Published f GROUP NO. 5 Here Is your opportunity to secure quality shoes at a remarkable saving. Onyx," "IVrth" and other good makes. Good showing in the strap patterns with Cuban or Spanish heels. Values $7.50. Price, $3.95 THE DAILY NEWS. rKINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally ffews. Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period paid In advance For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week . .. By mall to all parts of Rrltish Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year By mail to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per Incnt per Insertion uocai readers, per insertion, per line Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone .. Editor and Reporters Telephone DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations 9S 81 I5.0C .10 1.40 .25 .02 Tuesday, March 6, 1934 MULTIPLICITY OF FOKMS One good thing was saitj by Sir Henry Drayton in his. address at Vancouver rprpntlv. Hp hpmnnnprl th mnlM. Because it doesn't pay to advertise poor products, lMQe8 pay to. buy those advertised. ESSINGTON BADMINTON ! IS BEATEN IS PLAYED One-Sided Hoop Game lljsli City Open Tournament (lets I'mler School and Trojans Win Titles j Way Monday Night The Intermediate Mercliants,! Results in last nltfhfs play J j strengthened by two senior play-! city open badminton toutiuiiiriit ers, had an easy 46-1? win over Port ' were as follows i .Esslngton in basketball last night.; A DIVISION j t Hie first half was a very poor dls- Men's Doubles jplay. the Merchants being unable Norrlngton and Murray betit W. to click at all. being behind 10-13 .Murray and Hussanlclt, 12-15, Ul-lJ. at half time. After the Interval, the! 15-10. , . ' j Merchants comi)leleIy outclassed Men's Singles their opponents, running in 231 F. Russell beat W., 15-11, points before the Easing ton squad; 15-10. tallied. Walter Johnson refereed W. Tobey beat Mcintosh, 155, tne game ui a. very capable man- ia-o. j ner. W. Dryant beat J. Horton, 18-15, I The Intermediate play-off battle 15-2, 15-7. was packed with thrills as the Warriors tried vainly to overcome a five-point lead which the Stu- battle. The game opened cautiously, both teams waiting for a break which didn't come and they were still playing carefully when the first half ended, the score being 11-11. Nakamoto and Santerbane, playing dual combination, put the Students in the lead but the forward line of the Warriors turned on the heat and took a point lead Just before the gun went but they were still five points in arrears. The Trojans, a gang of kids who 3.00 1 eat, think and sleep basketball, (.00 climbed to the top of their short I hoop career when they tucked the Jurdor Division championship away by defeating the Scouts by a lop sided score of 34-10. Scouts were 15-12. Mixed Doubles Miss Molly Lawrence and Nor-rington beat Miss Jessie Moffat jdents luad gained In Monday night's i Lambie, J5-12, 9-15, 18-17. defeated In every department of Mixed Doublet the game. 1 MUs Yvonne Terrlcn and Mur The West Enders know practical-j dock beat MU? Dorothy Macdonald ly every trick of the game. They, ana uougias. i3-e, 18-15. pass the ball like bullets out of a TONIGHTS GAMES rifle and can snare baskets when- 7 pm. Mitchell and Horton v ever they want them. One could not Stamford and Darton; Bussanlch pick put any Individual stars as vs- IenB- they1 all turned in a good game. i7:3 P-m Miss B. Thompson and Junior League Mlss J- Orieve vs. Miss F. Cross and Scouts (10) Nakamoto fit. Mlss c Mitchell; Murdock vs. Mc- Deane 3, Vlereck (4), Klshimoto mtosh. 