THE WEATHER Twenty four hours ending 5 a.m., NEXT MAILS ly 2 FOR SOUTH g0ry OT et pe ee Camosun.......... Sunday, 9 a.m, wax, TEM um 30, 090 . i For Nortu 63. Princess May......... ..Monday Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist MAOL. I, NO. 169 PRINCE Rupert, B.C., Fripay, JuLy 28, 1911. PRICE Five CENTS TILE LAD WAS LOYAL TO THE OLD UNION JACK tty Incident in 1 thee Selie Sunset Glow on Sixth Street Last Night—Curly Headed Prince Rupert Baby Boy Refuses Four-bit Bribe to Strike His Colors. aire aa ; t was warmly aglow | jiminy it was his own flag and he PARLIAMENT I STANDS UNITED! (Canadian Press Despatch.) London, July 28.---The most pessimistic views regarding the acuteness of the Moroccan crisis were confirmed by Mr. Asquith in the House of Commons last night when he read from a manu- script which had been carefully prepared, a warning to Germany NOW A Japanese Warships Total ixth s the soft evening sunshine | would fight for it! °, ¢ ° (Canadian Press Despatch) cing over ‘ean chou Challenged “TheArmy” |that Great Britain proposes to stand for what she considered are} Tokio, July 28—The palatia. n o'clock last night. You So waving his standard de- . s . ° C. P. R. steamer Empress of f hear from the barber's shop|fiantly he darted off up sina, her rights, and to maintain the balance of power in Europe. China, which for years has been uu lay back luxuriously in|street towards where to the tinkle A further testimony of the gravity of the situation is given famous on the Pacific Ocean eye tonsorial arm chair, the voices | of tambourines and rub-a-dub of \ wrecked last evening outside To- «passersby, the men talking /drum, the banner of “Blood and| by the fact that the Prime Minister obviously had taken the |kio harbor. she struck a sub- lings or street grading,|Fire’’ led on the advance of the merged rock while streaming at "tide CAE ER RAHA. Avtoy.. Wide Wired ‘leader of the opposition into the Government’s confidence, for full speed off the Nojimisak Light, ant ot Gt Aaa re ee ee nee Sa De Mr. Balfour’s declaration was no less firm than Premier Asquith’s. |" ee oe Suddenly a broac shadow | in 1is unsullied glory. ide too, Ol Awe a sula. the sunlit window,| waved that dusty old Union Jack May be Complete Wreck of excited bo ish | so proudly bo e by youn Ca ” The liner was in-bound with a re oe ask Peete Licht aldiglide the Sahation Ar. |Oarrien or @ great European war has not been heard in the British i. 1s," ilépninieil from “Sele a ee a elas igen areata gt the yung Parliament in many years. The outcome of the situation now sre ata eee mes ae ad dust nion ack |stood, ready to give ground to ’ > s leefully along none, ready to do bavle to che appears to rest almost wholly on Germany’s shoulders. rocks, and she rapidly began to : |death with any who dared at- . : ° ° fill, but there was no panic on Some Kid That Feito Uitte dite All auc The English newspapers are united in supporting the Gov-|jo2:d. The crew and passengers was a veritable veteran flag,|Giyth street, all the business end ernment. behaved with splendid presence ndard bearer was such Such plain speaking on a question so fraught with the possi- PRESS OF CHINA” IS TOTAL WRECK Famous Pacific Liner Struck Submerged Rock While Going at Full Speed Outside Tokio Harbor— Rescued Passengers and Mail—.Feared Vessel is Loss. was wrecked close by. It is feared that the Empress of China will become a total loss. Even if repairs are possible, it will take at least three months to put her into commission again. Large Passenger List The passenger list was very large, and contained a great num- ber of Vancouver people. Their names are not yet obtainable, but it is known that all are saved. The Empress of China left Van- couver for Japan on July 12th. OBSTRUCTION IS STILL IN FORCE Tactics