April 18, 1934 Jasmine Toilet Ideal Cleaners OPEN In New Premises Cor. McHride & Fifth cm:nino, Ki.r.iitiN(i, dyking, irrc. eries - Face Powder, two sizes, 50c & $1.00 Creams, 50c Hourc and Up Sticks Shampoo- Ilrilliantiiie Liquid Solid ;ind Delicately Perfumed with the Perfume of Jasmine Ormes Ltd. 37i Ptonecr Druggists the Knall Start Phones; 81 & 82 Joe Slaggard's TAXI In response to loyal customers of the past I am again operating a Taxi Service I thank my old friends and promise old and new patrons the same courteous and prompt service invert In (he past. Phone 653 Nitiht or Day j. u. si.,no.Ri Corner Third nni Mr-Bride ROSE, COWAN & LATTA Ltd. Printers and Stationers Exercise Books Expanding Files Examination Cap Evcrsharp Leads Filing Folders l inger Cones Fasteners, Paper Foolscap Paper Fountain Pens Files, Shannon Files, Clip -Glue Graph Paper Gummed Libels Gummed Reinforcements Gummed Stars Gummed Tape, Kraft Harp Files Besner Block, Third St., Phone 234 Coal Prices Minehead Egg Coal $12'5 Minehead Lump Coal $12.;0 Pcrnbina Egg Coal' $12-00 Stove Coal v... 11-r, Coal in Dry Shed and Delivered Dry HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 The AUCTIONEER Packing-Crating Wrapping & General Furniture Repalr List your goods with m Phone Black ltl GEO. J. DAWES For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Kays Intra lied Kays Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASIMNALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green 241 Phones fireen 64 Exchange Bloc UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Btmri lfv Prince nuprt lor Vancouver r.S8. CATALA EVERY Tl'f.SDAY, I:SQ 1M mirwU ftrmnm, TS.S. CAKDKNA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIOHT Arriving Vancouver, Monday AM. . NMS w' Minn , Port wmxm. Al Aim. Apyw. HiWT Biipwt Bnnj. v-" . i'o'nt-i, tx prlnw U.i av Further information regarding all sailings and tickets I'HINCK nt rrnr AURNCYi Third Avrnuf. prion MA Ended Mn. II. T. Itowaome, Athens, Out , writ"-, - My UAijf r wm tn.ul.lnl with i-undiuatjon. 1 gave ttiin Baby's Own TaMei a directed .. . Before 1 hwl Wen imlf the U.i ttw rrtiUtim wm riflited." l)v rriieriiia: eoimtiiisilon. Baby s Own Tablet t.reveot itxirr wti ailmiiii ii. vi loIm. Murh eaaicr to inko tli in liniment in laiatives and ptrfrHly taft for 1I lit W UAk Jp ,r v,. h-.im to rluldreu of school age. 25e package. Dr.Willisms' us 'from the south on the as. i George this morning. Sponsors wishing to enter teams In Softball League please make application to secretary W. P. Mcintosh by April 27. Persons wishing to play kindly leave name and address at Lamble it Stone's. Ronald Allen, son of Mr. and Mrt J D ARen of thfas thy. who of Montreal to the Hastings and M"Un Street branch in Vancouver, !has been transferred again. Uils itlme to the Fourth Avenue and Alma Roaa braiwfc in Vancouver. Hotel Arrivals Royal William Spalding, Port Easlngton; J. E. Sloan. A. F. Jackson and Charles Clay. Vancouver: Mrs. Leo- jnle Morln. Stewart; Sam King. I Port Edward; Thomas Young, Ar- randale; J. E. Cook, city. I'rlnee Itupert ' W. E. Walker, Naas; J. F. Mus-srnden. J. M. Cummlngs and Leslie J. MarUn. Vancouver; Mrs. S. R. Donaldson and Lorna, Port Announcements St. Peter's Church Sale April 19. United Carnival April 20. Oddfellows' old-Ume dance, Ap ril 20. Piano April 21. Spinsters' Spree Cambral Chap ter. April 27. tra. Ridley Home Bazaar. May 3. Children's Exhibition of Dancing, Oddfellows' Hall. May 4. Dr. Johns Recital May 7. "Chinese Knowledge" tea May 10 United Church. Anglican Onne'8. Tea May 15 at Mrs Presbyterian tea May 17. Moose Hall Friday, April 20th Moose Legion HARD TIMES NIGHT OF IUN Welles Orchestra Admission 35c and 25c THE DAILY NEWS PAQE THREE LOCAL NEWS NOTES We uy anything In (old. Pre ml urn prices. Max Ilellbroner. Mrs. Jack Woods (.Annette Stone) j returned to the city on the Prince ! George this morning from a busl-jness trip to Vancouver. I J ' George Ness, charged underthe Game Act. appeared before Magistrate McClymont in city police ; court this morning, the case being adjourned for eight days. Butterfly tea, Baptist Church, tomorrow afternoon 3 to 6. Canadian Legion, BXBL., half-yearly meeting, election of officers, etc., tonight, 8 pan. Real hair remedy, eliminates dandruff, stops hair from falling. Free trial. Phone Red 720. 91 Charles Clay, well known pro spector of tljls city and Anyox, ar rived on the Prince George tnn morning from Vancouver. "Nordkaps" whist drive and uance Friday, April 20. 