i 1 If 'nCi2 LAV NOTHING you ernin ear. H TW iy'!em tW m'esvyou sight-ntfe nV correct fitting UNKNOWN J WHEN YOUR BOY OR GIRL WEARS jTack&nd Jill HEALTH SHOES Toti tnow by seeing imldV the ihoes on the chifcf'a fool the quality of the' ikoei. Solid! quality thidughout flexible comfortable and smart in style. OXFORDS, StRAPS- AND BAREFOOT SANDALS The Family Shoe Store Third Avenue LIMITED Where Service and-Quality Extcls THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA SUBSCRIPTION RATES Phone 3S7 Published Every Afternoon; Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. Pi PULLEN Managing-Editor brotignt to light before' the Duncan Cohimission was appointed, ahd a. measure of justice for the Maritimes followed its report, but the industrial situation was not ma-tfrullchanged. rtlfl3se provinces need industries in order to keep their people at h'dme; but). of what use is'it reestablish such irt-(lustri'esoniy to have them crushed by Unfair competition from provinces which have a larger local market and great aggregations of capital? lhis is not merely a Maritime grievance: All Canada is Interested in this1 matter because all Canada is interested in this matter because all Canada suffers when injustice prevails in ariy portibn. The problem is admittedly difficult, but it has not yet neen faced' with resolution by the whole country. Sotgreat an area as is embraced in the Do-minion,musfchave'se"ribus,problems to solve, but to say that they cannot bG' sOlVed is to admit that confederation wan a mistake. Very few now hold' that view. They want Canada to endure. One way to strengthen the structure is to remove the disabilities under- which these provinces still suffer." HYDE TRANSFER Phone-580 -Phon. Bircii Wood Jaclipine Cedar. Kindling Perhbina, Jasper Egg & Lump Coal Furniture Moving Large Crowd of Children Oat-Games, Supper. Concert and Santa Claus children. Thd'programiwaS as follows:1 pT&rib' solo. CatHerine Baker Recitation, Olga Lewis. Vocal solo. Mary Baker. i Dance, Ann Oroggon I Vocal duet, Peter Good and Da- ivid Johns. Recitation, Margaret Smith. Vocal solo. David Joriest ! l Recitation, Dorothy1 Lench: Piano solo. Buddy Morris , Dance. Joyce Kielb'hckt Recitation, waiter Morgan: Vocal sold. BeverieyBarry. Piano solo; EdltrPSmlthl Recltatldn: JoHri Moore: , Acrobatic dance", Maureen Nor-' 'ton. ; Recitation. May lieach. ! ; , Piano sold; Maureen Kirkpatriek. I Vocal sold. Rose Marie Kllpatrick I Recitation, Helen tfdetbn Vocal solo,' David Jbries? ! Accompanists were Mrs? D: N:-, Big Four Leading In Ladies' Bowls N. It. A. and Alley Cats Also Win In Last Night's Play ResultsoflaWnlghtVplayih the Ladies' Bowline League were as follows: Canadian National Recreation ! Association, 324; Anhette's. 296. A 1 1 ... . - nr. I. - r . , . . Big Four, 430; Lucky Strikes. 400. The league'standings to date are as follows: G: T. Av. Big Four 2 818' 409 Lucky Strikes 2 766 383 Miissallem's 2 694 397 Alley Cats 2 C84 342 Annette's 2 683 332 C. N. R. A. 2 623 312 SNAPPER CLEANS AND POLISHES Bathtubs; Washbaina, Window, and Mtrrorv, Cannot scratch. CHURCH l. o.A.Xmas. J Want Ads r lree is iinjoyedi I Program and Supper .Preceded-At' rival of Santa Claus Woo Und I erwear For Ladies And Children Those cold days demand warm Underwear. We have a complete line at prices you want to pay WALLACE'S "'".wra':.ivwVm-a-vicifl COFFEE De Luxe Served at All Times of Day or Night Always fresh Using the pllex1 f"hn1 nntnr awnv wholW with metal taste, sale flavor. Healthful and invigorating Commodore Cafe NOTICES F!KST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Preacher Kev. XV. I). Grant Ilollihgworth, ll.A Organist: Mrs. F. J. Smith 11 AIM., Sermon Subject. "THE HIDDEN YEARS" 12:15, Sunday School 12 30. Westvfcw School 7:30 P.M.. Sermon Subject, "NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS" All visitors welcome The Staff of James Martin Incorporated of-MaSsett and Prince Rupert, Distriliutors