FAOZ Pat Sp Phone Black 324 g 75 Pairs of Ladies' Pumps C-l Off and Ties, per pair pxteJ Sport Oxfords, black and white, and blonde, low heel visAitl S2 2 per pair FLEET RUNNERS At Low Prices From $2.95 up SHOE Ladies' Fine Ties, reptile finish, spike heel, pair 45 Pairs Two-Tone Sport Oxfords, per pair Ladies' Kid Oxfords, Arch Support, special Children's Straps and Oxfords, per pair Ladies' Dpbutante Chiffon Hose, special Weld rest Silk Crepe Hose per pair Classic Shoes for the Whole Family OLDLST KNOWN GOLD DLI'OSITS IN B.C.! HAIDA GOLD MINES ... LIMITED. This progressive development company has holdings comprising 500 acres on Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte group located only a few miles from where gold'was first discovered In B.C. in 1852. Development is advancing-' rapidly, with crosscut tunnels cutting ore at depth. Its advantageous position on tidewater ensures low operating costs and eliminates the problem of transportation. vpeniuuiurcan oe carried on iwcive monins in the year. For more detailed. Information, consult NANSON, KOTHWELL & CO. I . Jwemoers or tne Vancouver Stock Exchange LTD. .561 Howe St. Sevmniir 1 1 17 l'inM, tin WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS Ifu I xj It's sure to jrZSi please youa REPLENISHING PHONE US We have coals suitable for all your requirements and at prices to suit all purses. . PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 48 Pick yours now while our slock is complete at Low Prices at B.C. CLOTHIERS, Ltd. $3.75 $2.95 $2.95 $1.35 79c Next door FrizzcH's Meat Shop Joe Slaggard's TAXI In response to loyal customers of the past I am again operating a Taxi Service. I thank my old friends and promise old and new patrons the same courteous and prompt service given in the past. Phone 653 Night or Day J. R. S LAGGARD Corner Third and MrDride NEW ROYAL HOTEL ' J. Zarelll. Proprietor "A HOMK AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 op 50 Rooms. Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert. B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Rays Intra Red Rays Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green 211 Phones Green 541 Exchange Block THE DAILY NEWS Monday, April TOURNEY OF TENNIS Donations For Books SHORT WAVE Where and when to look 15 metre band from 6:00 ajn. till noon. ' 19 to 15 Megacyclesi 20 metre band from noon till 4:00 pjn. 15 to 9 Megacycles) 50 metre band from 4:00 p.m. on. '9 to 4 Megacycles) SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC PHONE: BLUE 3Z0 Second Avenue & Third Street His Birthday Was Honored Seventy Friends Joined Saturday Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Morton Winners , Ni . . , Surprise rrly Upon In Season's Opening Competition With perfect weather prevailing, the ODcnine American tournament iof the Prince Rupert Tennis Club yesterday on the newly reconditioned and painted courts at Acropolis IIUI was a great success. Thirty-eight players, divided Into three divisions, took part, the winners of each division playing off. In the semi-final Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Horten defeated Mrs. W. M. Louis Martin In honor of Mr. Martin's birthday, a delightful surprise party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Martin, Eleventh Avenue East, on Saturday night. About seventy persons were present at the affair, which was organized by Mr. and Mrs. A. Gomez, and the feature of the proceedings was the presentation to Mr. Martin, on behalf of the company assembled by W. Robertson, of a handsome gold Blackstock and Otto Young 3 to I u,tch chaln and IounUln n and i.u...cu u. iuc i.ui.uis mechanlcal pencil set. a closely-contested final set with Tnc evenln8 wa$ dcllghtfuUy Miss and L. H. Ha- Molly Delaney spent ,n djmclng tne stra,nj of worth 7 to 5. music provided by Pete Hardy's JT i rowdorsp ectalors en" Orchestra and delicious refresh-tojed the play. i ments brought by uninvUed Refreshments were served under ,.., c o lumjiiiiivt: iuiisiAiuiK ui Airs. o. I . McMordle and Mrs. W. N. Curric with Mrs. W. L. Stamford and Mrs. J A. Hlnton Dourine The tournament committee consisted of William Crulckshank. C. T Norririuton and Llut.