& Bf bi KING ‘HAS INTERVENED IN PEERS VETO BILL DISPUTE His Majesty Gives Audience to Government Leaders. He Does Not Wish to See the Historic House of Lords Swamped With New Liberal London, July 26.—King George has actively intervened in an attempt to steer the warring pol- itical factions to a peaceful goal. None is more anxious than is he to avoid swamping the historic house of peers with a battalion of new creations and if his personal influence can effect it he will arrange some plan for overcoming Peers. of the Opposition in the House of Commons, and Lord Lansdowne, the Unionist chief in the House of Lords. It was understood that his Majesty would see their leaders later in the day. Meanwhile the political situation is so out of gear that the King postponed his in- tended departure for Goodwood, where he was going this afternoon the present deadlock. His Ma-jto visit the Duke of Richmond jesty today gave audience to Pre-|and attend a four days’ race mier Asquith, A. J. Balfour, leader | meeting. VALUABLE THIRD AVE. PROPERTY (Continued from page one) present Mr. H. F. McRae expressed his usual firm confidence in the conditions here. His firm has been doing excellent business in Rupert lots down below, and during the last few weeks here a great many deals were made by Mr. McRae in lots on small cash payment and easy terms to local investors who are eager to secure holdings. GOES TO OPEN STEWART LINE Mr. J. T. Phelan, Supt. of Yu- kon Telegraph Line on an In- teresting Trip North. The new Government telegraph line to Stewart is now completed. This morning, Mr. J. T. Phelan, the superintendent of the Yukon telegraphs for the Government, left for Stewart to officiate at the opening of the new line, and start the work out of Stewart. After satisfying himself that the line is in perfect order, Mr. Phelan will leave at the end of the week, when he will go on a visit to Hazelton. LOOKS RATHER BLIND PIGGISH Foreign Resident Had Quite a Lot of Bottled Stuff in His Place—More Than Chief Vic- kers Thinks Good for Him. R. Mazzi whose premises looked to Chief Vickers suspiciously like a little blind piglet, has been sum- moned to appear before the Magis- trate to give an account of him- self. , The case stands adjourned until tomorrow morning. Evidence that Mazzi had a considerable quan- tity of bottled liquor in his place, and that men were seen drinking there will be produced. May be Bughouse A man named Charles Willis is being detained under observa- tion by the Proviricial Police. He was brought down river in the S.S. Hazelton by Provincial Constable Daniel from Kitselas. Willis has been in the asylum before at Dawson, but may come all right with care. Rescue Bishop's Spoons H. Robinson of the Rupert Marine Department, set out this morning at seven o'clock to look for the Bishop’s silver at Tugwell Island. An exceptionally low tide today may enable the party .to recover the lost property. McBRIDE ON WAY _ TO VICTORIA Mayor Hopes He will Get Busy on G. T. P. Assessment Mat- ter as Soon as He Arrives. Delay Grows Irksome. No word has yet been received by the Mayor from Premier Mc- Bride in reference to the G. T. P. Assessment which awaits the sanc- tion of the Provincial Govern- ment. But the Mayor has reason to believe that the provincial premier is now on his way to Victoria from London, England, and that he will travel there direct. Mayor Manson hopes that he will give attention at once to the matter of the G. T. P. agree- ment which has now been hung up various ways for so long that everybody concerned grows im- patient at the delay. ROAD ROLLER HERE Mayor Will Soon Have an Op- portunity of Seeing It at Work. Gleeful tidings for Alderman Hilditch, and good news for the Mayor! The city road roller has arrived by the C. P. R. SS. Princess Ena today. Already the civic stone crusher is rattling away at a great rate near Seventh street on Third avenue, and al- ready some nice newly crushed stone is spread on the space on Third avenue between Sixth and Seventh streets. It may be a coincidence of course, but the Mayor's windows are amongst those which will command early view of the operations of the road roller. an Orchestra was Good A lot of compliments were passed among the audience at the Empress Theatre last night about the Prince Rupert Orchestra. Their playing was a revelation. Not many knew we had so much orchestral talent in the city. May be Candidate Rumors emanating from Con- servative sources of information state that Alderman Newton may be the choice of the Prince Rupert Conservatives candidate for