Friday, fue J . 1M4 Classified Ads FOR Sale UAijrintussEu onJJfETTINO Ooat for sale. PERMANENT WAVING! Cheap lor ah. Apply 8eal Cove CloUey Curt; Latest Styles JOSt Qttk. tl NELSON'S BEAUTY BHOPPB FOR SALE 7-tube Otrteral Elcc- trie radio cheap, Owner leaving PAINTERS town. Phone breeh 710. 128 .. HOUSEHOLD Furniture Tor sale. Apply, Macphail, icog Eighth AV-miii Fast. 132 BOAT with cabin, 20 (eel lonj? iii1rriri ulfH 4 h fi aft mm MINERAL ACT rcKTinCAtr. or impkowiiats XII H I. R.'vrr Prwiortal Mineral Claim. uatc in the Atlin MmVnf Ditlaion ot awlar b-trinr , Ijwyd -rri Wt hn rt the "Tu- QUak IWver, . . ' ! TAkt NOTICE that . MeN. rra-er, fir 1(4 aa Agelt tor Taku Mlhra Cw, acttitgwa Arrntfor Taku Mine Company! Wiaurd. Pre Miner- CrN4flaa,.- o. 4fittt. intend, ou daya fr.ctn ut reol.l 'a anply be WIMlit. Becerfler te-, C4rurvU of ImproTrnnu t th! of otouuiant a crown Qrant of Surt i aixr claim. And furthrr Uke rtotlre that lo; UUder re'lloA H, rrnier be oCmmnfrd bf.v the tMcu!We uf auch OrUflcal' c Intiiroverreia. . . rt. m.. rtt anf!l 1B34. H. MN. Fraaer; Amt fVHTR-SMI VT M'qVOB M'T" ;ot if 1: nr ion i.n.M. k.nMM I - L . .1 ... 1 rTl fh el 1 nillll. nrmij i" -.- bimtlcn of thla advert linnt 1h unj dert;d mer social Club loWtidii W'lJ V U- lAflucf Crol Uortf for; k eiub licence l reapeOt ot PfiWlr allual nU the 4t aide of K!w.y DC. land deeftlbed Hy.r, vpon hU 0. Block Olut W3J. BabJ vtolon Of .DUtrtCV LCt 044, OLaMW Olttriet, Prlne Ruprt land RrtinWUM iric v tlvTprwrinor- of mW.Coltf bWi, to untitle. eVM mnbf t i the ? JJE'aSSSSi eanrumpllon oil the prrraVM In c-rotdaiic wUH tlie pnwHluoa of wi 'Oovemweni Utor Art" and the r itdationa pramf.(rated therrurirt-r PATET) at Hyder. Drltlah Columbia, thla Jth day of May, 1M. ' By A. A. rmer. 4w WTf4nr anil Managrf NOTirr. or APn.irtioN 1 ron i rrn. imrarr. w iMmor.Mr. OnM nift N. a frartlonal Mlsl Clold t'lllf No. f Mineral Halm. Maryarrt Minrral rutin, flllf Irarllnoil Mineral CUm. BmU tn the rortland Canal MIW6I Where located on tha wt War Rlvar notrt three louea '" tewart, BO, iWitnber 91 the bolder' free tnlBr Ctrtlflrtr77730.D. TAKK NOTICTE that WIUlMn Dat m trw twin wn"" - . , , . , the date hereof, to apply to the Ulnlts b .. ...i 1 fi t m rt imiirove iwwnirr lor irrw r - mahta for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Grant ot the abdva dilma. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE , toat otlon. tindar BetUoft- 8S ol tha "Mttt rl Act" muat be conuueJvoed 'berure tBe'linuanr ot auoU oertlflct ot lm j r MM) .rt Thefflarkets Retail prices currec: here are u JoWs: . Vegetables New Potatoes, Imported, lb. .Potatoes, Ashcroft, 9 lbs Sack Potatoes, Vancouver, 10 lbs. Sack, $1.90 to .....;... Cucumbers, hothouse, each I.AMt ACT Notice nf Intention to apply to lVae I .and America's Cup Defender 4.,,. n .. p . .01 25 2.50 25 2.25 20 J09 ,10 -JJ9 .17 TRANSFERS :SSlJfS5mSi;-2 Green Onions, 3 bunches 10 pracaily new 1 ui V T" "S ;ih am .wiv i Birch. Jackplne. Cedar. tf excellent condition. Can be wen hv annnlntment PhnnA 571 nr PAXNTINO