NEW JUi FOR . PEACE RIVER OUTLET A V- Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides Prince Rupert Part cloudy, light southeast wind; barometer, 30.04; temperature, 57; .sea smooth. Vol. XXIV . No, 91 CLIVK PLANTA fl.LA. DECLARES TRADE WILL CO EITHER TO PRINCE RUPERT OR STEWART AND BEST SELFISH SOUTH CAN GET NOW IS .MERE SHARE. Pacific Great Eastern Is Separate Issue, He States PREDICTS LINE BETWEEN HERE AND JASPER WILL BE ABANDONED AND SUBSTITUTED WITH NEW ONE TRAVERSING BETTER COUNTRY TO NORTH. VANCOUVER, April 18: (CP) yancouvcr.has.for. foiled Its opportunity of Incoming the logical outlet for the Pence River country hut there is still a possibility it may .share with Prince Rupert or Stewart the potential trade t,f tlia.t northern empire, declared Clivc Planta, M.L.A. for Peace River, in addressing the Rotary Club here yesterday. "Interest in the Peace River district by citizens and organizations in Vancouver has in the past and is today one of non-contributing, self-centred and selfish concern," Mr. Planta declared. "The cry is 'On-to-the-Pcace' regardless of the costs involved just so long as the outlet absorbs the Pacific Great Eastern and creates a basis of propaganda aimed to attract more money from abroad through Vancouver. "The Pacific Great Eastern Railway and the outlet from the Peace River to the Pacific Ocean arc two separate issues." Mr. Planta expressed the opinion that time would sec the removal of the rails between Jasper and Prince Rupert and the construction of an outlet via Stewart or Prince Rupert. This would mean two Pacific seaports from which trunk lines would traverse east, one from Stewart or Prince Rupert via the Peace River and an-other from Vancouver converging at Edmonton as a transcontinental line with one running mirth and south from Finlay Forks to Edmonton. Halibut Arrivals Eastern Member Summary American 102,000 pounds, American Paragon, 40,000, Booth, Canadian 8.9c end 4,5c to 7.2c and 5c. Canadian 53,500 pounds, 5c and c and 5.1c and 4c. 4.5c McKlnley. 34,000, Cold Storage, 0-fc and 4.5c. Uct y. 14,000, Atlln, 7.2c and 5c. Melville, 20,000. Cold Storage. 5c i and 4c Margaret I. 19,500, Pacific, 5.1c and 4c. Alkcn. 14,000, Atlln, 5c and 4c. "MAIN TOMORROW MORNING The train, which was due from Ine east at 10 o'clock last night ftnd which has been delaved bv a due to reach here at 8 o'clock to morrow morning, During a recent debate in the House of Commons at Ottawa on suuDly for the department of flsh- (erlea. A. W. Nelll, Independent. 7c and'Comox-Albernl, professed Ignor ance as to wr.ere uanso wus. u Nelll was chlded for his lgnoranc l ,trmiM Muff l.hprfl Anmo- tell where Albernl Is," declared Mr, Duff. "I can even ten wnere Comox Is. I can even go so tar as to tell him where the Queen Charlotte Wands are." Todays Weather Dead Tree Point Part cloudy, calm; barometer. 29.92; tempera- sinkhole'' on the line near Shcrc.turc. 4fl- 48: sra sea smooth. smooth. station between McDrlde and Red Triple Island-Overcast, rasa, was this mornine renorted northeast wind; light swell. light . . . i t i Langara Isiana-ran ciuuuy, light easterly wind; moderate sea. Visitor Here P 1 Leslie J Martin, superintended of sales Home OH Distributors Limited, Vancouver who arrived In the city today from Vancouver on Inspection visit to district. losses on the operation of the Ca nadlan National Railways amounting to $58,900,000. Receipts from taxation fell' short of the estimates In the last budget tw nnn nnn PASSING OF J. LA. llarlcr C. E. Anderson, C. C. Fr .Member For North Vancouver,. Uied Yesterday NOKTil VANCOUVER, April 18: (tT Harler C. E. Anderson, C. C F. member (or North Vancouver and (or years a prominent druggist on the North Shore, died yesterday afternoon. lie had been unconscious since he was admit-ted to hospital last Saturday fering from a serious internal disorder. ! ... The death of Sir. Anderson makes the first vacancy in the legislature since the general provincial election last fall. Prominent in the preliminary organization of the Canadian Co-operative Commonwealth Federation