i ji.j, juse 1 193 For Greater Enjoyment in Tea SALADA TEA "Fresh from the Gardeni" UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Stumer teivt rrlnre Rupert for Vancouver: CATAI.A EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M l Ocin Kll nd WaypoiaU. rrlYin Vncur Tnuilif fternoon. T.S. CARDF.NA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT in NOW IS - - - Kodak Time Hawk Eye $1.75 Brownie Cameras, No. G20 '$3.00 Brownie Cameras, No. GIG $3.75 Vest Pocket Kodak $5.00 G16 Kodak, Doublet lcjis $16.00 620 Jiffy Kodak $8.00 616 Jiffy Kodak $9.00 620 Kodak 0.1 lens $17.50 610 Kodak 6.3 lens i $20.00 Model 20 Cine Kodak 8 $39.50 Model 25 Kodascope for above '. . .$45.00 Cine Kodak 1G nun. with carrying case 3.5 lens $75.00 Model I) Kodascope for above $76.00 Developing & Printing of Kodak work, Daily Service Ormes Lid. CTr Ptonecr Druqryists the Kriall Store rbones; 81 At M Ihettsh which made rrince Kupertramous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily Bj Canadian Fish & Cold Slorage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. FULTON CASH & CARRY Sixth Avenue West Mr. and Mrs. L. Amadio GROCERIES. VEGETABLES, IMPORTED ITALIAN OILS, MACCARONI, CHEESE, ETC. for Jones Tent and Awning Co., Vancouver B.C All sizes Yukon and Mountaineer Sleeping Robes Every description or Lrrs Prospectors and Fishermen Dryback Clothing and Ga;:ral Requisites Tents, all sizes Best quality Lowest prices. can and inspect prompt, aucnuon w i-uuhmj Phone 75G I'.O. Box 35G NEW ROYAL HOTEL ' Zarelll, Piopriclor "A IIOMK AWAY FROM HOME Rate 11.00 on Rooms, Hot & Cold Water Print Rupert, DC. M 281 P.O. Box 1B9 The Westhohne Rooms Close to Depot And Harbor View. Single and Double Rooms, by Day. Week or Month. Located at 611 Second Ave, Prince Rupert Arriving Vancouver. Monday AM. M wlllim. to Tort Blnvpoor- All Am Anyox. 8tfwrt mt N" ,uvr FJOlnui. Leave vnnce unpen ouiii. ;- . ItS.-t '""her Information regarding all sailings and tickets at RINCE KUreRT AOr.NCTl Third Areniif. fhonews We pay a premium for gold coins and old scrap gold. We ask out of town customers to give us a trial. Phone Black 324. B. C. Clothiers Ltd. Box 477. YOUR LIVER'S MAKING YOU FEEL OUT OF SORTS Wale up your Liver Bile i No Calomel needed Wl on f I Win, d md. mr o lit wnrid, that't yiur liver wbirh iu't pounac iu dul) wo pound, of liquid bik into your bovela. Dxgmtitm ttvi dimiiuttioa . r being .Vd p. rood if ftwumuUtijii -nd dw-yiitf inaid tuu tud makiof jwt IrH vrKfbed. Mm bnwri-moTara lik m)u. oil, mlorl . UutiT rttviy or chewing (tin, or rifht, don't (o (r mih. Vent m1 lir MimuUnt. CKt'i UtU. Lira piUt ia tht Y9l no.. Mt. Pmtf . uthi Kur. A.k for USem by bum. IWum MlMiWM. 15. tl tH dnunu. U i ! wAurniiVfll IUAND waThinpton ORE CON CALIFORNIA V - Voncuvw io Viciowa Sal. PorV bit. with ttopovm and irdal iklt trip. Sovs4 Trly la Sam rranciaea 30'9 Rau4 Trip to lot HmotUt 140" Dirocl routUKi d you with Sm Irw Worid'i fair Chiotna I bu. Round trip from Vancouver, ivr. I51M oood be 60 day Btyci 'rx Hclett inltirmaUon trorn, PACIFIC STAGES ? BUS TDlMmAl VANCOUVER, t. C OR USE THIS COUTON PfldriC STAGES, VANCOUVER. & C PImm Mod m dtaiU el your vaoatton trip. Nam AddrtM . City e Town- TKZ DAILY KZWB FAQS THREE J ' 1 ,.IBBg LOCAL NEWS NOTES We are still buying old told, Bulger's, (tfj You can rent a Car at Walker' as low as $1 a day plus 7c. a mile. tf The annual Tag Day Prince Flu-pert Bea Cadet Corps No. 1377 "Captain Cook", Saturday. June 2, 1034. 