AOS 1WO , THE DAILY NEWS. fKINCE KUI'EUT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Kvery Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince. Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue H. r. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yeariy period paid In advance. . $5.01: For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week .. u. .10 By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year 3.00 By mall to all other countries, per year ., 9.00 ADVERTISING KATES r Transient display advertising, per lncl per Insertion . . 1.40 Local readers, per Insertion, per line i- Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion .0V Contract rates on application. . Editor and Reporters' Telephone 86 Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 9 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION Monday, Jan. CIIAMIJER OF COMMERCE 8, 193 L The Chamber of Commerce has for a couple of year.-been followiiijjr the example of local business firms in hold ing down .activities to actual essentials. Meetings have not been well attended and there has been little cnthiK iasm shown. Nowfa change is taking place. With a revival of business conditions throughout the district there will be greater enthusiasm among the business people of the city and thev will be more inclined to take up the duties in connection with co-operative efforts. The advent of the Junior Chamber into the local field has taken a few businessmen who should be members of the senior body but there is plenty of scope for a live sen ior organization. Doubtless it will increase its activities as the season advances. Since the retail merchants organization has to a large extent ceased to function, it is possible that a retailers section of the Chamber of Commerce might be brought into being. That would prevent the retailers having to finance two organizations and the power and influence of both would be increased. TAKE PKIDE IN OUR CITY There was a time when many of the more or less promi nent people in Prince Rupert did not consider themselves permanent residents but planned to leave just as soon as they were financially equipped to do so. That was in the formative stage of the city. Today people are settling down to consider the city their permanent home where they and their children will reside indefinitely. Naturally fhpv nrp rwnminn" mnrp intpvpcf orl in rVio pi'tv'o n'olfovo and less inclined to criticize conidtions. The growth of this civic pride tends to develop a civic jealusy. Citizens do not like to hear others speak critically of the city and its prospects. In the past there have been notable absences of this civic pride which is necessarv to progress. The Junior Chamber of Commerce in connec tion with its "buy at home" campaign has helped to foster it, but there is still work to be done. We commend the pro ject to all civic organizations as one worthy of their best etiorts. No Charge For Oversize A customer walked into a Sa: toon store wUch advertised "No charge for oversize, and ordered these trousers. They measure 89 inches about the waist. VISITORS LOSE OUT Juptrt Defeats Kincolitli Stiles Is Star and Goat The Grotto, with the help of four Canadian National Recreation As-oclatlon players hung Klncollth's scalp on Its belt in an unexciting basketball game Saturday night, score being 25 to 10. Klncoltth was always In there trying to get the lead but, being on a strange iioor, coma not gci us combination working while the local boys were still under the spell of a long lay-off which resulted In one or two of them being unable to take it. The first half started cautiously with both teams checking hard. Kincolith, from all positions and ingles of the floor, endeavored to jet a lead but did not back-check closely enough wtiich resulted in the local