4 t The Family Shoe Store Third Avenue. DAILY EDITION LIMITED Phone 357 MEN! when you wear "Hartt Shoes" You Wear Canada's Best Good Skoe . New Spring Models, ah solid leather, made to ear own rigid requirements. Full combination lasts in models for business wear and for young men! Urotfiies, Calf Oxfords, Hlack Kids Sizes 5 to 12, priced from 6.50 THE DAILY NEWS. rRLNCE KCPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period paid In advance , I or lesser periods, paid In advance, per week By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and united states, paid In advance, per year , , By mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per inch, per Insertion Lcai reaaers, per insertion, per line Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters' Telephone . Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations 98 86 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister, Rev. W. D. Grant Holllngworth, RA. Organist: Mrs. E. J. Smith $5.01) .10 3.00 0.00 1.40 .25 .02 Saturday, April 21, 1934 A number of local gardeners have a month yet. If dahlias are planted their gladiolus bulbs planted and a they should be covered on cold few report them growing above 'nights when the shoots come ground. It Is quite safe to plant through the ground. thpm nnur as t.hpv tnnrt rnnstdpr- w r Hmm v-.n fim 11 AMi, Sermon Subject: "DESECRATION OF CONSECRATION" ""12:15, Sunday School 12:30, Westview School T.ZO'PM., Sermon Subject: "MAN'S GREAT ADVENTURE" 1. What ground have we for believing in personal immortality? 2. What difference does it make as long as we live as we should In this life All visitors welcome. AT THE MOOSE HALL Sunday at 3 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. SUPERINTENDENT J. E. BARNES Will speak at 3 p.m. on: "THE CATACLYSM OF ORIOINAL CREATION" Interesting scientific facts proving the truth of the Bible and clearing up many problems which have puzzled students U ' And at 7:30 p.m. on: ' ',' "THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON" The nations who are now feverishly preparing for the world's greatest war, will be distinctly revealed by the Evangelist, and their part In the awful conflict, with startling details of trie ultimate end. Don't miss hearing these last Important messages. Ministers And their congregations dre urged to attend. YOUNG FOLK ENTERTAIN Variety Show at Stewart i-astl Saturday Evening Proved i Very Popular STEWART. April 21: On Satur-; day evening the Junior Section of j the Stewart Branch, Canadian Le- J glon, staged a variety entertainment in the Canadian Legion Hall In aid of the Stewart Hospital. The audience was agreeably surprised. It expected just a "kid show" but got one hundred minutes of first' class entertainment. The young people, none of whom have reached the age of twenty, staged a continuous performance, consisting of three short plays and intermission numbers. The overture and some of the intermission numbers were' played by a three-piece orchestra consisting of Miss Dorothy McCar- thy, Ernest Love and William Cam- ( eron. During one Intermission Reg. Crozier. accompanied by Harry Wll-kinson on the guitar, sang "Twenty-One Years," "Cross-Eyed Sue" and "Smoky Mountain Bill." Reg. had a very fine line of humorous patter i with these songs and was enthus iastically applauded throughout.. During the second intermission,) Reg. Crozier and Dick Traversey staged a black-face dialogue, "Ras-tus and Mandy." written by themselves and staged with a real professional touch. The first play was "Do Your Worst." a burlesque on the old-time melodrama, in which the villain, who holds the mortgage over the poor old father's head, tries to force the daughter to marry him, only to be foiled by the saintly hero. All the players appreciated the va lue of their parts and turned In a smooth performance which many an adult amateur cast might well emulate. Taking part were Miss Tessie Rennie, as the heroine. Victor Bouzek, as the old father, Joseph Bouzek, as the hero, Wil liam Cameron, as the villain, and Miss Mary Stewart, as the villain's stealthy sister. "Molly O'Brien, Detective,'' the second play, was a finished performance, well staged and convincingly acted. In this play Miss Dorothy McCarthy, as Molly O'Brien, the lady detective, masqueraded as a burglar and eventually got into the confidence of the gentleman crook, played by Joseph Bouzek. They were both held up by the hotel detective, played by William Cameron. who relieved them of the loot and! proved to be a crook himself. However. Molly O'Brien outwitted both crooks and. with the aid of a burly policeman t Ernest Love), took both Into custody. All the players gave very realistic performances of difficult characters. The final number, a skit entitled "And the Lamn Went Out." I was a novelty. Miss Dorothy Me- able frost. 