Comox-Atlin. Best In America You must have good shoes with good clothes. Slater Shoes are the best made. The Acme Clothing Store, Second avenue, have the exclusive agency in this city for Slater Shoes. as Have you learned that ‘keeping boarders” is a business matter— and that it involves timely ad- vertising in the classified columns of The News? TO-NIGHT PRICES— $1.00, 75c, 50c. MAY ROBERTS And her Company in Eugene Waiters’ Masterpiece “Paid in Full” House Records Being Broken DOORS—Open 8.30. Curtain 9 sharp. SEATS-—Neazly all sold THE DAILY NEWS | “The News” Cl ==Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== —THEY WILL REPAY A CAREFUL ~} The Insurance People EVERY CLASS OF INSURANCE. GET OUR RATES The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. Phone 150 Third Avenue and Fulton St Lost and Found | Ssiantaitia tiie Acne LOST—A Kokak: left tlakatla wharf. Finder rewarded by leaving Sieca at Oxapbell’s WATCHERS AND THEIR WATCHES Amusing Chronometrical Dis- crepancies Revealed by In- cidents in the Police Court This Morning. Five Tickers Tell Five Different Tales. At ten by his own watch Magis- trate Carss entered the police court room and took his seat on the bench. Five minutes before he appeared P. C. McArthur on office duty had studied his par- ticular chronometer and decided that the Magistrate was just then due. A phenomenally punctual newspaperman had already been on the spot for seven and a half minutes. The Magistrate sat on the bench and scanned the case sheet. After waiting five minutes he looked up and enquired for the Chief of Police. ‘‘Expected every moment’? was the reply. Moments passed but he came not. The Magistrate arose, put on his hat, and left the court remarking that the billed for today must be adjourned until tomorrow if the principals in it could not get there on time. Just outside the court room Mr. Carss met Chief Vickers. With an expres- sion of surprise the Chief took out his watch. It read ‘“‘three minutes to ten.’’ Behind the Chief came the man summoned, case with a watch which gave the time as nine forty-five. ‘Well I’m blessed,’’ remarked Chief Vic- kers “I wonder if there are two watches in town today that give the same time at the same mo- ment, and what is the right time, anyway ?”’ Solves the Problem During these hot days there is nothing better to eat for lunch than cold fresh vegetables and good fresh fruits. The Ideal Pro- vision House has just received a fresh shipment. A new stock of Cudahy Sanitary hams and bacons has just come in. Weather by Wireless Fair weather is reported from the morning, but Triangle reports den- se fog. Point Grey reports clear with northeasterly wind. Island wireless stations this ANOTHER AVIATOR KILLED Harry Darnell Veteran Baloon- ist Dashed to Death at Plain- field, Ill. (Canadian Press Despatch) Plainfield, Ill., July 27. — Fal- ling from his baloon when 700 feet in the air, Harry Darnell, a veteran balloonist, was dashed to death before the eyes of thou- sands of spectators today. Every bone in his body was broken. Held Theatre Party A theatre party was given last night by Mrs. Gertie Wells of Cordova to a few of her Alaska friends. Those invited were Mrs. E. E, Cardinal from Goldfield, Nevada, Mrs. Ella Messinger from Cordova, Alaska, and Mrs. Katie Meehan, the artist, also from Cordova, Alaska. After the play they were enter- tained to a luncheon party at Reilley’s Cafe. Montreal, July 26.—Colonel Frank S$. Meignen was today elected president of the Lake of the Woods Milling Company, a successor to his late father by an unanimous vote of the directors, The new president announced that he would pursue the anti-merger policy of which his father had been a firm supporter, ’ Cigar Store, 162-tf sal Special rates by 165-tf For Rent ~~" Furnished rooms with bath. the week. Talbot House. Large well furnished roo srivate family. Splendid view of Rather.” Gentlemen only. Apply P.O. Box 1519. 164-tf McIntyre Hall, for concerts, entertainments, dances, ete. Apply J, H. Rogers, phone 116. Wanted—Small house, furnished or partly furn- ished. State terms to Box R, Daily News.140-tf Cosy furnished rooms. M Bower, Somerset Rooms, ird Avenue, between Seventh and Eighth. 117-tf Help Wanted ad ~d Wanted.— A woman to wash and iron one day & week. Phone 301. tf A woman todo fancy ironing, Wages $2.50 per | day; also girls to work on mangle. Ry at once Pioneer Laundry. j Girl wanted, immediately, for light housework. | Apply Mrs. D, Cohen, phone 82 160-tf | Miners $3.50, Muckers $3.00, wanted at Hidden | Creek Copper Co., Goose Hay. Take S.S, Vadso | or Venture. 