PAQE POUR Sp5 PI TT We Accept Gity Script Ski Boots Men's and Ladies' Ski Boots at less than 35c on the dollar, wholesale. No better values than this hare ever been seen in Prince Rupert. Bridge Lambs less C1 (itZ shade . 3TOt Children's Sleds at cost Kaien Hardware A Satisfactory Place to Shop PHONE: 3 S. R. S. - 1 une in lopics HIGH LIGHTS WEDNESDAY 6:30 John McCormlck, KOMO, 7:00 Fred Waring Spot Prog., KOIN, 8:30 One Man's Family, . KOMO... 9; 30 Waltz Time, KOMO. THURSDAY 6:00 Band of 65th Regiment, CRCV, CFCN. 6:30 Radio Theatre Play Pltz, KOMO. 7:00 Camel Program, KOIN. 8:15 Standard Music Hour, KOMO. 9:00-rtBlue Monday Jam-bouree, KOIN. FRIDAY 6:00 Phil Harris Lets Listen Prog., KOMO. 6:30 Melodic Strings, Alex s Chauhaldln, CRCV, CFCN. . 7:00 Swift Revue, KOIN. 8:00 Don Pedros Gypsies, CFCN. and Remember We offer you . t modern, efficient and reliable Radio Service Superior Radio Service Phone Blue 320; 336 2nd. Ave. LOOK FOR THE TOWER Police Magistrate Decision Reversed Judge W. E. Fisher Convicts Frank Gomez on Charge of Taking Motorvehicle Without Consent of Owner Reversing a decision of Magls- DICTATOR British Labor Party Would Repu. dlate Any Member Advocating Such LONDON, England, January 26 The British Labor Party's strong repudiation of any member advocating a dictatorship If Labor returns to power was emphasized at a special meeting. Hunters! Sportsmen! Have your trophies mounted by an expert. Bear rugs mounted In any style. Game heads a specialty. All work guaranteed first class. FURS MADE UP Write For Prices E. Dix, Taxidermist Terrace, B.C. RATE SMASHING REDUCTIONS All shoes and rubber footwear cut down to less than cost. We sell for less. Let us save you money. We carry everything in footwear for the entire family. We have just received a large shipment of high grade shoes in all widths from A to EEE in fine black kid Oxfords and one-strap. No need to say you have an expensive foot. Come in and let us fit you. RUBBERS: We have a large stock selling at 35 less than anywhere else in the city. WOMEN'S Overshoes Special, Women's Kubber Overshoes, a clearing line QQp regular $1.95, at "TILLIE THE TOILER" Zippers Special, Women's Black and Brown highest grade Cash mere Zippers regular $2.95 at Heavens alive; VAlllAT'Q Til ics 1TILHE. TILLIE. p $1.95 CUT RATE SHOE STORE STOCK CLEAN-UP SPECIALS 12 Guage Shot Shells 2 boxes CO Qff for ... NEW FEE IMPOSED Chimney Fires Will Now Cost 55 Unless Sweeping Has Been Done Within Year Previous Clty Commissioner W. J. Alder announced thik mnrnlnfr thai a late McClymont in city police autrM&z. bylaw was to De prepared ,-.ourt, Judge W. E. Fisher, in , tag the flre department to impose uounty Court this morning, on ap-; a,f of ee & for runs to chlmney lTt.y peal of the crown, found Frank! fee to be applicable unless it Gomez guilty on a charge of taking can be shown that the chlmneIn a motorvehicle without consent ofwhlch such a fire K has bn its owner, sentence being reserved , swept wlthln a lor to tne until this afternoon. City Solicitor ! cau E. F. Jones appeared for the it is pointed out that in Victoria crown The incident A. which out. ! there a charge of $10 for sucn g the charge arose occurred some Un, ln Vancouver $15 and in Seat-months ago, the car concerned be- tie and Portland $25 to $50. longing to W. R. McAfee. commlssloner ha, been ac. tuated In his decision to Impose the 41 fTfi'T' ;'ee DV tne excessive number of j. A 1 1 A I Pi N I i chlmney fls there have been here , x 0( iate ln j933 alone th h been 49 such calls out of a total for the year of 104. Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operattor three Dry Deki Total capacity II.IM ttis Shipbuilders and Ship Repairer for Bteel and Wood Vessels Iron tad Brass Cat ting Electric and Acetylene Welding ll-toa Derrick for Heavy LUU awmlU and MlnlngMacblnery Repaired and Overhauled Ves, Mr ,1'JLB OAZLT KEWS GREAT VALUE OLD FAIRY OF SALMON When Canned It Is Almost as Good As Cod Liver Oil, Providing Vitamins, Iodine, Hone And Tissue Best Is Thrown Away II. L. Brocklesby Explains In Lecture How Fish Fills Almost Every Need ot Human Body The value of canned salmon as a j food, particularly for growing children, was emphasized yesterday afternoon in an address to the Rotary Club at its regular weekly luncheon in the Commodore Cafe, John Dyb-havn presiding. Salmon contains the proteins essential for the replacement of tissue. It contains an abundance of vitamin, D. in the oils and the bony part of the fish provides the calcium-phosphate which Is necessary for development of the bones, particularly the teeth. There is also an iodine content which is valuable and which greatly exceeds the iodine content of butter and eggs. The vitamin D. in the oil of canned salmon is about 90 of that contained in cod liver oil. As the amount of vitamin in the salmon depends upon the amount of oil It COLDS C.W.i Mixfrf'M and Htkal M. CImm CX4i ad Sot Tarvxi II.M, Ums rub wtt imim af cid fnt. Ral rlif , quickly T CK1HC DF PAlir3 FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 PRINTING Office Supplies Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 Mi TALE HERE The beloved fairy tale fantasy Alice in Wonderland," with Alice, the Cheshire Cat. the Oarden Frog, the White Knight. Humpty Dumpty, King of Hearts, the Mock Turtle, the Mad Hatter. Twecdlcdee and Tweedledum, the March Hare and all the other funny people, will come to life on the screen of the Capitol Theatre here this week-end In the talking plcturliitlon cf the famous story. The cast which portrays the immortal story is, indeed, a notable one with Charlotte Henry, from Brooklyn, N.Y., who was selected for the part 'after a five months' search, in the title role and others inVludlng such first rank stars as Richard Arlen The Cheshire Cat i, Rosco Ates iThe Flshi, Gary Cooper (The White Knight. Louise Fazenda "The White Queen , W. C. Fields iHumpty Dumptyt. Skeets Oallagher The White Rabbit), Cary Orant IThe Mock Turtle. Edward Everett Horton The Mad Hatter). Roscoe Karns Tweedle-dee. Baby LeRoy Joker . Luclen Llttlefield "Father William's Sont. Mae Marsh 'The Sheep). Polly Moran 'The Dodo Bird), Jack Oakle Tweedledum). Edna May Oliver The Red Queen , May Robson The Queen of Hearts). Charlie is very desirable to retain the oll'Ruggles iThe March Hard. Jackie when using the fish. A large pro- Searl Dormouse. Allison Skip-portion of the desirable elements worth The Duchess . Ned Sparks iare found ln the skin so that not The Caterpillar! and Ford Stcrl-only the oil but the skin should be ing 'The White Kingi. I retained as food. The person who In adidtion to "Alice in Wonder- throws away the bone, the skin and land, one of the best double plc-the oil Is throwing away all the ture bills that has ever been prc-most valuable part of the fish. sented here includes an exciting Mr. Brocklesby told of the varla- Za"e Grey Western "Life In the tlons in characteristics of species wltr