2i. Dybhavn. Lindseth. Houston. 8:00 pm. Mlss J. Moffat and 1JSf f t w t,,i - u ' :!!.! ! v... i...': . ! Trojans (341-Campbell (101 V..MW unit WVf u, AUICVi III J UU3111C30 ill UlO.j ne is penectiy ngnt mere, ihe number is legion and the filling in cost3 the business people a good deal of money in preparing the figures. Then the government, federal or provincial, spends thousands of dollars summarizing the returns and distributing the findings. The Federal Government has a Bureau of Statistics which issues a. bulletin daily on all kinds of subjects, many of which are very interesting, but the work of compiling the original statistics by the firms that fill in the forms, the cost of mailing and the cost of compiling and issuing the information is very costly. It would each year be enough to run the provincial government for many weeks. The cost of compiling this information is borne by the Canadian consumer of the troods nroduced. In regard to the income tax forms, there have been for years two separate forms, one for the province and the other fov the Dominion, If they were similar the time taken to fill them out would be small but unhappily they are different in their requirements, All that the unfortunate taxpayer knows is that he must fill up the forms, must swear mat they are correct and must pay the tax. SHOULD RECOGNIZE RUSSIA Great Britain and United States have officially recognized the Union of Soviet Republics, better known to us atf Russia, but so far Canada has held aloof. Trade relations were established some years ago but those were broken off because it was found that Russia was using its trado envoys as agents for communist nronairanda. It does not matter what we may think of the kind of government Russia has established, If it suits them, we should have no kick coming as long as they do not inter- iere witn us. it seems to be working pretty well there. At any rate the country is fairly well satisfied with it. Russia is a neighbor of ours. Vladivostok is just across the Pacific and may possibly do a great deal of commorce With Prince Rupert in the days to come. We do not have to become communist in order to do business with them. Ry recognizing the Soviet government officially we put ourselves in the, position of being able to trade with them or to negotiate treaties, We may'not send a minister to Moscow but can do our business through the British minister. It seems like a reasonable suggestion that we put ourselves in the way of doing business if it should offer. People point to Britain as an example in many matters, Here is a case wnere is main tooK the Jean years ago. dlna U3I, Campbell (4). Naylor i4),Lvons vs- wlM M. McKay and Bus Nelson, OIUls; total. 35. .sanicn; w. Tobey vs. F. RusfoII. High School-Nakamoto (81. Mil-' SJOO p.m.-Murray ts. Moxley; ler 111. Moxley i3. Santerbane Mlss c- Mitchell vs. Miss M. McKay 13). Davies I2i. Mnriran 121. To- 3:30 pm. -Mlss F. Cross vs. Mlss bey; total, 34. D- Thompson; II. T. Cross and Ores- j Itimert vs. IXslntlon 0T V Murdock and IJunn. 1 Merchants- Blake 2. Wlnt-ham ; ,0:0-w- Murray vs. Lyons; Po-H2. Armstrong 2). Suehlro (li.terse and Mcintosh vs. Lambie Santerbane (12). J. Morrison (17); and Kussell. total. 46. 1 10:30 P-m. Mlss M. Lawrence Port Esslneton-Peter Drown. E. and Norrlngton vs. Mlss IJ. Thomp-Feak, Herb Spalding. Don Drown, ' 8011 and Tobey; Wlldln? and p. Douglas (OL Peter Spalding P?uhcty vs' Murrav and Utusan-.iriP Weslev. Howard 8Urr i; to- Icll ! 