to playing on the Senior B basketball team he placed second In the tr.rec-mlic even; in a recent lnter-faculty track meet and second In the half-mile In the interclass meet. Bonnie Allen la also continuing his interest In track and will travel as a half-mller with the track team to Washington for a mcei with the College of Puget Sound this' month. Jack Cade meanwhile works off his surplus energy ski ing on Grouse Mountain on Sun-! days with the Outdoors Club. Oeorge Minns travelled with the Varsity swimming team to Washington University recently ano won points for B.C. by piacing third in the 200 yard freestyle Bishop Tuurber has also been travelling, having risen to a position on the first string soccer team, while he won first place in the high jump In the mtemcuity meet. Other names well known to Prince 'Rupert appearing in new of campus acttvlUes are BlllGw-ycr. who took part In the rowlnn meet -between Varsity and the Vancouver Bowing Cluti recently and Bill Sargent, holder of the leading roll In "Caesar ana Cleopatra, the Playcra Club sprirm production for this year. J. M. Cummlngs. mining eitjti-nccr of Vancouver, arrived in the city from the south on Uic Prince Oeorge this morning, belnir hcrr to Insect mineral properties on tnu part of the coast o nbehalf of interests which he represents LISTEN! Our prices will mvc you money Leave jour order today. ECONOMY BUTTER A-l 3 lbs SWEET MIXED BISCUITS Beg. 35c; speclalvitj, FKY'B UOCOA- 'a-lb. tin PURITY HOLLED OATB- Plain, pcr pkg. MACARONI Ready Cut 3 lbs DRIED PEACHES Fancy quality, per lb. PUFFED WHEAT 2 pkg DINAMITE Breakfast Food, per pkg. DOMINION HOPS V 3 ukiu. j HOTTLB CAPS I per lb. BLUE RIBBON MALT CJ-j 70 Hop flavored. 3-lb. tin vX i O I FANCY RED SALMON- 97p I Talis, pcr tin I RHUBARB I 4 lbs. jLIBBY'S CHILI CON I CARNE, per tin 99c 27c 22c 17c 21c 15c 25c 19c 23c 25c 15c 17c MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store Where Dollars Have More Cents" 17-1S Third Avenue West P.O. Box 575 Phone II r . i ' MMMMBMMM "CATHERINE THEGREAT" Elizabeth Ilcrgncr and Douglas Fairbanks Jr. Shine In Fine Film Another picture of historical Interest such as arc much In favor Just now, "Catherine the areat," the latest effort of Alexander Kor-da. whose genius gave "Henry VIII," comes to the Capitol Theatre this mid-week. In the title role Is Elizabeth Bergncr, beautiful young Viennese star. The picture, n British production, picks up Catherine's career at the Russian court of the Empress Eli zabeth upon the day of her arrival to wed the erratic young Archduke Peter and gives a fairly complete chronicle of her dramatic life thenceforward. Miss Bergner bring to the delineation of "little Catherine" a fire that lias been described as genius The portrayal of Douglas Fairbanks Jr. as the neurotic Peter is said to be the finest work of his career and a worthy complement to Miss Berg ner's characterization Flora Kobson. one of England's leading actree. hat the role of the notorious timpre Elizabeth Sir Gerald du Maurler, who bears a distinguished name In the English theatre, is excellent as the confidential valet. Lavishly invectltured and hand-omely mounted, "Catherine the Great" is a glorious spectacle Today's Weather Terrace -Clear, northeast wind temperature. 