may Result in Parlia- They strongly urge that Germany be not permitted to lof Third avenue looked on with of mind and restraint. t habv boy! is fai i : : i baby boy! His fair hait|admiration. Young Carada, live,| make any African incursion that would seriously damage Great Warships to the Rescue the ruddy sunglint, his! ¢iad, and defiant beneath the worn Brit sonal tat t The vessel's syren drew the eyes sparkled His happy land dusty folds of the dear old rl ain’ $ national interests. attention of the Japanese cruisers voice rang out in the aeon-| g., he ardel : } : iM ‘ oie Aso and Soya whi yere i ' & verdbis Sakae \flag, what freebcm Canadian, (Canadian Press Despatch) from the Mediterranea? It is|of getting a foothold in Morocco, . i d mAs ba weer ee er unconquerable challenge | , ‘ ~ ‘ Coat . : : arbor at 1ok10 é . e vorld of Youth, aaa | what lover of the old lard, Scottish, | London, July 28—.(Later)—All]| governed by a Sultan and a weeks and of keeping out all rivals. ; itslot aaa 1 ae ey » world of Youth, and Hope, | p.,.1; . : sabia Aig : ‘ ; : : : immediately steame ssis- All th English, Irish or Americen, could | ¢h¢ papers’ give proininence this|native government, and subject Nearly War in 1906 7. #2 ” = * and Joy. All the men |have feiled to admire? | C ¥ ic a a ‘ ona ie tance of the wrecked liner. Their : morning to the Morocco question. |to constant internal troubles. In 1906 the question nearly , 1 up as the laddie passed, | : a ; ‘ : ; : boats and launches were quickly ding ‘to ‘the nena THE WEATHER They say that owing to the strong Conflict of Jealousy ie d to war, owing to the inter- 1 and thet 1 ding to the boy ni p Pee ie ; a ‘ ‘ owered an e Japanese sailor : statements issued by Premier As- The great European powers are| vention of France in Moroccan a : ars cannot age out of Lag : , a Sia: Ps : ‘ saved the lives of all the passengers h and endorsed by Mr. Bal-jin a conflict of jealousy lest any . affairs being resented by Germz ps De 8 t { ‘ i quith and endorse yy i > al- é jez S) »s an} airs . Sse > y Ge 2 he best and strongest, | Fog Banks are Causing Trouble | 4¥!' : es. i ene hae® : Pir vogether with the steamer's mail. 90 ae >t D Bel four, these will tend to have a|their number secure possession|Germany’s threats over the I-| s some kid, isn’t he? own Below : s reir | The spot where the wreck oc- xclamation, and. the bat peaceful effect. of Morocco and secure themselves} geciras incident led to the re-| Li d I exclamation, anc e bar-| Neh ; ; a ; , f ; Y Jee ; curred is a dangerous one. , The Domirion Gover: ment wire The Daily Chronicle, the Govy-|there—such as for instance the]|tirement of M. Delcasse from the 2 nee ee ai m door made a jocular| , eta ‘ ; | the spring of 1907 the liner Dakota fer to the vonnebeence less stations report fog at Triangle ernment organ, has authority to]way in which Russia obt: — a|French Foreign Office and a sub- I » tne oungster. 4 ‘ oe ee ‘ . and Pachena, with dense weather | say that the international situ-|foothold in Manchuria, or Great ies quent international agreement. i ? ! . . : ‘ ; : Fe gs | : rike the Flag? Never! at Ikeda. It is clear at Skidegate | ation is easier today than it has| Britain in Egypt. Now Germany is the offender. \* + y, Kid, I'll give you four} Estevan and Cape Lazo. been for some days, when peace Interests at Stake 1To cap the list of grievances ! y { round with the Stars} The steamer Vadso was reported | was trembling in the balanc« Especial rivalry exists betwee n| which France has against her, l BASEBALL SCORES ead of that flag}in at Point Grey at 8.30 a.m. The Paris and Berlin papers| France and Germany. France is{Germany three weeks ago sent ! { | " ni : | ; ‘ oave.i ° The laddie paused. | === = === express satisfaction at the tone|facing Morocco on the other