movement in British Columbia, he was elected by a decisive majority in a badly split field in November. He was, considered one of the outstanding C. C. F. Dominion's Financial Position is Revealed by Head of Trcasurv Reduction in Interest Rate Forecast Aid to Farmers on Debts is Planned ! Railway Situation OTTAWA, April IS: (CP)-Deficit of $135,200,000 for the fiscal year ended March 31, -1934, as compared with mm rtir nnn 1 ,,nn. nr imiu-nrnniont nf S'' Rflfl 000 U'!1S KnOWS 1 hlS LOaSt ' announced in the House of Commons today by Hon. Edgar IS. Knones, minister 01 nuance, m picpvutuig mo uwigci for the year. "The fiscal year just closed has been a year of recovery, the minister of finance declared, "a recovery that Is unmls-1 Recjuction In the average interest takcable and of greater magnitude i rate on Dominion government obll-than many had thought possible." 4.35H was forecast with-The deficit on ordinary account' in the next few months due to re-was $24,100,000, an Improvement of financing. The rate now is 4.62 519,100,000 over the previous year.; and in 1931 It was 5. Hope was nish.Ouy.boro. who declared thatCapital expenditures, unemploy- expressed by Mr Rhodes for a fur- metn member ' of Parliament. Mr. - " . , ' ' ' Y'"L" JZ ... ,u " Baltic. 14,000, Pacific and Royal,' s a uaInted wUh aU' pendltures brought the deficit up to; bank and other deposits w r,c af 5c j fJJrts of Uie country. "Why. I can $7(1.300,000 to which was to be added i general Interest rate commercial and other loans. Vt,-'Mi o. iim9i: their creditors and reduce A III VUVU1 IIVV V1V.WV vw , , - ! at $2,731,696,000 as compared with;0601 ouluc,,s w"5 uu n reductlc reduction on their $2,599,000,000 a year ago. aiaDiuzauon oi me Canadian The minister said that on July 8 'dollar In International exchange revenues were down $10,000,000 as must await re-establlshment of a compared with the previous year. stabilized ratio between the United Dy the end of DecembeV, however. 'States dollar and the Drltlsh pound lost grouud had been regained and sterling. , final accounts would show a total! A decided Improvement In the NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 1934 Large Attendance at Last Rites This f Afternoon For Late Risburo Sakamoto ! r There vras large attendance of Japanese Ijotn this city and the Skeena River at the chapel of Hayner Bros., undertakers, this temoon for the funeral of the late Rlsaburo Sakamoto, for thirty years a fisherman on the Skeena River, who passed away the day before yesterday at Osland. Rev. Canon W. F. Rushbrook. rector of St. Peter's Anglican Church, offi elated and Miss E. O. Lenox pre sided at the organ to accompany; the hymns. Interment followed in Falrvlew Cemetery, pallbearers being K. Rlkamaru. K. Horluchl. Y. Magsushija, K. Saklmura, T. Iria and S. Honma. Deceased, who was well known in Prince Rupert, is survived by a widow and six grown-up children. Members of Anyox Community League yC6uncil;Selected ANYOX. April 18: J. D. Fergu son, T. M. Waterland, Walter For-shaw. Bob Brown and T. H. Bams forth have been elected to represent the Mine on the Anyox Community League council this year. The Beach representatives are J. Donaldson, Ed. Johnson. A. H. Stewart, J. Buntaln, A. H. Klrby, T. N. Youngs, R. J. A. Manning and F. Dresser. Past Year Has Been Marked With Unmistakeable Recovery, Commons Told Today by Hon. E.K Rhodes Presents Budget Hon. E N, Rhodes, minister of finance Will Not Default Canada will not default on any of 1 of 1934 resulted In an Increase In her obligations and legislation to I net revenues of $4,000,000 as com- j permit farmers to compromise with pared with the corresponding per tod a year ago. The total Canadian National deficit of $58,900,000 showed an Increase of $1,100,000 from the previous year. CANADIAN COLD MONTREAL, April 18 Canadian Press) Tri Canadian gold price revenue from taxation of $17,000,000 earntogs of ' the Canadian National wa ud 3c. today to $34.65 per 1 ii. I I ...II I .- .