'of daffodils on either side of his a.d few P" rom Nasturtiums may be .sown but it front garden walk. His hyacinths in seems a little early to set out plants the same borders add a touch of although It Is possible they may be variety that is very pleasing. Many safe. There is little to gain by set- visitors make complimentary re-tlng out seedlings at this time as marks in regard to this display, there Is always danger of frost for , H. F. P. CHURCH NOTICES sensational "dime novel" type of story, and the players, In dumb show, carried out the actions literally. For Instance the man who "turned a little pale" picked up a small pail and turned It. The char acter who "swept into the room" did so with a broom. When the "thermometer rose rapidly' the thermometer did do Just that. It slid up the wall and through the celling. The players 'were Joseph Bouzek, Victor Bouzek, Ernest Love and William Cameron. Another player was Master Denis Helnekey. The audience did not see him. He was concealed under the table but, when the reader came to "The lanfp went out," lamp, table and all left the room. ine wnoie performance was staged as a radio studio, with Joseph Bouzek as announcer, and the numbers were "sponsored" by local merchants, which gave the announcer opportunity to put over several good local wise cracks. A tremendous amount of work was done by Joseph Bouzek, chair man of the entertainment commit tee, of the Junior Legion, who was In charge of the production. Edward T. Applewhalte, secretary ' of the senior branch, assisted with the sound effects and staging, For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Kays Intra Red Rays i Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green 241 Phones Green S4I r.ifbange Block THE DAILY NEWS 'SPORT' Campbell's Team I GIANTS WIN Wins Softball ONCE MORE Liitdsay and His Crew Taken Into Camp in High School League In a heavy hitting, free-for-all High School 6oftball game yesterday, Campbell's team took Lindsay and his crew into camp to the tune of 7 to 4. It was a slugging af fair from beginning to end with Naylor emerging the victor. His circuit clout iu th second stanza and three-bagger in the fourth and Orme's three-bagger were the highlights of the game. Lindsay almost squared accounts when he attempted to stretch a three base hit Into a homer, but was thrown out at the plate. Lindsay and Postulo were best for Lindsay. CdmpbeU, Houston and Naylor starred for the victors. Ernie Santerbane was umpire. and Pat Palmer, scorer and aiALLKNCE ACCEPTED The Elks' champion Softball National League team has accepted the challenge of the Port Simpson team to play New York Softball Sunday afternoon, weather 'Chicago permitting. ALICE ARM Mrs. J. Trinder returned to her home here last week after spending holidays at Anyox as the guest of Mrs. J. A. Anderson. Weather here of World Champions doing Strong Detroit Tigers Leading . American j NEW YORK, April 2i: (CP Newl York Giants made It four straight' by winning over Boston Braves! again yesterday. Brooklyn Dodgers blanked the Phillies to share third place with the idle Pittsburg Pirates. In the American League, Washington Senators, playing their first game of the season at home, lost' to the rookie squad of the Phlla-i dclphia Athletics to drop into the( second division. Detroit Tigers shut-out the Cleveland Indians at Cleveland to take exclusive possession of first place. Yesterday's Big League scores: National League Philadelphia 0. Brooklyn 5. Boston 3, New York 7. American League Philadelphia 9. Washington 6. Detroit 4. Cleveland 0. All others postponed. BASEBALL STANDINGS Pittsburg Brooklyn Boston St. Louis W. 4 3 2 .2 1 1 Cincinnati 0 Philadelphia 0 American league W. Detroit 3 New York .2 Cleveland late has been) Boston warm and spring-like and the snow ; Philadelphia is fast disappearing. It will be a Washington few weeks, however, before there I St. Louis will be much activity In the hills. 