127 Robert Davie sailed last night on the Prince Oeorge for Vancouver on business. It'll possible that he may locate In the south. Mrs. James Foreman and children sailed last night on the Prince Oorge for New Westminster where they will pay a visit at Mrs. Foreman's home. Cut flowers, marriage bouquets. pot plants, wreaths and sprays. OLENNIETS. Miss M. Harrison, who has oecn a member of the staff of the Commodore Cafe here, sailed by the Prince Oeorge last night for her home la Victoria. Concert is Given By Kindergarten Little Pupil of St. Joseph's Convent Acquitted Themselves With Credit Yesterday Afternoon Kindergarten pupils of St. Joseph's Convent presented a delightful little concert yesterday af-ernoon with some thirty mothers and friends present. The stage set-tlnzs in which early summer flow- (tf) jers and foliage took a prominent part were very attractive. The tiny performers acquitted themselves with credit and each number ev okco much applause. The program was as follows: Chorus. "Welcome Joyous Spring; time" and "Smiles To Sell", the, class. i Kazoo duet. Helen Balagno and j Richard Lctourneau. j Song. "The Old Clock's Warning." Pauline Olvnesorg. Playlet. "The Doctor's Busy Day." Miss Taken. Rose Marie Kilpatrick. iMiss Chief. Dorothy Kergin; John iCake, Pat Carson; the Nurse. Paul- - -- - line Ohnesorg and Dr. Cure M. S. D. Johnston returned to the ; Quick. Richard Lctourneau. city earlier In tne week from a j Recitation. "The Elf and the Dor-brief business trip to Terrace and mouse." Audrey Hunter. Usk. Action song. "Pussy Mine". The Class. 8 J Jabour. who has bicn on a ! song.. "Dolly's Lullaby," Dorothy ton i ay bu .iness trip to Anyox, re- , Kergin. turned to the city on the Prince j. Song. "The Toy Maker Dream Ot-orce last evening from the the 'class. smelter town. On the King's Birthday, June 4. the Post Office general delivery and registration wickets well be open from 8 ajn. to 12 noon. The public lobby will be open from 8 a.m. to 0 pjn. Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Borland and family, wfcp arrived In ,tbe city this week from N-nntmo, Mr. Borland being vne new manager of the Capitol Theatre here, nre at present the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Neal Carter. Fifth Avenue East. and will later take up residence in the house of J. D. Lawrence in Westvicw. Hotel Arrivals lloyal Mario Zanstton, Anyox: Mr. and Mrs. Vic Grant. Balmoral; M. Monsen, city. Prince Rupert , W. E. Walker. Naas; Frances J. Wiltsie. Port Simpson: 41. L. Oray. C. H. Smith, Bill White and J. J. Petrich. Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs O. Ncord. Telegraph Point; C. Oll- lesplc and R. M. Oosse. Oceanic: J. Olllett. Massett; A. W. Page. Port Esslngton. Central T. Wlck city. Knox R. T. Way and Mr. and Mrs. A. Olsen. city. MOTION TOURS The Band, the class. Song. "The Yama Yama Man." Peggy Large. Song. 'The Sleepy Time Ex press," the class. Musical recitation, "Lir Pup,' Rose Marie Kilpatrick. Song. "The King's Horses," Rich ard Letourneau and Pat Carson, Finger play songs, "The Bee Hive." and "The Ant Hllir th class. The Band. "O Canada," the class. "God Save The King." Announcements Valhalla Bridge and dance tonight. Bridge at 8:15 sharp. Ba 'agno's orchestra for dance. 