-;. .. ' ..I I lr in excess ui me previous year, utauwnys in mc ursi mree months jounce. High 3:58 a.m. 18.7 ft. 17:23 pjn. 15.8 ft. Low 11:02 ajn. 5.6 ft. 2:55 pjn. 10.4 ft. PRICE: FIVE CENTS BUDGET IS PRESENTED IN HOUSE BY MINISTER OF FINANCE Vancouver Has Forfeited Its Opportunity to Become Coast Port of Great Wheat Empire Pioneer Japanese i Resident Buried Japan Ready to Act By Force In Backing Up New Policy Of "Hands Off Regarding China TOKYO, Japan, April 18: (CP) A Foreijrn Of f ice spokesman asserted today that Japan will act positively, if necessary, in application of her restated China policy of responsibility for Peace in East Asia. The spokesman told a foreign correspondent that the nature of the action to be taken will depend upon the circumstances in each case. If foreign efforts to "disturb peSce in Asia" are backed forcefully, he said, "Japan herself may be compelled to resort to force." Japan herself must determine, the spokesman declared, whether foreign attempts to aid China imperil peace and order in East Asia. The statement of policy made Tuesday was interpreted by foreign diplomats as a "hands off China" policy aimed at western nations, surpassing even the broadest claims which have been made under the Monroe Doctrine. The manifesto set forth Japan's responsibility to maintain peace in East Asia and voiced objections to the efforts of other nations, including the United States, to help Chinese air and military forces. Today's Stocks i Courtesy S. O Johnson Ci.) Vancouver Alexandria, .0654. Bayview, .02. B. C. Nickel, .62. Big Missouri, .31. Bralorne, 14.00. ' Bridge River Con., .40. B. R. X 1.05. Butte I. X. L, .25. Cariboo Quartz, 2.08. Dun well, .38. Dentonla, 10. Georgia River, .02. Golconda, .42. Hercules. .07Vi-Indian, .02. Mlnto, .66. Meridian. .19. Morning Star. .41. Native Son, .04. National Sliver, .04 V. 'Noble Five. .11. Pend Oreille. 1.09. Porter Idaho, .09 is. Premier. 12S. Reeves McDonald, .15. Reward. .10. Reno, 1.00. Silver Crest. .03V. Salmon Gold, .30. Taylor Bridge,. Wayside. .38. Whitewater, .06tj. Waverly Tangier .014. United Empire. ,16. Toronto Central Patricia, .67. Chlbougamau, .14. Lee Gold, .16. Qranada, .89. Inter. Nickel, 27.90. Macassa, 2.73. Noranda. 43.65. Sherrltt Gordon. 1.25. Sisco. 2.42. Thompson Cadillac. 4 .52. Ventures. 1.00. Lake Maron, .OOi. Tcck Hughes, 755. Sudbury Basin. 1.80. Columarlo. .36. Smelter Oold. .3t',i. Can. Malartic .59. Little Long Lac. 4.75. Bagamac, .22. South Tiblemont, .W. Maple Leaf, .73. Pickle Crow, .85. Long Lac Lagoon, 22. Manitoba & Eastern, .24. SUGAR TAX BEING CUT Is Most Important Change Made in Rhodes Budget Today Ten Percent Impost on Gold Income Unchanged Sales Tax Remains at Six Percent Reduction in Savings Interest Anticipated OTTAWA, April 18: (CP No Important changes are made In the income tax under the budget presented to the House of Commons today by' Hon. E. N. Rhodes, minister of finance. The sales tax remains at six percent. The minister expressed hope that i further reduction In Interest rates on savings deposits would be made. Last year the Interest was reduced from three to two and a half per1 cent'. Excise tax charges Include a re duction in cigarette tubes -from 4c to 3c per hundred ana a change In the Stamp Act on postal notes of $1 or less from three to one percent. - Sugar Tax Cut To offset a reduction in the sugar tax of from two to one cent per pound there will be placed a ten percent tax on the value of gold dc- i posited at the mint or exported. The new tax will be effective tomorrow. The tax will not apply If It i reduces the gold value to less than ' $30 per ounce In Canadian Currency. The reduction In sugar tax will be effective July 1. Malt Tax Chanted Another Important change In excise duties Is the consolidation of .the existing three cent duty per pound on malt ahd twelve and a , half percent gallonage tax on beer into s single excise duty of seven and a half percent per pound on .malt, effective July 1. In the customs tariff fewer than .seventy-five Items arc affected, the changes being generally downward. UAR SILVER NW YORK, April 18: (CP)-SIU (vcr was quoted at 45Uc on the local metal market today.