8:30 pjn. Metropole Hall. Mrs. Black's Orche- ! W. E. Walker, manager of Arran-dale cannery, is paying a brief business visit to town, having armed in the city yesterday afternoon from the Naas River. Edward Llpsett arrived in thr city on the Prlnee George this morning from Vancouver, here on one of his periodica; visit jof Inspection to the local of his business. C. S. Obata, who has taken up his headouarters for the fishing 1r,nt season at Port Esslngion as sec retary of the Skeena Fishermen's Association, is paying a brief visit to town, having arrived In the city this morning. He expect to re-torn to the Skeena River tomor row. .a belne P branr.n l Robert McPherson. charged .with of James pwln char. tneft of money from a woman on ged pr0vinelal poHce eourt with Comox Avenue, was further re- uithrg a Port Easlngton Indian manded for eight day on coming, been further adjourned tor lap in city ponce court mis morn- ei(M xhe accused in this Mrs S. J. Jabour and little j daughter. Janet, who have been visiting In Los Angeles with Mra. Ijabour's mother, returned home case is not to be confused with a well known Port Simpson Mmiry of the same name. Mr. and Mrs. Peter De Jong and young son will sail on the Prince Oeorge tomorrow night for Van couver where thev will' visit ror a Wits iransierrea last u November Novemoer KofarA.nw, on from the local branch of the BankL . , to ,n , u h t -m a - n..ti. ' Ourg. Holland. From Victoria they will sail on the steamer Dorothy Alexander for San Francisco and thence will travel vja the Panama Canal on the steamer Virginia to New York where they will embark on the Red Star liner Westernland for Antwerp. They will also moior on the continent and expect to be away about six months. Cost Per Cup About the Same ' 1 1 Rcdtal, Ursula Malkln m Faced with . the ruination of their industry, tea growers took drastic action a few months ago and restricted producUon, with, the result that prices have advanced. Canadians will soon have to pay a little mote for their tea, but a cup of finest tea such as "Salada" costs only one-fifth of a cent.. Mrs. J. Thomasson Dressmaker, has arranged a Cutting & Fitting Service Prices reasonable All branches Including children's work. Phone: IJluc 837 WHY WASH ? ? 7 Let the laundry do it fpr you during the spring and summer months. Why wear yourself out when we can do all the wprk for you at very small (bst? Give the laundry a trial. Dry Cleaning Our price on Dry Clean-hurisSl.OO for Suits and $1.00 for Dresses We Guarantee Satisfaction PIONEER LAUNDRY LIMITED and Canadian Laundry Ltd. Men's Footwear We carry a large stock of Men's Highest Grade Dress Oxfords and Boots in the finest Calfskin and Kid Leathers. Dr. Heath's Orthopedia Health Shoes in the finest Kid with special built in Steel Arches, made for comfortable wear. Lec-kie's highest grade Empire Shoes for men. MEN'S FINE DRESS OXFORDS Up From tlsMMClW : sm ' " s WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront 2.75 We have Just received a .telegram that all prices of Rubber Goods are cancelled. This means that prices are going up. Take advantage of our low prices and buy now and save money. We carry a very large stock of Women's Shoes in all the latest styles. Also a very large stock of Nurses' and Children's Shoes. Ml ft The steamer Princess Louise will! Among those who sponsored ta present a greatly altered interior ! bles at the telephone bridge party when she arrives here on her first j held Monday night In aid of the Alaska run of the 1934 summer sea-j Prince Rupert Public Library new son on June 18. book campaign were Capt. and Work has. -commenced at Vic-'Mrs. W. P. Armour, Mr. and Mrs! torla on the complete remodelling j W. M. Watts. Mr. and Mrs. William of the two upper decks boat deck ' MsLeod, Sam Joy. Mr. and Mrs. H. and promenade, insofar as passen- - an ger accommodation is concerned. Kay. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Church and Mr and Mrs- J- Wllliam- ' The result will be the enlargement and Improvement of a large block 500 of staterooms. The roof of the boat , .... . . : deck will be widened to provide additional shelter from the weather.! The summer service will be car ried out by the Princess Louise and Princess Charlotte- calling here Monday mornings northbound and Saturday afternoons southbound. Charles Smith Is expected to ar rive In Prince Rupert by the end of this week to assume his duties as local manager for Edmunds & Walker, well known New Westmin ster fish handling and exporting concern, which Is establishing a Prince Rupert branch. Mr. Smith was formerly assistant manager of ! the Kildonan reduction, cannery and cold storage plant on the West Coast of Vancouver Island. Head quarters for Edmunds and Walker's : operations in this district will be In Prince Rupert although the actual activities will be centred at Balmoral cannery