'--; Maroh 8, 1934 ,thj dailt mnn PAGE THREE Tur .MRS- STUART IS RECENT LOCAL NEWS NOTES (Continued from Page 1 ir - w - 1 aMasBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBW m - n (, . iii die Htnmnch me l an rtrm of ..iii'ii i'iUM lnfnl iliMeiiillng of i '.... in - -.. r- . u. i . i .i .ieir war Tel(vii 'si-iil (! ,,. .,,iiililliM Ilk i IHile hhuraud -I i Mi-Ill lllUllltllb iu lIIMlllll "'! i, "l- . Tills lnlert he nlkiill nriiii i , i In- nchl iwihIMIoii ami riuUra ilitf- .,ilir el II I" effective i M?T t j .i.f.. v A. I mill in iwnuj nin, r. (l&jMAtibul MAGN ESIA BISMUTH IN MAGNESIA 1 lf$ a Protective Heutralizer-NOT a Laxative Ormes 1M. ZZtir. Pioneer Druqrists I he lteall More rtmnr: XI ft XZ 4 SPECIAL OFFERS 4 for this week JASMINE FACE POWDER and JASMINE CREAMS UcnlarS1.50 Value - For $1.00 ki,enzo TOOTH PASTE and I'air of ENOUSIl N(hVI)RII' CANDLES Special at 29c MOTH PROOF GARMENT RAO and RED CEDAR FLAKES Both for 50c SCRAP HOOK and PENCIL BOX Special at 25c The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK C OD Prepared Dally Hy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. IMUNCE RUPERT, B.C. Coal Prices Minchcacl Egg Coal 512.50 Minchead Lump Coal 512.50 I'embinn EcK Coal 512.00 Stove Coal.. 511.50 Coal in Dry Shed nnd Delivered Dry HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED BtemWa ! Prince Hupert tor Vancouver -TSS .CATALA UVEKV TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M. rtemoon. T-s.s. c,uih:na F.vr.itv i iiin.w midnioiit Arrlvlng Vancouver, Mondsy A M, My Mllings to Port Blmpwn, Allee Arm, Anynn. Btewrt nnd Nm y... ,llV" PPlnU, Lear Prince nupert 811ml ny. pm -- "IIN R IU I I lr AdRNOV: Tlilnl Avfime. Wmw 'We buy anything (n gold. Premium prices. Max Hrlltironer. J 'if Steep Rock, Manitoba, are paying a visit here with Mrs. IUI-jcharc'H parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M Morrison. Borden street. Mr, tlatrhford was formerly MIm Irene Morrison of this city. Chief i Jesse i Richard Morron f Kltimat and party after the week end in the city lett or home this morning aboard the I -aiboat Ttelma. He came to Uie it y to consult a doctor. In tile; oarty were the chief's wife. Mrs.! Vorrison, Ed. Gray, and Simon W i Hall With a falr-shwd list of passen-T'-rs. Union steamer Catala. Capt A E IMekson. arrived in port it 6 30 Sunday evening from the mulh a nA nl1l at t n m far An.1 point whence she returned here O in .KU maIm .Mil at 130 pm. points. - for Vancouver ana way- J. A. Orant of Victoria, markets British Columbia, has accepted an1 invitation to address the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at thla week's un?heon which has been post-Toned from today to tomorrow to fit in with bis visit to the city. Ae--nmpanied by Don Sutherland, district agriculturalist at Smlth-rrs. Mr Orant will arrive here to Ambulance Operation Applications for the operation care and storage of the Ambulancr will be reeeived until noon of Friday. Marrh 9th. Particulars governing same may be obtained from il W Birch. Secretary. Prince Rupert Qeneral Hospital. 15. IG. Announcements Pioneer's Banquet Mareh 0. United St. Patrick's Tra, March Oddfellows ciln time dance March St. Patrick's Supper and Cancer. March 17. Catholic Hall. C. N. R ril 13. A. Anniversary Hall. Ap- St. Peter's Church Sale April 19. Moose Hall Wednesday Moose Lodge inccts, 8oclal evening. Friday Basketball St riancc. Saturday-Basketball. Friday, ICth Moose Mssnufr-adc Hard - times Dance. Gooil prizes. FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 057 Anglican Shamrock Tea at Mr. I Alder'a. Mareh 15. . I O W. Laidler, local manager of i Max