CI' TEA "Fresh from the Gardens ((SBBBBBBiBBBBBHiBBBHBHHHBBBBiBifej Jasmine Toileteries Faro. Powder, two sizes, -J I mm m m m t i I T Wl-d 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 a roc & si.oo Creams, .r0c Rouge and Up Slicks Shampoo Hrilliantinc Liquid Solid . Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Druqeyists The Retail Store Phones; II & M and iimiiii Delicately Perfumed with the Perfume of Jasmine ........,.n,m)rtill I LAWN MOWERS un) see our stock before buylmi a Lawn Mower. We carry different styles In plain and baU learlng Canadian Made Lawn Mowers. a Prices range from $7.50 up : GORDON'S HARDWARE I Phone 311 Mrllride St Out of Town Radio Owners the si'prox he CHARfiAHLK RADIO "A" BATTERY W rjve you over 1000 hours initial service VLlnlmFiit until It in capacity Increase f several charges will actually Oliver from 1500 to 2000 nours. JAMES MARTIN Prince Rupert and Massett, It.C. Seroiul Avenue and Third Street WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS A co&i o r i charActer wo cell It's sure to verv well ! REPLENISHING PHONE US Wc have coals suitable for all your requirements and at prices to suit all purees. PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 648 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Btenmem leave Prince nupert for Vancouver f.R.H. (JATALA KVERY TIIKSDAY. Il30 P.M ThurwUy Via OrMh Faiu and WaypolnU. arrrvln Vane""1"' afternoon, TS.S. PAHDKNA F.VEKV FRIDAY MIHNH'HT , Artlvlng Vancouver, Monday A M. ,,..,rt ami Na W'emy mtUnn t,, Porl summon. Alice Arm. AnjM. urther tnfbrmatkm regarding all salllnRi nnd ticK"- "Ml HUVEIIT Atir.NUVI linra 5 UecaiiBc It doesn't pay to advertise poor pronutw, It doei pay to huy thoie adiertlseu. LOCAL NEWS NOTES We buy anything- In ga-ld. Premium price. Max Heilbroner. The special clubbing offer which hat been running in connection with this paper closes definitely today. Prince Rupert Tennis Club Am- . encan tournament, aunuay Aprni 22 at 1 o'clock. Courts closed till! then for painting. 941 Miss Beatrice Bates of the staff of II. 8. Wallace Ltd left on Satur-'lay afternoon's train for Edmon ton where she will receive medical reatment. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Sloan, after having spent several weeks in the ity. sailed at the first of the week on their return to Stewart where Lht-y now reside. Albert Farrow, steamboat ln- pwtor. after a ten-day visit here on official duties, sailed by the ss. Princess Adelaide last night on his return to Vancouver. Mrs. F. E. Robertson, who has been on a week's trip to Vancou-i ver, returned to the city rrom the south on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon. The Prince Rupert Boys' Band. under direction of Bandmaster Ro bert Greenfield, will be heard for un hour and a-half this evening In in open air concert from Totem Pole Hill Park. Sacred Concert Programme St. Andrew's Cathedral, Monday, April 23, 1934; 8:15 IM. Part 1 Chorus "Lead. Kindly Light,' D. PuRhe-Evanst. Piano Solo Adagio movement from "Moonlight Sonata" Beethoven . Mrs. E. J. Smith. Chorus "By Babylon's Wave" (Oounodi. piano accompaniment by Mrs. E. J. Smith. Part 2 Cantata "Olivet to Calvary" Maunder. Augmented choir of 26 voices. Onanist. Peter Lien; Conductor A. J Lancaster. Collection In aid of Organ Fond. Announcements Piano April 21. Anglican Orme's. Recital, Ursula Malkln Spinsters' Spree Cambral Chap ter. April 27. Ridley Home Bazaar. May 3. Children's Exhibition of Dancing, Oddfellows' Hall, May 4. Dr. Johns Recital May 7. Chinese Knowledge" tea May 10 United Church. Tea May 15 nt Mrs Presbyterian tea May 17. Moose Hall TONHiHT Scotch Dance 0 P..M. Mrs. J, S. Black's Orchestra 25c and 10c TUKSDAY nridge.WhHI Drive Under auspices of the Women of the Moose. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SlilbU.lrr and Knglnwa. lrvu atil HraM '.lluj. Heelrlc aii.l AceljUna ' Uel.llng. Sielallli on Sawiulll n.l Mining MaMry AU Tiy f C Kulua Repalret and OveehauleJ. Mrs. William Ooodrtck sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for a trip to Victoria. James Donaldson of Port Esslng-ton returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday after noon from a brief trip to Vancou ver We are Italger's. still baying M Scottish Dance gd, (tf) II. V. Taylor, general manager of W. H. Malkln Co. Lti., who has been on a visit to the city and district on company business, sailed by the Princess Adelaide last night on his return to Vancouver. Beai for-Xoi ni