1 Chicago L. I NEWS OF THE MINES Pet. 1.000 1.000 .007 .CC7 .333 .333 .000 New Financing For Jessie Cold Equipment From Dolly Varden to United Empire Premier And H. C. Silver .000 Pet .750 .067 .500 500 .500 ,400' 333, 3J31 Financing arrangements have been completed by L. S. McGill, manager of the Jessie Gold Mines Limited, with a view to completing the adit tunnel on the 400 foot level and to run a further drift tunnel at lower depth on three strong veins of gold-bearinir ores which were nrevlotisdv opened up on the surface and which have now been proven! underground with Increasing c"Mr j values and greater ore widths than B. C. Silver mine, the annual report' on me sunace. Jessie Qojd, sltua- of Prernler had the following to ted on Hudson Bay Mountain over-1 ,. ..,., . the Mjr' DUrlng paSt 0Ur looking the town of RmlttW h long been regarded as a most pro-, corapany nad Mme 'wtherj mlsing property of outstanding' conversan with the president of merit. Some day It is expected it the B. C. 811ver Mines Ltd. which will be an Important producer. The steamer Catala, on its this week, took from Alice Arm WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND adjoins the Premier's property and In which Premier owns a share Interest of approximately 33 percent. This has been In an endeavor to to Stewart a quantity of equipment arrange, If possible, some basis up from the Dolly Varden mine which on which your company, having all is to be used on the United Empire j the plant, personnel and under-property at Stewart where an aer- j ground connections therefor, could lal tram Is being Installed. The shipping of the equipment was per sonally superintended by William Pann, superintendent of the United Empire mine. In regard to the much discussed possibility of the Premier Gold Mining Co., in view of diminishing operate B. C. Silver property very economically, producing revenue for mutual benefit. So far, however, although the plan discussed last 'summer with the president of B. C. Silver had his approval, no basis acceptable to the Selukwe Gold Mining Si Finance Co, Ltd., the majority owner of B. C. 8llvcr, has reserves In Its own property, taking I been found that would be at the over the operation of the adjoining i same time beneficial to Premier." HAIDA GOLD MINES MINE money' management It Is an excellent N ANSON, It Me'm'berg of 5C5 iloWe St, LIMITED Comprises 500 acres on Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte group, Recent developments have resulted In cutting ore at depth and the property has every Indication of beqoming a producer. The company la soundly financed with 510,000 shares issued and all vendor stock escrowed. With a progressive and responsible directorate the ultimate success of Jlalda Is assured. speculation for a market appreciation In the near future. OT II WELL & CO. LTD. the Vancouver Stock Exchange Seymour 1117 Vancouver, B.C. yy- Ann: Ji ,3J( Almost Instant Relief From Neuralgia lU MAt TAXI AND to OCT A?S CO HOME. t'vf otvriofco ATTACK Of nr: AAARV.VMMV DONT too TV 2 AP(JIN TAttlETS. TMfvUtrr Rio or VPUU NVUUAlClA. IU A FCWMtNUTf J Scratch Pada Sealing Wax Seccotine Second Sheets Serpentine Shelf Paper Shipping Tags Show Card Hoard Show Card Colors Spongo Howls "M3 A-ffW v. .Ad 2' 2Q MINUTH LVTER 1 I I'Tt WONDIHFgi Hoyv rquiCKW MV NfURAI.GIA HVINT.THAT ASPR,N IfcKIAIIMlT WOHKV i ii V""' f . YV.U 1 .1 tSNT IT kwfiHrtcoriii Jrs. f Wl3tf i ''( i - For Quick Relief Say ASPIRIN When You lMy Now come amazinfly quirk relief from hewl.M'lH, rtteunurrin. iHMiri-It. itetirsViu IhetHim wuf iriuf, it it mid, rf tlttrofrrrd Thwe mulls urn due to u iwieii-tific ilicnvery by birh un Aspirin Tulltt lirtyin In diwnive. or ihV iutryrntr, m the. amwinK tue of two vromU sifter tuurliinK mmiture. Aim! hertre to tlart "lukiiiji Mil" if Ixtifl u lw mMtules fler tki4. 'lie illiwtration o Ihe um here, telln the utory. An Aspirin TuUet klurt to tlninlrtir.itr .ilimrl mohinl-ly you ftwullow it. Ami tht it rnnfi In uo to axtfl if mot? iinln ally. When you hay. thou!), he on Kturil iitfainftt nuholitule I n In- ur you tfri ASPIRIN'S ,,lirf. U Mire Ihr iuiiim Itiiyer m II f.,rm of ii crow U on cVery luMet if Anpirin. 11 ru AriKJN . WORKS SO FA T iMliff ft AMA04 Dte$ Not Harm the Heart Coal Prices Minchead Egg Coal S12i0 iMinehead Lump Coal $12.l0 Pembina Egg Coal $12.00 Stove Coal $lLf0 Coal in Dry Shed and Delivered Dry HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 ROSE, COWAN & LATTA Ltd. Printers and Stationers Sponges Stamp Pads Stamp Pad Ink Staplers and Staples Stick Files String Tags Thumb Tacks Time Hooks Tissue Paper Twines Besner Block, Third St., Phone 234 HOLIDAYS For AilulU or Children on the Famous Graham Island North Heach Fishing. Bathing, Uadmlnton, Picnics, Bcenlc Driven. Shooting In the Season. Rent a fully furnished cottage at Sangan Klvcr. For full particulars apply MltS. IM'NN Mavsett, II C. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Pioprletor "A HOME AWAY HtOM IIOMir lUtes J1.00 up 60 Booms, Hot it Cold Water Prince llupert, U.C Phone 281 P.O. Uox I9 The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand,? SMOKED - BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT. H.C. mmemmmammmiuuvit nmr"rttfg