4 EEO Petr sr FOUND BODY ON THE BEACH (Continued from Page One) The little dog followed the men and whined piteously about the shatk. It refused food however and seemed disconsolate only for thé-dead man. “News” Races Police The “Daily News’ man took charge of the terrier while the police pursued their further in- vestigations. The Daily News representative in the launch “Clo- yah" driven by M. Ingalls romped across the harbor in record time and landed at the moment the police were raising the body. For- ty-five minutes after the finding of the body the ‘Daily News” machines were clicking on the copy. Dead Man Well Known “Old George Lichtnauer, the crab man, was well known about town and many people used to patronise his wares. He was last seen in Prince Ruperrt the day before yesterday, but no one seems to have heard much of his move- ments since. There was no mark of violence about the body beyond the bruised eye and blood trickle. The police suggest that this may have been caused by a rock. Old George Lichtnaeur came here from Texas a year or two ago. He has some people still living. Deceased was a clever piano player, and has played at little private socials frequently in Prince Rupert. Curiously enou- gh the position of the dead man’s outstretched hands when he was taken from the water was the position of the hands on the keyboard. It would seem that the ruling passion held even in death. ORE SHIPMENTS FROM STEWART August First will See Railway ‘ ; THE DAILY NEWS we evevrevwsoveceove & AT THE THEATRE ¢ wo OeTUTVVWvweIeevwvsevoeved Splendid Performance of ‘‘Paid in Full’ by May Roberts and Company. Again last night the Empress Theatre was packed to hear May Roberts and her company of play- ers. The play selected was Eugene Walters’ well-known drama ‘Paid in Full.” The story is a dramatic one. Joe Brooks, an $18 dollar a week accountant for the Latin American S. S. line, is married to pretty Emma Brooks. Emma longs for pretty dresses and other things that can’t be got on $18 a week. Two unhappy young people and an interfering mother-in-law, pack- ed into a four-roomed Harlem flat is not an earthly Paradise. Finally from borrowing money from the safe to take his pretty Emma to the show, Joe helps himself to thousands of dollars. His family circie move to a swell house. A raise of salary and a bonus of back pay, is Joe’s ex- planation to Emma for their new found splendor and comfort. Then when the crash comes, and Emma’s faithful admirer Jimsy Smith, warns Joe that his arrest is imminent, Joe turns white- livered and worse. He _ insists on his pretty wife going at mid- night to the suite of the president of his company and offering terms to settle the matter. Joe cal- “The News” Class a =, ~~Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertio —THEY WILL REPAY A CAREFUL et ee ———— ified Ads. LOOKING 2a. ‘CONSERVATIVE DELEGATES MEET The Insurance People EVERY CLASS OF INSURANCE. GET OUR RATES The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. Phone 150 Third Avenue and Fulton St NO NEW COAL _ FOR MONTHS Even Though Strike is Ended Mines Cannot Immediately Operate. Men Have Left the District. (Canadian Press Despatch) Calgary, July 27.—The Michel mines are a mass of flames, while the Frank mines will not be op- erated this winter, was the dec- laration of Mr. Hanna of the Bow Centre collieries in trying the coal committee that even if be little chance of any shipments | of coal for months yet. Should the coal strike Monday next, as Sir Wiliiam Whyte of the C. P. R. considers | | | probable, the trouble of getting have begun. Extensive repair culated on the president's tastes and Emma’s charms. Jimsy also made some lightning | calculations, and he warned Cap-| tain Williams the hard living old} president of the line, of what kind of funeral awaits him if any harm befalls Emma at his | hands. As a reward for the way in which she spurned his suggestions