11:00 p.m.-MIss J. Orlevc and tal ,c 15. Intermediate League Warriors Pierce 1 14 1 . Coma- Billiard Averages o. Ttl. J.Sutherland Em 7 13S9 C. Daptle (CD 14 2734 D. Drown (G) 14 2731 P. Prltchaid (Em) 14 2701 Hoy Fong 'El 2 380 CPJJalagno (Elks) 14 2G72 E. Batt (O) H 2069 L. Raabe (Em) 3 5C0 J. Judge (CD 8 1498 F. Aldrldge (Em) 10 1850 W. Wullscnj't (Em) 12 2J97 J. Miy d 14 2557 O. P. Tinker (CD 12 3187 C. Youngman (CD 9 1610 O. Howe (0) J3 2333 J. Doherty (Elks) 12 2151 M. M. Lamb (CD .12 2130 Bulger (Elks) 19 2301 W. Stuart (Elks) 14 2475 S. D. Macdonald (Q) 6 1062 A. Murray (CD 13 2280 E. Morris (Elks) 6 1055 M. E. Young (Em) .14 2430 D. Morgan (O) 14 2433 W. E. Hutson (O) .. 7 1209 W. Hance (CD 1 172 A. Donald (Em) 14 2400 J. Saunders (Elks) 8 1371 M. McLachlan (Em) 8 1371 A. Harvey (CD 13 3188 S. Jurmaln (E) 1 157 II. Menzle (Elks) 14 2150 A. Beale (CD 2 305 W. Lambie (Elks) .2 287 A, Zadaroskl (CI) 1 138 Ave. 199 105 195 193 Miss Bessie Thompson and W. Tobey beat Miss Francos Cross jiul W. Cros, 7-15, 15-12, 15-5. LadieV Double Miss Caroline Mitchell and Mi as Frances Cross beat Miss Elsie Davis and Miss Thelma Davis, 15-4. 15-10. Ladles' Single Miss Bessie Thompson beat Mrs. J. H. Horton, 11-4, 11-0. B DIVISION . Men's Doubles Wilding and Dougherty beat Lindsay and Douglas, 7-15, 15-10, 15-10. W. Murray and Bussanjch beat Lyons and Staines, 17-14, 15-4. Men's Singles W. Murray beat J. Lindsay, 15-1. miss m. Mcuauery vs. Miss m. mc- Naylor i3i, Currje. Lindsay H5. ay and Mrs. Horton; Mrs. Laidlcr Hlrano, Shrubsall 6l ; and Dougherty vs. Oreggor and partner. 8:30 pjn. Mlss M. Lawrence and Mitchell vs. Mrs. Horton and Dry- lant: Douslas vs. Dunn. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront 193 1 j91 ! Having spent the winter In Van-191 couver where a new 60 h.p. Vivian Igg dlesel enslne was Installed, the 187 well known Prince Itupert halibut 135 boat Vera Beatrice, Capt. J. p. 183 1 Thin bcr, arrived In port last night 132 on her way to the Nshing grounds 182 lor her majden trip of the 1934 180 ! t'ason. The Vera Beatrice will pick 179 UP her gear, outfit and get away 179! for the deep sea fisheries by the 178 " u w,e ween, h is cxpecia. 177 177 177i Th American halibut boats Eur eka and Ivanhoe arrived In port 175 i lat evening from Seattle, being on 176 j their way to the banks for their 174 j first trips following the opening of 173 173 172 171 171 171 lb8 157 154 the 1934 season. After having spent a month en gaged In scientific reasearch work in Queen Charlotte Island halibut areas, the big Seattle schooner Engle, Capt. Jacob Engdal, under charter to the nuernatonal Fish erles Commission and with John L, 153 Kask as scientist in charge, arrived 144 n Prnce Rupert last night and, af-lSSjtor spending a day or so In port TOTAL ASSLTS IN EXCESS OP 97)0.000,000 Maintain Comfortalile Margin At Top of Billiard Although n Defeated by Crotlo In the final postponed game from last Thursday's Billiard League fixture between Or otto and Canadian Legion, John May, Grotto, defeated Alex Harvey, Legion, by a score of 200 to 191 lait night. giving tho aggregate victory to the Orotto by a seme of 1185 to 1102. The Canadian Legion now has a margin of 133 points over the second place Empress team In the aggregate standing for the second half of the reason and the two teams will meet on Thursday evening of this week In a crucial fixture which will more than likely determine