1 i For Reliable Merchandise and Low Prices B.C. CLOTHIERS, Ltd. IN MEN'S CLOTHING and FURNISHINGS 11 NSya Candy Specials MAPLE UUUS per lb. RUM ti nUTTER TOFFEE. per Jb. MIXED CANDY per Ih. A .,' , MOIR'S STA R ' ASSORTED CHOCOLATES, per lb. SHORT WAVE Where and when to look 15 metre band from 6:00 ajn. till noon. (19 to 15 Megacycles) 20 metre band from noon till 4:00 pjn. (15 to 9 Megacycles) 50 metre band from 4:00p.m. on. (9 to 4 Megacycles) SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC PHONE: IJLUE 320 Second.Avenue & Third Stret COAL! COAL! Out Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. Wf Uo if 11 Timothy Hay. Wheat Oati and Barley, Prince Rupert Feed Co. II Pbonei f -.. Mens, Ladies' and Children's Shoes, 27c 35c 25c 45c See Our Windows for Other Specials Drop in for a dish of Ire Cream. Soda or Milk Shake We Sell Fresh Milk, Iluttcrmilk and Fresh Cream MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY Rubber Clothing, Etc. Men's Moleskin Trousers g-l QC Ladies' Sport Shoe Big-variety flo ft? per pair PA.SJD to pick from dZ.iJD Men's Blue Overalls- Q-i or White Mesh Oxfords-Cuban heel CO OC per pair QA.U per pair t Stanfield's Short Sleeve CO 1C Ladles' Pumps Brown and black Cjo qp Combinations t?AJntJ per pair 5D Turnbull's Combinations Of C 200 Pairs Ladies' Shoes c4 fff per suit to clear . , 3 1.30 Humphrey's All-Wool Trousers OA Off children's Shoes t Heavy, per pair ?xiO t0 clear J)luD Phone Black 32 1 Fleet Foot Itunucrs for the Whole Family Whist Drive and Dance Enjoyable An enjoyable whist drive and j dance was held by the Womens La-jbor League In the Canadian Labor , Defence League Hall Thursday night. There were twelve tables of cards and prize winners were: ladles first, Mrs. Walter Overend: Next door Frizzcll's Meat Shop consolation, Mrs. F. Ward: first, p. Dolan; consolation, O. Ncl- son., Attention Ail Radio Owners! Htrt li SometWn? TOTJ Hm 1 Lwldny for INTRODt'CINQ THE TI A TV T "V Mi "TILLIE THE TOILER" So Vol) TWHK LOOK vjeLL Itillie' MAT. WTt ..I m- . :rrn BOOSTER Guaranteed to Increase reception 200' :, to 500' SOLD ON A MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. Improves daylight recep tion. Brings m otherwise uiauaioie stations. Leng PACIFIC CONTINENTAL C13 Stock Exchange Uulldlnr POSTPAID ANYWHERE IN CANADA above address. INQUIRIES INVITED FROM thens life of batteries. Improves selectivity. Saves electric current. ADDllcahlp In hitton, and electric sets. Any one can auacn it. Thousands Now Used Daily In Western Canada. DISTRIHUTORS Vancouver, B.C. Mail your orders to THAT HAT" A KMOCKOOT. MBS. JOMES V THZ DAILY Nrfr wunill iimua mint WATERFRONT WHIFFS Halibut Landings Are Increased Trollcrs Getting IJusy Nelson Bros. Plans i Despite the fact that fishinir operations were a full i month later in startinc this year, halibut landings at the j port of Prince Rupert for the 11)3-1 season up to and in-! cludinir vesterdav which was but littl After cards refreshments were iad reached a total of 2,878,705 pounds !e more than 200.000 pounds below the: landings of the 11)33 season up to . . . . .... . I I rtC 1 J I I I ,iuo,uuu puuims. macro, i;unaaiun- landlngs for this season lo date arc well ahead of last year, liavlng reached a total of 1.540,365 pounds in comparison with 1,230,700 pounds. The American total for this year to date Is 1,338,400 pounds as against 1.875,300 pounds last year. The decrease in American landings is largely due to the fact that, longer tlcups between trips having been agreed upon under production code arrangement many of the larger United States vessels which formerly landed