of how the little matter might be settled, Captain Williams Ready for and Red Cliff Ready with the Ore According to A. Erskine Smith. “Copper-gold ore from the Red Cliff mines will reach the Tyee smelter at Ladysmith in thirty days at the latest, said (Mr. A. Erskine Smith, president and gen- eral manager of the Red Cliff Mining Company and president of the Vancouver Mining Ex- change. “Our ore bunkers are filled and we are smelting only the com- pletion of the twelve miles of track connecting the Red Cliff district with Stewart to begin shipping. The railroad has been promised for some time, and Messrs. Mac- kenzie and Mann have assured us that they will complete the line before August 1. The tracks will be laid right under our bunkers. “We are drifting on ore in three levels, and it appears as though Red Cliff Mountain were largely composed of valuable mineral bodi- es. The ore we are selling to the Tyee smelter is about equal parts copper and gold and we shall ship 100 tons a day if the boat service is as good as we expect. “Our water power system is complete and we huve discarded the old steam equipment. The gravity tram from mine to bunkers will be completed during the first week in August, and then we shall start shipping in earnest. Fifty men are at work at the mine, and with them we shall be able to take out as much ore daily as the boats can handle. To watch The News want ads is to know your finding a better job. chances for wrote out a settlement in full of Joe’s defalcations and gave it to Emma. But the incident opened Emma's eyes to the character of the skunk she married; also to the kind of man Jimsy proved to be. The curtain comes down with Emma leaving her husband to go home to mother. The audience is left to calculate that some day she will become Mrs. Jimsy Smith, and that Joe Brooks will get no| alimony. In their respective parts the| company showed themselves well suited. May Emma | showed her emotional ability and some very pretty gowns to great} advantage. Ira Robertson rep- resented the hard living Captain Williams with great gusto, and Roberts as quite endeared himself to the! audience. Victor Gilland gave| a powerful impersonation of Jimsy | Smith. The part of the sore- | headed crave Joe Brooks was! excellently impersonated by Geo. Zucco. ises to display some of her Parisian gowns when she takes the title role in ‘“The Adventuress.” Province Imports from Puget Sound $7,000,000 More than She Exports. During the United States fiscal year, ending June 30, British Columbia imported some §$12,- 406,190 worth of goods from Sap Sound ports across the borde?, and exported goods valued at $4,819, 219, leaving a balance of over $7,000,000 on the wrong side. work has to be conducted in the Frank mines, while it is impossible | to guage how long it take | put out the fierce fires raging in the Michel mines. Thousands of miners have left the Pass, it will hard work enough men to operate the mines | fully for months to come. Every mine that has been closed down will have to be fixed before it can be worked. j | } | will to and be to secure | UNIQUE FEAT IN SURGERY) New Leg Grafted on to Old Girl Operation was Successful. Over the Line ‘‘Special.” New York, July 27.—By graft- ing the shinbone of a man to a woman suffering from cancer, thus | practically giving whole new lower leg, the surgeons of the New York Hospital for De- formities have completed an op-| Up} | her a eration unique in to have been confined to experimental | work done on dogs. The first essential was to get a place of the one eaten by disease. After a time ane of the hospitals which handled emergency reported that a killed in an accident. As the I was unclaimed and would have gone Potter’s Field or the dissecting table of some med- surgery. now operation of this either to ical college, requisition was made Tonight, Miss Roberts prom-|for one of the legs, from which the tibia was taken. It |kept in an icebox, immersed in a strong salt solution, until the |surgeon was ready to use it. Will Auction Theatre Tomorrow the Phenix Theatre| }on Second avenue, will be put up for auction, lock, stock and barrel, lat 3 o'clock. During its existence lit has had a very chequered career, but there may be a good ‘future ahead of it. The upset price at tomorrow's sale is $1,200. Where to Go Sea TO-NIGHT ! MAY ROBERTS And her Company in EMPRESS THEATRE, Second Ave.’ May Réberte & Co. in ‘‘The Ad- venturess.’’ Curtain rises at 9 sharp. Pantorium Pioncer Cleaners, ’Phone to show | Wanted. the strike is settled now there will | 4 | Girl wanted, immediately, for light Cease | Miners $3.50, Muckers $3.00, wanted at_Hidder coal to the surface will only just 4 sorts | K. Anderson and L | by the undersigned. | cases | i man had been ody | lan e | | | | vtiikdistaphieaett?. ~~ } LOST—A Kokak; left on Metlakatia wharf. | Finder rewarded by leaving same at Campbell's | Cigar Store. 162-tf j Lost— A small black purse containing $7.75. | Finder please return to Mrs. ‘Swindle, James | Hotel, and be rewarded, 2t) > t | For Rent 4 | ~-d Furnished rooms with bath. the week. Talbot House. Large well furnished room, Splendid view of harbor. Apply P.O. Box 1519. McIntyre Hall, for concerts, entertainments, | dances, ete. Apply J, H. Rogers, phone 116 | Wanted—Small house, furnished or partly furn- } ished. State terms te Box R, Daily News.140-tf | Cosy furnished rooms. Mrs. Bower, Somerset | font Third Avenue, between Seventh and | hth. Special rates by | 165-tf private family. Gentlemen only. 164-tf os ais Help Wanted ~~?) —A woman to wash and iron one day & week. Phone 301. tf Wages $2.50 per Apply at 165-167 housework. 180-tf woman to do fancy ironing. day; also girls to work on mangle. once Pioneer Laundry. Apply Mrs. D. Cohen, phone *2 Creek Copper Co., Goose Bay. or Venture. Porter Wanted Apply Talbot Rooms, 2nd Ave. 144-tf Take S.S. Vadso 148-tf For Sale $60 English perambulator for quick sale. will | take $18. Apply P.O. box 787 it | For Sale or Lease—Best located restaurant in Stewart. no opposition, liberal terms. Full _in- formation apply or write to G. George, P.O. Box 251, Stewart, B.C. 165-168 Before buying your Stove or Range see A, J. Galland, McBride and Fifth Ave. Cook stoves from $14. 12%-1m For Sale—Chicken Ranch, 2 Storey house, house- hold goods. Near Prince Rupert. .\ snap if taken at once. Address Box 368. | | > 7. Fire Insurance t THE British Union and National Fire Insurance Company of London, England, with capital of $2,509,000.00, See us for rates. T' a ; 70-t Realty and Insurance Company. Business Chances Good money in Moving Pictures. Wanted—A | party to start moving picture show in Prince | Rupert. Write me for particulars, H. Davis, | Watertown, Wis. 137-wi | Tenders Wanted For building Concrete Wall, also Stone Founda- tion. Inquire of McCaffery & Gibbons. 165-167 i } | Notice. | —— The partnership formerly existing between J | M. Hughes, General Mer- chants, at the Hi-Ellen Kiver, Graham Island, | has been dissolved. Business will be carried on } et J. K. ANDERSON. | LAND PURCHASE NOTICES | | Skeens Land District—Distriet of Coast Range V | Take notice that I, George Kime of Towner, | North Dakota, U. 8. A., farmer, intend to apply | or paremenen to purchase the following described | Commencing at a post planted at the south- | west corner of Lot 2287, thence east 60 chains, | thence south 40 chains, thence west 40 chains thence south 40 chains, thence west 40 chains, | thence north 80 chains to point of commencement containing 480 acres more or leas. i Dated fey 16, 1911 GEORGE KIME | Pub. July 25. red E. Cowell, Agent | Skeena Land District-—District of Coast Range V | Take notice that I, Peter Larsen of Towner, North Dakota, U. 8. A., farmer, intend to apply | was | fo Fermnen to purchase the following desc. ibed | | lands: . | Commencing at a post planted at the south- | east corner of Lot 1729, thence south 80 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence north & ci ins, | thence east 40 chains to point of commencement. Dated July 15, 1911. PETER LARSEN Pub July 25, 1911. Fred E. Cowell, Agent Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range V Take notice that I, John Evenson of Prince | Rupert, laborer, intend to apply for permission | to purchase the following deseribed lands: j Sommencing at a post planted at the south- | east corner of Lot 4416, thenee north 80 chaing | thence east 60 chains, thence south 80 chains, | thence west 60 chains to point of commencement. | Dated July 18, 1911. JOHN EVENSON | Pub. July 26. Fred E. Cowell, Agent | Skeena Land District-—District of Coast Range V | Take votice that I, Peter Erickson of Prince Rupert, laborer, intend to apply for permission | to purchase the following desecri lands: } Sommencing at a post planted on the north | bank of Williams Creek where the railway right- | of-way crosses and 3 chains back from the creek | bank, thence south 30 chains, thence east 40 | chains, thence north 80 chains, thence west 40 | chains to point of commencement. Dated July 7, 1911. PETER ERICKSON Pub. July 25. Fred E. Cowell, Agent | Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range V Take notice that I, Benjamin A, Fish of Towner, N. D., occupation merchant, intend to apply fer ission to purchase the following doscribed | jands: Commenci at a post planted on the east boundary znd about five chains from the ee east corner of Lot 4484, thence north 60 chains, | thence east 30 chains, thence south 60 chains, | thenee west 30 chains to point of commencement. Dated June 24, 1911, BENJAMIN A, FISH | Pub, July 26. Fred E. Cowell, Agent | Skeena Land District-—Distriet of Coast Range V Take notice that I, Adolph H. Christianson of ‘Towner, North Dakota, oeeupation attorney- at-law, intend to apply for permission to purchase deser’ lands: “ The Adventuress ” Based upon the secret police of Rome. Magnificent costuming Special Matinee to-morrow afternoon of “The Marriage of Kitty.” 25c and 50c Land Registry Office Re Lots 10, 64 and 171, Range 4, Coast D. strict Whereas proof of loss «f Certificate of ‘Title Mo. 168860 to the above mained property, issued name of the jan Pacific Sulphite one pany, Limited, has been filed in this office, no ao te hereby fiven that { shall at the expira- on one month from the firet publication here: Qf issue # duplicate of the said Certificate of ae ane = ihe meantime valid objection be the following © at # post planted about one and ane-half miles (4 1-2) northeast of the head of Trout River on the west side of Lakelse Lake, and about 6 chains from the lake-front, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to point of commenceme: t. ADOLPH H. CHRISTIANSON Dated June 80, 1911. Fred E. Cowell, Agent Pub. July 26. Skeena Land District —Distriet of Coast Range V Take notice that I of Prinee to urenase the following ine aa ie commencing at & post n on t bank of Williains Creek about 60 chains sa Pa Thupert, laborer, intend to a ly for isasi LA a | Dated at the ' east from RK. R., thenee th 40 chains, then waar chin Hagat'3 o04G,8* Prince | St 4"aininn chan” orth 0 cha’ hones mencement. WM. e BORRITT, July 719 ee RUL HAGEN District Kegistrar of Titles . duly 26, Fred BE. Cowell, Agent je Lost and Found “| 117-tf \% rere! : B.C. MAN IS IN TENNIS FINAIs [Names of Three Candidates! schwengers of Vira, ene a aR. Were Suggested but They! 1y,.; Raed of 4 oria, Wilj on- °F 1oronto i Must be Referred to Con morrow for Champ Te. —_r—e | gervative Association, and are Gasiada Pionship of not Made Public. wa , ee tae ss ds (Canadian | l) Last night in the office of W. E. On ; awa, Fisher the delegates chosen by ee wenger — = a ¢ : . : of Victoria, , the district Conservatives met to|;) 4 1) mi-final ° . ‘ 