m It r . -1 44 44 X1 P. 3 8$ 5. ! PAGE SIX WALLACES Special Values SATURDAY and MONDAY White Pique Skirts Opening full length in front. Girls SweatersPuff sleeves In a variety of colors with la rye pearl button fastening Q-f iQ and white, sizes 32 to 38 00 for trim: sizes 16 to 20 yrs.; each v--? eacij tl.Ul Wash Dresses-Jean. Gordon styles and quality, aoys Batriing Trunks- Q-f QQ to OS) A A pretty styles, organdie trimmed, a full range AU wool ' itom $AOt $2UU of sizes Just arrived Q-f ff each vlvU Ladies' Balbrlggan Mercerized Vests QQp - ajltj Bloomers, each . O&X Dresses 15 only, light and dark, amazing values. --- we have too many and must make room for new uirls Blue Drill Shorts 8 to 16 years, trimmed stock, pure silks included wi,n bcIt and buckle, roomy cut 2jjj Suede Taffeta Slips Lace, trimmed, also tailored Girls Slacks In wool or Q-j CA to OA nc Cach styles In flesh or white $1 00 bl"p tlr"-n- QM.0t ?1..t) , '", " Suede Taffeta Watste -A new shipment in white Bloomers- Silk rayon in assorted col- Qi A A egg-hell and pastel shades Q-J Off ors. a 50c leader on sal?; 3 prs. for O sizes to 40: each QXiO Kiddies' Play Suits. Coveralls. Etc. -In a variety Pure Si'.k Full Fashioned Hose An assortment of of stvles at- latent snide. These are sub-standards of regu- 35c, 69c, 75c, 85c, S1.25 'Zx llnM and are 8pIendid Yaluca 69c Bathing Suits--Children's all wool CI A A Men s All Wool Work Sox Q A A tfl.UU Ol.UU suits from 5 palrs Visit our store this week-end, it will pay you. All usual sale day attractions on sale on Saturday and Monday. Remember we close at 8 p.m. Saturdays. YOU CAN'T BUY NEW EYES But you can get satisfactory glasses from tir.O. F. DAVKV. Ke?i-tered Optoiuttrbt, who, for the past six years, has been giving a real personal service in the Optical Department of Max Heilbroner Phone in 00 Quality TAi Service The Pioneer Jeweler Phone 261 Saturday's DIAMOND T SPECIALS! Extra Specials Sunnybrook Butter 3 lbs 70c Fresh Killed Fowl, lb. 20c (Farmer dressed) Roasting Chickens lb.' 28c Ayrshire Bacon, Sliced, per lb 25c Pure Lard, lb. 12 Jc Round Steak. 2 lbs. ..Sot-Spare Ribs, 2 lbs 25c Hearts, lb. 12c Shoulder Roast of Veal per lb .10c Cooked Meats Boiled Ham, sliced, lb. 15c Baked Ham, sliced, lb. 43c Nut Meat Loaf. lb. 25c Meat Loaf with Cheese, lb. 25c Werners, lb. 22c Blood Sausage, lb. 20c Garlic Sausage, lb. 20c Liver Sausage, lb. 25c No. 1 Steer Beef Pot Roast Beef. lb. 12'jc Rib Roast Beef. lb. 18c Brisket Beef. lb. 7sc Rib Roast Beef, rolled, lb. 18c Cambridge Sausage, lb. 12'ic ' V one er Butchers Kst. 1910 BaaanHBn0OTvw99naHHtB!Mi - . ROSE, COWAN & LATTA Ltd. Printers and Stationers Erasers Higgin's Ink Ifotchkis3 Staples Indexes Inks (Writing):: Inks (Showcard) Ink Wells Lead Refills Loose Leaf Ledgers Ledger Sheets Legal Seals Loose Leaf Iooks Lumber Crayons Manuscript Covers Marking Ink Mimeograph Paper Mucilage Notepaper Besner Block, Third St., Phone 234 WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront C. P. R. steamer Princess Adelaide. Capt. S. K. Oray, ts due in port at 4:30 this afternoon from the i south and will sail as soon as she has completed dlscliarglng local cargo, on a special voyage to Ketchikan to pick up a large party of passengers. The vessel is due back here tomorrow morning enrontr back to Vancouver and wnypolnts. Pioneer Mining Man is Interred Funeral of Late Clarendon Smith Takes Place Here Yesterday Afternoon Ofd Mends of deceased gathered yesterday afternoon at the chapel of the B. C. Undertakers to pay their final tributes of respect to the memory of the late Clarendon C. Smith, pioneer mining man of Northern British Columbia and the Yukon, who passed away at the first of the week. Following the service ,ln the chapel, which was conducted