boys getting under the; basket and sinking them to run off j for the recess with a three-point : lead, score being 18-15. x After the interval the Tobacconists held the Oolochan boys scoreless for over half the period while they steadily increased their lead. with Stiles doing all the damage before he was bounced on person als. The game ended 25-19 in ia-vor of the locals. The lads from the Naas showed that they could take it and give it Just as well as the next one, always holding their tempers in check whereas Stiles, true to form, blew up again. Kincolith- was well served by AJak, Johnson and Lincoln. One of the reasons Kincolith lost was that their men were not tall enough but they, played hard throughout the game, always trying. The locals played well with Lam-ble In his usual roleXif floor general. Olllls was decidedly off color. The spectators were few. Skinner handled the games well as referee Warriors defeated an all-star Intermediate team 32-23. Individual Scores Kincolith AJak (6). Clayton, Johnson (6), Lincoln 7), Alexander, Doolan, Trimple. Grotto Glliis (3), Johnson (8), Stiles UOi, Smith (2). Lamble (2), Morrison, Stalker. Warriors Comadlna 7), Pierce (16, Gillls, Lindsay (8), Nelson, Fitzpatrlck, Hlckey 1). All Stars Greer 1, Blake (1), Armstrong 10), Miller, Nakamoto (ll), Davles, Suehiro. BILLIARD SCHEDULE 'Time Table For Second Half I Season Announced The Dally News con be pur chased at Post Office News Stand. 325 of i The following second half sche- dule for the Prince Ilupert Billiard League Is announced: ' January 9 Grotio vs. Empress. January 11 Elks vs. Legion. . 1 January 16 Empress vs. Elks. January 18 Legion vs. Grotto. I January 23 Grotto vs. Elks. January 25 Legion vs. Empress. January 30 Empress vs. Orotto February 1 Legion vs. Elks, i February 6 Elk$ vs. Empress. ! February 8 Grotto vs. Legion, j February 13 Elks vs. Grotto. February 15 Empress vs. Legion. ! February 20 Grotto vs. Empress, i February 22 Legion vs. F.Iks. 1 February 27 Empress v. Elks. I March 1 Legion vs. Grotto! March 0 lk3 vs. Orotto. March 8 Empress . Legion. THE DAILY NEWS Monday, January 3, 1934 ii vim a.i umrmt vijiiii un uu j maai m mm a.i mm mt mmmn miMt m:t mtut mi attrnMUAun msmx 1:1 i u mm mt ai News and Views of Sport To show they really have the old Spartan spirit, the Portsmouth, 0 Spartans don the warrior gar; of ancient Sparta as they practise for their clash with the New York Giants pro football team. Presnell of Nebraska is seen "ru ning" with the ball with Lumpkin of Georgia Tech acting as his Interference CRIBBAGE SCHEDULE Second Half of Season to Get Under Way Tonight to Determine Rival of Canadian Legion The second half of the season of the Prince Rupert Crlbbage League will get under way tonight when the eight teams go into action to decide which will meet Canadian Legion, winner of the first half, at the end of the season for city hon ors. The second half schedule is announced as follows: January 8 Canadian Legion vs. Moose, Musketeers vs. Grotto, Oddfellows vs. Prince Rupert Hotel, Elks vs. Empre$s. January 15 Canadian Legion vs. Musketeers; Moose vs. Orotto, Elks vs. P. R. Hotel, Oddfellows vs. Empress. January 22 Canadian Legion vs. Orotto, Moose vs. Musketeers, P. R. Hotel vs. Empress, Oddfellows vs. Elks. January 29 Canadian Legion vs. Oddfellows, Moose vs. P. R. Hotel, Musketeers vs. Elks, Orotto vs. Empress. . February 5 Canadian Legion vs. P. R. Hotel, Moose vs. Oddfellows, Grotto vs. Elks, Musketeers vs. Empress. "February 12 Canadian Legion vs. Elks, Moose vs. Empress, Musketeers vs. Oddfellows, Orotto vs. P. R. Hotel. February 10 Canadian Legion vs. Empress, Moose vs. Elks, Muske teers vs. v. R. Hotel, orotto vs. Oddfellows. the French Walker Cup golf team which will meet the British team at St. Andrew's Scotland, on May 11 and 