-Col. S. P. MrMordle. DS.O. www wwn 25c SPECIALS For this werk. Come early and get jour Mure of the bargains, i IUCE KRISPIES- 2 ukxs. POST'S URAN FLAKES Mrs It Houston. Mm 11. Curtln. 2 pkB8 Mrs. F Uarbcr. John Olbson. M. M. KKLLOGO'S WHOLE Tbu ?"v I- LliMlaajj W,IEAT flaKES, 2 pkg!l A H. w,n Hill-Tout y. Prampton. n.;TOILBr tissue- D. Allen. Mrs. M. McCoskrle. Mrs. 7 ,u A. II. Hill-Tout. Mrs. T J. Shentnn !V " '.pi ifi i y f li iii'if rAra Mrs. II. Calderwood. Miss Edna Oil ker. Miss Iris Watts. Trevor liarrw. M. Durant. J. R. w. Murray. V. S. Moore, Mrs. Pine. Jim. Mr. Aniez. Mr. James. Mr. Thomson. Mrs. W. Rothwell. A. E. D.. Mrs. Crosby. Mrs. Schubert. W. Orim-ison. Billy Long. Bobby Long. T. W. ; White. Mrs L. Leroux. W. Hunter. Joe Martin. D. Sicvcrt. Mrs. W. Ball-Iie Miss K. Wateon. Jas. Black. , Mrs F Black. Wm. Beattlc. E. Po- ! pock. Subscriber. L. Elliott. A. Stra-jchan. E Davidson. Mrs. Squire. iMrs. Lamb. E. Pettenuxo. Harry Worsfold. W Way. O. Russell. John jJohansen. Jack Cater, M. II. Spen cer. Total to date. $559.05. China, per pkg. ASHCROFT POTATOES 10 lbs. LUX FLAKES ' 3 picas. 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c Combination Specials 2 FEL8 NAPTHA SOAP ftp,, 2 RECKITTS BLUE UOK, 2 LIFEBUOY SOAP OC 2 MANY FLOWERS SOAP 2 PEARLINE. Small nr 2 Solvenc Shredded Soap"' 2 PACIFIC MILK Off- 1 PILCHARD'S Vs 1 SPINACH. 8-oz tin 1 PEAS, 8-oz tin 9 En 1 TOMATOES. 8-oz tin MUSSAIIEM'S Economy Store 'Where Dollar Have Store Cents' I7.J Third Avrnoe Wett P.O. Box $7$ fhonf 11 HOLIDAYS For Adults or Chllilren on the Famous Graham Island North Reach Fishing. BaThlnK, Badminton. Picnics, Scenic Drives. Shooting In the Season. Rent a fully furnished cottage at Sangan River. For full particulars aonlv .MRS. DUNN Maw.ett. B.C. KAIEN HARDWARE 1934 TENNIS BALLS EYE SHADES. 15c tin Try Our TENNIS SHOES For Real Comfort Ladies $2.75 Mens, $3.00 B is jmjlLAjjLll Mon SI MBBl day &. Tuesday Two Shows 7 L 9 Admlstlon. is, t PARIS GOWNS GAIETY Warner Baxter in "AS HUSBANDS GO" (7:40 & 9:10) A Fox Picture With HELEN VINSON, WARNER OI.ami Imajlne trying to explain your Pari boy friend to jour husbmd Travel -COLORFUL PORTS OF CALL1 Musical "Around the Clock" Novelty "Scrpt jj,, Wednesday & Thursday "GOING HOLLYWOOD'' For Fine Tennis Canada's Choice Come in and make your choice of the fiw f T :: Rackets ever seen in Prince Rujert. Sn:--Made in Canada Rackets and supplie- at en:' prices. Select a racket to suit your purse and ., . $3.50 $22 00 SLAZENGERS The Racket with the Record For Sale in Prince Rupert Only R; - VSMcl THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TKlt IIKITIMI (OI.LMMU , . . . . . . ELEPHANT Cllf MK U. IKKtll.lIHH Pnrltjr At rurinen of TADANAC i.i.r.trrRoi.YTir A.M.MU.NIL.M niDM'HAIl SL'trilATf OF AMMOMt triple siiPtRriiosnun LKAI)ZINX CABMIt'M-niSMUTII LAWN MOWERS Be sure and sec our stock before buvlnir a Lawn Mi w- We n: several different Stvles in nlaln nnri hall tw.irlnff C 2 ,1V, Madi Lawn Mowers. Prices range from $7.50 up GORDON'S HARDWARE JSS - slililiiiiriririfiririvitiiiTiiitiiiii iJJ I 1 FRESH MILK AND "TILLIE THETOHFR" 1 nl 1 UILLK Mac M Puzzled D 1 J " " n . , cream daily is -By Westover VALENTIN DAIRY . . Phone 657 ' Jfik is . wovi to I II on, mac, -take ) I aiT Vou cai dET 1 HH "i i i 1 ; , -i ' " WMJZOAU . THEY ARE ALL HERE 1031 Spalding, Rentleys and Slazcngcrs TENNIS RACKETS You Have Plenty of Time To START THAT GARDEN RAKES, from l()c; HOKS, 0c SPADINr, FORKS, $1.10 TURF EDGERS VlttORO PLANT FOOD