i ; : a; I PAOE FOUR National League I St. Louis .25 -13 .653 New York :25 16 .ffio! Chicago .25 . 16 .610 Boston 20 16 556 Pittsburg - 20 , 16 5531 Brooklyn 16 22 .421 1 'Philadelphia 11 24 J14! .Cincinnati 8 27 229 American League .Cleveland 2 Trench title. 14 ! .600 1 . New York 22 1,0 1 Detroit 21 . Washington 21 St. Louis 13 : Boston 17 Philadelphia 18 Chicago 15 579 , CRAWFORD IN FINAL Championship Form Ral form is being exhibited here by Miss N. B. Brown during the Surrey hard court championships at Roehampton, England, recently. Miss Brown Is seen Just alter completing a back-hand drive " 18 538 IPS SPORT CHAT 22 .421 ; 22 .405 Christian Boussus Eliminated B Australian Ace In French Title Tennis PARIS, France, June U-Jack Crawford, Australian ace 'and de fending champion, eliminated Christian Boussus In four nets and as a result, advanced to within one match of his second straight By losing both ends of a Memor ial pay double-header to the Chi-1 man Pnh nn Werinptriav tp Ptttt- ! burg' Pirates sank from second to fourth place in the National League standing, the Cubs advanc ing from fourth to third place, i The New York Olants toox tvo games, from the Broomyn Robins to advance from third to second placerirhe St, Louis Cardinals won both games from the lowly Cincinnati Reds ,to remain on the top with, it halt game margin. With all but. one of the double-blllii'.in the American League re- ' n1f tnrV In Avori - hnnnfi f V aa imaA J no chinaei In the standlnas of the Junior circuit, the Cleveland Indians remaining on top with a half-game margin over the New York Yankees. The race in both leagues continues exceptionally close and Interesting. YORKSHIRE IS WINNER Defeated Nnrthamptonhlre Yrt terday in British County Cricket Fixture LONDON, June 1: Yorkshire defeated Northamptonshire by an in nings and four runs In a first class county cricket fixture which is scheduled to end today. Adrertu in tnt Dally Ntwi THI DAILY NEWS Van Raalte Pure Silk Novelty Silk Bedspreads w A A w y Underwear Only size 80x100 Novelty Silk Tk J B 1 A 1 X im m Pure Thread Silk fashioned Panties, Damask Bedspreads, scalloped I I I g I I Bloomers and Vests, In Flesh edges In shades of gold, mauve M JF WW I I M a m m shade only C-f A A rose and blue, assorted designs Mtm AmwM MmmJLJL JLJkV Ik MmW JL Mk . Dollar Day. garment vl.UU reg price S5.95 CO QC Special for Dollar Day QATTTRnAY 5 Only Feltol Floor Rugs 7ZZ v 7TZ A 1 U ,. . . Cretonnes, New Patterns finish u and designs, excel- New new w-, A lent wearing rug. size Vtt feet 0ood, heav 'loth- " lde- O Fj e-r .35-95 sr-g r raser & r ayne s JtlZ:, i f k curtain Nets Saturday Closing 8 p.m. xu AS"k Curtain NeU. new designs. ... - Ins. wide, fast colors; Special for Dollar Day CI. Aft ,f , Tea or Glass ToweLs I Scotch Madras n n c 2 yds. for pitUU uoiiar uay bpeciai 1QQ Extra large, size 22x34 Ins. In red and blue Scotch Madras CurUm Fabric. Inches lde. . yd- 1 or cross bar. very absorbent Q-j A A assorted patterns A A Englixh Cretonne j;ew Heavy Tuscan Nets Dollar Day. 5 towels for t?J.Vv Dollar Day. 3 yds, for t?AW US dSS? 'dS? Cnn "SS? itde. QKa!!tV new assorted desi m HaIf Bleached Sheets . Rayon Silk French Combinations iTt!? $1.00 Large double bed size. 14x90 Ins.. in good heavy 'Assorted sixes and assorted shades. ftiiM. 