1 on 1 nominate possible candidates for CI Tennis ‘ : . lam pior ithe forthcoming election. Names| me , B irday . eels lof three candidates were passed final in the ‘ ‘ ais upon, and it was decided that “ i these should not be divulged until] | WM ith his McRae \the Conservative Association of Schwe oo sted, Prince Rupert has held a meeting day in th cal land considered them with possibly doubles. Wi ' C os lothers. The Association will meet} wengers " lon the call of the chairman, Mayor : In the |Manson, and any other names | of candidates favored by groups of the Conservatives may be sug- gested before the Association | meets. There are rumors around jtown that there will be no lack Do away with this. Patronize a white laundry. White labor only at mixed doublk “PORT OF TORONTO First Ocean-soing Steamer to Reach Lake Port This Morne 1 lof “groups’’ amongst the Con- Pioneer Laundry. Phone 118 eu x eek Fort Th Se ee er oe | On Inspection Trip _ACanadian | New Solid Ladies By the launch Rover, J: L. Toronto, J <5.—The steel Parker, mining engineer of Vic-| 54" Yor rrived here to. LEATHER BAGS | toria and Vancouver, left for Goosf day with a ect from | Bay to look over some claims of Sunderland Eng She 1s the in Crocodile, Morocco, Ete» B jis adjoining the Hidden Creek|®* C8 eo reach 000000 | property. this port THE CORRECT STYLES “Hazelton” Will Make It THE CAMPAIGN OPENS | Water in the Skeena River is the parties in in aceordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Board. 36261 of No (Canadian Press Despatch) the, samteriy BY Cree CARTWRIGHT Sous Sew, : . D. CA y , ’ 9 Goose Bay, aed Stratford, Ont., July 28.—Wyen | Gowe Mey. ® Board of Railway ia conductor tried to collect aj shsine me Commissioners for Canada. more or less \ Dated at Ottawa this 26th Day of June, 1911. i ticket from a man on board the 200 eaves maase ; k Toronto train this morning he} Pe Ast? $500 Cath bors terete sions, | found the man was dead. He Was] suas tand Ca been: fine | identified as H. Plumb, an English- iooe sc $800 property including House on | Man who recently came to Canada. | {ef permission Commencing mies weet and 9th Avenue, Section 5, A CAYUGA TRAGEDY $5 Cash buys a nice lot in Section Tay Grahe 7, Balance $25 a month. thence #0 thence 5U Crown Plaster Mill Burns with and eontals TTwo EmployeesLoss $75,- Furnished Hotel for Lease. Fire, Life and Accident Insurance. Pub. April 7 JOHN DYBHAVN Pattullo Block. Skeena Lar Take notice t Rupert, b. ( apply for + (Canadian Press Despatch) Cayuga, Ont., July 28.—-The | Crown Plaster Company Mill was Commencing miles south a: the White and thence east o% Quebec Nationalists Cannot Watches Souvenirs Jewelry Ki coy): ) ee al ‘ falling now, and there is every Wait any Longer—Twenty oeeeee probability that the steamers will one Meetings in Ten Days. ibe able to make regular trips OFFICIAL WATCH INSPECTOR YOR ©.T.P. | il | I f 1 | { i Cc . ‘ P Fe until the late fall colse of navi- anadiar re Wes R. W. Cameron & Co. % on ’ p v gation, The S.S. Hazelton is Montreal, | 28.—The Na Cor. 6th St. and Second Avenue. ‘ ; : : . PHONE 82 likely to be the first boat to|tionalist ca: ) hal CIOS make the trip this week. commenced ' i ‘ = | ees | te any formal ; me { the Notice | Battle by the Hash ition 3d B Moni erento | In the Owl Restaurant last night] and Laver; ; Take notice that the partnership consisting of | . F “ | Angus D. McInnis and Frank Kelly, Contractors | (WO foreigners named respective ly twenty-one nex carrying on @ street contracting business in the > 7 ° * City of Prince Rupert, in the Province of British | Alless and Pavich got calling each| ten days Columbia, under the name of “McInnis & Kelly’ | hoe Soe int on the isth day of July, 1911. All| other names, fell to fisticuffs, and Habilit f th rt hip are to be paid br | - : ; ' ya ane neil Anges D. Malunle. err ak r sd | finally went for each other with LAND PURCHASE