148-tf } Porter Wanted Apply Talbot Rooms, 2nd Ave. | 144-tf Wanted—Woman for kitchen work, wages $35.00 a month and room. Apply Prince Rupert | Hospital. tf} oe, For Sale For Sale or Lease—Best located restaurant in| Stewart. no opposition, liberal terms. Full in- | formation apply or write to G. George, P.O. Box 251, Stewart, B.C. 165-168 j Before buying your Stove or Range see A, 4 Galland, McBride and Fifth Ave. Cook stoves | from $14. 129-1m } For Sale—Chicken Ranch, 2 Storey house, house- hold goods. Near Prince Rupert. A snap if taken atonce. Address Box 368. tf a a a ss ras re roms ra Fire Insurance ee a ar macnibn THE British Union and National Fire Insurance Company of London, England, with capital of $2,500,000.00. See us for rates, The Mack Realty and Insurance Company. 70-tf Business Chances ae eet ob Good money in Moving Pictures. Wanted—A party to start moving picture show in Prince Rupert. Write me for particulars. H. Davis, Watertown, Wis. 137-wi Tenders Wanted For building Concrete Wall, also Stone Founda- tion. Inquire of McCaffery & Gibbons. 165-167 LAND PURCHASE NOTICES Skeena Land District— District of Coast Range V Take notice that I, George Kime of Towner, North Dakota, U. S. A., farmer, intend to apply ios persian to purchase the following described nia: Commencing at ,0st planted at the south- west corner of Lot 2287, thence east 84 chains, thence south 40 chains, thence west 40 chains thence south 40 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence north 80 chains to point of commencement containing 480 acres more or leas. Dated July 15, 1911 GEORGE KIME Pub. July 25. Fred B. Cowell, Agent Skeena Land District—-District of Coast Range V Take notice that I, Peter Larsen of Towner, North Dakota, U. 8. A., farmer, intend to apply iy permenon to purchase the following described lauds: Commencing at a post planted at the south- east corner of Lot 1729, thence south 80 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence north 80 ch: thence east 40 chains to point of commencement. Dated July 15, 1911. PETER LARSEN Pub July 25, 1911. Fred E. Cowell, Agent Skeena Land District——District of Coast Range V Take notice that I, John Evenson of Prince Rupert, laborer, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following deseri lands: Sommencing at a post planted at the south- east corner of Lot 4415, thence north 80 chaing thence east 60 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 60 chains to point of commenceme:t. Dated July 13, 1911, JOHN EVENSON Pub. July 25. Fred E. Cowell, Agent Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range V Take notice that I, Peter Erickson of Priice Rupert, laborer, intend to apply for permis. ion to purchase the following described lands: Soramencing at a post planted on the north bank of Williams Creek where the railway right- of-way crosses and 3 chains back from the creek bank, thence south 30 chains, thence east 40 chains, thence north 30 chains, thence west 40 chains to point of commencement. Dated July 7, 1911. PETER ERICKSON Pub, July 25. Fred E. Cowell, Agent Skeena Land District——District of Coast Range V Take notice that 1, Benjamin A. Fish of Towner, . D., occupation merchant, intend to apply jot perraieeg to purchase the following dameinel nds: Commencing at a tt planted on the east boundary and about five chains from the south- east corner of Lot 4484, thence north 60 chains, thence east 30 chains, thence south 60 chains, thence west 80 chains to point of commencement. Dated June 24, 1911, BENJAMIN A, FISH Pub, July 25. Fred E. Cowell, Agent Skeena Land District-—-Distriet of Coast Range V Take notice that I, Adolph H. Christianson of Towner, North Dakota, occupation attorney- at-law, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following descr lands: Commencing at a t planted about one and one-half miles (1 1- Pnortheast of the head of Trout River on the west side of Lakelse Lake, and about 5 chains from the lake-front, thence south 80 chains, thenee west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to point of commencement. ADOLPH H, CHRISTIANSON Dated June 30, 1911. Fred E,. Cowell, Agent Pub. July 26, Skeena Land Distriet—District of Coast Range V gat pees thst I, Paul nm of Prince upert, rer, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following deasnihed lands: ‘ommencing at a post planted on the north bank of Williams Creek about 50 chains south- east from RK. R., thence south 40 chains, thence east 40 chains, thence north 40 chains, thence west 40 chains to point of commencement. Dated July 7, 1911. PAUL HAGEN Pub, July 26. red E. Cowell, Agent _Mhites Portland Cement... G. C, EMMERSON AGENT Phone 125 Naden Block Second Ave| et 0 Os as OOO Te Oy | assified Ads. LOOKING OVER— | | | Do away with this. Patronize a white laundry. White labor only at Pioneer Laundry. Phone 118, New Solid Ladies LIBERAL PAPER William Templeman will star the publication of # morning paper in this city as soon as_ possible. The newspaper will be known as the ‘Morning Sur.’’ Incorpora- and it is hoped to have the paper election campaign. (Canadian Press Despatch) London, July 27.—At Lloyds, the war risks against hostilities between Gritain and Germany LEATHER BAGS Crocodile, Morocco, Etc. oeooee THE CORRECT STYLES Watches Souvenirs Jewelry seeeee OFFICIAL WATCH INSPECTOR FOR G.T.P. R. W. Cameron & Co. Cor. 6th St. and Second Avenue, PHONE 82 Notice Take notice that the partnership consisting of Angus D. McInnis and Frank Kelly, Contractors carrying on a street contracting business in the City of Prince Rupert, in the Province of British Columbia, under the name of “McInnis & Kelly’ was dissolved on the 15th day of July, 1911. All Habilities of the partnership are to be paid by Angus D. McInnis. A. D. McINN{IS, FRANK KELLY Dated at Prince Seger this 17th day of July,1911 65-17! The Board of ? Railway Commissioners, for Canada will hold7a sitting at Prince Rupert, B. C., on or about the 19th day of August, 1911, at the hour of 11 o'clock in the forenoon for the purpose of hearing matters, applications, or complaints filed with the Board and served upon the parties interested in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Board. By Order of the Board, A. D. CARTWRIGHT, Board of Railway > Commissioners for Canada. Dated at Ottawa this 26th Day of June, 1911. $500 $800 Fire, Life and Accident Insurance. JOHN DYBHAVN Pattullo Block, ry Cash buys furnished hotel with 20 rooms. Price $1000. Cash buys fine residence property including House on 9th Avenue, Section 5, Cash buys a nice lot in Section 7, Balance $25 a month, Furnished Hotel for Lease. Good Fresh Groceries at City Prices. OUR GROCERIES are Fresh and First-Class Goods only. Give us your next order for a trial. Phone 228 Black Only Reliable Patent Medicines are sold by us. We don’t carry ‘‘fake’’ ORB 4 oth 4 8 Toilet Articles and Preparations, Per- fumes. geek rg When you're in our store drink at the Fountain. : : : : C. H. Orme ‘THE PIONEER DRUGGIST”’ Second Ave. Phone No, 82 Quill Drivers vs. Comets at the Auditorium Thursday evening, July 27th. Game called at 8.45 sharp. Admission 25¢c. Skating after the game. Mussallem & Company Mussallem & Company 5th Ave., East of McBride | jwithin the next three months jhave risen rapidly from 5 to 8 per cent. In some cases 10 per | cent has been paid. In the case of France and Germany 12 per cent has been paid. REDEMPTORIST CHANGE Order in Canada Raised to Dig- nity of Province-—Father Let- tereaux is Provincial. (Canadian Press Despatch) Montreal, July 27.—An impor- tant change in the Redemptorist Order came into effect today where- by the which hitherto has been a vice-Provinee order in Canada of Belgium is raised to the dignity of a separate Province of Canada. The Letter- eaux of Beaupre. Provincial is Father FIRE AT ENDERBY King Edward Hotel Destroyed During Lunch Hour Yester- day—-Damage $4,000. (Canadian Press Despatch) Enderby, B. C., July 27.—At lunch hour yesterday the King Edward Hotal which was a brick fire the structure caught on Before was extinguished damage to the of between four veneer the upper floor. fire extent three and thousand dollars was done. Look for the Slate If you see the Slate trade mark on the sole of a shoe, it means it is a Slater and therefore the best. The Acme Clothirg Score have a new stock of Slater Shoes Establish Big Monastry Whitney, Cal., July 26.—To establish one of the largest mon- and Catholic in America, a Catholic order is ne- asteries schools gotiating or the purchase of Whit- ney ranch, near here. Her Endearing Terms Pottsville, Pa., July 26.—‘‘Blad head,” “blockhead,” and ‘hypo- crite,” were terms applied to Dr. J. C. Biddle by his wife which led to @ divorce here today. Saw Himsel’; Fainted Pittsburg, Pa., July 26.