and Pa perhanging Sweet Potatoes, lb . Molln, Phone Red Ml " Spinach, B.C., lb.' . . .. .... . . . Asparagus, B.C., lb Blue 449. after 0 Din. I Nl,,lr' Intrilllon to apply to Onions, 6 lbs .25 In PniK Bupert Laud Roordlag i , ...u : In Prlnc Rupert Land Hecordtni Dlntrtct of Prince Rupert, DC. and alt run oni,i-ni.iuirij V4ii utrltt of Prince Bupert. B.C.. and alt- nut m QlawdMet Bay located at the Offer takes this boat, Can. b n Qladzee Bay located at tbt N.W end at Steptxtia laUbd. I(nge 8, NW- rnd 01 Uland. Coiiat Dlrtrlct 8!phen Range ft, tranferrit In Rlfeeni nltee fnr transferred to BKeena Rltet for ruA uuerx. Take notice that John Clauaen of $25, 31 ft. cabin cruiser. 7 ft. 8 (n. ,' - TU notice that John Clauara ot Prince Rupert, BC, occupation Flh k uinon mii,,. 1.1. Prince- Rupert. B.C , occupation PU5 Paeker. intend to apply for a ke of beam, U n. p. VI mn meaium Ollly . Puiur, intend to aply for a lea of the following described foreahore; fOKlne. IJOlt and engine In fine foliowtnc -deacrtbed landa: Oonucenclug m. po-it planted at .ii,i- ,.tv . i Oommenritif aA a po planted at the 8. W. corner of a amaU island Or ui sen boat condition. or, en. B w. of Mtaa tbtmt 8 8 E of Avery lsltn(, Cine separate. This boat IS at out S chain a E. of Avery Mand tbenec B.W.I. Chain; thence WeMterly r.,, , nW. t thmcr NJt- thence weaterly. aoutherly 8 chalna; thence NX. S chatna more or Kaium taRe riear jerrace. l-ail tMtrly. fo(loHng high watermark lest to high water mark on the UZ or Wlitr! own'- DlX, Terrace lo Plnt of commencement, and eon- point of the Uland: thence 8. E. direc- - UJcllx 3 acTM tritore or teaa. and In- tlon C chalna more or Iee following " v ; eluding IM entire area oi the aald la mtn water mark to mint oi commence- FOR RENT FOR RENT 3roorued house with ' bath, 6Vh Avenue East. Prion Orten 710, 128 MODERN .heated apartment fori, rent, newly decorated. Apply 225 Second Avenue. . 128 FURNISHED Apartment for Rent for summer, central location. Box 208, Dally News or Phone Blue 637. 132 W TOE SUPREME COURT OP aUHTISH COLUMBIA li THE VATTCT OP Tf "ADMINI9. TBATION ACT" - ' and ts rrrt MiTira nr niE rrrr. or MICHAEL T O'KELLT. DEOlABED, i.vrmATE. t TAKE N0T7O5 that by order of Hit HohrW I. rUher. the !4U day of May. Ml 1934. t waa apps'-nted Admjruatra or of the aetata ol Uleluet T OKl IT vpd died i the Vth dy Of Pt :emirr AD. tl. and all partJea har. lrc ruima ig&UiM ttia aald eatate are hereby required to rurnMi uu, pro. perty eertfled. to me. on or betare tht 3It day or Jum. AD. in, and all MttlM ldevid W Ue eataU are rf i 1 red to pay he amount of their In debtedneaa to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. ornrlat Admlnlatra, v PrUtce Ritprrt. B C. . Dated tte 14th. day of Mat. At). 