Beiy To Baby's Its fragrant laihex bJtnivd s2xJtr s ckarrses Mrt swjijmmj fx On a charge of being the keeper of a disorderly house. Nellie Serlnk of Comox Avenue was fined $50, with option of thirty days' Impris onment. In city police court yester day afternoon. The fine was paid. Dr. L. O. d"Easum and other wit nesses from Aiun in a uoumy Court criminal case which has been In progress here during the past ten days will sail by the Prln cess Norah tomorrow morning on their return north. Provincial Constable A. S. Wel- lens of Bella Coola arrived In the city on the Cardena this morning from his post down the coast. bringing In a native prisoner. Sampson Schooner, wro has been committed for trial on a charge of carrying concealed weapons. Is Happy Affair Klfhty Persons Present at Enjoyable Function Put on By I. O. O. F. Last NfsM Another enjoyable Scottish dance was staged by tne oaaieuows-Lodge In the hall on Fourth Avenue East last night, about eighty per sons being present at the affair. Dancing was In progress from 9:30 pm. until 2 ajn. with music by an orchestra consisting of John Dremner. James L. Lee, J. B. Mac- Kay and James Watt. James Had den was master of ceremonies. At midnight delicious refresh menta were served, Harry Dyer, William Oeddes and Peter Cameron being In charge of this Important feature. The committee In charge consls ted of L. C. Eby, N. W. Appleyard and Norman Moorehouse. FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Mrs. J. Thomasson Dressmaker, has arranged a Cutting & Fitting Service Prices reasonable. All branches Including children's work. Phone: Blue 837 Joe Slaggarfs TAXI In response to loyal customers of thejiust I am again operating a Taxi Service. I thank my old friends and promise old and new patrons the same courteous and prompt service given in the past. Phone 653 Night or Day J. R. SLAC.OARD Corner Third and McDrlde Supper Carnival Enjoyable Event fun, Food and Frolic Featured at Function Last Night Fun, food and frolic were fea tured at the supper carnival In First United Church last night. Many people enjoyed a supper such as only the Ladies' Aid can prepare. the specialty being waffles. Several reels of moving pictuers were shown three times during the evening. Peals of laughter came from the House of Many Wonders as the older folk saw Prisoner No. 432 In a mirror and themselves as they thought they were. The Old Curio sity Shop contained samples of handiwork of different, nations and the previous century such as an intricately made dress and a fringed parasol that looked like a modern lamp shape. The children and grown-ups tried their skill at shooting and tossing the rings, then stalked around with canes and noise mak ers as their reward. ; Altogether the affair was con sidered successful for this time of the year. Whist Drive And Dance Enjoyable Seventy Persons At Affair Last Night by Xordlandslaget A very enjoyable whist drive and dance was held last night by Nrri-landslaget Nordkap in the Metro- pole Hall. Prize-winners at cards were: la dies' first. Mrs. Hans Underdahl second, Mrs. C. Jensen: men's first. N- Jansen; second. Andrew Foss. After cards, dancing was enjoyed with Mrs. J. S. Black's Orchestra providing the music. Delicious refreshments were ser ved during the evening with Mrs. R. Jensen, Mrs. O. Klldal and Mrs. P. Wlkdal In charge. There were about seventy persons present. Hotel Arrivals Royal Cyril D. Morgan and R. C. Har- dle Vancouver. Prince Rupert R. J. Johnston, Inverness: C. H. Hosken, C. Lesson Smith, C. Christiansen and E. Jackson, Vancouver: W. Lalng, Victoria. Rt. Rev. E. M. Bunoz OAIJ., Rr- man catnoitc cnurcn Bisnop or Northern British Columbia and the Yukon, returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from a trip to Vancouver on ecceleslastical duties. " Ad rertlse tn trie Dally News Classified Ads Nr. FOR SALE FOR SALE-Chevrolet Car In good condition. Price $200, Dally News. tf 13 FOOT Outboard Hull, bargain $10.00. Apply Box 205 Dally News. 94 FOR SALE-1, 9 ft. row boat, $30; 1, 9 ft. row boat, $18; 1. 