honors for the per- !lod. ! Grotto, which still has a remote j chance to win the second half, will, imeet the cellar-dwelling Elks to night, with Hne-ups as follows: C. P. Balagno, Elks vs. Don Drown, Orotto. : William Stuart vs. Earl Batt. Harry Menzlq vs. George Howe, I Earl Morris vs. John May. J. Doherty vs. Dcrt Morgan. i John Dulger vs. fl. D, Macdonald j j The second half standing to date. i I Legion j Empress 1 Grotto Elks Games Aggrc. Ave. 8 8840 1105 i 8 8702 1088 j 8 8693 1087 8 8339 1042 Hockey Scores 'Saturday Scores Doston 1, Canadlcns 2. Detroit 4, Toronto 6. Sunday Scores Ottawa 0, New York Americans 3, Montreal 2, Chicago 4. 'outfitting, will leave again for the Island waters whence she will pro-cewt to Seattle. Tho vessel Is near-lng the end of her charter period for this occasion, Heloincr to Solve 7 1 O Tuesday. MuMj , AMI 7VTO THE DAILY NEWS 1(14 The Family Shoe Store Third Avenue. LIMITED Phone r7 I Bargain Department Specials GROUP NO, 1 Children's Play Boots. Good quality. "Chums." "Hurlbut" & Packard" makes. Sizes up to It Price, 95c filiOUI' NO, 2- Women's Black Kid, Satin and Patent 1-Strap Shoes. Just thj thing for the house. Price, $195 filtOUP NO. 3 Women's Shoes. A varied roui) of styles to suit all occasions Good makes but chiefly the smaller sizes. Pried at $2.95 r.itoui" no. i Here we have grouped some ol our better quality shoes for quick selling. Here you wil! fltu! value consistent with style. Values to $6.50. Price, $3,45 'S PO RT ur Business Problems When a customer of the Bink of Montreal handles a transaction through this old-established institution, he has at his command unsurpassed facilities in every department of banking. But there is another advantage that is hit the wealth of seasoned experience in business, accumulated during the Bank's long lustory of n6 years, that works for his benefit at each contact with our officers. We invite you to consult us freely on your business and financial problems. BANK OF MONTREAL Established. lSt7 Pilncr Itupert llranfh: I. A. MacCAI.I.l'.M, .Manager Stewart llranch: It. II IIAACK. Manater Trrrare llranch: (5. W. ilLVr.lMlKii:, Manager New Remington Portable Typewriters New Royal Portable Typewriters On Display lit Our lontalr Store $45 and $60 $45 and $60 Rose, Cowan & Latta Limited Itesner Itlork, Third Street LEGION IN LEAD STILL Hine Ml A CLEANER KITCHEN and A COSIER HOME with "SILENT GLOW" Tike a good look it these two free from smoke, sootsndoJo piuure the store Is the same lf,htiiitt4Jy, ttnlttKA in both, hut wlut a difference you can idjuit or refuliti tj in cleanlinelj and convenience! the turn of a valre. lSolbof Which is the happier woman? no watching anJ abjoluiel? A Silent Glow Oil Burner in- safe. Uurni cheap fuel oil. F stalled in vour present rsnge, burner is guaranteed in wriii'I heater or furnace sae, labour for five vears. See the Sil nd is positively clean, silent. Glow before you buy . IT LIGHTS QUICKER-GIVES MORR HEAT BURN'S LESS OIL AND MORE AIR PER UNIT OF HEAT GENERATF-I flWtWltMtJtllfllltiitaifiitii. . .tliS IH!fflk'42 1 dMt MtH IN CAN. AND " " - -" U.. m.m ret FAT, 1 Oil Burner w 257 Third Ave, SMITH & MALLET riiimblnit and Heating NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Pioprletor "A IIOMK AWAY HtOM IIOMK Kates ll.oo up 50 Kooms, Hot 6t Cold Water Prince Itupert, DC. Phone 281 P.O. Dox 198 UP IMionf 1" Central Hotel American and European pla Housekeeping Rooms We Also Sell Coal Thai Gives Tcrfect Satisfaction Phone 51 .