THE DAILY NEWS. rRI.NCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Punllshed Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue U, F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period paid In advance For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year By mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per inch per insertion Local readers, per insertion, per line Classified advertising, per wordper Insertion Contract rates on application. Editor and Reporters' Telephone Advertising and Circulation Telephone DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations OUR DEMOCRACY m British Columbia .... 88 98 VANCOUVER HREWERIES Limited Also Brewers and Bottlers of: Dutch Girl and U.I1.C. Bohemian Beers and Cream Stout 5.03 .10 3.00 9.00 1.40 .25 .02 Friday. Jan. 26, 1934 While we like democracy better than any other system of government that has yet been devised, we all have to admit that it has many weaknesses and is not by anyj means an ideal form of government. Take our own city ai an instance. Here in Prince Rupert we had an election in ;the autumn from which we have not yet fully recovered, v Now we are to endure another election probably during the coming summer or before. A member for the Federal Parliament has to be elected and the contest is likely to b& a hot one, with probably three candidates in the field. This will unsettle business, cause a certain amount oi ill-feeling and result in nothing in particular. The affairs of state, will still carry on no matter who is elected. In the city: things are different. The commissioner carries on his work quietly and efficiently without causing any of those annual disturbances in the form of elections. In spite of the unpleasant adjuncts of the democratic system it should be possible to treat an election much like we should a football match between rival teams. The difficulty is that the game of politics is tainted with profes-' sionalism. Drop into a party meeting on either side and it is usual to find a large number of those present are men who are getting something from the government or who expect to get something. They are not actuated by motives of public interest but by self-interest. That is one reason for the springing into life of the various new groups and parties who hope by changing the method to rid the country of the selfish hangers on. At a time like this it is incumbent on those who. wish td see.good government to take a prominent part in the acti vities of the various political parties in order that the work of organization and administration of party groups be not left with those who are using the parties for their. own personal benefit. That is the only way to save the old parties a'wF the present system from sure destruction. Keep a Carton Handy for Daily Use with Meals PILSENER LAGER Largest sales of any bottled beer v brewed and sold This advertisement Is not publisned or displayed by the Liquor Control Board ur hv tha Government of Urltlnh Columbia Daily News Want Ads Bring Results BASKETBALL 1 LAST NIGHT X. It. A. Tmik Measure of Kairns In Exciting Senior League Contest Senior League C. N. R. A., 39; Kalens, 34. Intermediate League School, 20; Merchants, 22. Ladles League Cardinals, Comets, 9. High 11; Junior League Flashes. 