NOTICE FRANK KELLY ; lchairs. They were parted by = Dated at Prince Rupert this 17th day of July,1911 ed ‘ ‘i ee eee e | Provincial Constable Godson and] eye Comm Bene . Mea PayeR. Se ithis morning Alless who used for perma to pcan the iellouns éualadl ‘ | the worst language first to the | ""Commencing at » post planted st the sede other was fined $5 and costs. Te Nn ee ee aa | north 40 chains to place o com | Dated March 15, 1) A DEAD PASSENGER Pub April 16 ef ° S keene Lasd Dietriv wtriet of Camist Conductor Tries to Collect Tic- Take gation that Queena: of Pies pert, C., cveupats The Board of “Railway Commissioners, for fo prmiasiot So" — bow ae tees Bi Ba ot 9 i ue? ay am , deere : oe . C., on or a t y . * kes - Cc rei & post at the hour of 11 o'clock in the forenoon lor the | xe TRSOSOITNO 2729" | Geass Baye abe urpose ol anne matters, applications, or | : of the » of the I Seaoiainhs filed with the Board and served upon | covery on “a ceaneete boundar ss y a ee - aves Chal the corge Friuel & tam . - eos 0 a Z wy a he described lands Fis ris Mussall & Co | totally destroyed by fire here | thence west 50 cha . . or Aprile em mpany last night with a loss of $75,000, Pub May 13 .Good Fresh Groceries at City Prices.) Two foreign employees, brothers, | . Skeena Land | | were burned to death, sane eet 00S OUR GROCERIES are Fresh permission and First-Class Goods lands: Commencing one-half mies from a blind sk tie same touch A SIGNIFICANT ORDER Give us your next order for a trial. British Home Fleet Works all Night to Coal up for Service. | only. | | chains, thence Dated April i4 Pub, May 16 Mussallem & Company Phone 228 Black 5th Ave., East of McBride (Canadian Press Despatch) London, July 28.—The first di- vision of the home fleet stationed Skeena Land | Take novice BB. C., oocupe apply for per described jane Commencny weet corper i’ | | was ordered last night to coal up and complete its supplies with oil fuel by Operations were con- lat Portsmouth Only Reliable Patent Medicines (3 Survey, Coust south, thence north, thence south, thence * cement, cont this morning. tinued throughout all last night. and the dance turned out in every | for permissor . ands: Way a great success. Mr. Kauf-] Commencins H mann's musi i oa | eitey Grech s sic, a 1¢ «popular | stanley Cree! C. H. Orme if popular | Buy "fret airs played all the soft and pretty ‘ * BO cha na, then mencement, con’ from the norlies Dated May © Fi il ae Ai Pub. May © PRETTY DANCE LAST NIGHT Land Dists are sold by us. We ie aki Sheena —s carry ‘‘fake”’ Popular Girls Gave a Pleasant), 70" focpouw Little Function for Friends. | ‘Pi ‘Mui! ° ; Netra Cc neing * Toilet Articles and . ; s willes weet and Preparations, Per- |} In the new hall on Second of Stanly, Cro > é le pence fumes. ie Re | avenue last night a very charming chain, thence ‘ on Dated Maret oe littke dance was held, The ar-| Pub. Apri 22. 2en you're in our € »ments ; rere ade , store drink at the rangements for it were made by Sa Fountain. ch 3g a group of girl friends in the city,| Take notice Ont. occupe . “THE PIONEER DRUGGIST’’ ; pene tO ehals Second Ave: Phone No. 82 | Ways, went splendidly, The hall and eontanive ‘ ‘ ‘ al are is just ideal for a happy dance | Pub. april 7 where a merry party can get ; cece | ORCther and have a real good re ioe tt . : R rt, B.A F. M. DAVIS 4,33 0" to appli £0" » © ° BOAT HOUSE described lend ia a Saat x a ee Commence! be General Machine Shop and Ship's Possible ‘‘Pig'’ Postponed and 120 chait i ne Ty ? ‘ . 1788, Coupentering. Also agents for Fair- |. Tom Mazzi’s case is again ad- oe arn tence banks-Morse and Knox Gasoline | jg rd. this siend : chains, thence Engines. Gasoline Engines and Ac. |204%°¢, Uus ume until Monday, | point of com cessories carried in stock. more or lene Launches and Boats for Hire N.E. end of Wharf Tom is suspected of having run Mit a sightless porker, Pub. Apr. & 1) Date Mar, 20, 19)