44. Anyox- -Clear, calm, 45. Stewart Part cloudy. souUi wind. 45. Hazelton Clear, calm, 42. Smlthers Clear, calm, mild Burns Lake Blight, calm. 37 NOW EATS ANY KIND OF FOOD, AND NO CONSTIPATION Mr. Durijran Finda Relief in KelloRtr's All-Bran Here is his enthotisilk Irtter: "Am 70 yrr of ag. and for 40 of thw 7 ran thr rvrr wai a wek hot what I had U Uk a pill or in kind of cathartic "I took errythinir. bat jrainwl rmj temporary rtlief. Until lst spring my daghUr. who is a narft in a hopital. brouffht m hum KfUoftr's AuRun, "At the tf at th wk. I Vrvnr I had Mrothinff that was ft, and I kpt on Ukinr it. I hnt Ukrn a cathartic (inre. I can eat meat any time, as ofUn a I like, or any other kind of food, and no eontti-pation." Mr. L. M. Duriran (ad-drea fnrnithed upon rrutt). Iihoratory trt show. Krilomr's AuKtAK prftTiU "bulk" to n-treite th lnttinf, and vitamin B to help muele tone. Aloo Iron for the blood. The Twlk" in AU-ItaiN is moeh like that of lettuce. Inside the body, it forms a wft ma. Gently, H clears out the intttinal wuirs. now much safer Utan paUnt med. icings. Two UbletpoofifnU dairy ar ninally toffiint. With each mml In rious raMf. If not relieved this way, c your doctor. Sold In Ui re-and-frren package. At all porer. Mad by Kellogg in London, Ontaria HOLIDAYS For Adults or Children on the Famous Craham Island North Reach Fishing. Bathing, Badminton. Picnics. Scenic Drives. Shooting In the Season. Rent a fully furnished cottage at Sangan River. For full particulars apply MRS. DUNN Massed, ll.f. FREE-100 TRANSFER SETS KAIEN HARDWARE "61" QUICK DRYING ENAMEL If you haven't used "01" lately you will he delighted with the new pastel shades such as Lilac, Marigold, Canterbury Hlue and others, a nice change from the ordinary run of enamel colors. FREE- 100 BOTTLES of PURE TURPENTINE One with the Purchase of "61" FLOOR ENAMEL For Wood Floors, Linoleum and Cement UasementH 11' 1 1.... T. .. .1 - ty 1? 1 - Rem HISTORY RECORDS NO STItAN('.U LOVE lumping 1 nil limine 11. film r.irnaih IM I. I. "mwuviii iiriuno (7;30 & 9:30) In &UU i.a w ihii rt w w H m m mm m .11 iaiuu uic 1 11c ui cat A British Production, The inspired renin .1 ,i . "Henry VIII." brinp to the screen a urpawi. 7:., truly great picture u"l"ictwM .Musical "THE MILD WEST I'AKAMOIM nt 'I Friday 4; Saturday "The Thundering Herd" k 'Tilllt 4 , RADIO Specials OF USED MODELS .HH. V nr pi'r-oi..ir 5c-DcFarf Tabk m DcForest Table m ie. V -tor Mantel nodc: Vt. . 1 Mantel mod-: X'.r'ot console mode: V 't ; f'unaoie mode. :: Ii.t' t Mantl stotU 8 '.ubes Barj?: N Cona-aie ttwtii . 8 tube A' these unpreeetinr. f. ; aiivbody to be H: set lulls guaranteed ! vHium monthly ua)n "Rupert Brand SMOKED - BLACK CO Km fun tnu tun una ova SA.LE All Goods to Go at Half Price Everything must le sold Coats, Jnckclln. Silver Ftixes, Mink and Marten Neckpiece. IlijiRCst har irnins in furs ever seen in Prince Itupert or any where else. Come In and see for yourselves, )ou will be roniinrri G0LDBL00M - The Old Reliable The Fish which made Prince. Rupert Fmoti Prepared Daily Hy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co, lii PRINCE RUPERT, H.C. FREE--100 BRUSHES One with the Purchase of "61" F0UR-H0UR VARNISH HAVE CAREFREE FLOORS NO POLISHING IIEELI'KOOl' MARPROOF WATERPROOF CI" is snhl I lorn n II Vn Hi-Oliver "" -" HIV (7fIU fl IVW IID