Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides Prince Rupert Raining, strong ijtheast wind; barometer, 29.7u High 11:14 a.m. 19.3 ft. temperature, 46; sea rough. Low 5:18 a.m. 11.1 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL RRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 18:11 pjn. 5.0 It. XXIV No 22 V PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 1934 PKICE: FIVE CENTS PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT IS IMPATIENT OTTAWA HOUSE GETTING DOWN TO BUSINESS OF SESSION Estimates Expected To Be Presented Today in Plan to Speed Business Government Expects to (let Bulk of Legislative Program Before Parliament Enrly Next WeekNew Trade Treaties OTTAWA, Jan. 26: Hardly was the centuries-old cere monial in connection with the opening yesterday by Lord Hi borough, Governor General, of the fifth session of "ie Seventeenth Parliament of Canada completed than I'f-mii'r R. B. Bennett announced that, in line with the Has Bad Turn i.oit I itAi)i:N-i'0vi:ix LONDON. 26 Lord Robe' Ilii'ien-Powe 11. founder of ') U'i Scouts, who has been 111. k n Mltiht turn for the worse 'crday. Today's Stocks New York 8 8tecl. 5,. Ci iipral Motors, 33V Miryslcr. 56, American Telephone, 118. Nash Motor. 20. Elevtrle Auto Lite, 27 Toronto International Nickel. 22.05. Dome, 33i)0. Hollingcr, 11.00. Eldorado, 3.64. Wright llargreavca. flilO. Thox. Cadillac, ,30. Howry. .08. Uralorne. 10.75. Wheat Prices Winnipeg May. .01. July, .08. Chicago May. .C8Ti. July. .87's. September. .88' . Afraid of Being Scolded, Toronto Child Ran Away Toronto. Jan. 20: Edith Mil-nurd U. missing since Wednesday, was found wet and 111 yestcr-ay.atler !mvlnK travelled for hours jrcuchlng rain la fliht from a -'government1! plan to expedite busl- and get the session over as !neu speedily a possible, the main estl-I mates would probably be presented ' today with the government hoping to get the bulk of the more impor-j tant legislative program before the Houst- by early next week, j In adldtton to the Dominion-wide 'program of public works with a , view to relieving unemployment nd stimulatfnt economic recovery ;.,qd othMpoxtfnt legislative i.lans. the Speeeh from the Throne vcslcrday foreshadowed new trade greements with a view to bringing about expansion of Canada-Empire trade A mend menu to the Bank Ac' it was Intimated, would include pi vision for the establishment of u central bank. t No time is being wnstcd in getting down to the real business of is generally expected to be a i I very Important session and, pos-' i sibly. the last one before the next general election. ELECTION AT METLAKATLA Six Councillors Named For 1931 Willi Peter Ltljhton Chosen Acting Chairman The annual election or a native1 council for the year 1934 was con- ducted at MetlakaUa jesterday by; 'Indian Agent W. E. Colllson. the' j following being- chosen: Peter U-lghton. Henry Provost. William n. Leatk, Reuben Lelghton, James j a. Prevost and George D. Ryan. Following the election, the new council went Into session to deal with considerable business affect-h.g village affairs. Peter Lelghton was appointed acting chairman pending the appointment of the chief councillor for the year. I Edward A. Lelghton was chosen secretary-treasurer. ; Illegal Operations Alleged Against Doctor in Ontario SMITH S FALLS, Ont.. Jan. 26: Dr. William Pratt yesterday before Magistrate Sparham faced seven charges uf ncrfdrmlng Illegal oper ations and. at the request of both crown nnd defence, the hearing was adjourned for one week. Once again no bidders appeared yesterday at the adjourned sheriff's sale of the once famous Engineer mine in the Atlln district, ihc sale being further deferred until April 20, 4H BIG LOAN TAKEN UP U. S. Investors Twice Oversubscribe Billion Dollars Within Twenty-Four Hours t NEW YORK, Jan. 26:-President Franklin D. Roosevelt's billion dollar loan, first move In the administration's campaign to Yalse ler billion dollars before June 30, wa esUmated Wednesday night to have been twice oversubscribed. It had been offered to the public only one day. BLIZZARD ISENDED WINNIPEO. Jan. 26 CP Wild blizzard conditions which have been prevailing in the prairie provinces since the first of the week were reported yesterday to be moderating with the storm apparently crossing the border Into North Dakota and other prairie states which reported heavy snowfalls with subzero temperatures. Train Late and Wires Down in , Slide on Line Due to slide conditions on the.' lower Skeena River between Salvus , and Kwinltsa, It was 7 o'clock this I morning before the train due from the east at 10 o'clock last night arrived. The rotary plow had to be sent out to clear the line. Both telegraph lines have been down since yesterday afternoon and tterc was little prospect of service being restored today KIDNAPPING IS FEARED Nude .Man in Blue Coupe Believed To Have Seized Young Girl Near Niagara Falls NIAOARA FALLS, Ontario. Jan uary 2ft Police are Investigating the reported kidnapping of a young girl In the village of St. David's by a nude man In a blue coupe. How Milk Pickets Curb Delivery In;:reaing vat.daiism and mob violence marked efforts of pickets to establish a blockade around Chicago In enforcing a general milk strike that caused an acute shortage In the Windy City. Above is shown one of six milk trucks seized by pickets and sunk In the Chicago river as one answer of the strikers to proposed price cuts. Below are pickets wit teel-toothed drags on a highway near the Illinois-Wisconsin state line, part of the blockade thrown