by Very Rev. James B. Gibson, dean of St. Andrew's An- gucan cathedral, interment was made in the returned soldiers' plot at Fairview Cemetery. Pallbearers were H. W. Birch, J. H. Preece. W H. Wilson-Murray. Robert Gordon. T. W. Silversldcs and Robert Stuart. There were a number of floral offerings. END ?ANSooiUc SORE HANDS by Rubbing in a HOLIDAYS Tor Adulla or Children, on the Famous Graham Island North Hcach Fishing, Bathing, Badminton, Picnic., Scenic Drives, Shotting In the Season. Rent a fully furnished cottage at Smgan Rlvrr. For full particulars apply MRS. DUNN Ma&kclt, B.C. THE DAILY NEWS. Fridu Jon i l4 FAREWELL WAS SAID Ex-Srrvlcc Men Add Tribute to Col. Mc.Mordie Great Send-Off gion rooms to the boat where once xnressed and "Bon Chance and Bm Sanl?" were rinaliift In the rs of Col. McMordle as the ship nulled out. Mail Schedule or the East. Mondays. Wednesdays ana Fridays 4:30 pjn Tom the East Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays io pjn. for Vancouver-Tuesday 12:30 pm Thursdays 9:15 pjn Friday .. u pm Mondays and Wednesdays (b train) 4:30 p n.. From Vancouver-Sunday , pjn Wednesdays io ajn. Friday pm. Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays (by train) 10 pjn. r'or Anyox and Stewart-Sunday 7 pm, Wednesday 3 pm From Anyox and Stewa't Tuesday H:30 a m Thursday g pjn For Naa River ana Port Simpson-Sunday 7 pjn from Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday 1130 a jn Week-End SPECIAL 2 Iioxcs Strawberries J Pint Whipping Cream 35c Order Now For Saturday and Sunday Dominion Dairy I'hone C3fl Cur Famous Edson, Albert and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No i Bulkley Vahcy. Wf Uo ll Timothy Hay. Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. Is r hones (SI Aavcrtlse m tot Dally News. PICTURE IS ! SPECTACLE "Stand Up and Cheer" Has Warner Baiter and Many Others In Cast , There was a very large atten- j dance at'a special meeting of re- "Stand Up and Cheert" one of the turned men called last evening un- moat elaborate of recent musical j der the auspices of the Canadian motion pictures will make- 1U ap-i Legion. British Empire Service pea ra net at the Capitol Theatre 1 League, at the clubrooms to My this week-end. ' j "goodbye and good luck" to a long- Among many elements the fllnjt lime comrade In the person or offers hundieda of dialing girls, a Lieut. Cut. S. P. McMordle D. 8. O., ' vocal chorus of 500, one thousand just prior to his departure for Vic- players, 335 scenes. 1.200 wild anl- torla. mals and five bands of music. Aim On behalf of the branch. Presl- there are five spectacular revue dent Jack Preece expressed the very numbers each of which contains an sincere regrets of the members at authentic song hit. The large cast their loss in the departure of the Includes such stellar name as War- Colonel. He had done his share In ner Baxter. Madge Evans. James the line as a good soldier, he had Dunn. John Boles. Ralph Morgan. taken his place in the city and had Nigel Bruce. Shirley Temple. Arthur not forgotten his comrades. They Byron and Stepln Fetchlt. would always remember him and The story tell how the President their best wishes would ever uccom- of the United States appoints a fa-psny him. mous Broadway producer to the The Colonel was visibly affected cabinet post of Secretary of Amuse- a'. the expression from hit old com- menU It ts his duty to help restore rades. To a returned man the prosperity by reviving the spirits of friendship of ex-soldiers was par- the people. Belectlng the country's ticularly dear. He was at a low to lead in entertainers, Uie producer adequately express his thanks but. proceeds to amuse the nation wiUi as soldiers, they would understand, matniftcent and lavtth staoe oro- Thelr send-off would always be one ductloiu. It Is in these productions or nis most precious memories In that the wonders of the film ire re-accepting the splendid cliwrHtn waled. ca e from the Legion he did It with . t keen sense'of the honor they had f TMT7 riATV nehlm. I .P. W I I II I I , . . , . ... . '- " .' 