in Nor-tlichi K C. for Snprox Ratteries, join in extend-nif to all their heartiest wishes for fl- liappiei' and more prosperous NcV Year tlian ever". FOR SALE FOR SALlJ sdah car. snap, $100. Phone 176. ' Ttldannufl'L. O. B A: ChHstmas'Frttail' Flounders and Sole sale- on- Helen-II.. Oow Bay; 1 Tree- was- held- in -Oddfellows1 Hall - ,i l . ii w ww- una la'uuuicuuwr nnu took-place-esterday afternoon and" r last evening wittfca large crowd'of, lano p1inrt( hJ' j youngsters enjoying a" very-happy ,,nmi, Awh!AMrl r;,,m , ,v j FOtt RENT for tf St. Andrew Anglican Cathedral, 1 hold goods,; Phone 176. JU. ; time. Games rfere'playeav until sup- and tHerc pre . Scotch dWWg ,jotJsESfdr rent. IfSrf. tf. per was served after which there L ,(oy T . , , bv a visit from Santa Claus who'... T ond Avenue. 1'none uea mi. m SLji T J w.1 . ii .22lWatt aS'P'ano. Sowjs were sung distributed candies, etc: to all thoTK li,.. r..,j tvn Tn.r.k hiiuii inaiiirUnu Patricia Gtyan ahHi Dorothv and residence. 6 roortH, bfcthlCom and' j Margaret PWler.i accompanied. b" furiiace',' with wrerfbuf; 30 t I ivirs. w. u. Aicuaiium at tne rjiano. i momn. rnone no. ' SUpper was served at 5 p.m. and in the interval between supper and tiftr arriva"! of Sahth Olaus'muslcal I games were enjoyed with Mrs. J. SlBlfcetf at the piano! ! SanUi-Claus arrived at Jt30and' ' dUtrlbHited preeentfr candy- and' Convener. Mrs. E Murray? i Atmtanf. Mrs- J. KralisW I K"itehni M'rK B: aujw-Ml-s: 13' : MCoreHouse and-MrsoBi KtlUni , !. i Tables, Mr. 0. Lamb: Mr J! MPnv ; ziM? Miss H. Beale arid Miss RJ City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00"es- MJtan McLean-and'MlssiE; BJirber. worthy mistress. For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week By mail td all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and; Uriited States, paid1 in advance; per year ., - By mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING' RATES Local readers,- per insertion, per line . Classified advertising, per word, per insertion Transient display advertising, per Inch, per msert.o'n' Advertising' and Circulation Telephone S8 NeWs Department Telephone 8C Member of'Audlt Bureau of Circulations . DAILY EDITION Saturday, December 29 1934' COMMUNITY OF INTEREST There is considerable community of interest between the four western provinces of Canada: Many of their problems lire the same. But there is also community of interest between the maritihe provinces on either coast. The St John Telegraph compfairis bitterly of the injustices which- the eastern maritimes suffer Under our scheme of confederation. Here is what the St. John newspaper says: "The Jones Commission report confirms- what the Marir tfrne Provinces have so long, contended that these provinces have been at a" - hopeless disadvantage in competition with the manufacturers of Quebec and Ontario: If Maritime competitors could ndt be bought out and their plants closed they could be, killed by systematic price-cutting. That, and'not thelack'of enterprise on the part of our people explains why the Maritimes lack industries. Tf it be granted that our people' would'1 Have taken advantage of a similar opportunity if it had-offered, the answer is that fmch conditions should not be permitted to prevail; In the end it does nbt pay a cdurttry, to have one portion sacrificed for the profit of another. The facts' of the situation were 1 Very Rev. James B! Glbsom deanj,-'"triKirr-,v,rt",'f'"2'53'1 3;(JffjOf the Cathedral; wasMn charge-arid I go(jj those assisting were MlssesJeanl McLean. Noreen Gibson. Wirthie Tucker. Isabel'Bhmnan) Elleen Glbi' jsoh, Mrs. Wi A: Mutedtt, Mrs". V J. .1 Greer. Mrs; D: N.' Jbries? L. Fltzger- lM : aid and D. N; Jones; j MODERN House to rent. 4 , room. bathroom, basemen and! Arw . attic. Clase to towrti P'hnfdh',n 548 or write Box !0t uf EXCHANGE OR SELL 'ortfnsciPWall present. j ""IV PARRY ISLAND "69 acre Lo or exchange for Vancouver pro-i perty. Wm H. Allirtan 822 Wet 