PAGE FOUR i r i 1 SMART NEW SHOE STYLES Jusl Arrived, Several New Lines of the Very Latest Styles in 'Women's Shoes! Smart. Attractive Blacfc and Drown Suede Dress Snappy Pumps and T-Straps, in line (JO Oxfords, Cuban Heels, rcg. $4.95 Special $3.45 IJlack and Brown Suede Pumps, Medium Spike JEST" 53.45 Smart. Stylish Pumps and Straps, in QO QC fine Kid. reg. $4.45; up from ?i00 For That Narrow Foot. We now carry very smart Dress Oxfords and 1-Strap Shoes in A Width, rcg. $5.95 QQ QC Special 50. JD RUNNING SHOES TENNIS SHOES We have a large stock to outfit the entire family. Our special Cut Hate prices on these goods will surprise you. Special For the Fishermen GOODRICH and MINER KUBUEK ROOTS, l-Lciigtli Retrular $0.15; Special Daily News Want Ads Bring Results Today's Weather Dead Tree Point-Clear, calm; barometer, 3U.24; temperature, 44; sea smooth. '1 i-jplc Island Clear, ll-jlit northwest wind: ueu smooth. Laiigaia lsUnd pverpsLcalin; sea smooth. . "lewi.t- ;ltar, culm, 20. Anvox Ovar,' north wind, ID. Stewart- lurt cloudy, calm, 10. M i.eli'ii -Clear, calm, 15a. S'ulUicrs- Clciir, calm, cold. Bum l ake -Brljht, calm, 5a. Ai y inlsh -Clear, calm, 13. 'V C Freeman nf Port Simpson was a passenger' aboard the Catala today going to Vancouver. $4.25 We carry a very-large stock of Rubber Boots in all lengths. Inspect our stock. Compare our prices on all these goods. MEN'S HIGH GRADE DRESS OXFORDS, Reg. $4.05; up from $2.95 MI' N'S DRESS ROOTS, Black & Brown, built in arch, reg. $5.95; up from $3.95 MEN'S SOLID LEATHER WORK BOOTS, Rcg. $1.50; up from $2.75 CITY SCRIP AND RELIEF TICKETS ACCEPTED MONTREAL IMPORTERS WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS For Your Health C'bljopractlc film Violet Kays Intra Red Rays Massage All at Reasonable Prices V. C. A SPIN ALL D.C. I Chiropractor) Green 211 Tbones Green M Enhance Rlock (ii REPLENISHING PHONE US We have coals suitable for all your requirements and at prices to suit all purses. PH1LP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 618 (Kifflt, plntf print) (Tn) - The AUCTIONEER Packing -CratlnR Wrapplnn ft General Furniture Itepalri List your goods with me Fbone Bluck 121 GEO. J. DAWES A DOLLAR'S WORTH Clip thil coupon ind miil it with $1 for l lit wttti' trial tuhtctiptltn Is THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Fubluhed by Ti CHuitniH Sciimci Pcittinmt Bocrtrr Boifm, Maiiachuirtti, U. S. A, la II fi 1U find Hit 4Uj lood nt't sf tht vorld trom Hi too ipacltl rl'rl. ntll trptrtmmu dtrotrl to vontn't ind klldrtn'i tnternti. iportt. nulla, tnir.n. diKttion, rid'o. tu Voo M iltd to flcomi into rour homi n fiiriiu in idvoritt of pcicv ind prohibition. And don't mui anubi. Our Dot. nd tht tundul and thl other filturrt. Tmi Chiiitum SciiNCf Monitoi, Blck Bit Station, Botton, Mm Flint ind mi a ill weeks' trial aubicrlpilon. I melon ont dollar (111. .A. A. .., (8'ilr) iA..A.A..A.. NORWEGIAN ANCHOVIES per tin EMPRESS ORANGE MARMALADE, 2-lb. tin FANCY RED SALMON Talis, real value, 2 tins SAANICH CLAMS Tails 2 tins HEINZ SWEET PICKLES Mustard of Mixed, per qt. "TILLIE THE TOILER" 2 M Question? Do you know a good buy when you see one? Ifrre are several you cannot afford to overlook, I'ut in your order today. LIFEBUOY SOAP per doz. PUAltLlNU Small 1 3 pkgs. GOLVENK Shredded Soap 4 tins CLOTHES PINS Spring C doz. HOUSEHOLD. AMMONIA Quarts, 2 bottles BBOOMS-Madc by the blind, 5-slring, each NORWEGIAN FISH BALLS per tin r 87c 23c 25c 25 c 25c 49c 33c 39c 27c 55c 29c 47c MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store 'Where Dollars Have More Cents' M7-1S Thtrd Avrnue West r.n Bn 575 Phone 1 DOMINION DAIRY NOW OPEN At Second St., near Third Ave. Fresh Milk, Cream, Butter, Buttermilk, Eggs and Cottage Cheese Tel. 63G. Prompt Delivery Milk direct from our own herd FRESH KVKKY DAY THB DAXLT KEWB Tueiday, March I TP HEARD AT VICTORIA Fight In Columbia Budget Coining HUs WrcV Throne Debate Near Cloe VICTORIA, March 5 A contest Is expected In newly created Columbia rid Ins. the by-election date for which haut been set for March 10 with nomtnaUons on March 0 following the sinning by the Lieu tenant Governor of the bill under which the which was mcrccd 'with Reve-lstokr by the Tftlmlc gov-' eminent, agnln comas Into existence as a separate entity. Thomas Kinjt. the former member. Is expected to be nominated by the Liberals and the C.CF. will also offer a canoidate. the probability being 'that there will be only the two 'candidates. The re-creation of the seat increases the membership of Mm Ttrl&li(nrc i fnrlv.AlwliI ft It "II. Oarson. Kamloous. and C. DRAMA IS THRILLING Splendid British Picture Is Heine Featured at Capitol Theatre Here An intensely dramatic, suspense fill nnri tHrllllnir u?nr time storv. " will lu thp flr.t hv.llnn .in- ClimaX m With the debute on the address reply to the Speech from the Throne drawing to a close, Pre-nler Pattullo announces that the budget will be brought down this week by the minister of finance Hon. John Hart.Wlth the financial ondition of the provincial government pretty well disclosed by .tatcments that have already been issued, principal Interest will entrc in the government's flnan- ial plans for the fu)ure and its urogram in connection with taxa- lon. tion. the film being adapted from the woman spy's own reminiscences in a very realistic manner. Impelled by. her humanity to act as a nurse in a German hospital, Martha also accepts the call of patriotism and spies upon the Ger- tmans, working to defeat their alms. 'Finally she is trapped and the uviiuucmciiia. The cast is led by Madeleine C.u-roll, popular British screen aclress: Herbert Marshall, also a strong favorite: Conrad Veidt, famous continental actor; Gerald du Maur-ler, another British artist of noU and Edmund Owenn. whose character studies are always excellcn. IMPROVING OF RADIO All Drprnilj Upon Funds Available I. Timiwr. Simtlkameen. both Ub-! tia!' Charlesmorth-Krceptloii erals. loiricn in tlic Throne Soeech i Mrvey linurr Hay debate in pleading (or a "new deal" for the man tjn the land. They also urged more adequate measures of unemployment relief. E. Bakewcll, C.CF. mcmoer lor Mackenzie, who Is a chemist for the Pacific, Mills at Ocean Falls. discussed the losglng Industry from an academic standpoint, uni-ng selective logging as the most effective method. He took a thrust at paper towns, describing them as a "survival of feudalism." New Style of Packing Coffee "Nothing is more certain than change." say the philosophers. Pro gressive business houses illustrate this in their endeavors to Improve their products and the way they pack them for their customers, the public. In this respect it Is inter esting to note that Nabob Coffee, known for several decades throughout the entire length and breadth of Western Canada In the familiar red and green tins. Is now available In handsome glass Jars, quart size of the Mason wlde-mouthcd tvne. Interesting, too. Is the fact that buyers may have their choice of cither the