plenty of excitement ln nature and particularly in sal- and featuring Georjc OBrlen, mon which enabled them to tell Claire Trevor and Greta Nlsscn Ik. 1.1. ! apiJiuAUUdiciy wticic ujc iuu was caught, and how long it was out of the water before being canned. The ' ni"iBiiB!i variations largely corresponded to! the differences ln climate and the nature of food. Not only was there a difference between each species of salmon but a difference between salmon taken ln the Skeena River and thosq taken in the Fraser. They were now working on the halibut with a view to ascertaining exactly how lorigr halibut had been out of the wateV when sold at the dock. This was done through a study of the enzlnes of the fish. Decomposition set ln directly the fish were out of the water and continued steadily, the speed of decomposition varying with the temperature. MUSSALLEM'S STORE Is Your Store. Real Bargains. Call In and See For Yourself JAP ORANGES Just arrived. Order early, only 2U boxes ()A per box EGGS, 2 doz. UAC'UN, 1 lb. LETTUCE 2 for CELERY for ; 2 for APPLES- -Wagner Household, per box LIFEBUOY SOAP This Is the best buy yet, per doz. iLUX FLAKES Small j 3 for 'aiNOER SNAPS-Fresh stock. 5 doz. I PEAS- -Orchard City 3 tins 65c FRY'S CHOC O CREAM-Sweeten- ed Healthful Drink To clear, per lb. MINCE MEAT 2's per tin GRAPE NUTS FLAKES 2 pkgs. SHELLED WALNUTS 1 4s per lb. PEANUT BUTTER Novelty Tumblers Mac Gets the "Breaks" 15c 15c S1.75 85c 25c 15c 35c 47c 27c 23c 26c 19c MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents' H7-19 Third Avenue West P.O. Box 575 Phone 18 9 FRIDAY Si SATURDAY TWO SHOWS 7 & 8:25 Admission 15c & 50e SATURDAY MATINEE at 2:30 15c & 35c H VJHATT ARB VMIJ t PUv jflH QOMWA HO ABOUT XXA W I 1 VrJBtkaS V "HOVO T TO J AvO ip s; fH I fp mPw k Z' ) ' -W.Lrl-L y , , , y . ClJUL HMM- LOOK. AT tmatX IV CLCSbD UP A HO 1 IN HAUF tlitl'lt k k hi tin may and TtLvhi, and "LIFE OP jm DOLAN" The World's Ilcst Known Story Drought to Lifc "Alice in Wonderland The Most Amazing Spectacle liver Screened Added Feature Loin Rst. Lamb, It (7 10,.; With CHAKLOTTK IIKNKY and The (ircatesl CaJ Ever Assembled. A Paramount Picture George O'Brien in "Life in the Raw" Also MKTKO NliWS L3 Saturday's DIAMOND T SPECIALS! LOCAL doz. . . FRESH EGGS Ayrshire Bacon, lb. 35c J Sliced Sunnybrook Nutter a lbs :s.1c Fresh Killed Poultry Koastinp Chickens lb. 2Sc Rolling Vow, lb. . VEAL Ieg Roast Veal, lb 25c Loin Koast Veal, lb. ..18c ShM. Koast Veal, Ik lie Hreast Veal, lb 1.0c Rump Koast' Veal, 11). 15c PORK Leg Roast Pork, lb. Ix)n Roast Ifyrk, l Shld. Roast pork, lb. Ronton Rutt tst . Ik 'Kelly Pork. 11. LAMB Si 16c Vt Shld. Roast Lamb, h. 1 'Trlmnjed ,Rrea4 Lamb lb. 12f umuf Chops, lb. l!UY IIUI.KI.KV VA!.I,BV I'ltODX'CTS a Phone Ph"e Quality Service Pionecif Riiiclirri I'JkI. l'JIO WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS V-"-MV-'SS. character wo cell -It's sure to ple&seyou very weu REPLENISHING PHONE US We havd coals suitable for all your require nicnta and at prices to suit all purees. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Rhone 618 Central Hotel American and European plan Housekeeping Rooms Wc Also Sell Coal That Gives Perfect Satisfaction Phone 51 lTffllll A. m A f NfcW KUYAL HOTEL 3. Zarelll. Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Hates 11.00 op SO Rooms, Hot it Cold WiW rnnce Rupert, 281 P.O. Box 1" By Westover, now M(c fm ? W ' 'to fc srr"7..7- : z.r i isi v:xrrnmtwmmjfrrpt U4 TOO ill I lM -W 7