5; thians, 9. It being Burns' nisht last night the basketball attendance was not what might be called large although the hoop squads put on some good games. Scythians defeated Flashes in a low scoring hard checking Junior League game 9-5. In the Ladies' League the Cardinals and Comets staged a grand struggle and, up until two minutes before the final gun went, it, was a- tie score and then Sue Bod-die sank the winning shot. ! Lindsay scored ten points for the Merchants and that is why thei Students lost in the Intermediate! League. Armstrong had his eye cut I In a questionable collision wlth: Moxley. Hungerford's men were lueky to beat the Kalens in the Senior League. It was a close exciting contest. It was hammer and tongs right from the start with the Kalens playing the better floor game although Conductor Johnson kept his train crew in hand most of the way. Eight minutes before time the score was tied 12-12 and then Bullet Scott sank three to put his crew ahead four points at the interval ,18-14. Four minutes of the second half was gone when C. N. K. A. tied the score. The Kalens tied it up again with seven minutes left to play and It was still tied at five minutes to play. Smith sank a penalty and a field goal and Santerbane converted another to put the game on Ice. Senior League C. N. R. A. '391 E. Smith 9I, Johnson 6), C. Smith (4). Nelson, Morrison ilOt, Santerbane HO). Kalens I34 Stcffensrud (4), Jcott 8. Wingham (21, Mitchell -15. Tobey. Kelsey 15). Intermediate League High School (20 Nakamoto HI), Miller, Moxley (2), Morgan, Santerbane I5, Tooey, Davles 2) Merchants (22i Blake 5, Armstrong, Greer, Ivarson 7), Lindsay 10). Ladle League Cardinals III Lowe (9), Brand, Rlvett, Stone, BoddVe (2). Eva Morris, M. Morris. C0mt 19) Steen , E. Morris 4). Smith, Tlte 2, DSekens 2. McLeod. Junior League Flashes S McMeekln, Hill, Mc-Phee. Palmer 5), Ritchie, Cromp, Fulton. Scythians () A. Gillls, Murray H, Comadlna, Dominato ?), Mon-tensano (6). SKI CLUB HAS MEET F. A. MacCallum Elected President At Annual Session Last Night The annual meeting of the Mount Oldfleld Ski Club took place last night In the City Hall, the president. Dr. H. O. Johnsen, in the chair. There was a large attendance and the members were enthusiastic I Officers were elected as follows Honorary President, Dr. H, O. Johnsen. President, F. A. MacCallum. Vice-President, P. A, Sunderland Secretary-Treasurer, Miss Ruth 0111 let. Directors Miss Mary MeRae, L. J, Blain, William Elklns and B. E. Bailey. Club Captain, John Fredhelm, CJOLD MUCK UNCHANGED WASHINGTON, D.C., Jan. 20: The United State Treasury pree of gold remained unchanged THE DAILY NEWS 'SPORT' LEGION IS LEADING Fur Out of Six Matt-he Played In Last Night's Fixture Four out of six games were played In last night's Billiard League fixture between Canadian Legion and Empress, the veterans, as a result. takmg an aggregate lend of 74T to 703. One more game between John May and Ellis Morris was played In the fixture from Tuesday night of Grotto vs. Elks. Morris winning 200 to 172. leaving the Grotto still in the lead 072 to 859 with one more game of George Howe, Grotto, vs. William Stuart. Elks, yet to be played. Individual scores were as follows In the Legion vs. Empress match last night: G. P. Tinker. Canadian LesUin, 200; A. Donald, Empress, 162. J. J. Judge. 173: M. E. Young. 200. Charles Baptle. 200; M. M. Mc- Lachlan. 141. Alex Harvey. 169; Pete Prttchard, 200. Oames remaining to be played are as follows: Alex Murray. Canadian Legion, vs. W. E. Williscroft. Empress, and M. M. Lamb vs. J Sutherland. 1 SPORT CHAT Leaving the idle Chicago Hawks In the third notch, the New York Rangers and Detroit Red Wings were sharing first place honors m tre Amertean Division of the National Hockey League as a result of Tuesday night's play wicn the former defeated the Ottawa Senators and the latter the Boston Brutna,: both; by decisive scores oi 5 to 2 and 3 ,U I respectively The Toronto Maple Leafs further increased their unquestioned supremacy In the International Division, where the first place Issue, at least, has long since assumed the appearance of a walk-away, as a result of an 8 to 4 victory over the Montreal Maroons In the bli?