can or the Jar. which are both vacuum-packed to ensure freshness, since It Is not the Intention of Kelly Douglas St Company Ltd. to discontinue the well-known Nabob Coffee can. The new Jar will be useful In a j dozen ways In the modern ki'chen j -for storing dried fruit, sugir. salt. icts.. etc.. while there is no doubt that thousands' of housewives will, this summer, pack their preserves in the handsome Nabob Coffee jar Steamship Sailings f for Vancouvci Tuesday- Catala 1:30 p.m, 1 Thurs. -ss, Pr. Rupert 10:15 p.m. Friday ss. Prin. Louise 10 p.m, -8s. Cardena midnight I Mar. 15 and 20 ss. Pr. Norah p.m, i "It is the desire of the to improve Its Vancouver in order to give better coverage In your province and also to bring up the power of the Calgary broad casts," states Hector Charlesworth, chairman of the Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission. In a let ter to John Dybhavn. president of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce. "Our plans in this direction are contingent on our being voted sufficient money at the present session of Parliament to provide remedies for British Columbia." During a recent visit to Ottawa, Mr. Dybhavn conferred wth Mr. Charlesworth In regard to the local reception conditions and has since been In communication with the chairman of the commission on the subject. As a result of representations made in the House of Commons recently by Olof Hanson, MP. for Skeena. Hon. Alfred Duranleau, minister of marine, has caused a radio Inspector to make a trip through the district between Jasper Park and Prince Rupert to Investigate radio reception and inter ference. The Inspector is reported to be already started upon this survey from the interior. ..chest COLDS Cheap at the Price 1M EU'MEOja M hb'O poll My t$!lt uhss. SK3fe;iJ ffk h,jmUA in i "should T-rr- 1 ' m& MONDAY and TLKSDAY TWO SHOWS 7 1 9 Admission 15c It 50c Dramatic ni ii n n maaeieme narrow o j yas Conrad Veidt and J5L -f H ... , . , 1 1 Woman Spy's Kxwience tm .' wf -JLZi Herbert Marshall Capitol Theatre here, recapitulates the daring deeds of Martha Mc-Kenna, who was a Belgian nurse in a German hospital during the Great War. It Is a British produc-i Spectacular m HALF In Wednesday & Thurvi,, "ONE MAN'S J0UtxEw and . "DIPLO.MANIACS- Tlirilllne Ireat British Picture ' Musical "TDK NO MV mmIiiJT K i owm ' Pont Kill Your Wife Get her an F.aiy and add 10 years, yes, maybe 20 yiars to her tile, HUT UIIMF.MIU.R That while all electric wahlns machines art labor savers ' ONLY IUSY Saves and extendi the life of article mashed. Nt broken buttons, no pulled off buttons, nothing turn or Niv led. Kasy Spin Dry removes the mater more thoroufhljr tlun than any wringer ever did, When Easy has dune Hi work there is little to do but banc them one the line. ikTME Sold on Small .Monthly Payments That arc Easy to .Meet eMaeMvsd faiB!i4iiiii;BrniiBi.:Biaui;ajrB'iaiB.'a.'!B'i H S Special Values In j UNPAINTED FURNITURE - Chest of Drawers 'Medium 8lzc KM 5 Desks Wlth Three Drawers' ,135 5 End Tables jijj Kitchen Tables, from ' . MM Magazine Racks, from 5 s GORDON'S HARDWARE JKS?; KanrBtBiiriiiiBiaTBtR.BiivifaritrxKfaiRtaia'a i SOME 3AJV. AMD Clubbing Offer di:mvi:ri:d'i,v cm Daily News, Pictorial Review and National Home Monthly, All For One Year, $5.50 .MAILED TO OUTSIDE POINTS Daily News, Pictorial Review and National Home Monthly, All For One Year, $3.50 Send Check at Once or Call at Daily News, Prince Rupert, B.C. p By Westover. AV-L CNBl 'Pf' I IT' S.