their catches at Prince Hupert and hurried out to the fishing grounds again are now running through to their home ports In Pugct Sound to land their catches and spend the lay-up time at home. Tills condition may be expected to continue e through 1,1 J y wv-one ' c uanacnan anaaia" boats pounds and the low 5c and 4c which several boats received. Trolling Season Starting The advent of warm -and sunnv i . . . vva l l.l o Ah I traded quite a few vessels of the Prince Rupert trolling fleet out to the fishing grounds for the first time this season, a definite Improvement In the run of fish being reported In such waters as those of Warke Canal and Dundas and Stephens Islands. Packing services are also being Inaugurated and it Is expected that troll fishing will soon be In full progress. Capt. John Clausen, having already started, will be operating packing services from Warke Canal. Dundas and Stephens Islands this vear with i camps at '.each point. He will have three packers, the Ada S.. Elmer C and Rap I. in service. So far the Canadian Fish ft Cold Storage Co. , has only the one packer Chief Le- Kale In operation to Dundas Island. wnere tho camp scow was estab OP COUGfSK, I tcMtvJ IT I TALU AMD i AM i ' ii i i similar dale totalling ing fleet will be shortly starting out. Capt. Joe Klpp, spent the winter after' having in Vancouver, reached Prince Rupert this week' with his packer Mary Rita which he will use this season In packing salmon for the AUln Fisheries plant at Prince Rupert. Last year, with a different boat. Capt. KIdu Rcxrts are current nlong the "front" that Nelson llros. Flsherle Limited, which is now operating the Tucks Inlet reduction plant at U0D Dob," who wno Is known wwwn as as one one of of the the .served and dancing followed with 1 , Zlk Uuslc music by by P. P. Hardy's HaMy'sOrchesfra Orchestra. Jim Z! S : lnttUnUy successful opera- Tardy was master of ceremonies. Jack wood of Annette's Ladies' Ready-to-Wear sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for a trip to Vancouver. American vessels. The high price of , tors in the canning Industry. After uk or American usn was 7.6c naving spent the winter In Victoria and 6c received by the Alkl for 8.-000 pounds and the low 6c and 5c he returned north a couilc of weeks ago and paid his first visit of paid the Wabash for 6.000 pounds, the year to town last Saturday. He For Canadian fish the top price of 'was also in again yesterday arrtv-thc week was 5.3c and 4.2c which! Ing from the river In the morning the the Helen Helen II II was was mid paid for for ionon 10,000 ntt on (lift the TnVDrnAa Inverness . i ennnerv iurvi. boat Provincial and returning to the cannery on last evening's train. Found No Herring Gammon & Watt's selneboat' Zenardl returned to port yesterday from a herring prospecting trip In j waters down the coast a far an Mllbank Sound. The herring ivn seems to have pretty well petered out for the scaionnow. j Canning of butter clams in the' southern part of the Queen Char lotte Islands. British Columbia, ha: been undcrLiktn this year for the first time. A large bed of these i clams Is reported at Bumaby Narrows. Previous clam canning In the Queen Charlottes had been reside-: ted to a northern district. ' A party of members of the Khtada Fishing Club will be leaving tonight aboard Dr. L. W. Ker-gln's power cruiser Alcdor. George Bryants Harla and Dr. R. o. ,llshed this week, but It Is. expected .taking In the three skiffs which Other VCSSel.1 Of fh rnmnan.. ' u- -l.-.j .. .. . " are "rc ,,i.-.