-.oring spree so far this Returns to Stage MBIJY IIOLMAN REYNOLDS PHILADELPHIA, Penn., Jan 26:- Llbby Holman Reynolds, hutky-votced "torch singer" and widow of young Smith Reynolds, tobacco millionaire, who died mysteriously at Winston-Salem a year or so ago, is believed to be planning to return in Broadway to resume li?r theatrical career. inrrn nr" Tim Friday, January 28. 134 MUTUAL LIFE Assurance Company OF CANADA- EttMlthnt lUt 64th Year Of Unbroken Progress Amount Written Off II1 Value of DoikU at l'roviilin Ux VAAe ftt.OGl.M , .. . ) PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Jor thf Yrttr F.ndlnt DrvrmUr JJji, 1933 . . ' i . ' Surplut rn.j at IWeinWr 3Ut, Vttl, rmitUting f: ' 'if Free Surplus for Gmtiiiteunrt f337 ftg -.g)1 INCOMK - I'rriiiiuiiit (uet) ...... $ lit, 125,7 6H. 13 Iiilrr-it anl Hrntu (aftrr further ile(luc- , . T lin.f JI2l.).t2.0t for Hi!.le Kw. of . " 1 , '' inlrrrtl xi farm Mrteage) 6,M6,ftt.l2 Su.lniwnUrv ContmrU .... 2,6tl.,)27.23 , 1'roiit ami Apitrreiatioii M ihi Irilzrr At VI. 10S.ITJ . -$27,7l6.155.67 ; KXPKMimiKllS AMI) HUSKKVUS IValfi ami DUaliiUty Claim, In turn! KatloHiurnlM, liirreiilerfl Pnlirie, ' . Siiiilriurntay Omlrarl.. ele . ' Inrrra-in Actuarial KerramlAmKiiitt '.;' . lWtiHii)eiHNiit ...... 6Jl25,ona.u) . " 0iniiiiiiiii,Taif4iulOiirralF.j-iiM- 3,32Dj7U) ! au.l l)rrr lrl;;fr ArU iJ4 ' "u. AutountiWr ttenOirHfa.IOUicel'rr uue 50.IKM.IM , , 2,-ns,ni.72; SurplmKarninfiJorYtar ....... $ Stfljjj9pS Special CJrnrpt: ; -V AiMitioml Sjircifie Heiervr tgiimt ! rf Priivoipnl on Mortfifr and SU Afrrriiimtt . ....... 227,116.61 ,97 Net AhiiNintTranrerrril to SurfJiM rutuls j 1,2,'37.71 1 IJW.W.TI Total V $-,6l7,l6l.W lfJtirt: I'ai.l or AlUtr.l to l,..lioli..rr Wrr2.WJ.6I Surfitui t'undt a at I Wnnltrr 3II, VlXA, roui.iitg of: ' . Oeneral lnrtment Krrvr i J 2tijM).M Free Surplus for CDntiuiti ....... 4,32568.117 W2W6A.07 Outstanding Jautures oj 19X1 $tutvmvnt Asfttiraiire in font- 1NCHKASKI) to - , $5I1U21JJ36.00 Nw Assurances paiil-for $ K),U:iU,ftOU.O() Total Auetft INCItKASK I) to . ... $131207.511 DiviilMIItU To PolithoMrr (Anmi-laml Deferre.l) $ 4,406,7970 Sjicrial He?ervrs anil Surplus Funds available for Contingencies. . $11,91720.01 A Purely Mutual Company The principle of mutuality ha aj:ain been justified by the gratifying surplus earnings during tbc past year which permit the continuation of the uuiipie record which the Company Iiua maintained throughout its entire hutory of kixtyfour years in the field of low cost life insurance. RECORD OF PROGRESS .. Huuim l)i.l.lfiul. I'.ll TeUl PiTintntt hi PiilictholJr to Pulitliulilri I2.570.K21 tl7.7al.107 163 I212.K211 1913. $22,252,721 $87,392,027 $355,6118 91196,115 1933 813,912,S0n $51,521,336 34,406,797 $17,391,769 Tlie ftth Annual Meeting of the l'oli:hoh!rrs will he held on Thursday, February 1st, 1931, at the Head Oilier, Waterloo, Ontario. R. O. McCulloch, PmiJenl. W, II. Som;rvim. Onerol Manar. The AUCTIONEER Packlne Crating Wrapping & General rurnlture Kepaln Ltat your gOMi with m . rbone RUck 121 OEO. J. DAWES COAL! COAL! Our Fatnoui Edton, Alberta and Uulkley Valley CoaU are guaran-teed to give satisfaction. Try a ton ot No. 1 Buttley Valley, We alao aell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oata and Barley; Prince Rupert Feed Co. II fhontf III For Your Health Cntroprartlc Ultra. Violet Kaya Intra Kd Ilayi Maaaaga Al( at Reasonable Prices W. C, ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Oreen til Phones Orern SO Kichange Block