21. Presbyterian Tea, June 20. Anglican tea, Mrs. Rorie's June Presbyterian Picnic June 23. Canadian Legion. B. E: S. L. olcnlc. June 24, Dlgby Island. , 3IOOSE HALL RENTAL RATES Concerts $25.00 Dances 20.00 Public Meetings 15.00 A room suitable for smaller meetings Is now available on the ground floor, rental rate, $3.00. For engagements phone the Club Steward, 640 or Red 412. ! FRESH MILK AND I CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 REAL COFFEE With All the Delightful Aroma Served Every Day at Commodore Cafe By the Sllcx method Just In-stalled the coffee Is always served fresh. It Is made in glass containers thus eliminating all metallic flavor. The aroma Is wonderful and the taste is Just as good as the smell. Take a cup at any time during the day as a SHOES For Holidays June 34 Smart Sport Footwear for Family vi'E ACCEPT CITY SCRIP The train which was due to ar rive last night and which was d layed by a washout west of Hazel- ton, is now reported due to a; rive at 11:15 tonight. The train io the cast is leaving on time at fe.ao Chief Petty Officer Instructor J. Anslow. who has been Identified with the local unit of the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve for the past several months, sailed last night on the Prince George for Esquimau to which point he has been transferred. He was accompanied by Mrs. Anslow and son. His successor here will not be named for some time. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LOST Near 6th Ave. E.. small ba": j containing ladies' underwear t Annette's name on outside. Phone 580. "THE BON" After the style of my former "THE BIC. FURNITURE STORE" Receiving used furniture for salg or for storage F.W.Hart'ST Van's Bakery Opposite Boston Cafe Quality Breads 4 for 25c At All Grocers Labelled on Bottom For Your Protection Phone 190 When Coming to Terrace or Lakelse Hot.Springs Make Arrangements With Swains Transfer & TAXI, Terrace, B.C. To Greet You We meet all trains. Freight & service anywhere, Eassenger akelse Lake and Lodge, new boat H. A. S. now in service on the lake. Fare anywhere on the lake, one adult. $3.00; $1.50 per head additional. No. crowd too big. No Job too small. riCNIC PARTIES EVERY SUNDAY Women's White Shoes For the Holiday Smart Ties, Straps and Pumps J Misses'" and Children's Snappy White T-Strap C -f Q Slippers, up from ... Sandals, Ties and T-Straps in Smart Tennis Footwear all colors in women's, misses' and children's, up from , Women's, Misses' and Children's Leather Sandals In Elk, Brown and Patent, hard wearing leather soles - Q OQ up ssuiit - Wc have a wonderful assortment of Sport Shoes to outfit the entire family COMPARE OUR PRICES Saturday Phone G2 SHOULDER CHOPS lb. BREAST J2c IU. STEW In 22c 10c 69c Men's, Women's, Children's Leather Scuffers, ranco soles, cool and comfortable, just the thing lor holiday wear up from.- $1.29 Headquarters for runners Our prices 35 jess than anywhere in the city. Wc save you money. SEE OUR WINDOWS CUT RATE SHOE STORE i bpecials 1 sT7TTWAiIU.:jWTgTTnMI Phone 63 3 lbs. 69c COMET BUTTER 3 lbs. 69c LAMB SHOULDER TRIMMED 20c STEER BEEF BRISKET 1f) lb. T POT ROAST CROSS AR.M lb. PRI.ME RIB lb. J2c 15c 18c SWIFTS DELICO ,5HllI3 STERLING bacon iMWfSm TP A pit? 15c L JtfJttH! P rfin"'" lh 45c Ayrshire STERLING HURNS ttACON LARD DAKEASY lh. sliced 25c 2 lbs 25c 2 lbs 25c 2 lbs. 25c SPARE RIBS 2 lbs. 25c RUBBER MATS I In Three Colors Green, Blue or White ' Drainboard Mats 50c ! Bathroom or Kitchen Floor Mats .90c, $1.00 & $1.25 I Bathtub Mats . . $1.75 THOMPSON HARDWARE Co. Ltd. I 253 Third Avenue Phone: 101 VALENTIN'S DAIRY DO YOU KNOW You can whip our table cream? Keep cream cold and add small amount of sugar while whipping. "For Real Economy" 15c half pint Our Cream Prices Arc: Whipping Cream Vi pint Table Cream M pint Phone 657 25c 15c SHORT WAVE Time is Here You can listen to these stations on your present set U8XK Pittsburg. W3XAL Boundsbrook, NJ. VE0I1R Winnipeg. W2XAF Schenectady. N.Y. Enquire at the SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC for this information Second Avenue &, Third Street Daily News Want Ads Bring Results f sub t