7 7 y . Donar Day Special 1.00 Quality, will give long service O-f A A tailored styles and lace trimmed P- A A RunRaloc Nets y Dollar Day, each QAoUU regular $1 75: Dollar Day, each vmJ Assorted designs, ivory and cream Wabasso Pillow Cases l)rCss Silks Lace Trimmed Rayon Princess Slips shades. 38 ins. wide. very, neap Unen flnUh nemsUtcned Wabasso Assorted patterns. 13 pieces Imported Silk 25 Doz In shades of peach and fttub, lace patterns; Dollar Day JQQ puiow Cases, splendid quality Dress Fabrics. 36 inches wide, values up to trimmed top and bottom; sizes, small, me- 4 yds, for Dollar Day Q-i fif $1.00 yd: Dollar Day Special Q-f A A dlum and large Q-f A A 3 for Vl.UU 2vds. for Ql.UU Dollar Dav 2 for OX.UU Window Shades - . - standard size, green only. 60x36 ins. . Hemstitched Pillow Cases All Silk Drapery Damask Ladies' Rayon Silk Bloomers mounted on good quality spring "Full size, good quality Pillow Cases 50 Ins. wide ali ilk Drapery Damask. 4 shades. Extra good quality Non-Run Rayon 8Uk roller, complete with fit- Qp hemstitched Q-f nn assorted designs reg. value $175 Q-f AA Bloomers, assorted shades, ail 0 A A Ungs: Dollar Day. each "y Dollar Day 5 cases for & $1 95 Dollar Day Special, yd V X.UU tats. Dollar Day 3 pair for vl UU News and Views of Sport tail r.i-jxmia! wmtmaMimTMttrM iwim rm tuxux u ism im m i i i i m i ju LEADERSHIP INCREASED National League Nip and Tuck lit American CINCINNATI, June t: CP1 By defeating the Reds in a close eame here yasterday. the St. Louis Car-J dinaLs increased their margin of' leadership, in the National, Lea sua ! to one and a half games. The New i York Giants, losing to the Dodgers at Brooklyn, found that the Chicago) Cubs, winning over the PitUburg ' Pirates at Wrigley Field, had Join- J ed them In a tie for second place The Pirates- dropped into a tie foijj fourth place with the idle Boston Braves. 1 In the American League, the In-1 dians lost to Chicago White Box . at uieveiana dui reiaineq ineir one half game lead over New Yorl Van-! kees who lost to the Washington Senators at the Yankee Stadium. Yesterday's Big League tcores: National League New York 2, Brooklyn 6. Pittsburg 5, Chicago U. St. Louis 3, Cincinnati 2. -American Learue Washington 9, New York 3. Chicago 12, Cleveland 5. Detroit 3, St. Louis 11. Only games scheduled. Baseball Standings NAVY WON SOFTBALL Defeated Young Elks in Best Contested City League Match So Far This Stawn Some brilliant fielding featured the game, particularly on the part of the Navy. In the fourth Inning three Junior Elks were on the -ack when Brown, the Navy's second baseman, took a. terrific drive from Nakamoto for the put-out and made a double play of It when San-turbane was caught off the sack at first The side was thus retired Orme Stewart. Navy hmler. oltched himself out of a hole in the sixth. Lindsay's unreliable pitching ' Annette's Tlgerettes shut out the O rot to but evening In a pre-Mwon Ladies' Softball League game on the Canadian National Reereatloa Association's grounds, the score being 12 to nu. The ladle wear, team was In excellent form and' gave abundant indications Unit III would be a real contender for Uiet season s honors. The