—See ng himself in mirror for the time in his life, Jacob Steinman, an 80 year old hermit o Reserve township, fainted first and then trimmed his three foot beard. FIGHT FOR TENNIS FINAL Championsof British Columbia and Ontario do Battle for a first or Bb. B. lot Pu B. for north, chains chains, point of co more or less Ont." LAND , ‘Mission to purchase ¢) c » e PUR( the easterly limit of said No. 36260 40 chain | Goose Bay, @ dustance } thence norther!y | 40 chains more of lees, ¢} | More or less to point of comm 160 acres mote oF lens Dated March 7, 191) Pub, Apri 7 alo tion has already been consummated | gyeena Land Detrict Take notice that Rupert, Bb, C issued in time for the Dominion | fot permission to purchase Commencing at « post yecupatic Commencing at a miles south and two the White and Fiat rive thence west 80 chains. Dated April 20, 1911 Pub May 18 Skeena Land District Take not ce that |, Joe Jack B. C., occupation carpenter ° oe to purchase the following mm Skeena Land District Take notice that Lettie \ occupation married wor apply for permission to ; described lands Commencing at West corner 100 chains from the northeast Survey, Coast District, Mar south, thence 50 chai thence 40 chain south, thence 40 chai cement, containing 4 Dated May Pub. May 6, ec i9il Skeena Land District Take notice that J. H. C., occupation o Stanley Skeena Land Take notice that | Rupert. B.( to apply for pert described lends Commencing and 120 chain 3, Com iT Date Mar b. At Skeena Land } istrict Take notice (he occupation carp C., 4, 1911 to apply for permisa described lands Commencing # a | miles weet and one of Stanly Creek, Nades chains, thence west chaina, thence east 4 Dated March 17, 1911 Pub. April 22. Skeena Land District tr Take notice that Frank | Ont, occupation bookkee; ‘or permiasion to purchase t ands: Commencing Gkeens Land Distric Take notice that occupatior permission to pure! ‘ands: Commencing at « west corner of Lat ! more or leas, thence » thence west 50 chains 46 chains more or jess t containing 140 acres m« Dated March $1, 1911 bl Pub, April 15 mission to pu lands: Commencing at & por south and one 1) mile and Flat rivers, th chains east, chains west Dated April 15, 191) Pub. May 14. Rupert, 4 intends to apply fo following described |« Commencing miles and one-hal! from the mouth of thence west 50 ch« thence east 80 chai Dated Mareh |7, | Pub. April 22. thence Skeena Land Vistrict Take notice that Cc, at Skeena Land | ply for B. d lanc Commencing #! © south and two mil and Flat rivers, ‘ east 80 chains, west 80 chains Dated April 20, 19 Pub, May 1s. c., or permine bed lands Commencing at * weat corner of Lot | thenee east thence west thence west 10 chai point of commenceme!! 40 chains, { Take notice that | Rupert, B. C., Keser ce per ihb st Skeena Land Distric! Take notice tl at | Bugert apply deseri $1 cha & the shore at a post miles west and two mur Creek where Harbor, Graham Island, thence 80 chains east, thence 80 chains west and contaning 640 acres Dated Mareh 17, 191) Pub. April 7. Dist SHASR NOTICE FOR ANCOU ER Tak Joaat Range & Lar b>: y V veo and Dist gumicalurs, oc! Yhat 1, John pm . for ion car ation farmer, intend” pt Kile re f to New Paper to be Called the Commencing at » pox ane avert “Morning Sun” to be Started Soom 40 ening eeene saat 20 chats -Hon, W. Templeman Said Dated Mareh 1s, 1b" ° cornaecamant Uae to be Interested in It. —— HN HEP BURY —— abranlant itt dc (Canadian Press Despatch) pn ra gh Mech Bromine, tation Vancouver, July 27.—A com- “Gpumenaee ae a ee toiowg pany composed of the leading Gwen Sev, Shout threesighta ry local Libercls headed by Hon. Soest ee Mer toctgendery 1 thence » thence ¢ {4 more op t Goong ty ence wester| Y 40 chaing meat, Containing SRY QUEENAN District of ( tet of Quesn © ‘ Prinze a he - nds to Apply ‘DG Geser bed George a bu miles west and two miles » rth of tee teres - — — Stanley Creek where it emption eee a Harbor, Graham Island, thence 60 emi, Nie WAR RISKS RISING thence 80 chains west, thence 80 chains tort thence 60 chans east to ; oH eon: + pod and containing 640 acres more ores Dated March 17, 1911 GEORGE PRizzEy, Lloyds Increase German Rate | P49"? Numa Demers, Apeat to 8 Per Cent, and Franco- paitemma Land District —Disriet of Cam ‘ake notice that | lrancis 5 aon af German to 12 Per Cent. Rupert, B. C., occupation proayenne tt tam apply lor ‘perrmiasion to purchase the fone noe deseri lands; ~ NOW FRANCIS §. PRESTON District of Coast Range § oa Privee Kepat, “poly lor Gescribed Commencing at a post planted abow . one-half miles distant in « ¥» ay en from @ blind slough from Observatory [alet whey the same touches the Indian Heserve thence ag 80 cha na, thence u chains, thence south 50 mencement, containing 64 Dated April 14, i911 Pub. May 13. th westerly ¢ th 50 cb District « px 6, Harvey's ‘ cag or Di Isla mile south from the mes® ‘ € Mra. J REE & a @ewan stab i ret