LarWn, for six year mes-W H. Malkln Cor. returiwd Ui thefsenser for the Government Telc-ity on the Calais 4hU morning sraphu here, has resigned from the -fur making the round trip to: service. A successor has not yet j Anyox and Stewart on company i been appointed, 'nnainesa. I Ire provincial police boat P.MJ. 8 returned to port, lxst night from Ooat Harbor near Biitedate, bring -ing in a logger who U being held In the eity lock-up for observation as to hl aanlty. - Merely routine business wa taken up yesterday at the regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Ministerial Association Rv. Dr. F. W. Dafoc. presioent. was i.i the chair. Mr. T. II. llatehard and chllo Mrs. Haynes: yox. Stewart and other northern doctor. morrow morning on the steamer i pealng Prince Rupert from Victoria and. After spending a couple of das hcit. will proceed to Terrace nere he will commence a marVvt rganlxlng tour of all the more mportant agricultural centres o! e central Interior. 50 YEARS A MARTYR TO CONSTIPATION But Kellogg's All-Bran Brought Welcome Relief "For CO years I fcsve ben a martyr to constipation. Have tried every remedy under the sun. "One day I read an account of some one who had been relieved by Aix-I!ran, but I thought 'What was the use of me trying anything more when all ele had failed?' "A while after, I read it again. That time I thought I would try it, it would do no harm anyway. "I began with a small dish of your All-Bran for breakfast, and wonderful to say, I never need to take any physic at all now. How I vriih other poor sufferers from constipation could be persuaded to try it." Mrs. Sarah Haynes (address furnished upon request). Tests show Kellogg's All-Bran provides "bulk" and vitamin B to aid regular habits. Also iron for the blood. , This "bulk" in All-Bban Is. much like that in leafy vegetables. It's so much safer than taking patent medicines! Two tablespoonfuls of All-Bran dally are usually sufficient. Severe cases, with each meal. If not relieved this way, see your Get this delicious resdy-to-eat cereal from your grocer. In the ml-and -green package. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Inspector J. A. Traser. provincial -ommisslooer for the province of i police, returned to the city on the Catala this morning from a week's trip u Anyox on official business. Mrs. W. Brass, one evening recently at seven o'clock,' when tun ing in on the radio, happened to pick up a call from near Salt Lake City. The message evidently came from an airplane and vkept re- A. ran ers. Calling Newark, calling Newark". The speaker than said that he was lost In a storm, was lolng altitude, aod was going over rhe side, presumably with a para-hute. Then all was silent. Hotel Arrivals Central Mautone, city. Royal M. Klpp. city; Cyril D. Mor-Vaneourfr; Mrs, 9. L. Cauttv Anyox. l'rinre Rupert epfJChapef- pHtftited trr prizes to pupils at Booth Memorial School. "Decoration Day The usual form of impressive service was held at Falrview cemetery on Sunday, June 2S, with Queen .Maty j Chapter in charge.. Daughters-of (the Empire together with members of the Canadian Legion were in attendance. The cjjapter has now placed forty markers on the Returned Soldiers" plot. The supplying of these markers, in addition to reconditioning expenses, to dat:. represents an expenditure of approximately $1350. '. "Hospital All chapters have a I ward in the local hospital. Such Read this splendid ktUr from'1!8 re-sup piled with furnishings from time w I time as deemed necessary. LODE. Hall-lThe interior of , the building has been redecorated during the year Also some minor improvements have been made ui the