on the Skeena River which the company will use for the mild curing of salmon. Frank Waterhouse freighter Northholm. Capt. Henry Porrltt. arrived in port this morning from Vancouver with general cargo for discharge locally. The vessel was moored at the Canadian National dock this morning. Northland Transportation Co.'s motorshlp Northland. Capt. Len Williams, arrived In port at 3 o'clock this morning from Ketchikan and, after discharging two carloads of fresh halibut for transshipment to the United States over the Cana dian National Railways, sailed hi continuation of her voyage to Seattle. It was the first call of the Northland here in several weeks. With a rather light list of passengers, C N. R. steamer Prince George. Capt. H. E. Nedden, ar- i rived In port at 10:30 this morning ifrom Vancouver. Powell River and . . ill II t A ocean t ans ana win sun u this afternoon for Anyox and Stewart whence she will return here tomorrow evening southbound. I W. E. Balllfe, well known chief engineer of 'Canadian National Steamships, who has been on the Atlantic 'Costsx for the past few (months as chief of the steamer Trlnce Henry, arrived on the Prince FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Mens Footwear Men's Solid Leather Work Boots, up from Men's Light Work Boots Panco soles, up from Men's & Boys' Boots, Leckle Made, up from Running Shoes Our Running Shoe prices guaranteed 35 less than anywhere in the city. ! George this morning from Vancou $2.75 $1.95 395 CUT - RATE SHOE STORE We accept city scrip and relief orders i l i i i m i i I 93 I n I i H m ; ver He is here in connection with XT! ff AT I the annual overhaul at the local i J JLA J ALiI dry dock of the steamer Pnnce Rupert of which he Is the regular chief engineer. Cur Famous Ed son. Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also seU Timothy Hay. Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 1 Phones SSI NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms, Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 190 Classified Ads FOR SALE FOR SALE Chevrolet Car In good condition. Price $200. Dally News. . tf FOR SALE 1. 9 ft. row boat. $30; 1, 9 ft. row boat, $18; 1, 10 ft. row boat, $35; Float 24x40 with house 16x32 one year old; Packer or work boat 38!i ft. 27 HP. heavy duty Atlas; 36 ft. cruiser "Vera S. Fry". Pile driver lead with 2500 lb. hammer; quantity 2-Inch shafting, pulleys and hangers. 5, HP. Staty gas engine, Fairbanks-Morse. Bargains for Cash M. M. Stephens, w tt s FOR RENT HOUSES to rent. Hart. FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms, 835 Second Avenue West. a30 TIIICATi: OF IMI'ltOYF.MKXTS Gold dirt . 3 FnM-tktniU Mlneml Claim. Oold rilf No. C Mineral Claim. Margaret Mineral Claim. Cliff IYihiIoimI Mineral Claim. Srtuatc in the rortUnd Canal Mining DlrUlon. Where located on the nest tide of Bear River about three mUe from Stewart. B.C. Laiful Owner William Dann. Number of th holder'a free mlner'i certlflewU 777JO-D. TAKE NOTICE that William Dana Free Miner's Certtfitat No. 7TW-D ln tentVv at the n4 of sixty cUyt from the date hereof, to apply to the Mlnlnt Reirrter for a certdflete of tmprote-tnenU for the purpose of obtalnLnt a Crown Orant of the above claim. AND FURTirEB TAKE NOTICE that aotlon. under Section 83 of tb "Mineral Act" rmvit toe commenced before the Iwuanoe of such certificate- of DATED this 33rd day of March. 1034. JnO WILLIAM DANN. FOUND FOUND Rosary. Owner may have same by calling at Dally News and paying for this advertisement. HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING 1 Cluster Curl; Latest Styles NELSON'S BEAUTY SHOPPK TRANSFERS GARDEN Soli $2.50 a load. Cameron's Transfer. Phone 177. tf PAINTERS PAINTINO and Faperhanflng Moller. Phone Red 802. . Cf.KTIFICATKS OF IMI'KOVF.MESTS TuNminah Bonanza. Tulxuqash Chief. TulMiu.ih ikiiii ftigie. anil Tiuxuquan r.lvit Fraction, Mineral Clilnn. Situate in the Atlln Mining Division of C&Mlar DUtrtot. Where IooUt: Left Bank of Tulsu-quah River. , TAKE NOTICE that H. McM. Praser. acting as aent tor Taku Mines Company Limited. Free Mlner'i Certificate N. (3408 D; J. O. Klrkhara. Free Miner's Certificate No. 73409 D; Cart Carlson. Fntw Miner's Oertincate No. 73413 D: Olen A. Klrkham, Free Miner's Cer tificate No. 73410 D; and Oeort L. Johnson, Free Miner's Ortmcats No. 73413 D: Intends, sixty days frcsn the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for Certlllcivtes of Improve-menU for the purpose of obtaining Crown a rants of the above claims. AND further take noUce that action, under Section 81 of the "Mineral Act" must tin commenced before the Issuance P( such Certificate of Improvement. D,Ud this 30th day of rsbruary, lilt.