Oroito team. In the most keenly contested and uUh a ,m,e tngthenlng and !best played City League Softball P""- wf- no tmmv gv a oei- igame so far this season. Royal Ca- ier account oi iui. nadlan Naval Volunteer Revrve The Moose Udls team Is. so fr. took the measure of Young Elks by 011 ""certain quantity althouRh it la score of 2 to 1 on Wednesday suspected of having heavy hlttln I night. It was the first victory for P"lMtles. (the. Navy so far this year and the Uu nlh' line-ups: i first reverse for the Young Elks. ' Annette's. T1gerette-Mlw Stone i It was anybody's tarn all the c M Skattebal p. L. B isw- wav The Young Elks got their one and only run In the first inning. Macfle's two-bagger In the seventh, with ChrUtlson on board, tied up the score. Comadina's single In the eighth scored Brown to give the victory to the Navy In the pinches was largely respon- Merchants scored a 4 to 1 victory lble for the Junior Flks downfall lover the Regiment In last night's 8tewart allowed but three bits but 'Senior League football fixture to walked six batters and was credited j once again take over the leadership with six strike-outs. There were six I in the standing by the margin of a nits off Lindsay and four bases on ! single point over the Canadian Le balls while be fanned seven bat-lglon. ters. Coraadlna and Dougherty were umpires and line-ups were as Junior Elks Santerbane ss, Nakamoto If.. Moxley lb, Stcffensrud 3b Smith 2b., Campbell ef Morgan c . Lindsay p.. Naylor rf. Royal Canadian Naval Reserve -Macfle c. Bremner lb.. Stewart v.. Brown 2bj, Hill If. Cdmadlna;3b., Palmer ss.. Chrlstison cf buigwell rf. The league standing to date Li as follows: W. L. Pet. Orotto 2 0 1.000 Junior Elks .. 2 V. .667 Elks .' 2 1 .607 Moose 1 2 J33 R. C. N. V. R .-.1. 2 .333 C. N. R. A. .....M.f 2., .C00 FOOTBALL June 5 Legion vs. Merchants. June 7--Legion vs. Regiment. Donald Blake has Joined the staff of the Canadian National Telegraphs .here in the capacity or mtssenger. Bert lb.. F Yager 2b.. O. Welle 3b.. T. Btaln sa . M Johnson rf H Oreen cf.. N. Ourvlch If, L. Johnson If. O rot to Mrs. Budinlch c. Mis Bury p. 3b- Mrs. E. Ratchford lb.. Mrs. Haveland 2b.. Miss Sun or? 3b. p.. Miss M. Harrison ss.. Mr. F Smith cf.. Mlss'Beale If MERCHANTS G0AHEAD Defeated Regiment t to 1 Lat Night To Resume Leadrnhlp of High ... Booth . City Football' league SOFTBALL June 1 Qrotto vs. ON.R.A. June 4-Elks vs. Junior Elks. June '6 C.NJI.A. vs. Navy. June 8 Orotto vs. Moose. June 11 Elks vs. Navy. June 13 Orotto vs. Junior Elks, June 15 C.N.R.A. vs. Moose. June 18 Elks vs. C.N.R.A. June 20 Navy vs. Orotto. June 22 Junior Elks vs. Moose. June 25 Orotto vs. Elks. June 27 Moose vs. Navy. June 29 C.N.R.A, vs. Junior Elks. July 2 Moose vs. Elks. July 4 -Junior Elks vs.'Navy, July 6-C.N.R.A. vs. Orotto. July, 9 Junior Elks vs. Elks. juiy 13 Moose vys, Orotto. July 16 Navy vs. Elks. July 18-JunIof Elks vs. Orotto, July 20 Moose vs. CN.R.A. JUNIOR FOOTBALL KTANIIlNO W. D, h. P. A. P. 5 1 0 23 5 11 2 .0 4 7 14 4 1 4 7-18 3 12 Doz. Print Porch Dresses Fast colored prints, asorted patterns and assorted styles, sizes from 34 to 44 7Qp iVK Dollar Day each Chiffon Hose, Special Full' Fashioned Orient Mlro-Kleer Chiffon Hose very fine guage. cradle