side ja warship to Agadir. This move been too young to Pte rmermsrmermmarmmarmnsemesrmes® of Mr, Asquith’s speech which alljof the Mediterranean. She has|precipitated the whole question Northwestern League , ae ; 7 A | : | Pa - . rth of patriotism or claim opens the way to a peaceful}a vital interest in seeing that] again. | Vancouver 3, Portland 1. reciate the imaginary ter- Watch for This | settlement. jher great rival does not secure | British Fleet Ready | Tacoma 4, Spokane 3. \nnexation Bogey. Cause of the Trouble | possession of Morocco. Germany| I n the present dispute, Great} Seattle 11, Victoria 4. 1 ave been only the | The Moroccan question is not|is ambitious commercially and ter-| Britain is in the attitude of back-} National League sense that ‘A Union Tn to-morrow’s edition of la new one It has agitated the|ritorially. She realises the stra-|ing up France in her resistance ( incianat 7, New York 4. hand is worth all the powers of Europe and threatened | tegic advantage of territory on the | to German aggression. Pittsburg 7, Brooklyn 0. iripes in the bush,” an exclusive interview with to turn Europe into a batilefield | Mediterranean coast of Africa. | A British fleet has been in} Philadelphia 4, St. Louis 3. imed down the offer ; ; for several years past. |And all of the great powers are|readiness since July 4th, so deli-| Chicago 8, Boston 2. disdain shaking his little head with all the of the Canadian rhey tried to tell loreign flag, a Men- but o, no, he knew an old flag, a torn dusty flag, but by Miss May Roberts, leading lady of the May Roberts Stock Company, now play- ing at the Empress Theatre. be full o Watch for hr The story will human interest. | the Daily News will appear a ! eee Ended with Ru- eball Comets have ve tails. Prince It is a tale of woe, © Quill Drivers at the (night in the second ; series of indoor n hes he At the seventh Bhe cam: kame was called off, Dre } ; 84 ,. leh Was 69-8 in favor Ee Pushers. Nuff Sod? : , le you gsvers. did cheir | . Y but the Comets ere ery ) ti ; oYish still, and thou- ai i da IOUS to score, they th< t i ! Weight and experience uil : ll Drivers really capable | ’ heir heiency is one ! ame will Cure, ord some of B Who { bOU so badly beaten ht Will yer fig f igure as for- Player > Rupert's First ETS WERE EXTINGUISHED BY QUILLDRIVERS TEAM Dead d Match of lindane Baseball League Was a Very e-Sided Affair—At Seventh Round the Game l { l { { { { { i l { { { l { o Morocco is the key to Africajalive to the commercial avdantage | cate has been the situation. } | | | FOUND BODY ON BEACH WITH WOUND ON HEAD. Body of ‘Old Geo.,” the Crab Man, Discovered by Tom Collins---Suspicions of Foul Play are Aroused---Dead Man’s Dog Kept Guard Over His Body Until Help Came---Provincial Police are American League New York 5, St. Louis 4. Cleveland 6, Philadelphia 3. Boston 9, Chicago 4. Detroit 7, Washington 1. Pacific Coast League Sacramento 7, Vernon 1. Portland 2, Los Angeles 1. ’Frisco 1, Oakland 2. ment Being Dissolved at Any Moment Now. (Canadian Press Despatch) Ottawa, July 28.—Another day devoted to an apparent obstruc- tion by the Conservatives to the Government motion to proceed vith the reciprocity proposals in the Commons has brought the inevitable dissolution of Parlia- ment nearer. It may come now any time, possibly by Saturday and certainly not later than the end of next week. TRAIN WRECK IN CAROLINA Negro Excursion Train in a Head-on Collision-—Eight are Dead and Others Dying. (Canadian Press Despatch) Charlotte, N. C., July 28.— Eight persons dead, 59 seriously injured, and 28 painfully hurt is the terrible result of a head-on collision between a negro excur- sion train and a freight in the Hamlet yards this morning. Many additional deaths are expected. Killed in Auto Wreck Pittsburg, July 28.