- w uc pidci-a on me jaice for use of Mac's Opinion Doubted I I ITS OOiT AS I II 1 06UWiiu Sf 111 "V II 1 vbU WILL tf?MiT MS pO TAKB TWE WAT FOS mwment, MADAM, t ,W ILL DEMONSTRATE 1 i II II J ehM. K. Pn, KAIEN HARDWARE 1934 TENNIS BALLS , SHADES. 15c un EYF EYK y Our Our TKNNI TENNIS Try SHOES For Heal Comfort Ladies $2.75 Mens, $3.00 i iri. W; tmi M j-n Again delayed by having heavy freights to discharge at cannery points along the coast. Union steamer Cardcna. Capt. Ernut mite iium-ii. Diana a rainer ri. - lentfvp ommtinn nf iu n.Miir.. 1 Oeorgeson. arrived In port at C 45 in connection with the fisheries In lh,.morn,r fr"m uth. ev- uiiuuKu- inc vicmiiv or mil imrt. Rirharri "i' v...v. out the season and will, no doubt. Nelson, secretary-treasurer of the;'81 "" a counlf of hours fol-rcsult in conUnued lessened Amcrl- j company, was recently a visitor ,ow1ng arrtval m ner return to can landings at the port .this year j here but he refused to be drawn Vancouv ant1 wypolnU. Comtn; It is not all a loss as far as the port ; out when qucUoned as to wliat out r Vanu,fr lh Cardena had of Prince Rupert is concerned, I plans the company might have in a t""11 passenger list and however, for most of the American contemDlatlon freight cargo. Included In the po- I vessels still call here on their way' sengcrs were Dan McPherson. ma te the banks to take on bait andj u. rj. Johnston, manager of In- nager of Porrner l4,and imrv. cc by the Ca" veme cannery and veteran wh'?h orTal . tan Mlhhlf? fn tHfa T-.. -I i. ii nan m.a mix- ne mens. "u"s eeK cnoing jesier- aKecna mver canneryman. is now .77. Z ' . " ' iday landings were well up to avc- starting upon his fiftieth season in ,,""caniP - mnni- rage. ujiamng iss.uoo pounds or the game. The yeu seem to fall - - - which r'"cn 238.000 T Pun pounds was brought rM lightly upon the highly popular mm-aHMMaw RADIO Specials OF USED MODELS aturfly AJra FiWIay & SaturdayTwo Show 7 ti 9 AdmUtion f . SATUIIDAY MATINEE at 3:30 15c Si Jj"' L ZANE 0 KEY'S SPECTACULAR STAMPED; or TllUm"" "THE THUNDERING HERD" wuu DAvnni imi Cfvvrr .. .i iimw!;04 i is, M nil iiiinuuui ii uvwii uiiii Willi A I I V I Buffalo Heckle Pioneers "d Aildtd Feature The Klb-Tlckllnr Comedy Starring W Ml.Tltl) NEWS "TILLIE AND GUS" MONDAY L TUESDAY "AS HUSBANDS CO' members of the new local angling ger of Hay.spcn organization. The boats, which were crew, and A, D. M: built by Alex Wvlle at Seal Cove, of Carlisle Cii.t; iiutv urtii mu v mc iiuowa ut viic Prince Rupert Rowing it Yacht Club for the past couple of weeks. John Dybhavi; general manaK. r TKV it'll! ha MrHnH in rtua (tiaifbnnH left yevot """ i.iH a.ia ui .trail to the lake. The party expect company servin Nelson Uros. Fisheries Limited. n r.inm n mnPm, ni.i.1 Irrnnt thn u .... , trip to the cannery wnjen the 'onip,i:,v operate um havn expe' K morrow. " t Mi C. FIELDS and ALISON SKIIMYOK1H I'aramonm pu. ' If. f Ideal Cleaners In New Premises Cor. McHride & Fiftl CLE-VNINd, UCPAIKING, DYEINO, I.TC Victor Personal Set. 5 tubi DeFOre t Tabic model, 1 tubr DeFbrcst Table model, n !..i' Victor Mantel model. 7 luix Victor Mantel model. 8 ujb. Victor Console model. 7 tube. Victor Console model. 12 tu(x (new-Battery Mantel model, complex 8 tubes Battery Console model, eompie"-8 tubes KIM :m $11 M $S.M ma At these unprecedented priro no nf for anybody to be without a ritdi Evr? set fnlly guaranteed" for 3 mninh" t"n' venlent monthly paymenU ar.msf ri By Westover THEY ARE ALL HERE 11KJI Spalding, Rcntleys and Slazenncrs TENNIS RACKETS From $2.95 up Pick yours now while our stock is complete " You Have Plenty of Time To START THAT GARDEN HAKES, from 10c; IIOKS, 70c SI'ADINfJ FORKS, $1.10 TUIIF EDCiEKS VIROIIO I'LANT FO0U