fool. French heel, all the very newest shades, silk to top, all sizes, the regular $150 quality O-f A A Dollar Day. pr. OJ-UU Suede Crepe Princess Slips 20 Doz. assorted shades, made up in fitting style, plain and lace trimmed, all sizes Q-fl A A Dollar Day Special, ea vA.UU Children's Rayon Silk Bloomers Sizes 6 to 14 years hi shades of pink, peaclt and hltc Q-f A A Dollar Day 4 pair for vx.UU New Season's Prints 25 Pieces to rhoose from. 36 In wide, all new design fast colors Dollar Day yds. for S1.00 Afternoon br 1-aditV AI4 In Church Parlor A very snrrtMful tea an sale of home cookuk ns hcao ? rtertUv iietnoon in !' church social pAr-mi by ilw U(We' Aid f Firsi United Churr' FavorabVi wether conditions pr? railed ami many la--1U ealKI to le.id their p -.tronate. ie hall w-- stefully deeoreted with, summer fIoeri and folUe and flags and banting. Mrs C D. C- rk and Mrs O. V. Wilkinson rer-iwd iht gU'VU. Mrs. Jenkins and Mr. D nteTbarte' wm u eharge of refrMhmeaU aid Mrs. Hush KUi-a. Mrs. O. W Dunn. Mrs. M A. Thj.iu- and Mrs. O. A. Edgeumbe pound Sertlleara were Mrs. Frank IVrry. MIm Bharpe. Mrs O. Clcconne. Mir N Thomas and Mrs. Lance Styles. Mrt. O. F Davey was eaolrr Mlat McOrrgor and Mrs. W n. Comiih we in charge of the home cooking Ubt. During the afternoon there was an acceptable program which in cluded piano solM by Mm, t A. Klelback. piano and v.otln duets by Mlsnes Margaret and Englna Cbiia-tUnsen, vocal solos by Mrs. A. J. Webber and MIu Betty Cameron, accompanied by Mrs. J. S. Bkttk. The Dally News can be pur chased at Pout Office News Stand. 323 Oranvllle St. Vancouver. Karl Anderson. Prince Oeorge B.C. R. W Riley, Terrace. B O. General Store. Anyox. Smlthers Drug 8tore, Smith rs. R.C e m. sV This advertisement Control Doard or r All Children's JUur Silk A; i '--.ej . ,,v flr.St (in. Dollar i,,. . JJ( Is'lMue(,Vfr, with tc tolOyp.,,. trim, ai(f Dollar D.u Bo'h' llrnn. l.L ... Waists fo: r, yrs.; Doli...- TOWKis 50 Dot Turk ; and run . f half regui.u , uroup I . 5 towels gl, 0"P H Qi 4 towels lor vli Mka f 3 towel, (. ,: 01.1 Hoys' & Girls s,J3 Sh-Hs Rlbber s. turtle blue treei , ize 30 ." SOFTBALL United Church Tea OFFICERS f BY GIRLS And Sale Success ARE NASI Annette' Titerette Took .Mtaoure ' Grotto in lrr-Seaon Match I Lat Mcht Dflljhtful Affair Held Vesterday 1 Mrs j n u, Of Anglk-in i)Hx The Dior '.. a I of the Aiik - I nual mrt-ti; . . , I led offfer : r j m lolio. Honor.") f Irix. I Ilonorarv V.. V ITS -AGED L Mclnumli PrMldfv.t M- .' First Vicp-P:( mas Andrr jecand ',.r Orevr Herrelr Mr f Treajsuft Mr v Serr-tan T: jrhes- r.::i-jniors. Mr f cfferlnK 1 jDarea' Mr.- f- ''" tur. Mrr J r A jnera Un MrC nii Mrs. W H T n Living Me--t-Johns. rleat tr n AMrfilarv M" A ANO RICH-HIGHLAND MALT CONFIRM ITS . GOOD NAME r A- A. L Holtby nni Mr i 0 R. L Mcintosh M: A ehols. VlsitlnR delrK.:" " lap of the miv: Pa of Smitlir v MJ Xj Mrs. Abrahsm if Anvt CUSTOSIS RF.VKNT'K AB' Customs and e.xriv rm Prince Rup-it ! " ' " " ( way 'comirel !'! same mon'ii Insht en "GRANT'S BT PROCURABLE Th. OrlflnJ a J4ki mt YaWW irwm ' - . , a siav iiuiia aifMi. vatsai in'"! BESTrROCi11 mi ..,..iw bv thes is not pubiisncu or uw;r HjumDi tho Government of Irtish Do you read, the xlassificddycilisff1 tsl