heating system which proves more satisfactory. In connection with exterior surroundings, the lots have been filled in and considerable headway made towards th ' making of a lawn. "While the order this year shows a decrease in revenue, I would point out. however, that, of the $123150 raised, less than $100 of this amount has been expended i out of the city. This amount we , are obligated to send to our national and provincial officers. Elrrton of. Officers The election of officers for resulted as follows: Honorary Regent Mrs. J. C. Lennan. Regent, Mrs. D. C. Stuart. First Vice-Regent. Mrs. H. B i cheater. j Second Vice-Regent. Mrs. G S Laidler. i Secretary-, Mrs. D. Orchard Leod. aUprnoon B. P. Jorncox. Harold Lannlng ; and J N. Browning. Vancouver; Arne Beryrial. Prini-e Rupert; Mrs 1 1 Alex Fia-rr Hyder. I ! COAL! COAL! ui Famous Edson. Alberta and tiulkley Valley Coals are guaran-reed to give satisfaction. Try ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We ilsn sell Timothy Hay Wheat Oats and Barley Prince Rupert Feed Co. KX - rnnnf Mil Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Oerratlnr three Dry Decks Total rapacity U.tM ttns Shipbuilders and SMp Repairers for Mccl and Wood Vessels Iroa and Brass Casting riertrlc and Acetylene Welding ll-ton Derrick fer Heavy Lifts Sawmill and MlnlngMarhlnery Ktsalred and Overhauled 1934 Ro- W. Mc Treasurer. Miss Florence Smith. Social Gathering In the bridge party which fol lowed the business session, prize i i Educational Secretary, Mrs. John; Manson. Echoes Secretary. Miss HeJen Mc Leod. Organizing Secretary. Mrs. Ro bert Parsons. . Standard Bearer. Mrs. S. V. Cox. winners were: first, Mrs. James i Simpson: second. Mrs. J. E. Sodciie. j .ma. 11. u. uwmiuiM A. J. Edmund, construction foreman for the Government Telegraphs, returned to the city on Saturday night's train from a brief trip to Sunnyside on official business, having gone out on Friday S. R. S. lune in lopics HIGH LIGHTS SATURDAY 5:30 Boston Symphony. KJR, KPO. 7:00 Believe or not. KOMO. 7:30 Billy Bissefs Orchestra. CFCN, CRCV 8:00--Moonlight on the Pacific. CFCN. 9:00 Carefree Carnival, KOMO. SUNDAY 5:00 Eddie Cantor. KOMO. 6:00 Seven Star Revue, KOIN. 7:00 Grand Duke. Gilbert & Sullivan. CRCV, CFCN. 8:30 Death Valley Days. KOMO. MONDAY 6:00 Gaiety and Romance. CFCN. CRCV. 7:00 Carnation Program. KOMO. 8:00 Toronto Centennlan Civic Service. CFCN, CRCV. 8:30 Firestone Hour. KOMO. 9:00 76 All Star Revue. KOIN. TUESDAY 6:30-Parade of the Provinces. CF9N. 7:00 Doric Quartet. KPO. 7:30 Can. Press News (every nlght. CFCN. 9:00 Only a Rose. CFCN. and Remember We offer you a modern, efficient and reliable Radio Service Superior Radio Service Phone Blue 320; 336 2nd. Ave. LOOK FOR THE TOWER r ' ' PIMM iMzmm'A &v Can- mmmmm m m W fik!! . FOR SALE FOR SALE Full sized brass doii- ble bod with spring and tress $25. Apply Dally Mews. So FOR SALE $100 flve-rooraed PIANO with music bench, The evening's program included a j VERNON brief but Interesting talk by Mrs. J. ! R, Morison on "Social Service." vo-1 eal solos by Mrs. Ernest Anderson,; and violin solos by Miss Neliie Law-1 modern house, reasonable terms, Electric range Indudeo with cash sale. Apply Box 203 Daily Newa. ii 60 new, cast $3M. will accept rea- j sonable offer Box 204. Daily, News. 88 FOR RENT Apartments housekeep ing rooino. nswly renovated 141 2nd Avenue. Phone Red 421 LOST IfAlNTERS PAINTING and Paperhangtng Moller. Phone Rerr ROT n AIR DRESSER PERMANENT WAVING? Cluster Curl; Latest Style NELSON'S BEAUTY SHOPPE TRANSFERS GARDEN Soil $2.50 a load. Cameron's Transfer. Pho.:e 177. U :ovi:knmi:nt i.icjiant act NOTICE H hereby given tluu oo te First Day of March next, the uueer-'.fpied intends to apply u the LUjuor Control Board foe a Lk-etx-.