'y M. n (Miaul- moiiict oy inf iny Hind under Bandmaster Bob Ireenfleld marched from the Le SUCCUMBS zaln cheers and good wishes were Well Known .Movinr Plflure Actor Paste Away In Sleep at UVver'ey IHIU Home , HOLLYWOOD. Cal.. June 1: CT -Lew t;xljr. naed 47. movie artor. ; was found detul in the hdnm of lib Beverley Hills home late yer-i terdrty, apparently the vlcOm of ! heart attack. Evidently he Itad died j))oacefully In his sleep In bed probably elf ht or ten hours after he had retired at 1 ajn. Cody, who was well known as a portrayer of soph W lea ted and sometimes crook or villain roles In the movies, suffered a complete . breakdown several month a so but. apparently, had been hale and hearty reeently. C. N. R. Trains Kor the Eal Mondays. Wednesday' and Frl day 5:30 pji. from the East-Tuesdays. Thursdays and Batur-lay 10:00 pjn. WE CAN SERVE YOU BETTER Call in and Let u Show You HOTHOUSE TOMATOES (Iffp 5-lb. basket JtJv NOKTHLKN B.C. RHUIJAnU O ner Ih 1 B.C. HEAD LETTUCE- each . FANCY BANANAS 2 lbs . LAIIGE CANTELOUPES each EATING APPLES Delicious Or a Mm -501 BRUNSWICK 8AHDINES-6 tins MU8SALLEMS BUTTER. A-l. 3 lb4. i BLUE RIBBON IJAK1NO POWDER 12-oz. tin NABOB COFFEE 5-lb. tin LIFEBUOY SOAP 12 bars I.B.C. SODAS-Family size. 2 pkgs. OINOER SNAPS 5 doz. SWEET ORANOES 1 3 rioz. P(lAT! rOAI I SUNKIST LEMONS-Urge vwa a.JL-1. vV-rjT-.-, ner Hoz. qc 25c 15cl 69c 22c S1.97 89c 39c 15c 69c 29c Out of town orders receive prompt and careful attention MUSSAUEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" 3l"-t0 Th-d Ar-ni" Vit P. O, Hot 57S Phone 18 m TONIOIIT and SATURDAY MAT I NEK SAT!'itf.v WARNER BAXTER In "STAND UP AND CHEER" bAIUNO HO.MI-Rulrd bond jwnor. letter slse wiUi i P enveloie white or blue lined lie value for Ml i,uuu players and periormers . . . vocal chorus f rm . . . 1,200 wild animals ... 5 great bands of ml costumes . . . m scenes ... 500 dazzlinir benit . . .u ounfc lino . . . v uii-auiiuKini; 8f)ectarifx Feature Starts: 7:30 and 9:30 With . .MAIH5F. EVANS . JOHN HOLES - JAM! S MA ADIIKI) OUK OA.NO COMEDY MICKEY MOVIE SEffs Writing Pad Special Take advantage of this special offer. Everyone like-good writing paper. Huy now and save iinne : KLIITON KID IINISll-ELxtra Urge steet-V pa4 wiUi 2 u k envelope. iegu.ar Ijc pkv-70c value for 50c 25c Slazenger "Victory" Tennis Balls A irguLtUou ImII niectliiff all itiiiittnmU of the Hvr.a-, u ui:. pkyer SLAZBNOUfS I'rttc 40e lor Special g gj QQ Vsr SI.A7.EMEJtS and you'll play a brttrr (aiwe. tnme in and Me the new 1931 rarkrtu (sMaeSwsltd 3j m.iu j miux mu tu tu-uims ttitttrt: . ins : i i BETTER VALUES! ! When you buy at our store you are aurrl of brtlrr valurs In quality mtrthandl We speclaliie in llulldtrs' and Household Hardware. ttot tni llouve Paint, Varnhhrs and .Muroco g GORDON'S HARDWARE Thane III McBridr 51 MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE 24 Oak Jardiner Stands Sale price, 80c each Kitchen Chairs-White Wood Sale price, cach 1.20 Phone 775 327 Third Ave. Prince Ituprrt, BC Queen Charlotte Island SHINGLES The best made on the coast, Not Kiln Dried HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 The AUCTIONEER Parkin Crating Wrapplnt tt Qenerai Furniture Repairs List your goods with me Phone niack 1ZI GEO. J. DAWES For Your Health CWropractle Ultra Violet Bar Intra Red R7 ' 1 Mamir All at Reasonable price W. C. ASPINAMi DC (Chiropractor) OreenZIl Phones flrtr" If your paper dot not arrive, telephone the otf'fe