12. Steamship Sailing Ornnvllle Bt Vancouver. ! Karl Andrson. Prince FT Vaoouvei- Oeorge, B.C. R. W. Riley, Terrace. B.C. General Store, Any ox. Smltheri Drug Store, Smith- r. B.C. ! . A : Francois Ouitnet Named Captain Of Walker Cup Team PARIS, Jan. 8: Francois Oulmct was yesterday named captain of iuesaay caiaia r.30 p.m Thurs. ss. Pr. George 10:15 p.m Friday s. Prm. Adelaide 10 n.n Ss. Cardcna midnight From Vancouver fliinday s. CaLala .. p.m Wed;ss. Tr. Ocbrge,-...10 a.m SPORT CHAT Lineups for the first game In the 'second half of the Billiard League schedule tomorrow night Is an nounced as follows: Don Brown (Orotto vs. A. Don ald (Empress. Earl Bait vs. M. E. Young. Oeo. Howe vs. M. M. McLachlan. J. May vs. W. Wllllscrott. Bert Morgan vs. P. Prltchard. W. Hutson vs. F. Aldrldge. With gossip in local pugilistic circles saying that Dido Gurvlch is thinking about essaying a return to the ring, there is also talk of the former local boxing star being matched with Jack McEvoy, the lad from Vancouver, who stopped illy Bagshaw so effectively a week or so ago and who, It Is said, will be tarrying In Prince Rupert for a while. This would undoubt edly be one of the biggest drawing cards that has been presented In boxing circles here for some time Of course, the principal thing would be to get Dido's consent and there Is considerable doubt as to whether he could be induced, after his long period of inactivity, to do battle with an opponent of Mc- Evoy's calibre at least until he had proven that he Is really In shape to make a real come-back At one time, the type of the Mc Evoy lad would have been un doubtedly easy pickings for Dido but Is may be a good deal different story today. HOOP GAME TIME TABLE The following schedule for the second half of the league basketball season is announced: January 8 C. N. R. A. vs. Grotto; High School vs. Warriors; Comets vs. Cardinals; Trojans vs. Flashes. January 11 Kaiens vs. Grotto; Merchants vs. Warriors; High School vs. Comets; Scouts vs. Scy-thlanx January 15 O.N.R.A. vs: Kaiens; High School vs. Merchants; Cardinals vs. High School; Trojans vs. Scythians. January 18 Grotto vs. C.N.R.A.; Warriors vs. High School; Cardinals vs. Comets; Flashes, vs. Scouts. 1 January 22--Grotto vs. Kaiens; Warriors vs. Merchants; Comets vs. High School; Scouts vs. Trojans. Hockey Scores t uzmM'Mi.-nmzmriMxmM tmmsm;.mimmtm mujmtMiMiMramiM imn im ummtmmmm vam ii ia 1 ta a 1 a km ta in taimmiMSM lux I Pro Grid Spartans Look Part BRIDGE IS RESUMING Second Half of Season Starts Till Week With (lames Scheduled Tor Each Thursday The schedule for the second half of the Prince Rupert Bridge League will out imrlpr .:iV nn Uie winner of the first half at the end of Uie schedule to decide city honors for the 1033-34 season. The second half schedule will be as January 11 Orotto vs. Swift Cold Storaue vs. Odd fellows. January 18 Grotto vs. Cold Storage. Swift vs. Oddfellows. January 25 -Grotto vs. I. O. U. P.. Swift vs. Cold Storage. February 1-Grotto vs. Swift, Cold Storage vs. I. O. O. P. February 8-Orotto vs. Cold Storage. Swift vs. I. O. O. F. February 15 Grotto vs. I.O.O.F., Swift vs. 'Cold 8torage. Saturday Scores Boston 2. Montreal 4. Ottawa 3. Toronto 7. Sunday Scorn Canadicns 0, New York Ameri cans 1. Ottawa 0, Detroit 2. New York Rangers 1. Chicago 1. Hockey Standings International Division W. D. L. F. A. Toronto 15 Canadicns 9 Ottawa 7 Montreal 7 Americans 6 Chicago Detroit Rangers Boston 10 ii 8 8 3 4 82 37 3 11 42 40 4 12 48 48 5 0 38 53 4 11 49 C5 Amerlran Division 5 3 6 2 7 8 7 12 35 46 35 46 28 52 44 58 P. 33 21 18 17 It RAILWAY TROUBLE Auotlirr Klg Blockade on Canadian I'acific Line Near Nelson considmcaism: iama;i: done about town hy gale which ka;li up to kic.hty mii.i:k mt none last night. (Continued from Pace I) ago, and added to the destruction, Many