1954 Urxl. ' ment. JOBS CLAUSEN, JOHN CLAUSEN, Dated April It. mi. Dated April IS, 1834 The prospective America's Cup de ender Rainbow. ' photographed from a motorboat as she made falrj speec peforp a brisk wind in Narrangansett Day, after having been placed under sail for the firit time. Rainbow was skipped 'bV Harold Vanderbllt; the yachtsman who heads the syndicate that constructed the craft for possible competition against the Brltlsh-bullt "Endeavour". "TILLIE THE TOILER" THE DAILY NEWS ; PAOE FIVE i Leeks, bunch. '. JDS Bananas, lb. ...... Garlic, Imported, per lb 3j Pears, Aunt., dbz. 50c to Cabbage, B.C new, lb J01 Aust. Almelra Grapes, lb California, lb. . .07 i;anieioupes, Cal., each 20c to EC He Ail Lettuae, 12c to- ,U Strawberries, Wash., fcittket ... Cauliflower. lg.. Car... 25c to ... 25 :3cuttoes4iothou,ab. JO Parsley, tilncfi?' ' LT.I .: J7 Turnips, . atv, bunch .09 TumliML e lbs 55 Parsnips, $ Ibz. .25 ! Celery, Cal.. head, 15c and 25 Radishes, 3 bunches 10 Winem&jtonsy wrapped 3 lbs. B1 ... ..... Yellow Newtons &' jOTide. 3 tttt, .,.v..,. -SOZ . Fancy, 3 lbs. . Bos fruits Driru i-ruit ' Cal Navel Oranges, doz. 20c to .75 White Ftp. " , Lemons, Cal, doz. 25c to 25 Black Cooking Figs, rb. Jk Orapefrult, CaU 5c to .1 10 oatcs, bulk, lb, . .....r..c to Florida OrapefruuVeach-12c to ;18 Lemon and . .range Peel Rhubarb, field, lb 04 Citron peel .. -fr- J 5 .60 .25 25 20 25 Z25 23 3.13 12 Vj lb .15 .23 22 Prunes 30-40, lb. Prunes, 40-50, lb. Prunes, C3-70, lb. ., itaMM, Australian seedless; lb, Raisins. Ca! seetfless. Ib. ... Currants, lb. Apricots, lb . . ... Apples, dried ... IMlU to Peaches, peeled,. 14c td. White. 100 lbs. ... Yellow. 100 lbs Pure, lb. 15c to Lard B.C. Fresh Extras, jirtohed .... Local, new- laid, doz: Uulldey Valley, fresh, doz; .18 . Flour .14 ttour, 47a, Wo. 1 hard wheat 1.85 Wz . .Second Patent 1.70 .14 .'jstry Flour. 19 lb. 45c to ... .30 .15 mat. Pastry Flour. 10 la. .3$ 15 lltmey . 22 i x.racied ,loi. jar 2Uc i.i 2Q ,11 vuiub Honey ........- 5 .47 ...Hiii. i; J: footed l5c and -20 735 Salmon, fre&li, lb. , 20 705 ' Halibut, fresh, lb.' 4' i .15 . tfcno'fced Halibut, lb .15 2fli Gutter ! Fancy, cartoned, ib. ...,' i3 I No. 1 Creamery, 3 lbs ' .89 29 Cheese ; 35 Ontario solids, newlb. :.22c & 25 25 Ontario, mature, My. 25 British Challenger Takes To Water For First Time Shades of Sir Thomas Upton! Here Is a sight that would have gladened the heart or the famous Irish skipper, perennial challenger for the America's Cup. For here is the new challenger. 'Endeavour", as le took to. water under full saU for the trst time TOM Sopwith is the new owner and skipper and he U seen uppelefK on the deck of the ehalleriger. His wife, also an ardent sailor is seen at the wheel. Upper right. Endeavour in full sail seen from the air. Below, hoisting the saU for the first time on England's hope. The races for the America's Cup will be held" late this summer. Plstures taken On Solent HtTer. Getting Acquainted y sT Ml Z1' 4Lrr II .1 e rT' DaTSaW aflMMal 1 J- I III 1 PiJa V'fil U II Sin ' aStsaw Wrf tU arT' lallT If I ll UTtrViam. Iv, ii (.in. Baaaaaaai i aaaaakjn i i i j i i , w J i i fnaamirK .aaaw.aaai . aaaaa . aaaaaaaaaa in i ma lixOnM Mi MA m, niw4 .L'i.' '! 'M 4. 4. Sea !) t,aJkM t,iKut In Under Lo ck and Key -By Westoveir i"E3 ir yi ASK IMS AMO CO i I QDMPETtTOR IM THEl .-,' " I r , V i4