- In reapect of premiers U-lu iaart of the buUdtna XDomn aa Marmot uoiei. rie m rner of Firth ai.d coiuaiu: antra-Vtllace of Stewart, upon the land de-errUwd aa Lot No. 13. Block No 10, Map No. 905. Prince Rupert I-ai.d Hetlatm-Uon OMtrtct. In the Province of Biitlali Celumbl. tor the aale of beer by the tlaiei or by the bottle for consumption m the premlaea or elaewhere. Dated Uite 32nd day of Januavy. 1934 MARMOT HOTEL COMPANY UM1TF.P per Georee I Staedonald. Manager. Applicant .M KKOISTKY At'T lies Cert If Irate of Title No. ll.1ir.-l. to Lot Si, nik SS. section H, M.t DM lilv nf ITlnre HiilH-rt. WHEREAS proof of kw of the above Certificate of Title twued In the name of Bert L. CUyton. has been Wed In thin office, notice U hereby aiveo that I until. At the expiration ol ona mown (mm the ri&te etf the first DttbUoaUon heiw,r iniM ft nravMonal Certificate of Title in lieu of aid lost CertUloatc. un lew ln the meantime valid objection be made to me in writing nTT.n aa the Ind Reclftry Office Prince Rtcert. B.C.. ttUa 14th day jt February. AD. 1934. ANDREW THOMPBON. Deputy rteglntrar KAV,ICLJ FREE- WiiU for Cspy ol iSc New NABOB PREMIUM CATALOG i I WANTED WANTED a baker, middle aged, for work oVit of town. Must have experience in handling short orders. Apply Box 202, Dally News. tf GARDEN SEED mnif !HXVEA GOOD GARDEN. Plenty of t OST plain gold hoop earring. Re-1 ward. Return to Daily News 65 - ! everything to eat fresh and for winter. McFayden's Seeds cost sa little and grow so much 3c. to 4c. per packet. Big Oversize Packets. New Crop, Fresh, Tested Seeds. Over 150,000 satisfied customers last season. Investigate. CLIP THIS AD and get Large Packet Beautiful Flowers FRJ3or send25c. for 10 Big Packets regular vegetables with Splendid Coupon good for 25c. on first order. (Coin preferred: stamps accepted. McFayden Seed Co.. Princess and Market Sts.. Wjnnlpeg. Man. 68 AlTION SALE Timber Sale X16.VU There will be offered for ale at Atwticn ae nsoa or. U Fourth -hi dav cf AorU. 1931. in the office 'ol ihe Di-trtet Forester. Prince Rupert, IB a. tx Llcra-e S185S3 to cut 1.825.-,M) KB.lt. of Ssrwt. edJ and Hem- l.-k on in ar1. -".uttHl cn tono nar- c:ir Osratii 3:und. Queen Cnartotte Ore fnt wUl be alkwed for removal o t:mb "PnhM BT on nnable to attend the auction ta ptraoa may aubmlt tandar to be opened at the hour of Misteaa and treated M one bid." Fun bar particular) may be obtained Iroaa Me Chief Porester. Victoria. BC tb- Df.-r'--: Ptraater. PrtHfe Kuperv BC IX I'llOIVVTE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH: COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" - and IN TflB MATTER Ol TIIK ESTATE OF IMINAI.K I.EVEUNK McNElLU Hi t KASl.I) TAKE NOTICE that by order or nu Honor. W E Plaher. the 36th day of Julv. ASf. 1933. I waa appointed Exe-cutrlx of the estate of Donald Leverne McNeill, deceaaed. and all parUea hav- tnc clalma itcainat the aald estate are hrreby required to furnish aame. property reetned. to Mwrs. Patmore to FUlton. Solicitors. Prince Rupert, B.C.. .n or before the 20th day of Marcn, a. n 1934, and all pU ea Indebted to the nSate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to tne aaia una lonnwim. OLYMPIA JOSEPHINE McNEILL. Executrix, e-o. Messrs. Patmore tc Fulton. Barristers, Prince Rupert. B.C. Un-od the 18th day of February. A.D. 1934. C. N. R! Trains r'or the F.ast Mondays, Wednesdays and Frl days 3:30 pjn, From the East Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satui-days 10 p.m. Early Ad. Copy is, appreciated It if 1