telephone and electric light laterals were brown down and fences, shingled roofs and radio loles suffered. Velocity Was High During gusts of five minutes or so, a velocity of over1 eighty miles an hour was recorded, It was reported by the Dominion meteorological station at Dlj?by Island. The average velocity over a period of 24 hours was from fifty to sixty miles per hour and there were periods of half an hour when it blew steadily over fifty miles per hour. The most severe gust appears to have been about 11:30 p.m. District News TERRACE The principal industry In Terrace during the past week has been the shovelling of snow. So heavy has the fall of snow been that practically all roads are blocked to wheel-ed truffle with huge drifts, About the only sort of conveyance seen hereabouts at this time Is the good old sleigh. Local phcUuraphe are busy gvttlng pictures of the tall snowdrifts, A dance was put on by the Cana dlan Legion In tfte hall on New Year's night. There was a good a although it was notice Thursday night of this week. The'tdace .', .i, c.hff-it A t win ir,v able that Uic gay crowd consl. tc: chlefly'of the younger set. The Christmas and New Yi r .season wus spoiled by the pcrsL tent bliraurds n far .is public I unc UqiM were concerned but there were some Jolly private parties The lit v uklgcs. McKenneys and tthc Shcr vxmmU entertained In tlut way SKIDEGATE Her many" friends on the Queen . Charlotte Islands have been pleased to lenrn that MIm Beatrice Huun has been doing splendidly following a recent operation at the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. PrancU Rlchardsnn of Hell motored down recently for a brief visit with friends at Skidc gate and Queen Charlotte City They spent a few days hereabouts. Weather on Uie Queen Charlotte ' Islands has been milder during the past week following the most severe cold snap that had been recorded for many years. There was considerable snow, most of which, however, has now disappeared. J. A. Ingraham. manager of the Halda Oold Mines Ltd.. 8, Dickey manager of the Oold Harbor mine. C. Miller of Queen Charlotte City and Robert Scharlfe of Skldegatc were guests of Mr and Mrs E C Stevens at Christmas dinner. Later In the evening many young people 25 dropped In on a surprise party and 24 dancing was enjoyed until 22 early hours of the morning 18 VJ - . NELSON, Jan. 8: -More than ne hundred men liave been busy during the last few days In clear-ng another huge slide which locked the Kootenay Lake line of he Canadian Pacific Railway near '.lake, thirty miles cast of here, luring the blockade, passengers, lalls and other traffic were trans-errrd by boats. 1 PENSECOLA TERRIFIED PENSECOLA, Fla., Jan. 8: (CP) -Pcnsecola was terrified late last veek by two huge tornadlc water-pouts sweeping Into thickly populated sections of the city from the ,ca. Eight persons were seriously njurcd and one hundred buildings ere damaged. tne Hunters! Sportsmen! Have your trophies mounted1 by an expert. Bear rugs mounted In any style. Game heads a specialty. All work guaranteed first class. t URS MADE UP Write For Trices E. Dix, Taxidermist Terrace, B.C. S. It. s. - lune in topics HIGH LIGHTS MONDAY, JAN, S 7:00- The Hour Glass, KOMO, 7 30 Deml-Tassc Revue, KOMO. 8:00 Musical Cavalcade, CRCV. CFCN. 9:00 Johns-Manvllles Prog., KOMO. TUESDAY, JAN. 9 8:30 Speech from England, KOMO, KJR. 7:00-Llvcs at Stake. KOMO. 8:00 Memory Lane, KOMO. 9:30 -Hollywood on the Air. KOMO. wi:d.m;sday, JAN. 10 0:30 John McCormlck, KOMO. 7:00Oorn-Cob Pipe Club, KOMO. 8:30 One Man's Family, KOIN. 9:30-Waltz Time, KOMO, THURSDAY, JAN. 11 0:00-8how Boat, KOMO. 7:00-Paul Whlmans, KOMO. 8:15 standard Symphony, KOMO. 8.13- Ballad Singers, KJR. Watch this ad. for further details. Superior Radio Service Phone Blue 320 330 2nd. Ave. LOOK FOR THE TOWER