03rd Ave.. Vancouver. HQ, l PERS'd'AL I ISmith: : - Dewmtinfe. Mm. M. Coratid-Mhi, PRIVATEHome Kinderj-arteru py D; MfDormld: ! We sUrt yu- Th CjuuwlUn, Musle. Mrs. Eg BWck. Prograrri. Mrs. M; Vlereck' and1 Mts: M. Larseni The guests were received by- Mrt: Klhtierjrarterl InsUtue. Wfhlitiiet. UP TO $150 EACH PAID FOR CA- previous to 1900. Send 25c fori complete 1935 Coin Guide and Catalogue showing- prices c pay! for Canadian. American, and' Foreign Coins, tokens, stamps, currency, etc. Hub Coin Shop., 113 N: Forsythe". Sarnla. Ont 5 ITEM WANTED HOW to get a P-w B'wklet. Winnipeg. Government Job. The MC.C Ud-. PAINfEllS PAINTING ana Paperhanglns Molle r. Phcne Red 802. i IN TUB ffllPKBMft .XiUKT OF HHITIWI COLUMBIA' IS I'KOIliTK IN TUR MATTrM OK Till' "ADMtNISJ TKATION ACT tUMl IN Tirr MATTEIf OP Till' RUTATK MATT VIDfSCK. rwnl. IlllmLM. TAKE NOT1CK tlx I tr ordrr ol lUt Honour Jtktt riihf-. Ieal Jurtf at xW suprrm cewn of BrftHet Cx-euMMa. Dixit thU 21 Ui dujr o( Nomntwr IWI. t wtu apbihtUl AaMMtetrktae or ttNr Hi-laf uf the ovt-rAmrd dccH AU prron havlnc ctelrr afaliui tb MMd ttt are rrUlrrd to rurHI-Ml it-totti Ut Utr properly rHfMtl on- of mitrt tH 1tt day of IXmbT 1034 Khn-fH dkp6l'.lon of the Mid Entate will he ffiM wlUioiit tftra thTK AM Pr-ilmi indtnl t the ttUd bUt are hereby r4ilrl to pay th- amount of Uu-lr itirt-llfln. in in fnrthwllhl NORMAN A. WATT. OfMrUI Adminutrltor Irnw RUJirt HC Dtel thin 57-h day '.r Ncr.nniwr 9;M 4 1 n irt : ; msni mt cm- wsmm SKATES Wo have the equipment to do a good job Tube Skate and Tioot Outfits Hoclcey Sticks a Karen Hardware Uj Phone .1 ri rm imxm ami mtm NEW ROYAL HOTEL 3. Zarelll, Proprietor MA HOMK AWAY FROM IIOME" Kktee ll.M op 60 Rooms, Hot St Cold Water Prince Hupert, B.C. Phone. 281 P.O. Box 183 I "i . Sharpened While ' '. You Wait fl Cntcm Saturday. Dceembt-r 29, I9.M COM) WEATHER NEEDS Blankets from, per pair Mattresses, all felt. A good' mattress assures warmth" 9S.W MACKENZIE FURNITURE'S I MI ONE 773 ALL FDRS MUST BE SOLD 1 Off Today antf Monday? DnnMkTThk 0iflrHinlty. New' Fur" CoathT. GOLDBLOOM'S until Jan. 5 Fcn-and-a-quar1er Round Trip tickets to important points la Eaifarn Canada. SlcpoVr: Return limit. Thxe Months. Alio Low Fares to seaboard when part of overseas beck-Inge. Return limit Five Months. Fin iHirtiritlitrir ink putr nrarrt TtcUet A$nl CANADIAN PACIFIC . -PKlNCItSS NOKAII" for Kuchika WranteHI Junrau ann Skimwav. iec ith. J0 h. J.m 13th 77th I'Olt' VAS'COl'VKIt direct. Dee 20th. Jen 3rd. 17th 31t. Stf. "rniSCI-SS AIH:LU)I. for Vancouver via 0an FalU and Nvay port, every Frtdar 10 P-M wlnifr Kxeirlorl Faree to Varwouter rtOUNM tIP 32.00 TlckeU on sate Nov let. Ittr-topeb 28th. 1035. Final' telum limit Match 3 let. 1933 For ticket add recrvatWru W. I. COATCS, (ieneral Agent, I'rinrr Kupert. n'C UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steam-on. leave PrUice Kupeti for Vancouver r-SS. CATAI.A f.VKitY TUlLSIlAY, 1:30 VM Arriving Vancouver Thuntday Ti-S. CAHDKNA LVEItV FltlliAV .MIDNIGHT. Arrivinu Vancouver Mbnday a m. Wrkly MUitica to Itvv tjiiupM, . Aliee Ann. Anyoi. Bttt and' Ku Hini puiutA Ave rnuM RUpMt rfunai u'ltiu. Further Information rexatding all sailings add tlrkt-U aU- srmAi. itorNO'TKii fauks tg vancocviik Iteturn limit Marrh Slot 32.00 rHI.Nrr. HITF.KT AURNCV: Third lOUf" rhnr kM The Fish which mdde Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD - Prepared Daily R) Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co:, Ltd; FRINGE RUPERT, B.C. :COAL! COAL! Our Famour. Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction, fry a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat, Oats ana Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co; 58 l'honcs 53H For Christmas Local View Haiid - Colored Christmas Cards and Photo-giaphlc Calendars, Sunsets, Colored Views or Prince Rupert I-Yamcd and1 Unfrunu'di Views of the Strain Sea Mon4er Now on Sale Wrathalls Daily News Want Ads Bring Results