around Chicago to prevent milk deliveries. IS GIVING TO RELIEF: Premier .Mussolini Turns Oven Book Royalties To Be Used In Giving Work ROME. Italy. January 26 Pre mier Benito Mussolini, as the author of one of the best selling J books In Italy, has contributed the; royalties to relief work organized- by the Fascist party. Artificial Halibut Hatching Is Being Worked Upon Now By Commission Fish Expert SEWARD, Alaska, Jan. 26: (CP) Working on an experiment never before successfully completed, Richard Van Cleve, scientist for the International Fisheries Commission, declared that live halibut eggs "had been put under incubation in a small hatchery here and he had hopes of producing young halibut. A portable hatchery was set up here a month ago by an expedition sponsored by the commission. Mr. Van Cleve said that tentative findings bv the commission had also disclosed that halibut, instead of decreasing, were apparently increasing in Mr. Van Cleve is a son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pillsbury of this city. His wife is at present visiting here. , MART WAS LISTLESS But Some Gains Shown in Late Tradlnr On New York Stock Market Yesterday V NEW YORK. January 26-Motor and motor accessory issues, led a late rally after early llstlessness In the stock market yesterday, .earllei losses of a fraction to around a point or more being reduced or changed Into similar gams. The industrial average at closing was 106.85. off 17: rails, 4857. off .23. utilities, 26.89. off M, and bonds. 88.91. up .001. Jewish Patriarch Fined For Having Mash in Possession MONTREAL, Jan. 26; -Chief Justice Perrault found a Jewish patriarch guilty of having "mash In his possession from which alcohol could be made" and fined him $280 ' and costs. Foreign Exchange Swindle Charged BUENOS AIRES, Jan. 28:-Seven persons have been arrested on charges of conducting a foreign exchange swindle here involving more than $320,000. Chief Executive Gets Tired of Senatorial Delay on Gold Bill Vote in Upper House on Dollar Devaluation Measure is Expected Today Victory For Administration With Defeat of Silver Amendment is Expected WASHINGTON, D.C., Jan. 26:-President Franklin a noosevelt has intimated that he is tired of continued ef-i forts in the Senate to interfere with the passage of his gold ; till and dollar devaluation measure. The latest move on the part of the obstructionists has been an amendment to provide for the setting up of a board of control on the proposed stabilization fund. 2. rVDADTIXir1 Wilh admlnlstrallon forces gath r.ArllKllnll'i erln8 themselves together with a a-n a I vsviiitu view to gettlng tne meajure throug fT2 DT k ATPO without delay a vote was being ex- I Ur I LAIN EjiI PtcOta the Senate by today. Ali: ierlty Leader Robinson threatened yesterday, if the bill was not pasted I Oreat Britain Permitted To Sena today, to hold the Senate in session Fighting Airplanes Any Where over Saturday. Passage of the pre- In World , -Ident's bill with defeat of t i . 'Wheeler silver amendment U pre- M.JaaiXi2ftta3ycd feely bypolltical ,. observers, 'airplanes manufacture! In QrtfAfirZaTcd largely to I Britain may bp exported without Republican criticism of the presj-speclfic government licence to ev- dent's Senator currency program. ery country In the world excepf astings of lessee deSSni j the gold bill as more acetous Rush Trapper Out After Explosion PRINCE ALBERT. Sask.. Jan. 26: C. Sandyke. Swan Lake trapper, who was Injured recently In the explosion of a barrel of gasoline 160 miles northeast of here, was rushed to hospital by an airplane piloted by Angus Campbell of Saskatoon. PROBE OF LYNCHING Three .Men Charged With .Murder As Result of Death of Negro In Kentucky HAZARD. Kentucky, January 26 Three men were arrested on murder warrants and another held for questioning as Perry County officials yesterday pressed the Investigation of the lynching of Rex Scott, a negro. Exchange Hates. New York and Montreal MONTREAL. Jan. 26: The British pound sterling was trading at $5,014 on the local foreign ex change yesterday find the United 1 States dollar at $1.00 15-16. NEW YORK. Jan. 26: The BrI-j tish pound sterling was selling at; $l.D6'i on the local foreign ex-i change market yesterday and the! Canadian dollar at 99c. I TO PROTEST i DEPORTING ! WINNIPEO. January 26 - The test against those Initiating depor- tatlon proceedings against aliens) with less than five years' residence, ' in Canada. j even man tne Bryan silver plan. WOMAN IS INDICTED Ontario Grand Jury Names Mm Eva .Miller. Erpert Marksman. " As Killer of Husband PORT DOVER. Ont. January 2 j Mrs. Eva Miller Gamble, whoe expert marksmanship gained her acess to high circles, has been named by a grand Jury as the killer of her husband, Bruce O amble, and will go on trial for hcr life. HOG MART -IS STRONG Highest Trices In Two Years 1 Reached In Toronto and Fur. ther Climb Is Anticipated TORONTO. January 28 H05 prices reached the level of JanuaQr 1931 on the local livestock market yesterday, having gained $5 In orif year. With Indications of continuing demand, market men forcast that the prices will go still higher. Football Ldttery Tickets : Seized in Montreal Raid MONTREAL, Jan. 28: Police, In a raid here, seized $300,000 worth if tickets In a lottery on Engllstv League football games. lSIIHEL MACDONALD REJECTED BY LABOR 4 LONDON. Jan. 26. The La- bor Party In South Poplar has 7 rejected Miss tshbel MacDon- aid, eldest daughter of Pre- mler J. Ramsay MacDonald, probably because of her fa- ther's break with the party at large. 4 ... . t