—(Special)— Four persons were killed and sev- eral injured last night when an automobile was struck by a Penn- sylvania train at the Grade Cros- sing near the -city. DOCTOR SAW MAN’S SPIRIT AS IT LE FT DYING BODY Dr. O’Donnell of Chicago Convinced That he Witnes- sed the Flight of Life—Is an Expert Student of | . * | Score 69 to 3 : ; Spirit Phenomena Outdoor Baseball League Teams. Investigating the Matter. (Canadian Press Despatch) }aurora or electrical radiation was —, : | “hi 27.—That the/seen by the human eye. Several Today the laddies may be un- eee wh gues ; The Paige ty ceatinn |. s Chicago, July ) e) RCM LLoied by thelr chun With a bad bruise on his fore ae The body ; ’ en | was too deep for it. iflight of life from a hurnan being| persons attended his demonstra- TC ) , ) ’ , i “very ici av f > water, ar yund to é : ; ‘ who didn’t step out on the di eee head, and every suspicion of having}out of the " ite S 1 _ « * The drowned man was clad in |has been witnessed, is the assertion | tions at Mercy hospital. Using a s ne ‘ i : % ue ay ave ¢ ark as i oO 1¢ a . ‘ Ss . before siich fearful odds. The) been done to death by foul play|h ve. ween a a Soe "7 the} canvas trousers and a dark shirt, | tonight of Dr. Patrick S. O'Don-| film of dicyanin and other chem- . > suc “i ° 2 | , r . ~rab-mi . . . . ame own i an , » ° will | Id that Comets generally the body of the old _cerab TmAn, left temple. COR Onna 7 His he nds were stretched OUT) nell, a famous X-Ray expert, whojicals, held between two small Mr k rahi seananniaa , fi chair George Lichtnauer, was found lying|the face, and was oozing from}before him. A metal watch mone alleges that he actually winessed| plates of glass, he seated together make a great stir apout . ‘ i pas . ater > ave ¢ strils. The Ile i ; i AS > an : ° eo * 4 — . hen they. arrive dead in about two feet of water] the ey¢ and nostrils 1 he body showed at his shirt breast. Rev |}the spirit leaving a dying manjall the physicians admitted so ines , 2 ee: en h ; but [over on the beach at the mouth|had been about twenty-four hours] erenily he was laid in a boat and| ho was a patient in Mercy}that by looking through the screen there is nothing to thom ) hh “enol across wii » water fy i. . Peas , 7 c = . Migeing z , ine wale «: They of MeNicholl Creek across the in the water, left while me police went ashore | hospital. Dr, O'Donnel! couples|they could distinguish the auras 1aAZu yas anc oO aur. ) 7 : sed D iad . . , i XN: » ack. ea ° > . a . , f 1 to derisively as harbor this morning, close by his Pathetic Scene to examine his shack jwith his announcement an asser-jof the different subjects. The ay be reterrec oO ders ‘ ; mon y tad ‘ sus ees . ‘ reer ae Pid tatatdad-anooniing- cabin door. When the police boat, closely Food, Fresh Fish There ition that he believes that he hes|aura was shown as a_ strong ( cy anc eg “1 é . T . “ ® S88 < . yy, ; ‘ awe “ : . : oot ; > % ly i a light ai jok But The body was found by Tom} followed by a ‘Daily News’’ spec- On the beach in a crab boat} discovered what in fact censtuiives| radiation of light, surrounding the y in the light of a joke. : : 1 = : CHE : 5 phe a) Sco es : ; 3 . las in the :battl Collins, who worked with the jal launch approached the drowned close by the shack there was/the soul or spirit, at least vheleniire outline of the body and ffelost even odds in the battler) | Si nence © f ; ; ,|a sack of risions evidently : . . nas celle ' os 1 \ Hl be able Cold Storage oer anc who man, the miserable howling of a|* cy P rae ca a ently “electrical current’? which cor irols| head. In carrying on these ex- ild o vanter they wi we Adley). ‘ a mile inshore on}. ‘ oe durchased only tately. SoOM.c Can- : ars ante ’ x ; lives about . as... {little skye terrier made the raising I ee ss the actions and movements of