10 ft. row boat, $35; Float 24x40 with house 16x32 one year old; Packer or work boat 382 ft. 27 HJ. heavy duty Atlas; 36 ft. cruiser "Vera S. Fry". Pile driver lead with 2500 lb. hammer; quantity 2-lnch shafting, pulleys and hangers, S HJ. Staty gas engine, Fairbanks-Morse. Bargains for Cash. M. M. Steohens. w ti s FOR RENT HOUSES to rent Hart. FOR RENT Furnished house keeping rooms, 835 Second " Av-i enue West. a30 HELP WANTED HOW to get a Free Booklet. Government Job. The M.C.C. Ltd, PERSONAL PRIVATE home Kindergartens pay. We start you. The Canadian Kindergarten Institute, Winnipeg. TERTinrATES or IMPROVEMENTS Tu1iitiiah nonania. Tnlui)nah Chief, Tuluquah Hald Eajle. and TulMiquah UK a IrwiWin, Mineral Claim. Situate in tbe AUln Mining Dlvtelon of Caula: DUtrlot. Where located: Lett Ban ol Tuuu- nuah Rlrrr. TAKE NOTICE NOTICE that um n. mcpi. rmn, rr i neruncav wo. w u; uin ion. Fre Ulner'i Certificate No. 7341 J D; On A. Klrkham. Fre Mlner'a Cer-tlflcate No. T3410 D: and Georga U johnnon. Free Mmer'a CertiflcaU Na 73412 D; intends, ilxty days from the 61 hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for omilcatea of Improve- FOUND FOUND Brown brlndle dog. Can be had by applying at Police Station and paying for 'this MISCELLANEOUS REAL hair remedy, ellmlnatea-dandruff, stops hair from falling: Free trial. Phone Red 720. llj HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVLNOl Cluster Carl; Latest Styles ftELSON'S BEAUTY 8HOPPE Jn6 PAINTERS PAINTINQ and Paperhanglngj Moller, Phone Red 802. TRANSFERS J OARDEN Soil $2.50 a load. Cam-' eron's Transfer. Phone 177. tf soriiE in- Arvt.irATioN fob rtR- TIIICATE Or' IMPROVEMENTS OoM Cliff No. 3 Fractional Mineral Claim. r.oht CUff No. I Minrral Claim. Margaret Minrral Claim. Cliff Kraetlonal Minrral Claim. Situate in the Portland Canal Mining DlrUlon. Where located on the west aide , of Bear River about three mllea from Stewart. B.C. Lawtul Owner William Dann. Number of the noidera free mlner'a certificate- -77720-0. TAKE NOTICE that William Dann. Ftp- Mlner'a Certificate Ho. 7TJ20-D In tends, at the end of sixty rtajs from the c)te hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a eeruncate 01 improvement tor the purjxx of obtaining a Crown a rant of the above claims. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that action, under Section 85 of the "Min eral Act" muat be commenced before acting a agent for Talcu Mines oom-1 the imuanoe of uch certificate of lm- Danv Limited. rTee Miner a wriuiraw ummmu. I340B u; J. u. Mrinun, rm wu-i dated thla 33rd oay 01 aurca. 1S34. WrUUAU DANN. NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF FIRST MEETING IN BANKRUPTCY Antar IS7,tovreiatau!nln ' Hotel Co. Ltd of Prince Rupert, pen, lL. B.C. iJ.u. WW of uch Certificate of Improvement. th 27,n dav 0f ADril 1934, at the DiUd una 2ou day of February, ids. . f 5 ,g , the afternoon, at The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping tt General Furniture Repairs List your goods with mi rbone BUck 121 GEO. J. DAWES We carry a large stock of Men's Highest Grade Dress Oxfords and Boots in the finest Calfskin and Kid Leathers. Dr. Heath's Orthopedia Health Shoes in the finest Kid with special built in Steel Arches, made for comfortable wear. Lec-kie's highest grade Empire Shoes for men. MEN'S FINE DRESS OXFORDS Up From ! A . 2.75 Wc have just received a telegram that all prices of Rubber (ioods are cancelled. This means that price are going- up. Take advantage of our low prices and buy now and save money. We carry a very large stock of Women's Shoes in all the latest styles. Also a very large large stock stock of of Nurses' Nurses' aud aud Chllllrfn Children's shocs Shoes. iJotlee Is hereby given that Knox . AND further Ui notice that action. mane an aiei uiu w under Section 85 of the "Mineral Act- : day of April 1934; and that the first miiKt -be eonunenred before the lasuanc , meetlnff of creditors will be held on the courtroom In the Court House of Prince Rupert B.C. ' Tn vote thereat Droofs of claims and proxies must be filed with me prior thereto. Those having claims against the estate must file the same with the custodian or the trustee when appointed before distribution is made, otherwise the proceeds of the estate will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, without regard to such claims. I Dated at Prince Rupert this 20th dav of ADril 1934. J Address of Custodian I Tin l! F. W. WESCH. ISO Men's Solid Leather Work Boots, up from Men's Light Work Boots Panco soles, up from . . . IE IMEXEHi . TZtZ If IK- KB m rtll'l fa ll illlll III! I I Custodian. Men's Footwear Mens Footwear $2.75 $1.95 $2.95 i I ! i I m m kj HPnl I -v,xlc r j I jEtk Running Shoes i t Hifit Our Running Shoe prices guaranteed Nirw CUT - RATE SHOE STORE 1 ye c(y scrp an(i relief orders I " 1 i, , J3 a.turday. April 21. 1934 THE DAILY NEWS PAOK THREfi ORANGE PEKOE BLEND "SALADA i ' i 4 1 'i i -. i t H, 1 m